For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 21

by Michelle Love

  I move around to his side. His strong arm comes around me, shrouding me and making me feel a lot safer. Things go quiet as we get closer to my office door.

  The light’s off in there, just the way I left it. And whatever movement had been going on out here hasn’t set off the motion-sensing lights. So that’s good. I don’t mind dealing with ghosts as much as I do real live, evil people.

  “Anyone in here?” Grant asks as we walk in, activating the lights that show us the room is indeed empty.

  “You guys ready?” asks a man’s voice from right behind us. I let out a shriek that could curl someone’s hair. Along with that, I practically climb up Grant’s body and have wrapped myself around him like a python.

  Rick, the driver, bursts into laughter at the sight, and I try not to bitch him out. He has no idea what I’ve been through, and I don’t want to tell him about it. “Rick, you scared the shit out of me.”

  I climb off Grant, who’s equally as shaken but doesn’t show it the way I have. “Man, she sure can climb.” Grant laughs it off as we follow Rick into the hall and I lock my door once again.

  My heart’s still pounding, but I feel like the portal just let in a few kids or something like that. Nothing dark. Not yet anyway.

  I wonder if there’s anyone who knows how to close a portal to the other side.

  Chapter 35


  My hands shake as I hand the gate guard the release papers and he points me to the back of the complex. “I’ll radio that his ride is here. Just park along the curb, and he should be out shortly.”

  “Thank you.” I hop back into the car and let the driver know where he needs to go.

  Jake and Becca look nervous. Becca looks at me, and a seldom seen smile curves her lips. “You did it, big bro. I have to be honest—I didn’t see you going through with all this. You have proven me wrong.”

  “Thanks for admitting that to me, Becca. I’m striving to make the future better for us all. I wanted to let all of you know I’ve got your college tuition paid in full if any or all of you want to go. I wasn’t there for you, but I am now. You need anything, you’ve got it.” Isabel takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. Looking at her sweet face, I know she’s the reason I’ve found myself again.

  The driver stops, and we all look out the window. The gate starts to open, and a door to the building inside. The guard who has watched over my father steps out and waves. We all get out of the car and stand, waiting for our father.

  The smile on the guard’s face makes my heart sing. He’s so happy this day has finally come for Dad. Dad comes out, wearing a white jump suit—I suppose he had nothing else to wear.

  “I’ll get to shopping online for him right away,” Isabel whispers to me. “Should’ve thought about that. Must’ve slipped our minds. Not to worry though. He’ll have things before night falls. I’ll have them delivered to your place.”

  “Our place,” I remind her as I give her hand a squeeze. “And thank you, baby.”

  She smiles, and my heart melts a bit more.

  Jenny is the first to step up and wrap her arms around our father. “Dad…” she has to gulp back a lump in her throat. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Tears run down his face as he says, “I’ve missed you too, Jenny.”

  Jake and Becca join the hug and they all cry. I stand back and watch them all. Enjoying the thing I made happen.

  “You did all of this, Grant Jamison,” Isabel whispers. “You better be feeling proud of yourself—you deserve to.”

  “I do, baby. I do.” I wipe away a tear that’s escaped from my eye and clear my throat. “Your chariot awaits, Dad.”

  Reluctantly, they all let each other go and file into the car. I reach out my hand and Dad takes it, then I pull him into a hug. “Thank you, son. I owe you my life.”

  Fighting to get a rein on my emotions at least a little, I kid with him. “I think I owe you mine, Dad. Just returning the favor.” Letting him go, we both wipe our eyes, and I put my arm around Bell. “Dad, this is Isabel Sanchez. But tomorrow night she’ll become Isabel Jamison. We’re getting married.”

  His smile is thin and his eyes twinkle. “Congratulations.” He takes Bell’s hand and delivers a kiss on top of it. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Isabel.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Jamison.” Isabel smiles back at him.

  “Mr. Jamison?” Dad asks with a playful grin. “Who’s that? You call me Dad.”

