For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 22

by Michelle Love

  “We’ll get there,” I tell him then end the call.

  Bell’s trembling as she clings to me. “Grant, I have a terrible feeling about this.”

  “I’ve got you, baby. Trust me, nothing will get to you. I’ll make sure of that.” Heading to the door, we get out into the hallway and head toward the main room, which we’ll have to go through to get to the offices.

  We have to go through the corridor where the private rooms are. The normal sounds aren’t there. Only hushed voices that sound worried. One door opens, and my flashlight catches a man, clad only in black pants, with a woman in a leather corset. “What happened?” he asks as he shields his eyes with his hand.

  “The power went out. Nothing to worry about,” I say, trying to ease his mind. “You know, I think it would be a good idea for everyone to clear out of these private rooms. Head to the main room, okay?”

  With a nod, the couple walks in front of us. Isabel adds, “We should knock on the doors and make sure everyone is out.”

  The other couple helps us round up the people in the rooms and our group heads into the main room. When we come out the door, we find it eerily quiet. Cell phones are lighting up certain areas, and others remain cloaked in darkness.

  “We’re working on getting the generators going, guys. Things should be back to normal shortly.” I take Bell and head to the other side of the room to the door that leads to the area with our offices.

  The people murmur around us as we make our way through the crowded room. The banner that hangs high above the crowd starts to billow, making loud popping sounds, and everyone points their flashlights up to see what’s happening.

  A cracking sound fills the room and the banner, which is so big it spans the entire room, begins to fall. Moving faster with Bell, I manage to get out from under the heavy material before it falls on the crowd, covering the majority of the people in the room.

  Panicked cries call out for help and the rest of us who aren’t under the banner grab at the material to pull it off them. I have to let go of Isabel as we both grab the thing and pull it.

  Isabel shouts, “Stop pulling from the other sides. We’re just pulling against each other. Let go, and only those on this side pull the banner.”

  “Good thinking, Bell.” We start to make some progress now that the others have stopped pulling. But the people underneath are now making it harder on us as they freak out, trying to get out from under the suffocating weight of the fabric.

  I feel hands, pushing at me and Bell shouts, “Please, stop pushing! We’ll have this off in a minute. Please.”

  But it’s no use. They all panic and now we’re in danger of being run over. I reach out for Bell but find there are too many people between us. She looks at me with a frantic expression. “Just get out, Grant. I’ll meet you outside.”

  Everyone is going for the exits and chaos has taken over. I can’t stand the fact that I can’t grab Bell and I fight my way to her as she’s moved along with the crowd.

  Suddenly, I realize there’s another man who’s trying to get to her too—a tall man, wearing a wolf mask to hide his face. A black cloak is tied around his broad shoulders. He’s making a bee-line for her, and I shout, “Bell, it’s Bart.”

  She has to keep moving as the crowd won’t allow her to stop and she looks around. “Where?”

  “Just keep going, Bell.” I have to push people out of my way as my shouting has alerted Bart, and now he’s looking at me and hurrying to get to her first. He’s closer than I am and he’s more ruthless, too, I find out.

  Tossing people out of his way, bodies fly up and fall on each other. “Stop him!” I shout out.

  A few of the men near me see what I’m talking about and we all head toward Bart as he continues to fling people out of his way.

  The stairwell that leads everyone up to the top of the club could become very dangerous to these people if I can’t calm this crowd down. Something has to give. Something has to happen to help this situation.

  “Mom, help us,” I say under my breath. “I’ve never needed you more than I do right now.”

  An explosion rocks us all, and for a moment everyone stops and looks back. Orange and red licks of fire are coming out of the door that leads to the private rooms. Someone must’ve put a bomb in one of them. Then another explosion rocks us, and the panic takes everyone over as we all realize there might be one inside the main room too.

  In the mad rush, I completely lose sight of Isabel and terror fills me. “Bell? Bell? Where are you?”

  My body is crushed by the throngs of people who are pushing at each other, desperately trying to get out of the club and up to safety. People are pouring up the stairs and into the hallway where the offices are. I hope Bell is going that way, and that’s the direction I head.

  There are only three entrances and exits. The one our guests use, the one the employees use, and one where the apartments are located. But it seems that way out has been destroyed. Some five hundred people are having to leave this place by only two exits.

  Suddenly, the sprinkler system comes on, spraying us all. And then I feel the cold in the air. My breath forms a white cloud in front of me. “What now?”

  Chapter 38


  I can barely breathe as the air has become so cold and all of the pushing bodies are nearly suffocating me. Then I feel a hand close around my wrist and I’m being pulled by someone in front of me. I can’t see who it is.

  I’m forced through the crowd then pulled to one side, and suddenly realize I’ve been dragged out of the crowd and into my office. People continue to rush by in a solid pack, and I turn to find myself alone with a tall man with a wolf mask on. He’s wearing a black cape over a black suit.

  The door slams shut behind me even though no one closed it. A small light shines, illuminating the room a bit. “Bart?”

  He just stands perfectly still then takes off the mask, and I see it is Bart. “You left me.”

