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Unexpected Guest--(Behind Closed Doors 3)

Page 12

by H. H. Fowler

  “So, what do you make of that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, but that boy sure has an incredible imagination. It certainly adds a spin to the investigation.”

  Karissa stared at Richard and smirked, “It does, but I was referring to the sex video. Pretty graphic, wasn’t it? Whoever this Nancy Covington is, she was certainly no virgin back then.”

  “Behave yourself, detective,” Richard chuckled. “It’s not nice to make fun of such a serious matter.”

  “I’m just saying, Anwar is going to be in a real jam if Dallis finds out about that video before we get a chance to intercept it.”

  “Well, for his sake, let’s find a technician that will confirm that Anwar is telling the truth. Hopefully it’ll be enough to keep Dallis from making any wrong moves.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Candi couldn’t wait to get off from work that evening. She slipped into something comfortable and then headed out to the tennis court. She needed an outlet to clear her mind. The way things were going in her life were gradually pushing her into a deep state of depression, but she was not about to let it get the best of her. She was not used to being down and not getting what she wanted.

  Every day since Della left, she had been giving Della’s words some serious consideration. But Candi was not totally sold on the idea of manipulating a man’s emotions through witchcraft. From a young child growing up in the church, Candi had always known witchcraft to be evil and destructive, but nothing else was working. Maybe the only way to make Izaiah pay attention to me is to shoot one of Cupid’s arrows straight through his heart. But what if something goes wrong? Should I even thrust my life into the hands of that fifteen-year-old brat?

  However, the more Candi tried to reason and tried to squash Della’s voice out of her mind, the louder the suggestions droned on and on, almost in a seductive, luring tone. “Give me something personal belonging to Izaiah and I will make him do anything you want. All it takes is a little “poof” of white magic. You’ll have Izaiah eating out of your hands. You would love that, wouldn’t you? To do whatever you want to do with that gorgeous hunk of meat…”

  The noise of a tennis ball being struck by a racket, pulled Candi’s attention front and center. She stopped in her tracks and watched Izaiah run back and forth on the court in a pair of white shorts and a matching tank top. Clearly, he was warming up for an intense game between them. She used to play with her father, and at times, Izaiah would also play with him. But since it looked as if she’d seen the last of her father, she explained to Izaiah that there wasn’t anyone else in the house willing to break a sweat. He agreed to her request without much of a fuss.

  Playing sports, particularly tennis was one of two things Candi and Izaiah had in common. The other was a love of the outdoors, doing adventurous stuff, like kayaking and mountain climbing. Those were the only connections Candi saw she could use in a final attempt to woo Izaiah into her lair. She watched as the muscles in his hips and thighs, bulged with a heavy exertion of testosterone. She was undone with lust, wondering how much longer she would be able to hide how badly she still wanted Izaiah. Candi loved Asia, but she couldn’t let that get in the way of satisfying her sexual cravings.

  It didn’t take long for Izaiah to sense that someone was watching him. His gaze found Candi, who looked as if she’d painted a pair of Nike shorts over her curves. A little tight for his sanctified taste, but he would prefer the shorts over the miniskirts.

  “I thought you changed your mind,” he told her. “From the time I’ve been staying here, you’ve always prided yourself on being punctual.”

  “I can’t believe you are holding ten minutes against me,” Candi responded wittily. “Besides, I was watching you the entire time.”

  “Well, don’t just stand there watching,” Izaiah challenged, ignoring Candi’s subtle way of coming on to him. “Grab one of those rackets and put your money where your mouth is!”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice, tough guy. I’m ready for you.”

  The context in which Candi said those words was undoubtedly sexual, but Izaiah proceeded as if it hadn’t any effect on him. That bothered Candi. It is impossible, Izaiah, to be so into Asia that you barely recognize me standing in front of you. A well-put-together, hot-blooded female. I just need to get close enough to your erogenous zones and I swear you won’t survive.

  “Stop standing around and serve the ball!” Izaiah yelled from the other side of the tennis net. He grinned. “Too late to back out now, you scaredy cat!”