  My heart clenches, and I nearly lose it as he’s offered her more than I ever expected. And Isabel lets a few tears loose as she says, “Nothing would make me more proud than to call you Dad. Thank you.”

  “Thank you, too. I know your relationship with my son has helped him become the man he is today.” Dad gives us a nod then climbs into the car.

  Dad hit the nail on the head, and I let Isabel slide in before I slide in next to her. “Home please, Rick.”

  It’s quiet, as no one’s quite sure what to say. Bell breaks the ice. “So, we’re calling-in tonight for dinner. What have you missed the most, Dad? We’ll get that.”

  “Daphne’s meatloaf.” He looks at Jenny and narrows his eyes at her. “You think you remember how to make that, Jenny? You used to help your mother make that all the time.”

  Jenny smiles. “I do, actually.” She looks at Bell. “When we get back, I can run to the store to get everything. We’ll make dinner tonight at your place.”

  Bell is quick to help, as always. “Sounds great. Here, I have this app for the store near our place. You can type in what you need and they’ll deliver everything, so no one has to go off grocery shopping.” She looks around at everyone and adds, “You all type in anything you guys want. Order everything you want to make your stay a pleasant one.”

  Dad leans his head back and sighs. “I don’t know how to work that gadget, but Jenny, order me some beer. It’s been so long since I had a nice cold beer.”

  “Beer it is, Dad. I bet you missed Mom’s brownies—I have that recipe too.” Jenny starts tapping away with her orders.

  “Wait,” Dad says then looks a bit sheepish. “I hated her brownies. But I ate them because she made them for me especially. I loved her apple pie though. Do you know how to make that?”

  “I do,” Jenny says then laughs. “I bet I know why you hated them, Dad. It’s probably the same reason we all did. It was her special ingredient, wasn’t it?”

  Dad laughs, and I love the sound of it. I find a happy expression on everyone’s face as he laughs loudly. “Well, who the hell puts chopped up jalapeno peppers in something like that? She thought just because I was from Texas that I liked jalapenos in everything.”

  We all laugh, and I can feel that old familiar feeling flowing through us all again. We’re going to be just fine in no time at all. I can see that now.

  Chapter 36


  One day later

  It’s been a long and busy day as we had to go to the club early to prepare for the Halloween Ball. I’m finally taking a half hour to myself to take a long hot bath and try to settle down a bit from the abundance of activity.

  Sipping some red wine, I lay back and just relax. The first stop this morning was the spa to get my body prepped to the max for our wedding. No one knows about it, except the other owners.

  As I lie here, I can imagine the hearts of many of the women in the club will be broken when they watch the man they all lust after marry someone they had no idea he had any kind of relationship with.

  Another sip of wine and I close my eyes.

  What a day.

  Grant and I have had everything we need brought into one of the private apartments here at the club. All I have to do now is get out of this tub, head into the bedroom, and get ready. But oh, how good this feels, just lying here in this hot water.

  Grant is lying on the bed, taking a little nap after the quick shower he took. We had a long night last night, visiting with his family and laughing so much our cheeks hu
rt when we finally went to sleep.

  And the morning came far too soon. Grant and I excused ourselves just after breakfast, telling his family that we had to head to the airport to get on a private jet to Las Vegas to get married.

  We’re both sad they won’t be attending the wedding, but we couldn’t ask them to come to a BDSM club after all.

  Somewhere deep inside of me, I wish we’d made different plans for our wedding. I wish his family could be there when we say our vows. But I also want all the women in this club to know that the man is mine and to keep their hands, and especially their lips, off of him.

  I don’t want any woman coming to him, asking for his expert training. I don’t want any woman coming up to Grant for anything really. Not any woman in this club, at least. They all have one thing on their minds when they look at my fiancé. Exquisite torture—and all are hopeful he’ll decide to fuck them by the end of it all.