  “I did. And I won’t allow you to take me again. It’s best you don’t even try.” I’m not trying to intimidate him, but I am trying to let him know it won’t be as easy as it was the last time. I’m not jumping into a car with him and letting him take me anywhere.

  “You and I both know I have certain powers others don’t have.” He takes a step forward, and I take one back.

  Holding out my hand, I let him know what I know “You’re just a human, Bart. You have no special powers. That dark spirit you follow is simply using you. You’ll never be immortal the way it’s promised you.”

  “You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, Isabel.” He turns and walks to the corner of the room where the psychic told us he’d opened a portal. “And you will be coming with me. You can make it easy or you can make it hard, but you will be coming with me.”

  The letter opener on top of my desk glistens as the little flashlight he’s placed on the desk catches it. He doesn’t notice it as he’s too busy looking in the corner, and I ease up to the desk and pick it up, holding the sharp object behind my back.

  I’ve never contemplated killing anyone in my entire life. It’s odd how quickly my mind goes to how I can take this man out. One quick jab to his neck and I might hit his jugular vein, rendering him nearly helpless. And he’ll bleed out pretty quickly.

  Even though the man is pure evil and plans on killing me, I still don’t want to end things that way. Not if I can help it. So I try to talk some sense into him. “Bart, I’ve seen a psychic. She was spot on about everything she said. And she said this dark spirit is lying to you. You don’t have to do this. And she also said that taking my blood to give to this thing will kill me. You can’t bring me back to life by putting your blood into my veins.”

  Spinning around, he glares at me. “If you think you can say a thing to me that will lessen my belief in my master, you’re sorely mistaken. I don’t care what your psychic said to you. My master takes care of me. If he doesn’t have the power to make me immortal then how d
o you think I can travel through portals?”

  “Bart, I was also able to travel through a portal to get away from you. I don’t know how to explain it, but some spirits can make it so that living, breathing humans can travel through them too sometimes, I suppose. You need to believe me about this.”

  “And what about how I can control women with nothing more than my mind?” He looks at me with such hatred in his dark eyes. “Why is it they do everything I ask of them?”

  “I suppose the dark spirit has infected them somehow. I don’t have all the answers, Bart. I don’t claim to. But I believe what the psychic said to me. The light overpowers the darkness and it always will. And I follow the light.” I step back, getting closer to the door. “Did you put bombs in the club, Bart?”

  “As if I’m going to admit to that. You’re ridiculous.” With a step forward, he eases toward me.

  I keep stepping back nice and slow until my back is against the door. Then I reach down and turn the knob behind my back. With a lunge, he grabs me before I get the door all the way open. “No!” I should, but his hands clasp around my neck, choking me and ending my scream.

  My feet leave the floor as he picks me up. Up I go until he has me over his head and I look down at him. A smile curves his lips, and I see his incisors are sharp once more.

  A trick. I know that now.

  I’m not afraid, I keep repeating to myself. Then I recall the words Penelope told me to recite over and over. The light surrounds me, shutting out the darkness. Nothing is more powerful than the light. I can’t say it out loud, but I can think it.

  My hand still holds the letter opener, but I hold off from using it as I say the words over and over in my head.

  Bart moves backward, taking me with him toward the corner of the room. He’s planning on using the portal to transport us both to wherever he had me before, I’m sure.

  The door flies open, and I see Grant. So does Bart, and I’m released, falling to the floor.

  I cough and sputter as the air comes back into my lungs and I scramble to move my body as far away from the men as I can get. Crawling on my hands and knees to hide under my desk, I keep an eye on Grant.

  He’s furious and sounds like a raging bull as he tackles Bart, sending them both to the floor in a heap. Their fists pound each other’s bodies as both men make ferocious sounds. And then the air grows cold as ice, and I know Bart’s dark spirit is here.

  “The light surrounds me, shutting out the darkness. Nothing is more powerful than the light,” I recite out loud. Over and over, I say the phrase and feel the cold tightening around me.

  It’s only a scare tactic. It cannot harm me. I know that. I believe that with everything in me. I can’t believe my eyes as I watch Grant fly up into the air. Suddenly he’s flung backward, hitting the wall with a bang and somehow he’s stuck there.

  Bart stands up, breathing raggedly. His face is bleeding from all the hits he’s taken. Grant’s lip is busted but other than that, he seems okay. Bart walks slowly toward Grant. “You dare to think you can keep her away from the one who wants her. You are a fool. The master I serve is far more powerful than anything you’ve ever known.”

  Grant can’t seem to talk. It’s then that I notice his chest isn’t moving. I get out from under my desk and shout, “The light surrounds me, shutting out the darkness. Nothing is more powerful than the light.” Again and again, I say the words.

  Bart ignores me as he keeps moving toward Grant. “Your silly psychic has fooled you both it seems. She’s made you believe that those idle words can stop my master. He can’t be stopped with mere words.”

  I can’t take it anymore. The fact Grant can’t breathe fills me with a rage the likes of which I’ve never known. “Release him!” I shout. “I’ll go with you if you let him go.”