  “I ain’t scared of nothing!”

  Candi struck the tennis ball with all of her might. She loved this teasing side of Izaiah. Usually, he was much more serious and preoccupied with his duties at the church. And with so much going on in the news about her father’s disappearance, both of them needed this break. They were enjoying each other’s company and Candi was hoping it would last late into the night. Well, maybe she may not get the entire night, but an hour would do, as this was a perfect time to strike. Asia was out, counseling one of her Psychology students.

  The game went on smoothly for half an hour with no sign of ending anytime soon. But all that changed when Candi suddenly twisted her ankle in a dramatic display and then dropped to the ground screaming. She curved her body into the fetal position, hugging her ankle in obvious pain. Izaiah leapt over the net and immediately began showering Candi with his concern.

  “Don’t put too much pressure on your ankle,” he told her. “It could be broken.”

  “Oh my God,” Candi lamented. “It hurts so badly.”

  “Let me have a look at it.”

  On one side of her face—the side Izaiah couldn’t see—Candi was smiling, and on the other, fake tears were about to roll down her cheeks. She had Izaiah exactly where she wanted him. All she had to do now was to carefully work this situation to her advantage.

  “Take me to your place,” she groaned. “Maybe we can put some ice on it.”

  “You might need more than ice,” Izaiah replied. “Try moving your feet back and forth.”

  “I can’t. It hurts. Your place is closer. Take me there and put some ice on it. This has happened to me before.”

  “Which means you shouldn’t have been playing tennis, knowing your ankle has been compromised. You need to get this checked out.”

  “Izaiah, I am not going to the hospital, if that’s what you’re implying. I’m telling you how to handle the situation…ouch…” Candi schooled her expression into an ugly frown, indicating her pain was becoming unbearable. She gripped his arm and with much anguish in her voice, she said, “Help me to my feet.”

  “You can’t walk on that; you’ll make it worse.” Izaiah positioned his hand beneath her thighs. “Here, I’ll lift you. On the count of three. One, two, three.”

  With one powerful swoop, Candi was hoisted from the ground, her body now leaning into Izaiah’s chest. She was tempted to rest her head against it, but she didn’t want Izaiah warming up to her ploy too soon. He carried her to the guesthouse, where he’d been staying for the past three years. Rested her gently on a long sofa and left to get some ice. Candi smirked. Stage one of her plan had successfully been implemented.


  Asia eased her car into the next available spot on the driveway. She killed the engine, but instead of getting out, she stayed put and began to think about her relationship with Izaiah. Her Psychology student had canceled the counseling session at the last minute, but she was relieved. She had been a Student Counselor at the Bliss Haven Christian Academy for eighteen months now, helping students to adjust to their surroundings. How ironic it was that she needed counseling about stuff in her own life, but there was no one she could really go to and share.

  Of course, there was always her mother, but they hadn’t been communicating that well for a long time and it would seem pretty odd of her to ask her mother’s advice about anything. But for a while, Asia had been feeling convicted about the strained relationship she
had with her mother, mostly because she’d made little effort to rectify the situation. It was so much easier to avoid the difficult path of forgiveness. Being a Christian wasn’t easy at times, especially when the Word of God exposed the true intentions of the heart.

  Asia’s thoughts then moved on to Candi, which was another strained relationship. She and her sister had had very few peaceful moments together, which grew to an all-out war ever since Izaiah came into the picture. It made it that much more difficult for Asia to express her feelings to Izaiah. He said he loved her, but did she really love him? There was simply too much clutter surrounding her relationship with Izaiah. How would she ever be sure that she was going in the right direction? She pushed the car door open and stepped out on the pavement. A brief prayer began to form in her mind. Lord, give me a sign to help me determine if Izaiah is the right man for me.

  Asia proceeded toward the main house, but halfway to the front door, she had an overwhelming urge to have a heart-to-heart talk with Izaiah. She didn’t question it, but changed direction and followed the path to the guesthouse instead of going directly to the main house. She did not want to barge in as if she were already his wife. A simple knock was more her style. Her hand, however, stopped midair when she heard Candi’s voice compelling Izaiah to do something. She was recognizably upset.

