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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 82

by Michelle Love

  From the beginning, I had known that she found me attractive. Now, I shamelessly used that knowledge, letting my foot rest against hers, my leg close enough to her that I could feel the heat radiating off of her, and my hand lightly stroking over her thigh.

  At first, she was sleepy and sort of relaxed, but as I kept playing with her, I actually felt her start to warm up under my attentions. She turned to me and her eyes were wide, luminous, brilliant and glistening, her breath hitching just a little bit.

  I gently wiped at her lips with my napkin, just a little bit playfully. When I kissed her, she tasted of tomatoes and garlic bread and something else—something I simply identified as Kaye.

  “Thank you for all of this,” she whispered sweetly to me when the kiss finally broke. There was nothing in her eyes but trust and caring. She didn’t suspect me in the slightest.

  The tiniest twinge of guilt went through me, but I forced it ruthlessly down. This was going to be more difficult than I had thought—not because she was fighting me on anything, but because she wasn’t.

  This was far easier than taking candy from a baby, and I made the decision—right or wrong—right then and there. I was going to push any thoughts about the real reason I was doing this from my mind and simply focus on how much I genuinely did want her.

  “You’re welcome,” I murmured, then cleared my throat. My voice had come out husky and deep, and it was then that I realized that I had been teasing myself as much as I had been her. Maybe even more.

  “I have something I want to ask you.” I looked right at her, fighting down the most bizarre, unaccountable surge of nerves. It wasn’t like I had much doubt about what she would say, but the nerves were still there.

  “What is it?” She looked at me curiously, and I realized this was maybe my last chance to back out.

  Not interested, I thought to myself. I’d worked too hard already to throw this all away and I really wasn’t even sure why I’d thought of stopping this at all.

  I still had the same dreams I’d always had—of building Black Tech into something my grandfather would have been proud of. And Kaye, for all of her sweetness, was still standing in the way of what I wanted.

  “I want to take things to the next level with us,” I admitted, and I let myself get lost in the moment. For just a few seconds, I let the feelings I was having for her come forward, to hopefully make me sound sincerer.

  For just a moment, there was a flash of wariness in her eyes. I had noticed something about Kaye. Though I had wondered how she could be a virgin at her age, I had learned she was quite cautious, especially when it came to matters of the heart.

  Which only made her more impressive to me.

  “What do you mean?” She turned to face me fully, as much as the chair she was perched in would allow. Her voice sounded neutral enough, and though I was very watchful, I didn’t see any sign she wouldn’t be open to what I was about to say.

  “I mean that I feel things for you, Kaye. I want to see where this goes between us,” I confessed. “I want to make things exclusive between us. I don’t want to see anyone else. And I don’t want you to, either.”

  As I was saying the words, I realized that it was true. I had no interest in any other woman, not even sexually. Just Kaye. I let the sincerity show in my words and shine in my eyes.

  Suddenly, she grinned. Just like that, she flung herself at me and I had her on my lap, with her slender arms around me. She made a delightful armful, to say the very least.

  “Of course,” she exclaimed, her lips still tilted up in a smile so bright I thought it might blind me. “Of course I want us to be exclusive. I haven’t even looked at another man.”

  I believed it. I also knew she was going to look—and do much more than look—soon enough. With Brent. The very thought of it made me just a little bit nauseous, but it was, after all, the whole point of all of this.

  “There’s more,” I warned her, once more pushing down my emotions about the future. It wasn’t the time to be negative. “I want to really take our relationship to the next level.”

  I paused and waited for her to get it, but she just looked at me, her body hot and beautiful as she perched on my lap. She really was remarkably innocent, and I couldn’t help but find it thrilling.

  I was already desperately hard just from our kisses and from the way she so trustingly came into my lap. I hadn’t touched another woman since before I’d set my sights on her, and my own hand was not a substitute for a gorgeous lady.