  This sounds selfish and I’m well aware of that, but I’d like it if Grant and I could get out of this business. I can’t see us having anything close to a normal marriage and family if we keep being so involved in the hands-on running of this club.

  And now that he’s got his family back in his life, I hate that we’re lying to them. There have already been too many secrets in that family. No need to add more.

  We can maintain our relationship however we want. No reason to stop doing things that turn us both on. But I’d prefer we leave the club out of it. Make it private and personal. It’s not as if Grant will ever show me off on stage again. Not after tonight.

  And tonight nothing is going to happen that shows off my body. He was adamant about that. No, tonight will be about my complete and total submission to him—about how I will make him my number one priority, forever.

  Grant’s been a top priority to me since I met him anyway. It’s not going to change much for me. Putting him first has never been an issue, not really. And he’s putting me first in his life now. That makes it so much easier to make this commitment to him.

  A crashing sound has me jolting up in the tub, and I see the wine glass I’d been holding has fallen out of my hand without me knowing it. Maybe I was kinda falling asleep and dropped it.

  The bathroom door flies open and Grant’s standing there, wearing only his black, tight, boxer briefs, rubbing his sleep-filled eyes. “What happened? You okay?”

  “I dropped my wineglass. I must’ve been falling asleep in here. I was so relaxed. Until I made this mess, that is.” I look at the red wine that’s spilled all over the white tiled floor and the sharp shards of glass that litter it too.

  I move to get out of the tub but Grant stops me. “Stay put. I’ll clean this up and then you can get out. I don’t want you to cut yourself.”

  Lying back in the tub once more, I gaze at my handsome man as he kneels to clean up the mess I’ve accidentally made. He’s amazing. Wonderful. And he’s about to be all mine and mine alone.

  “I love you, Grant Jamison.” I bite my lower lip as my body heats for him.

  Placing the glass he’s picked up in the trash can, he smiles and shakes his head. “Your face is glowing. I know what you want, and there’s no time for that. We have to dress, and you have your hair and makeup to do still.”

  I reach over and pull the plug up to drain the water from the tub. “I think a nice shower would help you wake up, Grant.”

  “I think I already took one right before I laid down. And I think you just want to get me naked and in the shower with you.” He picks up the damp towel he’d used before and wipes the wine off the floor. “Housekeeping won’t be happy about the stain the wine’s going to leave on this white towel.”

  With the water mostly out of the tub, I stand up. Placing one hand on my hip, I lean back against the tiled wall and gaze at the man I’m about to marry. “Just looking at you can turn me on. Did you know that just thinking about you turns me on, Grant?”

  My eyes move down to watch the bulge in his boxer briefs expand. His hand moves over the growing appendage as he sighs. “Start the shower. You’ve started something here and you’re going to have to finish it now.”

  With a smile, I pull the curtain closed and start the shower as he ditches his underwear and gets in with me. His mouth crashes down on mine as he picks me up and slides me down onto his huge erection.

  How did I manage to get him this erect with only a few words?

  It seems I’m magic.

  He presses me against the wall as he makes hard thrusts into me and his mouth leaves mine, kissing along my neck until he gets to my ear. “You got your way, you little minx.”

  My body is on fire for him, and I rake my nails across his back. “Are you mad at me?”

  “I should be, shouldn’t I? You made a mess I had to clean up. Then you made my cock rock hard for your sweet pussy and took away precious time we need to get ourselves ready to get married. I should spank that ass, shouldn’t I?”

  Now he’s gone and got me even hotter. Son of a bitch!

  “Oh, baby, I was so bad.” I moan as he gives me three hard thrusts before putting me down.

  “Grab those ankles, baby.” His hands move over my ass as I do as he says. Smack! Smack! Smack! Then he thrusts his cock back into me as I moan with desire.

  His hands on my hips pull me back to him as he pounds me from behind. The force of his grip has me falling apart inside, and I make a mewling sound as my body threatens to give in already.

  But I want to wait for him. I want us to do this together.

