The Bear’s Surrogate: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Surrogate Agency Book 2)

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The Bear’s Surrogate: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Surrogate Agency Book 2) Page 9

by Layla Silver

  "I'll manage, thanks. Unless you want to join me? You seem a little ... tense," I smirked.

  He had that look on his face again like he was trying hard not to do something, and it was killing him. I had meant to tease him, but now I could see that it was probably not a good idea to play around with such topics.

  "Won't I be the only guy there?" he asked, looking away.

  "Maybe, but then imagine all those women fawning over you," I laughed.

  "Don't they have a yoga instructor to fawn over already?" he said.

  One thing I now knew about Lincoln was that he got uncomfortable whenever I mentioned anything remotely to do with his looks. It made me wonder what the problem was because he was a confident guy and didn't seem to have a problem flirting.



  "You use your mirror, right?" I asked.

  He turned to face me and frowned. "Why?"

  I sighed, "Every time I compliment you, you make it a point to remind me how awkward you were when you were younger. Which I'm beginning to doubt and need to see some photographic evidence of a.s.a.p. Or you change the subject. If it makes you so uncomfortable, tell me, and I won't joke about it anymore."

  "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I did that often," he said with a sigh. "It's just that I always worry there’s some ulterior motive. I've never really connected with anyone beyond the physical attraction except with my ex. At least I thought I did anyway. But I'm not interested in being someone's fascination one second, then being a mistake the next."

  My face fell. I had done the same to him. But I wasn't just interested in his face or body; I liked everything about him as a person. He came in a pretty package, yes, but he was a great guy.

  "I guess I'm just not built that way," he shrugged, "but I didn't know I was so obvious and awkward about it."

  He'd told me that his ex-wife had cheated on him, and I could see how much it had hurt him.

  "Good thing this is a no-judgment zone," I smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "All are welcome here, quirks and all."

  He laughed. "You're right. And I really should embrace all this," he said, gesturing to his body.

  Or I could embrace it for you, I thought. I shook my head with a laugh, trying to clear my head.

  "And it has all gone to his head, ladies and gentlemen," I said, standing up.

  "You sure you don't want me to drive you?" he asked again.

  "You should work on your car. I'll be fine. If you take me, it's either you wait for me for an hour, or you'll have to make the drive back here, then back to town again to pick me up."

  "Fine, go fawn over your yoga instructor," he said, waving me away.

  I laughed and went to my room to change, all the while thinking that I'd rather stay here and fawn over him instead. Because when I walked outside to get to my car, Lincoln was shirtless, and his hard body was on display. I took a moment to appreciate his washboard stomach and internally groaned. He looked up from his hood and gave me a small wave. I waved back and got into my tiny car.

  Cruel man, I thought. Cruel, cruel man.

  Chapter 15 - Lincoln.

  There were only a few times in my life that I could remember being out of sync with my Bear. As a young shifter, I had been taught that the most important thing in my life would be to live my life without neglecting either part of me. That whatever decision I made in my life had to be taken from both perspectives. It had been difficult as a young cub, but I had learned along the way to think and act as one with my Bear. I was not a part of it, and it was not a part of me; we were one.

  Just not lately.

  And it was all because of Dakota Daniels, the mother of my child. The woman was driving me insane, and she didn’t even know it. All she had to do was smile, and my Bear would go wild. Not that I expected anything less. Not only was she beautiful but seeing her round with child with her pheromones at an all-time high all the time was not helping me in any way. I had strong feelings for her that I couldn’t deny any longer. How could I, when she made me feel happy and hopeful at the same time? Hopeful that I could have everything I had ever wanted in life before Rachel shattered my heart. Dakota reminded me of the man that I used to be, light and funny, and she made me think of the man that I wanted to be: happy.

  Dakota made me want to wake up in the morning just so I could watch her do something as boring as reading. Which didn’t make any sense to me whatsoever, but I did it anyway. Because watching her do what she liked with a smile on her face brought one to mine. That was her superpower.

  And damn it, was I falling for her.

