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The Bear’s Surrogate: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Surrogate Agency Book 2)

Page 11

by Layla Silver

  "What the hell?" I whispered, my hand coming to my mouth seemingly of its own accord.

  I would know that gray Wolf anywhere, and I felt like vomiting. What was my uncle doing here, and who was he fighting? I didn't even stop to think of how he had found me, because that would be silly. I shouldn't have gotten so comfortable. I should have known this would happen. My heart stopped when the Bear fell to his side, and I instinctively took a step forward. I had never hated being human so much as I did now. What could I do to help? I couldn't even protect Lincoln's child if my uncle were to attack me. My child.

  I gasped when I looked at the Bear. Was that Lincoln? It certainly would explain a lot of things. He was stronger than most humans I knew, and then there were times when I had thought I'd seen his eyes change. And he was incredibly fast. I'd always thought he was just in good shape. But I had grown up around shifters, how had I not seen it sooner that Lincoln was not human?

  I watched as the Bear got up and raised its paw to attack my uncle. He hit him again and again as the Wolf pitifully whined. The Bear was majestic in size, with shiny brown fur all over and a speed no animal that size should ever possess. It was clear he had the upper hand, and there was no way my uncle was going to get up and win this fight. I was about to shout at him to stop when he did, turning to look at me with those hazel eyes I would know anywhere. They burned gold around the irises, and I saw my Lincoln within the large Bear. It really was him, no doubt about it.

  I ran down the porch towards him, screaming when he fell to the ground with a thud. He shifted to human form, and there was so much blood I feared for his life. I got to his side and ran my hands over his body, checking his wounds. He groaned and opened his eyes as I put my hands on his face, blinking in confusion for a second, then looking at me with worry.

  "I'm okay," I said quickly, then helped him to sit up.

  My uncle had shifted back and was groaning in pain, his whole body covered in blood. An angry growl escaped Lincoln, and he looked at George like he wanted to commit murder.

  "If I ever see you here again, or you even think of coming near Dakota again, I will end you," he said in a deadly tone.

  My uncle looked at me, his eyes dropping to my belly and widening in surprise. He struggled to stand while I helped Lincoln to do the same. When George took a step forward, Lincoln was in front of me in a flash. He bared his fangs and looked more animal than human in that second, but I loved him for it. I had never had anyone stand up for me before, and Lincoln looked ready to fight to the death for me.

  "I won't give you another warning," he added, and I saw my uncle's eyes fill with fear.

  I wondered what was going through his mind at the moment. Was he capable of feeling fear? Would he heed Lincoln's warning? Because the way Lincoln was shaking with anger promised much more than George could handle. And I wouldn't be able to stop Lincoln.

  Lincoln narrowed his eyes, and George stumbled as he took a step backward. My uncle was wise to be terrified, and I watched him take another step backward, then another until he got to his car. Lincoln took the towel I had forgotten on my head and threw it at him to cover himself. George caught it with one hand, then winced, getting into the car quickly and driving away.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, and I almost laughed despite the situation.

  He was the one bleeding, yet he was asking me if I was okay? Weird man. I nodded to reassure him.

  "Let's go inside," he said, taking my hand in his bloody one.

  We walked back into the house, and I helped Lincoln onto the sofa. Or he just let me think that I was helping because he smiled when I started fussing over him.

  "You're hurt!" I said sternly before going to take the first-aid kit and a towel from the bathroom.

  I wiped the blood away from his side and watched the angry wound ooze some more blood. I blinked back tears thinking of just how much worse he could have been hurt. Luckily he could hold his own in a fight, but he could have been really hurt because of me.

  "Stop it, I’m going to be fine," he said softly, covering my cheek with his palm.

  "You’re hurt," I repeated lamely, looking away and making myself busy so that I wouldn't cry. "And the baby is just emotional."

  He chuckled then winced in pain, holding his side again. I cleaned him up again then put a bandage over his wound. The rest of his scrapes were already healing, so I just cleaned them up and left them to nature.