  Asia listened as Candi began to assassinate her character in front of Izaiah, showing the utmost disrespect against their family. Asia assumed Candi was up to her old tricks again, trying to get Izaiah to have sex with her. Obviously it didn’t work. Lord, is this what you wanted me to hear? My sister disrespecting me in front of the man I love…hold on…did I say love? Where did that come from all of a sudden? Asia may have been stunned at her thoughts, but she was not going to allow Candi to continue to berate her. She pushed the door open, only to witness Candi giving Izaiah a stinging slap across his face.

  “Go back to wherever the hell you came from!” Candi yelled at him. “Ever since you moved to Bliss Haven, you’ve been causing nothing but trouble for me and my family. You’re too stupid anyway to see that Asia is only stringing you along! She will never marry you!”

  Candi whirled around in a fit, intentionally pushing Asia out of her way as she stormed out of the front door. Silence ensued, but it was the kind of silence that brought a certain calmness rather than confusion. Asia was surprised that she’d been able to hold her peace, because her intention had been to defend herself against Candi’s silly accusations. It appeared as if God simply wanted her to be a witness, and not try to avenge the wrong being done to her. She stared at Izaiah, who was still rubbing the pain out of his jaw.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Me?” Izaiah grinned. “It’s gonna take more than that to knock me off my feet.”

  Asia shook her head, revealing her exasperation. “It’s craziness like that that makes it difficult for me and my sister to get along. She was trying to seduce again, wasn’t she?”

  Izaiah smiled. “I think she gets the picture now that I love you and that nothing will ever happen between me and her. She fooled me into thinking she’d hurt her ankle when we were playing tennis. She insisted that I bring her to my place to examine her.”

  “That should have been a red flag. What is wrong with you men that you can’t see the signs when a woman is trying to come on to you?”

  “Mind you, I knew Candi had something up her sleeve. I never thought she would have pulled the ankle trick on me. I seriously thought she’d been hurt. But once I’d placed her on the sofa, she began to undress herself. Suddenly, the pain in her ankle was gone. I realized I’d been deceived. That’s when I told her to put her clothes back on and to leave my place. She became infuriated.”

  In response, Asia walked slowly toward Izaiah. Usually, Izaiah was the one to initiate the hugging. But this time, Asia locked her arms around Izaiah’s waist and then rested her head on his chest. “I think all that has happened tonight was God’s doing” she said. “I’ve been praying about our relationship and what’s going to become of it. This is a big step for me, trying to move on with my life after losing Jorge. I didn’t think I would ever be happy with another man, but every day I spend with you gives me hope that my life will have a happy ending.”

  With her hands still locked around Izaiah, she lifted her head and gazed into his eyes. “What I’m trying to say, Mr. Cahoon, is that I think I love you. And I want to apologize for all of the hurtful things I’ve said to you. You didn’t deserve it, especially with the way you’ve been supporting my family since Daddy’s disappearance.”

  “I would do anything for you and your family,” Izaiah reaffirmed, but his voice was husky with desire. He could smell the sweet concoction of coconut and vanilla in her hair. The light powdery scent of her perfume – enough to keep his senses mesmerized. But he was more aware of the heat being generated between their bodies. It would have been a good time to ask the Holy Ghost to intervene, but Izaiah didn’t want the moment to pass. “Can I make a confession?”

  Asia muttered a weak, ‘yes’. She too had sensed a shift in her own temperature.

  “Holding you this close is overpowering my resistance to kiss you.”

  Asia swallowed the lump that was in her throat. “Why resist?” she whispered, shocked by her own response. “You’ve been waiting three years to do it, right?”

  Izaiah smiled. “You are not helping my cause. Suppose someone walks in and –”

  Asia pressed her lips against Izaiah’s to silence him. “Kiss me,” she moaned.