  The feeling was not welcome, though, hence the war with my Bear. I didn’t know what to do with all that I was feeling because I didn’t want to get hurt again. It wasn’t just about me this time around, either: I had a child coming in a few months. I couldn’t risk breaking my child’s heart if things didn’t go well. But my Bear was having none of it. He wanted Dakota, and he wanted her now. The bond that I had established with the child was drawing me to her. It made my Bear fiercely protective, and he couldn’t bear being denied what he wanted most. It was killing me too, but I had to be strong.

  “Lincoln!” a female voice called as someone walked into my bay.

  I slid my creeper forward as I emerged from under the hood and saw my visitor. She was short and slim and dressed elegantly. She looked completely out of place in a garage, but she carried herself like she owned the place.

  “Hi, Lincoln, I presume?” she said with a smile.

  I nodded as I sat up.

  “Would you sign for the delivery? Theo said you could confirm if it’s the right equipment and sign off on it.”

  She was looking at me like she wanted a piece, which irritated my Bear. I maintained a professional distance and almost laughed at the way I felt my skin crawling. I got the message loud and clear: I wasn't supposed to be interested in anyone except Dakota. I walked with her to the entrance and accepted the clipboard with an invoice attached to it. I went through the list then checked the sealed boxes. Everything seemed to be in order.

  "Looks good," I said, then signed the delivery note.

  The lady gave the instruction for the boxes to be carried to the storeroom, which left us alone together.

  "You been working here long? I've never seen you around before," she asked, looking at me intently.

  "I'm a mechanic. Where you found me is where I usually am," I said. "I doubt you would see me unless you were here to get your car fixed."

  "I suppose. But what does one have to do to see you outside of your bay?" she asked, giving me a sultry look.

  "You seem to have accomplished that just fine," I pointed out, not answering what she was really asking me.

  She caught on to my lack of interest and laughed. "Oh, it's like that, huh?"

  I shrugged, then gave her a small smile.

  "Lucky girl or guy?" she asked, still smiling like a good sport.

  "Girl," I said, then thought of just how much I wanted it to be true.

  Although I was the lucky one in the equation. I spent the rest of my day thinking about it, and all the ways Dakota and I were perfect for each other. It wasn't even the fact that she was carrying my child, because I had liked her even before that. It was just her and how we seemed to fit together perfectly. We had so much fun doing nothing but talking, and even in our serious conversations, we held each other together.

  I finished my tasks and made my way home, for the first time feeling excited that I had someone waiting for me. I followed the horrible music to the kitchen, where Dakota was swaying to the sound of some pop singer as she cooked. I stood and watched her for a long second, enjoying her enjoy herself. As if sensing me, she finally turned her head and looked at me.

  "You're home," she smiled.

  Those words felt so right at that moment. Yes, I was home, and I liked being welcomed like this. Like she was part of my life, and this was her home too.

  "Hi, will you shut that of
f?" I nodded to the small speaker on the kitchen table.

  "I forgot. Old man in the house." She rolled her eyes.

  "I'll have you know that most of these musicians are actually my age. So it has nothing to do with being old, and everything to do with having good taste in music. Plus, it's good for the baby to listen to good music," I said.

  "Whatever you say, old man. Dinner is almost ready if you want to clean up first."

  "Thanks, I'll do that," I replied, walking towards my room.

  I showered and joined Dakota for dinner in the living room. I deliberately sat on the sofa furthest from her to help me keep my hands to myself.

  "So, what did you do today?" I asked, reaching for my glass of water.

  "There are a few online courses I want to do, so I was just narrowing them down to the best ones."

  "What exactly do you want to study?"

  "Child psychology," she replied. "So, I need to do a few bridging courses before I can go to college for that."

  "That's good. I'm glad you’re following your heart."

  "Yeah. Just figured if I can help one kid out there who hasn't had the best start in life, then maybe I'd make my parents proud."

  "I'm sure they’re already proud of you. You’re a strong woman," I said, meaning every word.

