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Love on the Dark Side of the City

Page 20

by Kennedy, Thomas

  “Tell me the story?” Ivan asked, fascinated by the venom and violence in George’s voice and demeanour.

  Patiently Ivan extracted the story of George and his family. He was used to violent men and George did not surprise him. Ivan would have agreed that a man was to be master in his own home. George’s love hate for women resonated with him. But the tale of the stepdaughter was an unusual twist.

  “Did this Ann, did she have a reason to run? Is she beautiful?” Ivan pressed.

  “It was payback time. She owed me and I was going to collect,” George said vehemently and Ivan understood what he meant.

  “Pity, she must have seen it coming,” he said sympathetically.

  “Her bitch of a mother kept an eye on me otherwise...” George trailed off, realizing the turn of conversation was going deep and afraid he was revealing too much of his dark side to Ivan.

  “What you do next?” Ivan asked, “You must not run in to trouble with the law. You must calm down and act coldly. Vengeance is best when cold.”

  George looked at Ivan. “You are a good friend Ivan. You understand. Not everyone would.”

  “Sure I understand. I understand you will fuck up and go to jail,” Ivan said with a laugh.

  “I will find her,” George insisted, but he was calming down and wondering if storming back into his wife’s house and beating her was the cleverest solution.

  ‘What she look like, this Ann?” Ivan asked, realizing that by talking to George he was beginning to calm him and Ivan wanted to keep George talking until he could decide what to do next.

  “Look” George pulled a heap of photos out of his wallet.

  Ivan skimmed them. George’s wife was definitely not his type and he flicked to the next photo. It was a nude photo of Ann. “Some looker.”

  “I made her pose for this,” George said with a salacious smile. “Made her stand against the wall. It was a few months ago. Her tits are bigger now.”

  “This is the one you will screw? The stepdaughter?”


  Ivan stared in amazement. This was the girl with the young man who had met Frank and Sara. He was sure of it. The likeness was too close. He was used to retain memory of faces, as it was key in his business.

  “And if you screw her what then?”

  “Maybe more than once.”

  “Maybe she goes to the police?”

  George met Ivan’s eyes and shrugged. “I am going to have her.”

  “Would you sell her?” Ivan asked quietly.

  “Sell her. I'll have her, not sell her.”

  Ivan felt a mounting excitement. This was the sign he was waiting for. He needed to move soon in his career and get a string of girls. Now this one seemed to have fallen his way. She was ideal. An abused girl on the run from her father. He struggled not to show George what he was thinking.

  “I could pay thousands for this girl. I am putting together a string of whores soon. I have some prospects in mind. This girls would fit.”

  “Sell her as a whore?” George asked still not taking it in.

  “George,” Ivan gave him an expansive smile. “I have an idea, you and me we could go into business. We could get a lot of cash. A girl like this could bring in a hundred thousand a year if handled properly.”

  “Yeah?” George said doubtfully.

  “You sell me the girl. I let you have her as often as you like while we train her. Then you get payback. You turn her into a whore. She gets fucked every day for the next ten years. Many times every day. And we make money.”

  ‘Could you do that?” George asked beginning to show an interest. “We could never find her,” he added doubtfully.

  “I will find her,” Ivan said confidently. “You interested George. I give you a thousand up front, two more later. We discuss details. Yes?”

  “A string of whores?” George said warming to the idea. He also could see a way out of his financial problems. A few thousand would get the bookies off his back for a while, and if there were more money to come, he’d get in the clear. Maybe even get ahead.

  “Come to the bar” Ivan said putting an arm around George’s shoulder speaking with a friendly embracing voice. “We have a quiet drink. We discuss details. You get to use the girl first, but with no later complications, if you do as I say.”

  “I could use a drink.”

  “George come on.” Ivan said, standing up while continuing to speak in a friendly tone with a big friendly smile. Ivan could be charming when he needed to be.

  “You George,” Ivan said as the went up the stairs, “you have a lot of potential. You have a lot of anger. If you learn from me. I show you to channel that anger. Then you very useful and make a lot of money as a gangster. You like that. Money. Fights, lots of girls. Some girls you fuck, some girls you beat. It depends. Each way you enjoy. But you must control temper.”

  “I will,” George promised. He put his arm around Ivan’s shoulder. “You’re a good friend to me Ivan.”

  “Friend yes,” Ivan said moving to free himself, “but no touch. I like distance. We become partners and you make lots money.”

  They sat at the bar. After a few drinks and buoyed up by Ivan’s friendly intimacy, George had fully recovered his humour. “Tell me about it,” he asked.

  Ivan looked at George. He did not like George’s over confident familiarity. He was boss and George needed to show respect. But Ivan believed in his judgment on George. If he could show George how to channel his fearless anger George would be useful to him.

  “Give me the picture again.”

  George took the picture out of his wallet. Ivan looked at it. Definitely the girl he had seen. He looked more closely. Yes, she would do. Good figure. Used to violence and being abused. He would soon break her and then he would make money. Of course he need about three to start a first string. But with George’s help he could realize that now.