  So I pressed my hips up, letting the hardness of my cock press against her ass, letting her feel just how eager I was for her.

  “I mean sexually,” I clarified, and this was where everything was on the line. She could get offended and push me away, and then I would have to try to figure out how to deal with it. “I care about you a lot, Kaye. I want to show you.”

  I tried to look sincere and found it much easier than I would have thought. I did want her—that much I’d already known—but there was more to it. I wanted to give her a really amazing first time, the sort of thing she would remember for the rest of her life.

  Things were going to end badly between us. I already knew that and accepted it. And yet, I wanted her to have absolutely no regrets about her very first time.

  “I …” She paused and I had to fight to breathe slowly and evenly—to not let myself get too tense. Whatever she said here, we would be okay. She obviously wasn’t offended, so I could work with it.

  “I would like that,” she whispered, with a very sexy little flush on her cheeks.

  Deep down, I had known she would say exactly that, but it was still a relief to hear the words.

  I didn’t wait. I didn’t give her time to change her mind. Right then and there I stood up, sweeping her into my arms, and carried her to the bedroom.

  Here is where it all would change. I knew in my heart Kaye would marry me even then. She wasn’t the type of woman to give a man what she’d guarded for so long if she didn’t mean to spend the rest of her life with him.

  I was close to the prize.

  Chapter 9


  It had been less than a month since we’d started dating—since we’d even met, really. Less than a month, and yet when he asked me to go to bed with him, there wasn’t really even a chance of me saying no.

  This wasn’t me. It wasn’t who I was.

  I barely recognized the woman who clung to David as he carried her easily through the mansion. This woman—the one who could own a mansion and be carried so romantically by a gorgeous man—she was a stranger to me.

  Her life, however, was a lot more exciting than mine was, and I gave myself over. I let her have control. She knew what she wanted, and to be honest, it was the same thing I wanted.

  I’d held onto my virginity long enough. I could trust David and I knew he would make it amazing for me. It was time.

  With exquisite gentleness, he put me down on the bed. He took a step back and tugged his shirt off, and for the first time I was afraid.

  He was so big, so strong, and so masculine. He could hurt me, maybe without even meaning to.

  For a second or two, the scared girl I had been for so long—the girl who was afraid of letting anyone close to her—that girl almost took over. But then David was there, half naked, beautiful, sweet, and tender as he leaned in and kissed me.

  It was soft at first—gentle—as though he knew I needed to be soothed. As he went, he slowly turned up the heat until the kiss seared me right down to my soul and made me quake with need for him.

  He knew just what I needed, and he soon had me melting into the heat of our kisses. When he slid his hand under my blouse and started to undo the buttons—one by one—I let him.

  Soon, I was very glad I had. He expertly undid my bra and my breasts tumbled free. His fingers slid over my smooth skin, pausing over my nipples to toy with and tease them.

  I watched, breathless, as his mouth replaced his fingers. The hardened little nub of
my nipple disappeared between his lips and he suckled at it while he pushed my shirt off.

  Our clothing was falling off, and even the warm air felt cool against my heated skin. After the first surge of nerves had been chased away by his touch, they never came back. He was too good, and arousal spurred me on past any fear I might have felt.

  I had spent so much time living in my head. He brought me back into my body, made me feel these exquisite sensations, and showed me I had nothing to fear.

  So far, everything we’d done together had involved him doing things to me. For the first time I reached out, slipping my hand curiously over his flat stomach, over the ridges of his abs, and down over his hips.

  His skin was softer than I would have thought and so warm. My fingers tingled as my hand worked its way down over his hipbones, tracing over them before I got brave enough to wrap my fingers around him.

  So hard. So hot. But smooth and soft, too. He felt like a warm, living steel bar covered in silk. I stroked over the length of him curiously and smiled a little when I heard him make the hottest, most gorgeous gasp of pleasure.