  "I don't know what I would have done if he hurt you," I whispered.

  "I'm fine. And he won't bother you ever again. I don't know what he was thinking tracking you down like that."

  "He doesn't like that I'm not under his thumb anymore," I replied. "And his pride is wounded now, but he might come back."

  "And I'll be ready for him," he replied coldly. "Now that I've seen the kind of scum he is first hand, I won't waste my time playing nice next time."

  "You got hurt because of me," I said sadly, and Lincoln kissed my cheek.

  I rested my head against his shoulder for a quiet moment, just thankful that he was okay.

  "I'm in love with you," Lincoln said suddenly, making my heart stop.

  I looked into his eyes, and he smiled. He pulled me onto his lap despite my protest since he was hurt. He ran his nose along my neck and moaned, playfully biting me.

  "I want you in my life, Dakota. You are my mate, and my Bear would have killed your uncle today if he’d tried to hurt you."

  "Yeah, about that." I turned my head so that I could look him in the eyes.

  He looked worried for a second. "Can you accept me as I am? Because it would kill me if you couldn't accept my Bear and—"

  I silenced him with a kiss, then smiled against his mouth.

  "I come from a family of shifters, Lincoln. I don't mind at all that you’re a Bear. I just hope that you’re okay with me not being one," I said.

  It had bothered my ex-boyfriend that I was just human, but I knew that Lincoln was not like that. Still, I had to ask. I got my answer when he gave me a happy smile, with long canines and all.

  "I couldn't care less about that. I just want you to be with me."

  "That's not going to be a problem because you’re not going to ever get rid of me," I replied with a laugh.

  "So you had no idea that I'm a shifter?" he asked, lifting a brow. "Didn't you know that the surrogacy agency specializes in shifters?"

  "Really? No, I didn't," I said frowning. "Perhaps they told me, but I didn't catch up on it. I mean, I was pretty distraught and distracted the first couple of times I visited them. I must have just not realized. Weird, I wonder why they accepted me for a shifter pregnancy then. Seeing that I'm not a shifter, I mean."

  "Well, not being a shifter doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have the shifter gene in you. I'm sure they tested that, otherwise they would never have matched us," Lincoln said. "You know, the shifter gene might just not have come out, even when it's there. Perhaps because of the shock of experiencing the death of your parents."

  "Hmm," I said. "Well, whatever it is, I’m just happy to be with you."

  "I've been told I can be moody," he said, and I kissed his cheek.

  "I can deal with that."

  "My Bear is also a very horny beast who can't keep his hands off of you," he added.

  I gave him a quick kiss on the lips this time. "Good thing I'm crazy about that side of you, and I can't keep my hands off you either."

  "He can be very possessive, too, and I can't help what he does to take care of his mate."

  "I'm all his to fawn and growl over. He can even pee on my foot if he wants," I said, then stuck my tongue out at him.

  "Then you’re really perfect for me," he said.

  "Hmm, don't know. Are those all your vices?" I asked.

  "I hate pop music," he continued, making me laugh.

  "Well, I love it, and you will just have to deal with it."

  He nodded and gave me a two-finger salute. I couldn't believe that everything I had ever
wanted was finally in my grasp. A man who loved me, a baby on the way, and my uncle who would never be bothering me again. And if he was foolish enough to return, Lincoln would keep me safe. I was finally home after a very long and bumpy ride.

  "I love you," I said to Lincoln, rubbing his jaw with my thumb.

  "Thank you," he replied, and I understood what he meant.

  We were both finally happy and had found what we'd been looking for. And our child had brought us together. I placed my hand on my belly, and I whispered back to the love of my life.

  "Thank you."

  Chapter 19 - Lincoln

  "I told you your child is a lazy baby," Dakota said as she waddled to the car.