  “Wait George,” he said and left George to his drink. “Back in a minute.”

  When Ivan returned he made sure none else could see himself and George where they sat in an alcove in the bar. He produced a wad of notes and George’s photo of Ann.

  Ivan put the money on the table. “A thousand Euro.” He said, “Two later and another five when training is complete. And an income from the earnings.”

  George regarded the notes for a moment. Then, not knowing why, but feeling slightly embarrassed, he picked up the money.

  “O.K.” he said. “I’m in, tell me how it works.”

  “First, I am the boss.”

  “Understood Ivan. Of course you are the boss. Just tell me what I have to do. Tell me how you will find the girl?”

  “No worry. I find. Don’t ask how. You need to prepare training area.”

  “Training area?”

  “Yes George I have planned this over many months. Always I have wanted to set this up. But recently I have detailed plans. But I need partner. You George are perfect for me.”

  “Good” George said, and went to the bar to top up their drinks.

  Ivan sat patiently until he came back. He needed to draw George in and was careful not to get upset or make a wrong move.

  “Good man,” he said as George set two more vodkas down.

  “It works like this” Ivan began. “I have found a place. An isolated group of cottages. It is for let. I give you money George. More money and you hire this place. You can do that George? You are Irish, less complication if you do it.”

  “Sure” George said, “just give me the details.”

  “I tell you all details. Then you buy three dog kennels and some chains.”

  “What for?” George asked, beginning to wonder if Ivan was pulling his leg. But Ivan was looking at him with determined eyes and seemed totally serious.

  “For the girls,” Ivan said with a smile.

  George smiled back, clearly puzzled.

  “George” Ivan explained, “We need to break in the girls. This needs program. I have program. I have heard how
it is done. We follow program and then we make money. But not in Ireland.”

  “What?” George asked, thrown by this twist. He had never contemplated leaving Ireland and this unnerved him.

  “The girls, when trained, then I take them to France. I cannot set up here. Solveig would find me and there would be trouble. I take the girls to France. There they are in strange place, not know language. They are disorientated, they do what I want.”

  “I want to stay in Ireland,” George said flatly.

  “No problem,” Ivan replied expansively. “George you work with me in France for first two months. I pay you well and then you return to Ireland. Later when I need more girls maybe we do more business. I explain this later.”

  “Why not get girls in eastern Europe?” George asked. “Is that where the other two come from?”

  “I not take eastern girls. Too much in market. Also involves others like Russian Mafia. In time maybe. But first I set up with Irish girls. They are different and I get no trouble. Later I make alliances, when established.”

  ‘But how do you get them not to go to the police?” George protested.

  Ivan threw back his vodka. “Get another drink George and bring a long lager with the vodka and then I explain how we train them.”

  “O.K.” George said and went to the bar. The drink was making him relax as it brought him to a mellow stage. He was also feeling randy. Ivan’s proposals were turning him on.

  “Now” Ivan said when he returned. “First you sign George.”


  “You sign back of this photo. ‘Ann sold to Ivan’, and I let you have the money and then I tell you what happens next.”

  George looked at the picture of his naked stepdaughter. Peter’s daughter. It would be good vengeance to turn her in to a prostitute. Peter and all his airs and his charity to his family. Some day he could tell him and watch his face.

  “I get her first?” he checked.

  “As much as you want, but you follow the training. Then as much as you want until you tire of her. There will be others for you also.”

  “Right” George said and wrote on the back of the envelope.

  “You have her papers?” Ivan asked

  “At home.”

  “No worry we can get them.” Ivan said. “I hold one thousand and give you one thousand George. Second thousand when I get the papers.”

  “What next?” George asked pocketing the thousand Euro Ivan handed to him. Out of politeness he did not count the money. It was a good heap of fifties and looked enough. The thousand was making a nice firm impression against his leg as it sat in his trousers pocket.

  “You hire place as I will describe. You buy kennels and chains.”

  “O.K.” George said. “You provide the money?”

  “Of course” Ivan reassured him.


  “How we train them is this,” Ivan continued.

  “We strip them. Then we chain them to the kennels.”

  “Jesus!” George said, looking around in case they were overheard and then back to Ivan’s serious eyes.

  “First week,” Ivan continued. “No sex. We beat them regular. Every few hours. They are chained gagged and wear masks so they cannot see. I have some of these, special gags with rubber ball, and they work well. We beat but don’t damage face or other important parts. Understood?”

  “I can do that” George said, feeling excited.

  “We use stick. Once English judge said man should not use stick thicker than thumb to beat women. This became expression ‘rule of thumb.’ This is good. Thick stick hurt but not cut. So we use thick stick to beat girls.”


  “Second week. Then we rape them. Beat every few hours and then rape every few hours. You can do that George?” Ivan asked with smile.

  “I can get it up,” George protested.

  “O.K. George. Third week we offer, Sex or beating. In time they realize sex is less painful than beating. At this stage they are broken. It just needs time. They will do sex because if not they know the other thing is painful beating. Then we drug them and take then to France. I have contacts. There I set up. You help a while George, and then I let you back to Ireland until I need you again. If you like it there you can also stay. You choose.”