  I had no idea what I was doing, at least not on a conscious level. His noises, though, taught me quickly. When he slid his fingers between my legs, tracing over my swollen, wet, sensitive folds, it seemed to tap into some sort of instinct, and my grip on him firmed.

  “I love you,” I admitted, and it was only when I said the words that I realized how very true they were. It was the only reason I was allowing him to do this at all. I never would have let anyone touch me like this if I didn’t love them, and I was about to let him do a lot more.

  I could tell he was surprised by those three words, and who could blame him? Everything between us was so new and this was all going so fast, but it didn’t stop those words from being true.

  It turns out I could fall in love. I had thought perhaps it wasn’t possible for me, but when it was the right person, at the right time, I could definitely do it. Still, it was very quick, and I didn’t expect him to say the words back to me.

  Even if I just knew I meant something to him, it would be good enough. And I could tell I did just by looking into his eyes.

  After a few seconds he smiled and nodded, and his free hand—the one not doing amazing things to my clit—reached out as he ran his fingers affectionately over my cheek.

  “I love you, too,” he whispered. Those words went straight to my heart and made it feel like it was swelling within me. Right then, I knew what it was to feel true, complete happiness. I couldn’t keep the huge smile off of my face.

  He loved me!

  “Really?” I breathed, and I felt my body tensing with the sensation I’d only felt a few times before. I was going to have another orgasm, and at least a part of it was due to the words he’d just spoken to me.

  “Yes, really,” he murmured as he eased a finger inside of me. It felt good, but it wasn’t quite enough. I knew what I wanted and needed. “And I’m going to make you come until you can’t anymore.”

  He flicked his finger in the exact right way and I cried out, wrapping my free arm around his strong shoulders. I clung to him as I worked on his member, stroking it, desperate to give him even a fraction of the pleasure he was giving me.

  Seconds later my whole body was convulsing, shaking with the force of the pleasure that slammed through me, robbing me of my senses, and leaving me breathless and gasping.

  “That’s just the start,” he murmured, and I got the distinct idea he was enjoying himself.

  “Just a second, please,” I moaned, trying to pull myself together. The way he touched me, the way he made me orgasm almost without trying, was a bit overwhelming. I needed to catch my breath.

  “If you want to rest for a second, there’s something I wouldn’t mind you doing,” David said with a small, mischievous smirk on his handsome face.

  At first, I didn’t know what he wanted, but I figured it out when he gestured downward. I followed his gaze and blushed a bright red all the way to the tips of my ears.

  If anyone had told me I would actually want to take a man into my mouth, I would have laughed at them. I had always found the whole idea a little bit gross. But for some reason, when my eyes landed on his thick, hard cock, I found it difficult to look away.

  “You don’t have to,” he assured me, and I took a deep breath. I wanted to. It was a little scary, but then, all of this was.

  “Tell me if I do it wrong,” I whispered, then gently pushed him until he was off of me and pressed him onto his back.

  I started off kissing his lips, which I was fairly used to. I let myself get worked up by the movements of our lips together until it felt like molten lava was running through my veins instead of blood. Soon enough, it seemed natural to start to kiss lower.

  His body was gorgeous. Utterly stunning. I had never given much thought to how beautiful a man would be naked, but this man drove me wild. I kissed over his chest, licking lightly at his nipples, and headed down over his stomach, tracing with my lips what I had only touched with my fingers before.

  “Kaye,” he moaned, and it was more than enough to keep me going. I would do anything to hear him speak to me like he could lose control any second.

  Lightly, I brushed my lips over the very tip of his cock, then parted them to lick at him. The taste actually made me moan softly—salty and sweet and so very masculine.

  “Kaye, God, yes,” he whispered, and I felt his fingers clench into my hair—not pulling, just encouraging me. Feeling bolder, I let him in further, taking him inch by inch.

  The taste and the way he stretched my jaw wide—somehow I couldn’t get enough of it. To my surprise, I enjoyed it, and those noises he kept making—little groans and pleasured whispers—only made it better.