  I knew what she'd been through, and I knew how important this must be to her. I wished she could see herself through my eyes. Then she would truly understand how amazing she was. After everything that she’d been through, she still managed to exude so much joy. Whereas my ex-wife had slept with someone else, and I had made everyone around me miserable.

  "Sometimes it doesn't feel like that, you know. I let my uncle walk all over me a hundred times."

  "But you’re still standing, and after all this time, he didn't break you," I said, giving her a small smile.

  She nodded with conviction. "Yeah, he didn't break me."

  We finished dinner, and I cleaned up while Dakota had some frozen yogurt for dessert.

  "Thanks for dinner, it was wonderful," I said, then folded my arms to keep from reaching for her. Every part of me seemed to have a mind of its own tonight.

  "Don't thank me. I was hungry, and I just made a lot of food," she said and winked at me.

  We both laughed. Then she suddenly exclaimed, putting her hand on her belly.

  "Oh! Someone is excited," she laughed.

  "May I?" I asked, and she nodded.

  I'd never get tired of feeling the baby move, and I felt that feeling of pure joy wash over me again. As well as other things. Dakota was so close, and she smelled so good. Just a little taste, I thought. Just a little, then maybe this need will go away. She looked up at me like she'd heard my thoughts, and when she licked her lips, I lost all control.

  I didn't think it was possible to miss something so much until the moment I kissed Dakota again. I felt like I was coming home after a long and difficult day at work, and I just wanted to stay there forever. She tasted just as sweet as I remembered, or even better. Her small hands held on to my arms as I devoured her mouth, my Bear taking over and demanding that I mate with her now. I couldn't slow down even if I tried. It was a futile effort. Good thing Dakota was on the same page because she was kissing me back with just as much desperation.

  She gasped when I tore the shirt that she was wearing from the back. I opened my eyes and looked at my hands in horror, but Dakota was already pushing me towards the couch and shrugging off her torn clothing. She wanted the animal in me and was unleashing her own, except mine was very real, and I was scared of hurting her if I let go of my control. My Bear paced in anger, letting me know immediately that he would never hurt Dakota and I was wasting time.

  I fell onto the couch, and Dakota climbed on top of me, her baby bump between us but not causing any problems. She kissed me again, slipping her tongue into my mouth and tasting me. I moaned into her mouth and brought my hands up to squeeze her breasts. They were larger than I remembered, and I enjoyed the extra flesh in my palms. She was so warm and soft, and I couldn't get enough of her.

  She moaned in pleasure as I took a pink bud into my mouth.

  I bit it gently, mindful of my lengthening canines and using my tongue to soothe the bite. Dakota all but purred in my arms, and I gave the same treatment to her other breast. I licked and bit and sucked until both buds were hard enough to scratch a diamond. Only then did I move away to suck the skin around them, leaving my love bites and feeling damn good about them. I drew back to inspect my work, watching as her chest moved with heavy breathing, naked except for my marks.

  "You’re beautiful," I said, then switched our positions so that she was sitting, and I was on top of her.

  I took off her leggings and panties, leaving her naked and ready for me. Dakota bit her lip as she watched me strip, and my Bear growled under my skin. She was stunning, and my child was growing inside her. How I would ever keep my hands off her after I had her now was a mystery to me, and I couldn't believe I had held out for this long. I had to have her, and I had to have her now.

  "I can't go slowly," I breathed into her neck, my hand slipping between her legs to stroke her there.

  "Me neither," she panted. "I haven't ... since you," she moaned as I bit into her neck and slipped a finger inside her.

  She was soaking wet, and I felt my Bear growl with satisfaction that she hadn't been with anyone else. It was silly, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want anyone else seeing her like this. I didn't want her coming apart for anyone else but me. I drew my finger back to my lips and licked it, my nostrils flaring when her scent hit me.