  Their lips locked into a heat of passion, their tongues forcefully massaging the insides of each other’s mouths. Asia thought she would melt in Izaiah’s arms as the kiss deepened. She suddenly pulled away, knowing if she allowed her sexual thoughts to dominate, she would encourage Izaiah to go all the way.

  “You are an excellent kisser,” she said, slightly lightheaded. “I think I should go before we really give Candi something to steam about.”

  Asia attempted to stumble away, but Izaiah pulled her back in to him and kissed her even stronger than the first time. Magnetically, the sofa began to draw them. Their breathing quickened, completely out of control. Asia ripped open Izaiah’s shirt, causing several of the buttons to go flying into the air. She began to press her lips against his chest. When Izaiah groaned with pleasure, Asia straightened to her senses. Without further explanation, she backed up and ran out of the guesthouse.

  Izaiah sat up in a daze. But he was quick to realize what had almost taken place between him and Asia. He could not explain what came over him. For as long as he’d been a Christian, he’d never given in to temptation so easily. Candi must have left her seducing spirit in the atmosphere. It was a fleeting thought, but Izaiah believed it. He made a beeline to the bathroom, stripped and then stepped into the shower. He turned on the cold water and let it blast away the desire for premarital sex.

  Lord, please forgive me for giving in to my sexual urges and for pulling Asia in with me. You caused her to escape and I am forever grateful for Your intervention. If from this point on, it’s going to be like this between us, please make it possible for us to get married as soon as possible. Because I don’t know if we will be able to survive another close encounter like that.

  This is the true joy of life – being used for a purpose…

  – George Bernard Shaw

  Chapter Twenty Three

  In a space the size of an average bedroom, Gregory lay still. He was not asleep, but certainly confused as to where he was. He could barely move any part of his body; everything was as stiff as a board. Maybe it was because his entire upper body had been carefully wrapped in thick white bandages. Above him in the corner of the room was a small TV, which had been set to the local news. The volume was low, so Gregory had to focus every bit of his strength on listening to what was being reported. It stunned him to hear that Ms. V and her men had been arrested three weeks ago and he hadn’t any knowledge of it.

  What happened to me
and why am I confined to this bed? I must be in a prison of some sort. Lord help me, I can hardly remember my own name. Gregory’s eyes lazily searched the room for clues that would jog his memory, but it was hard to focus with the amount of fear he was experiencing at the same time. He felt completely lost and if it hadn’t been for the date and time on the TV, he would have had no sense of what day it was. An old clip of Ms. V in handcuffs appeared on the screen.

  The caption read, Most Wanted Woman Captured by Bliss Haven Police. Gregory wondered what the news was saying about him. Maybe there were clues that could help him make sense of why he had been confined to this room. The anchorman was neatly attired in a navy blue suit, which went along with his professional voice.

  “Away with her, away with her to the gas chamber! We won’t settle for anything less!” The anchorman paused for effect as the camera zoomed back to his face. Adding a little somberness to his tone, he began with the words, “These are the cries of the crowd that gathered every day for nearly three weeks at the Bliss Haven Police Station. Viola Gunsley, also known as Ms. V, Anita Pugh, and June Humphrey, have been using aliases for over twenty-five years in four different states.”

  “Her most recently known hide-out was right here on the small island of Bliss Haven. She had been in charge of an illegal underground operation, which the police destroyed some three years ago. She and several of her men managed to elude police and escape to Mexico, taking along with them the prominent bishop of St. Donovan’s Chapel. If you have been following this sensational story, you will remember the sunken yacht that was discovered by the Coast Guard.”

  The anchorman stared into the camera. “It has now been confirmed that the vessel does belonged to Ms. V and that it is possible Bishop Gregory Beaufort had accompanied her at the time the vessel ran aground. Now imagine this: Three weeks ago, which was the start of this awesome turn of events, the police received a tip from one of Bishop’s Beaufort daughters, stating that she’d seen her father in the back seat of a car, right here in Bliss Haven. Somehow, Ms. V and her men found a way to reenter the island without detection.”


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