  “What if they won’t break?”

  “Then we get them on drugs dependency. But this is second option. Girl not on drugs can earn more believe me.”

  “We could get caught,” George offered.

  “No I have a plan. You must manage your wife. Otherwise I have a good plan. We will not be caught. My plan means no one looks for the girls, because it creates diversion. Your step daughter, we get her to write.”

  “She might refuse.”

  “Not when she is in the beatings. She will write, don’t worry. She will say she has run to England to be sure her father will not find her and she will never write again. That way they look in England and are not surprised if she is not found. I have also other plan for other two, but that later. O.K.?”

  “You are the boss,” George said, relaxed and confident that Ivan had worked it all out and knew what he was doing. “In for a penny in for a pound.”

  “We must stick to plan,” Ivan insisted. Although he was well pleased with George’s attitude, he felt he needed to reinforce the rules. “This is necessary for long term cooperation from the girls. Believe me I know. It is like training sheep dog. Must follow program for best result.”

  “You’re the boss,” George said agreeably.

  “You stay at hotel or bed and breakfast tonight,” Ivan instructed.

  “My family?” George began to protest, he wanted to go home and give his wife a punch in the face.

  Ivan sighed, he knew George was a bit stupid, but he persisted.

  “Think, you go to France for a few months. They relax. Then you come back and surprise them. You do what you like and you get your wife in line. It is good plan. Yes?”


  “George, we must have no trouble at this time. Are you with me?”

  “Yes. O.K. but I will get her.”

  “In time George. Not while the police are watching. Patience.”

  “O.K., you are the boss Ivan.”

  “And we must still work. We still do Solveig business while we put our plans down. O.K?”

  “Yeah, sure. What about Solveig?”

  “Sonia is worried about Sara’s new boy friend. Wants him checked out. It is normal business. You George, go to the Barclay Court. Take an inconspicuous place. Watch them. I wait for you call. When they break up we follow Sara and this Frank. If nothing happens, fine. But we watch. I want to know all about this Frank.”

  “No problem.”

  “O.K. I go now George. I have a lot to do. You relax, help Alex. Then about eight go by taxi and book into a Bed and Breakfast. Be sure to look respectable. Then about nine thirty you go to Barclay Court. There you watch as I said.”

  Chapter twenty

  As the party assembled in the Barclay Court they were unaware that they were to be watched. First Peter came alone and sat solitary at the bar. Then Samuel led Sonia in. Peter stood up and welcomed them asking them what they would have to drink. It was clear to Peter, from the tender way his father introduced and treated Sonia, that he was serious about her and he could see that Sonia was equally considerate of Samuel.

  “Come and sit, I’ll get the waitress to bring us drinks,” he said indicating to a seating area out behind the main bar.

  “No Joan?” Samuel enquired, looking around.

  “No, she has some business with her lawyers, but she promised to be along later.”

  “ Joan is my wife,” he added as an explanation to Sonia.

  As they settled, Sara came in with Frank and Sonia made the introductions. Peter was taken with Sara. She was very attractive in a dark suit and white blouse.

  “Glad you could find us,” Sonia said as Peter went tried to attract th
e waiter and order more drinks.

  “Sonia said you might be along,” Samuel said with a friendly gesture to them to sit. “Nice to met you again Sara. And you Frank.”

  “We would have been earlier,” Frank replied, “ but I had to meet one of my former students. He had a problem with his girl friend.”

  “Sorted?” Samuel asked.

  ““Yes, I won’t go into details, but they wanted guidance on where to find some cheap accommodation. I bought an evening paper and took them through the vacant flats. They are staying at Robbo’s parents presently and want to move out when they get their first months pay.”

  “Young children these days,” Samuel said and they nodded in agreement.

  “The girl was very quiet,” Sara said. “I think maybe she has some deep trouble. Looked very nervous, I thought.”

  “I didn’t know you were a teacher?” Peter said, addressing Frank as he returned having ordered the drinks, and changing the conversation.

  No one noticed George in a position at the far side of the bar. George was in a panic. He had come as instructed by Ivan to watch Sara and her friend Frank.

  He was amazed to find Peter Burke in the hotel and more amazed to see he was somehow connected to the company in which Sara and Frank sat. He had seen Peter come in and had half turned, half hidden behind a newspaper.

  As the group settled away from the main bar, George waited for his opportunity, not helped by the fact that Peter seemed to be hopping up and down getting drinks, and when the coast was clear, George slipped out of the bar into the main lobby.

  George had a mobile phone in his pocket to call Ivan later, but he decided now was the time.

  “Ivan,” he said when he got through, “big problem. The group Sara is with includes peter Burke. He is the father of Ann my stepdaughter. I don’t want to stay in the bar in case they see me. He will certainly recognize me if he catches sight of me.”

  “George, you are always in trouble.” Ivan sighed, “go up the road to the Jury’s hotel and have a drink there. Take the night off. I will look out for this Frank with Sara for myself. You must not go home. Have a pint or two at my expense, then you go to stay in your Bed and Breakfast. Do you understand?”


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