  The baby was more than two weeks overdue, and the doctor had decided to induce labor. So I was taking Dakota to the clinic, and she was eating a piece of stick candy like all was right with the world. I almost laughed at how silly she looked, with her humongous tummy and mismatched maternity shirt and tights. Her long hair was in a messy ponytail, held together by a rubber band. And she was barefoot, of course, holding her morning slippers in one hand.

  "That could be your half for all I know," I laughed, coming to help her once I had put the bags into the car.

  I couldn't believe how fast the months had flown by and how our baby was almost here already. Maybe that's what happened when you were happy: the time just seemed to move too fast. And I was happy, so much I worried something would just take it all away while I was distracted.

  "We'll just have to wait and see, won't we? I bet he’ll be like you in every way," she said, then sighed in happiness when I drew the seat back as far as it could go.

  I kissed her forehead as I put the seatbelt on her. "I hope he’s just like his mom. You’re the best part of me, anyway."

  "Look at you being sweeter than my candy," she laughed.

  I shook my head at her and smiled, then walked to my side and got in. We playfully fought over music on our way to the clinic, and thirty minutes later, Dakota was being prepared for delivery. I never left her side through it all, not when she screamed, not when she cried, and not when she cursed me for putting the baby inside of her. I did take a moment to remind her that I technically hadn't which earned me a glare and an angry push that finally did the trick.

  Liam Pierce came into the world screaming murder, and I knew then that he would be a force to be reckoned with. He was strong and healthy, and wouldn't be forced to do anything he didn't want to. He simply refused to calm down until he was in his mother's arms, and I understood him perfectly. I wanted to be in Dakota's arms, too, granted for a whole different reason. She just felt so safe and smelled so good. My son knew he was home.

  "He's perfect," she whispered in awe, her eyes tearing up as she looked at the blue bundle in her arms.

  Both of them were, and I kissed her forehead then leaned in to kiss the little one as well. It was too early to tell who he looked like yet, but I was looking forward to finding out. I meant what I had said earlier: I wanted him to take after his mother. She was kind and loving and strong. Beautiful inside and out.

  "So, when do you think we can start trying for another one?" I asked, earning a glare from Dakota.

  "How about never? I’m never doing this again," she said seriously, making me laugh.

  "What if we use a surrogate?" I joked.

  "You just have all the best ideas, don't you?" she retorted, then yawned.

  "Do you want me to take him?"

  She shook her head. "Let me hold him for a little while. He smells so good."

  I smiled. "Yes, he does. Just wait till his first diaper needs changing."

  "Don't be mean to my baby," she pouted, then closed her eyes in a happy sigh. "Tell me what he smells like."

  "He smells a little bit like me, and a little like you too. But mostly clean, like fresh water."

  "And what do I smell like?" she asked as she yawned again.

  "You smell like fresh fruit, sprinkled with water. Sometimes you smell like the morning when there’s just the right amount of sunshine. And when you’re turned on, you smell like my own personal drug."

  "Damn, I smell good," she chuckled.

  I smiled at her sleepy face and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face.

  "So my baby smells like fruit, sunshine, and diesel," she grinned with closed eyes.

  I laughed and shook my head. She was impossible. And she was all mine.

  "You can take him now. I think I need to sleep for just a little bit."

  I took Liam and pressed a soft kiss on his mother's forehead, letting her get some rest.

  "I love you," I whispered to her, then I looked at my sleeping son. "I love you too, and I won't tell your mommy that you smell like a dirty diaper already."

  "I heard that," Dakota said with a sleepy voice.

  I chuckled and settled in the chair next to Dakota with our son in my arms and a smile on my face. I was so happy and couldn't wait to go home with my family once the doctors gave us the clear.

  "Dakota," I said softly, shaking her a little bit.

  She groaned and turned away from me. I smiled and shook her again.


  "Will you be my mate? Officially?" I grinned.

  "You didn't have to wake me up for that. I'm already yours."

  I smiled. "I love you."

  She groaned and turned away from me again. "I'll love you in the morning. Now please, let me sleep."