  One of his hands leaves my hip, and I feel another smack followed by another and then one more as he groans, “Oh, yeah. Oh, baby… Come for me.”

  His cock stiffens inside of me, and I come undone all over it. Panting, we let our bodies take all the time they need to come down from that high before he pulls his cock out of me and I stand up. Turning to him, I put my arms around his neck, and we just stand there, letting the shower wash the bodily fluids off us.

  “I love you, soon-to-be Mrs. Jamison.” His lips barely touch mine then he hugs me, tightly.

  “I love you too, baby. Now let’s get this show on the road. I can hardly wait to become your wife.”

  And then the lights go out, and it’s pitch black.

  What the hell is happening now?

  Chapter 37


  Holding Bell in the complete darkness, one worried thought filters into my head.

  Bart Mason…

  Could he have cut off our power from outside? Could he have made some plan to ruin the Halloween Ball? Or does he know we’re getting married soon and wants to ruin that?

  “We need to get some clothes on, Bell.” I pull the shower curtain back and step out of the tub before helping her to do the same.

  “I’m so cold, Grant. How did it get so cold so fast?” the words barely leave her mouth when we both realize exactly why that is.

  “Something’s here.” Holding her hand, I pull her along with me. Feeling my way with my free hand, I make it out of the bathroom and to the side of the bed, moving along it and up to the nightstand where my cell is.

  Light streams out of it as I turn on the flashlight app and point it at the closet where our clothes are. The door is standing wide open, and we should be seeing her big white dress and my black suit inside, but instead we’re staring at an empty closet.

  “Did you move our clothes, Grant?” Her teeth chatter as she lets my hand go to wrap her arms around herself.

  I grab the blanket off the bed and wrap it around her then take the sheet and wrap it around me. “No.” I put my arm around her, holding her close, and walk toward the closet.

  Looking inside, I find it’s completely empty. The shoes are gone too. We left the clothes we took off earlier on a chair in the room and I point the light at that and find they’re still draped where we left them.

  “Oh, good. We can put those back on,” Isabel says with relief. “I’m sure we’ll find the other clothes in the living room o
r something. We’ll look everywhere. There’s no way anything could’ve taken them out of this room. Right?”

  I don’t know about anything right now, but I don’t want my worry to become hers. “I’m sure you’re right. Whatever has gotten in probably came through the portal in your office. There’s no way a ghost could move those clothes through rooms full of people without being noticed.”

  Hurrying to get dressed in the jeans and t-shirts we wore to help set the club up for the ball, we slip on our running shoes last, and I wrap my arm around Bell again. Heading into the living room, I see I was right about a ghost not being able to take our clothes much further than the small apartment. But it seems it’s made short work of them anyway.

  Bell’s hands go to cover her mouth. “They’re ruined!” she gasps.

  Nothing but tattered shreds remain of our wedding clothes. Her gown is torn into pieces and the suit I was going to wear looks like Edward Scissorhands has gotten a hold of it. “This has to be the work of that dark spirit that rules Bart Mason. There’s no doubt in my mind.” I pick up a piece of her dress and sniff it, finding it smells like rotten eggs.

  Bell puts her fingers up to her face, holding her nose. “Sulphur. Yuk.”

  The phone in my hand rings and I see it’s Tad. “Hey, man.”

  “We’ve lost power,” he informs me. “I’m sure you’re aware of that. We sent security outside to see what’s happened and I called the electric company. They said there’s no outage in this area. We have the emergency generators, but our men can’t seem to get them started.”

  “And our members and guests?” I ask, as I have no idea what kind of chaos may be occurring inside the main club.

  “They’re spooked. It’s pitch black inside the club. But quite a few people have their cellphones out and are using them as flashlights.” He’s quiet for a minute, and we can hear something in the background. Someone’s screaming. “I should go see what that’s about. And you two should get to your offices if possible. With the power out, the doors can be opened by anyone, and we can’t have someone taking one of our computers and gaining all the confidential information we have saved on them.”


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