  Dakota gasped when I flipped us over again in a flash, positioning her in my lap and over my aching length. I positioned myself and groaned loudly when she sank onto me. She didn't waste any time but began moving quickly, bringing her hand to her core and rubbing quick circles. I watched her as she took her pleasure from me, riding me like her life depended on it. I cursed when she rolled her hips on my sensitive shaft, taking me to heights of pleasure I had only ever reached with her. Her body gripped me tightly as she slid up and down, drawing me closer to my undoing.

  Bear shifters believed in a life beyond the one we lived, where our spirits went after we died. Growing up, my mother had told me stories about it. Our ancestors had been cursed by an angry goddess, she said. They had once been powerful gods in a place mortals couldn't reach. After misusing their power, they had been cast on earth and bound in mortal form to learn to appreciate the beings they protected. The promise of returning was given to them, provided they lived their lives in a worthy manner, and they had done everything in their power to return to that perfect place. The land where gods dwelled, the land beyond. For the first time in my life, I felt like I might just experience that place here in my mortal form. What else could be better than this?

  That thought took me over the cliff, and I fell. I held on to Dakota as I spilled inside her, her body draining every drop from me. This was heaven. I was sure of it. Dakota's body was my own personal heaven, and I continued thrusting upwards into it until I had nothing left. She screamed and jerked in my arms, squeezing my shaft with her inner walls and making me moan again. She laid her head on my shoulder when she finally stopped trembling, and I rubbed slow circles on her back.

  "Wow," she whispered, making me chuckle.

  "Yeah," I said simply in agreement.

  Our heartbeats were in sync, and I enjoyed listening to the steady rhythm. I was still half-hard inside her, and when she finally moved to sit up straight, my body took it as a signal to wake up again. Dakota smirked at me then started moving slowly. I brought my hands to her nipples and rubbed them with my thumbs, letting her set the pace. We made love slowly for the second time, and Dakota finished first. I spilled inside her for the second time and then held her close as we both recovered.

  I felt her chuckling against my chest, and I drew her away so that I could look at her.

  "I think I might be pregnant now," she said with a l

  I laughed, and my hand went to her round belly. "That was fast.'

  "You know what you’re doing," she teased, laying her hand on top of mine.

  My heart stopped when I realized that I was enjoying this moment a little too much. Then it stopped again when I admitted to myself that for now, I really didn't give a damn. I was going to enjoy it while it lasted. Which I did in the shower as I washed Dakota leisurely and made her climax with my mouth. And again in my bed as I massaged her feet before taking her until she begged me to stop. We were both exhausted and thoroughly satisfied by the time we fell asleep, and I enjoyed that too.

  So damn much.

  Chapter 16 – Dakota

  I woke up trapped in a warm cage of strong arms, which I didn’t mind at all. Lincoln hadn’t let me go for a second during the night, and I had loved every second of it. We were occupying a small part of the large bed as if he had been scared of losing me during the night and didn’t want even the least bit of space between us. I didn’t want any space between us either, because sharing his personal space had a lot of benefits. Not only did he make me feel safe and protected, but he smelled really good, too. It was times like this when I hated being human because if I had a shifter sense of smell, then I could enjoy Lincoln’s scent better.

  Our night together had been nothing short of perfect, and we had connected in a way that was past the physical plane. Lincoln was a very attentive lover, and I wondered if that was the reason why. He hadn’t broken eye contact throughout our lovemaking, and I had seen his vulnerabilities and his strength reflected in his eyes. No doubt, he had seen mine too, which made the experience so intense. I became a part of him just as he became a part of me. And it didn’t help that there was a part of both of us growing inside of me. Lincoln and I would forever be bonded this way, and a child would live on with hopefully the best of us both.

  It made me think of all sorts of dangerous things.

  Could I wake up to Lincoln and our son making pancakes together in the morning? Could I wake up next to Lincoln every morning and begin all my days like this, in his arms? Could there be a future for us outside of our contract with each other? With me as his surrogate and him as the intended father of the child I was carrying? These were dangerous thoughts indeed and would only lead to a broken heart. Because Lincoln hadn’t promised me anything beyond the night or beyond the baby’s birth. Which meant that once I gave birth, I would have to disappear from both their lives.


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