  I slept in the chair until a nurse woke us up for Liam's feeding. Then again, in the morning, when it was time for her check-up. Everything was perfect, and we stayed until the end of the day before my mate and child were discharged.

  Kyle and Claire were our small welcome party. Claire helped Dakota to settle in while Kyle heated the food they had brought over for dinner. By the time we were done, all the dishes had been washed, and our guests were gone, I was ready to crash into bed and never wake up. It lasted for about two hours until Liam woke up demanding to be fed. But I smiled sleepily through it all because nothing could make me love the little screamer any less.

  That became our lives for the next few months. I had taken some time off in the first few weeks after Liam was born to help Dakota out. But I was back at work now, and she and Liam had established a routine of their own. I missed them when I was away, but whenever I came home, it was like I'd never left. My life was perfect.

  One day, Dakota's scream had brought me back into the house running. I'd been doing a routine maintenance check on our family car when I'd heard her, and I feared the worst. She was in Liam's nursery, and I stopped at the door and looked around for any sign of trouble.

  "Look!" she exclaimed with excitement, pointing to Liam's crib.

  I walked into the room and saw my son during his first shift. He was the tiniest cub I had ever seen, with golden brown fur all over. I wrapped my arms around Dakota and kissed the top of her head.

  "We really are a perfect match," I said, and she nodded.

  "Yes, we are."

  "I thought something had happened to you or the baby."

  "Sorry," she grinned sheepishly. "I was just excited."

  "Yeah, it's pretty amazing, isn't it?" I said, still watching the little cub in awe.

  "I know you said not to, but I really want to hold him," Dakota responded.

  I had told her to expect the baby's first shift, although I hadn't thought it would happen so soon. The rules still applied, though. You had to give the new shifter time to adjust to the realignment of the bones. Which meant no touching. And the first shift took a lot of energy, which meant a heavy meal was usually required soon after, followed by a long nap. I had no doubt the baby would be screaming for his mom after he shifted back. I made a mental note to go make a few bottles right after this.

  "Next time, love. Now that he's gotten through this, he'll be doing it often. Then it won't be so exciting anymore when you’re running around the house chasing after him."

  "Not my baby. He's
perfect," she said, making me laugh.

  "If you say so. Just don't come running to me when you've had enough of him," I warned her with a chuckle.

  "I already handle one Bear just fine," my mate pointed out.

  "But I'm a grown man, love. I can control myself."

  She stepped out of my arms and lowered her blouse, exposing her shoulder where my love bites still were. I focused on her smooth neck and licked my bottom lip, taking an involuntary step forward. Then all too soon, the material was back up, covering her. I blinked in confusion.

  "You really can control yourself, I can tell," she laughed, making me frown.

  "That was unfair, and you know it," I said.

  Dakota just grinned, and we watched our little cub until he shifted back and demanded to be fed. He was a tame cub after that, proving his mother right. And as his shifts became more frequent, he started connecting with my Bear too. When he was almost a year old, I finally took him to the forest for the first time. I shifted first then lay down while he watched me for a few seconds. Then he shifted too and came to my side, copying me. I felt my Bear sigh with content as he lay next to his cub on the ground.

  I had everything I had ever wanted. And so much more.


  My mate walked barefoot towards me in a lovely summer dress and the widest smile on her face. It reminded me of the first time we had met, when she had been just a girl in a waiting room. I had no idea that talking to her would get us here, but even then, I had felt that she was different from anyone else I had ever met. With her expressive brown eyes and messy brown hair, not forgetting a tiny, broken car. There were many things about her that would have made anyone else ordinary, but all those things made her special to me.

  Dakota’s eyes never left mine, and it was making me all kinds of impatient. I wanted to just take her and disappear into the woods for a few hours, and make those gorgeous eyes darken with pleasure. I doubted the rest of the clan would appreciate that though since they had all gathered here for us. We had to go through with the ceremony, and then I could have my mate all to myself. This would be the longest hour of my life.


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