  I was starting to get into a rhythm, and I was pretty proud of myself. He started leaking more slippery pre-cum into my mouth, and I knew beyond any doubt that he was feeling good—all because of me.

  Suddenly, he reached down and pulled me away from his erection, making me look up at him worriedly. Had I done it wrong?

  One look at him as he tugged me up reassured me. His color was high, his dark eyes alight with arousal, and his lips parted with his hurried breath. No, I realized, I hadn’t done anything wrong.

  I’d done everything right.

  “Kaye,” he gasped, as he slowly got himself under control again. I stared at him, realizing I had seen him right at the edge. He’d brought me to orgasm before, but I’d never done the same for him. This was my first time seeing him so close.

  “I wanted you to finish,” I admitted, and he favored me with a smile.

  “I will. But I didn’t want to come in your mouth this time,” he murmured. He was aroused enough that everything he said came out sounding sexy as hell. “I need you, Kaye. I need you now.”

  As he spoke, I became aware of my own need and of how empty I felt. My body knew what it wanted. Maybe this was going to be my first time, but I still knew. The only thing that would satisfy me was him up deep inside me, taking me and making me his.

  “Now,” I urged as I lay back on the bed, spreading my legs. I must’ve looked terribly wanton, but I didn’t care.

  Especially not when I saw how he looked at me—like I was everything he’d ever wanted.

  He covered me, slipping his tight, hot, muscular body over me, my hardened nipples pressing against his chest. His hips seemed to fit perfectly between mine—like they belonged there.

  “My Kaye,” he murmured, and then he pushed inside of me. Slowly, carefully, he eased into my hot, tight channel, and I gripped tightly around him. Maybe there was pain. I honestly couldn’t say.

  The only thing that mattered was that he was finally inside me. When he bottomed out, I clutched him to me and rocked toward his hips, letting the desperation in me take over.


  I had been outright fantasizing about this moment for so long, and part of me, way deep down—a part I didn’t like to consider to
o much—had wondered if it would ever happen.

  Gazing down at her, it was still a lot to take in. This beautiful woman, so sweet and caring, was giving herself willingly to me. I knew I could get most women if I put my mind to it. I knew I could do almost anything when I was determined enough.

  Part of me, though, had thought Kaye was just too good for me. Out of my league.

  But she was in love with me.

  I echoed the words back to her, of course. I wasn’t stupid enough to turn down her devotion, especially when it was exactly what I wanted. It wasn’t like I meant them.

  Did I?

  It was sort of hard not to think about loving her when I gazed down at her. She was so gorgeous, and when I slipped inside of her, she clenched around me like she wanted to pull me as deep inside of herself as humanly possible.

  I’d never been with a virgin before and I’d been a little bit worried I would hurt her when I took her. If she was in pain, though, she wasn’t showing any of it. I sank inside her, and she welcomed me, arms wrapped around me, her wet channel gripping me tightly as her hips rocked up to meet my thrusts.

  “Kaye,” I whispered, and I started off nice and slow. She had no patience for slow, though, and I felt the slight sting of her nails as she gripped at my shoulders, pulling me closer to her.

  I felt her long, slender legs lock around my waist like she never wanted to let me go. Each slow thrust seemed to bring us closer together, and for once, I let myself just go with it.

  I knew women weren’t to be trusted. I even knew this woman wasn’t to be trusted, and I knew it could lead to heartbreak if I forgot it. But it was so easy to just lose myself in her, in our erotic dance, and for once in my life I decided to just let myself do it.

  Only it didn’t really feel like a decision. It was more like my heart took over for me and I didn’t try to fight it too much. Buried deep inside of her, nothing else seemed to matter.

  Each thrust and pump of my hips brought me just a little bit closer to giving in. By the time my orgasm was building, by the time I felt the familiar heat and pleasure as it coiled in my balls and made them clench up, I had forgotten all about why I was doing this at all.


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