  Grant’s eyes go wide, but he’s helpless to move a muscle. I know he doesn’t want me to go with Bart. But I can’t stand to see him being hurt.

  Bart turns to look at me. His dark eyes roam over me as he cocks his head to one side. “You would give your life to spare his?”

  “In a heartbeat,” I let him know. “Now let him go.”

  Bart laughs maniacally. “I don’t have him. My master does. I don’t know if he’ll let him go or not.”

  “Then I will never go with you, and your master will never have the blood he craves.” I take a step toward Bart, the letter opener clenched in my fist behind my back. “You will be the only one to shed blood, Bart Mason.”

  The fire in his eyes dances as he laughs and takes two long strides toward me. “You will feed my master with your blood. And then you will be filled with mine. And you will become mine!” he roars as he tries to pounce on me.

  “The light surrounds me, shutting out the darkness. Nothing is more powerful than the light!” I shout once more as I raise the sharp instrument I’ve been hiding, and it slams into his neck.

  The room is suddenly filled with a light so bright, it blinds me. Then I feel a hand take mine. I’m pulled by someone. This someone feels safe, so I don’t try to get away.

  From the bright light, I’m taken into the darkness. I can hear the sound of fire crackling but can’t see any flames. It’s pitch black as I’m pulled behind someone. Our footsteps echo around us.

  I feel as if we’re in a corridor of some kind, but have no idea where we are or who has me in their grasp.

  Suddenly, I’m stricken with worry about Grant and try to stop. “Grant. I have to get Grant.”

  “It’s me,” he chokes out in a scratchy voice. “Keep moving.” His hand tightens around mine, and I run with him.

  He slows down, and I hear the sound of a door opening, but I still can’t see anything. Then a familiar feeling comes over me. Material is touching me, and I’m stepping on what feels like shoes.

  Another door opens, and I see the windows I’ve seen once before—the bedspread with the flower pattern all over it is here too. We’re in Grant’s parents’ old bedroom. And I see Grant’s handsome face as he turns to me. “Mom came and led me here.” He grabs me up in his strong arms and holds me tight.

  “We’re safe!” I take his face between my palms and kiss him.

  He winces as I’ve forgotten about his busted lip. But he keeps on kissing me, holding me in his arms. Our hearts pound so hard, I can feel his thumping in his chest.

  A bright light fills the room. It’s so bright we can see it through our closed eyes. We stop the kiss and turn our heads to see that it’s coming from the closet.

  The figure of a woman stands in the middle. She’s waving, and Grant mumbles. “She’s closing the portal. And she’s trapping the dark spirit in it. You won’t be bothered anymore.” A tear runs down his cheek. “And she’s going now. She can rest now that everything has been taken care of.”

  “You can hear her saying all this?” I ask him as I feel his body beginning to tremble in my arms.

  “I can.” He rests his chin on top of my head, his voice weak, “Bye, Mom. I’ll see you when I get to where you’re going. I love you. Thank you.”

  A slight breeze moves over us, and I can hear a woman’s voice floating on it, “I love you all…”

  The light fades into darkness as Grant and I hold one another. “It’s over, baby.” His lips touch the top of my head. “It’s all finally over.”

  The End

  For Love & Torture Extended Epilogue

  A Billionaire Bad Boy Halloween BDSM Romance

  By Michelle Love


  Birds chirp in the cool, crisp morning air. I wait underneath the large oak tree in the back of our house. My brother, Jake, at my side. He nudges me in the ribs. “You ready for this, big bro?”

  “Jake, I’ve waited a lifetime for this day to come. And I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” I shift my weight as I look out at the bright sky, full of fluffy white clouds. “Today, Isabel will become my wife.”

  It took a month to get things back on track. The bombs to
ok out The Dungeon of Decorum. The other owners and I decided not to try to build it all back up again.

  Bart Mason’s body was the only one recovered from the rubble. Thankfully, no one else died in the fire. All that’s left of the club that once was is scorched ground. The entrance room that looked like a small shed burnt to the ground too.

  With so much that I don’t understand about portals and things like that, I paid the other owners for their parts of the property and will be leaving it just the way it is. I won’t be selling it, not ever. I had a tall fence built all the way around it, to discourage anyone from getting inside.

  Bell and I thought that was the best thing we could do.

  With that chapter in our lives over, we decided to have the wedding we both thought was more fitting for us. My family, the only ones attending. I asked Bell if she wanted anyone from her family to come, but she has no want to bring any of them back into her life.

  Tad is still the man who’s marrying us. He gives me a smile as my father walks out on the patio and nods to start the music Bell picked out to walk down the pathway to me. “Here we go.”

  I smile back and nod then turn to look at Bell as she walks out to take my father’s arm. The white dress she has on flows down her gorgeous body, a long train moves behind her as she walks down the stone path toward me.

  A veil covers her face, hiding it a bit from me through a thin sheer material. Each step she takes brings her that much closer to me, and my heart pounds with excitement and hope for a great future.

  Dad stops just before he gets to me and kisses her cheek through the veil. “Here you go, sweetheart.” He looks at me and winks. “Take good care of her, son. She’s one in a million.”


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