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Street Banditz

Page 14

by CJ Hudson

  “Huh? Oh, man, I . . . I had to use the bathroom, but the door is stuck.”

  “That door ain’t been stuck all the years we been living here! Now all a sudden it’s stuck? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit-ass lie!”

  Hearing the commotion on the other side of the door, Tammy quickly dried off, threw on her robe, and opened the door. “What are you yelling about?” she asked.

  “That’s what I would like to know,” Janice chimed in as she made her way to Steve’s side.

  “Wait a minute. What the hell are you doing here at this time of night?” Tammy asked Steve.

  “Young lady, what did I tell you about this being my house?” she asked Tammy as she pointed to her chest.

  “Fuck all that! I just caught this nigga looking through the keyhole, trying to see Tammy naked!” Hakim yelled. “I’m ’bout to beat the blood out this bitch-ass nigga!”

  In true cowardly fashion, Steve took a couple of steps back as Hakim stalked toward him. Janice stepped between them while Tammy continued to venomously glare at Steve.

  “You are not about to beat nothing, and stop cussing in my damn house,” Janice said to her son. Then she slowly turned to face Steve. “Were you trying to spy on my daughter while she was in the shower?”

  “What? Hell no!” Steve then leaned in and tried to whisper in Janice’s ear. “To be honest, I thought it was you, baby. I went downstairs to get a glass of water, and when I heard the shower running, I assumed that you had decided to take a shower,” he lied. “I thought your kids were asleep, so I was going to come in there and give you some oral love.”

  “Oh God,” Tammy said as she held her stomach. The thought of her mother having oral sex made her sick.

  “You a liar,” Hakim screamed.

  “Hakim, what did I just tell you?”

  Without saying another word, Hakim stormed down the stairs and out the door. He slammed the door so hard it almost shattered the living room glass. Janice shouted out after him, but Hakim was long gone. Then she turned her rage toward her daughter.

  “You got something you wanna say? Let me tell you something, and you can relay this to your brother the next time you see his ass! This is my damn house! I have over here who the hell I want to have over here, and if either one of you don’t like it, y’all can find somewhere else to stay!”

  Tammy barely heard a word she said. She was in total shock that her mother chose to believe someone she had just met over her own son. With her mother still talking, Tammy turned, walked down the hallway, went into her room, and slammed the door.

  Chapter 17

  The buzzing sound of Ivory’s cell phone woke her up from the scintillating dream she was having. She looked around her small apartment bedroom and frowned. This more than anything told her that the high-rise condominium she had been lounging in was only a figment of her alternate reality. Sleepily, Ivory wiped the crust from the corners of her eyes as she reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her cell phone.

  “Hello?” Ivory became annoyed as she listened to the silence talking to her from the other end of the phone. “Hello?” she said louder.

  “Yeah, can I speak to Darnell, please?” a female voice spoke through the phone.

  Ivory instantly got an attitude. “Who the fuck is this?” she asked nastily.

  “Excuse me?” the woman responded.

  “You heard me! Who the fuck is this, and what do you want with Darnell?”

  “You know what? I don’t want shit,” she said calmly. “But tell Darnell that if this is the type of person he is going to have on his team, then there is no reason for us to do business anymore. Goodbye.”

  “No! Wait! Fuck,” Ivory screamed when she realized that the person on the other end had hung up the phone.

  She fell back on the bed, thinking that she had just blown her chance at making some bread. Five minutes later, her cell phone rang. She immediately picked up the phone that Darnell had left her and tried to answer it. After putting it up to her ear and not getting any activity, she realized that it was her phone and not the one she had in her hand that was buzzing. As soon as she answered it, Darnell tore into her ass.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how much money Marvin and his wife spend with me on a regular basis?”

  “Who the hell is Marvin?” Ivory asked.

  “Marvin is the guy whose wife you fucking disrespected when she just called you, that’s who!”

  “Look, I didn’t even know who the hell—”

  “You don’t need to know who the fuck it is! All you need to do while I’m gone is handle business and stop actin’ like a damn jealous-ass girlfriend! They gonna call you back in two minutes! Get yo’ shit together, a’ight?”

  Darnell didn’t even wait for Ivory to respond before he hung up on her. Although Ivory knew that she was wrong, she was still pissed at Darnell for talking to her that way. She was tempted to call him back and cuss him out for disrespecting her, but the other cell phone buzzed, so she had to put it on the back burner.


  “You ready to talk business like you got some fucking sense now?” the woman whom she talked to before asked her. Ivory wanted to reach through the phone and snatch her ass through it. But since she knew that she needed to make some bread, she swallowed the smart comment.

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” she said.

  “Good. Meet me at the Shoney’s in Akron today at two thirty. Bring three.”

  “Akron?” Ivory asked. It never occurred to her that she might have to leave the city to make a sale.

  The two women were quiet for a moment before the woman said, “Look, do you want to do business or not?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. Two thirty it is. I will be there.”

  “Cool. And, honey, let me give you a little free advice. If you are gonna be in this business, you can’t be actin’ like a jealous-ass wife. That shit will get you either knocked or killed. Think about it,” the woman said before she hung up the phone.

  Ivory looked at the phone and smacked her lips. “Who the fuck is this bitch to be trying to school me on the muthafucking game?”

  She looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw that she only had a couple of hours before she was supposed to be at Shoney’s restaurant.

  “Damn, they ain’t leaving a bitch no kinda time.” Ivory quickly jumped out of bed and got in the shower. After getting dressed, she decided she needed a blunt to calm her nerves. She was about to head up Interstate 77 south on a mission to sell marijuana, so she needed a few good puffs to be in control of her emotions. She quickly rolled up a fatty and set fire to it. She took a good, hard drag and slowly blew the smoke into the air. She was just starting to relax a little when she heard a loud banging on her front door.

  She started to ignore it but figured that she was about to leave anyway, so she might as well see who it was. After making her way over to the door and opening it, Ivory was greeted rather rudely by her landlord, Miss Tolliver, who walked right past Ivory without so much as a hello.

  “Well, come the fuck on in,” Ivory sarcastically remarked.

  “Rent day, Miss Thang. You got my money?” Before Ivory could even start to make up a lie, Miss Tolliver pointed to the burning blunt that was now sitting in an ashtray.

  “What the hell is that? I know damn well you ain’t smoking weed up in here! That’s a direct violation of your contract and grounds for immediate eviction.” Miss Tolliver took out her cell phone and took a picture of the ganja before Ivory had a chance to remove it.

  “What the hell did you do that for?” Ivory asked.

  “Evidence, Miss Ghetto Queen.”

  Ivory started to panic. She remembered quite clearly the clause in her contract that called for immediate eviction if she were ever caught using drugs. “Wait, maybe we can make a deal or something,” Ivory said.

  “What kind of deal are you talking about? I know damn well you ain’t trying to bribe me, ’cause you d
on’t have the money to do that. Shit, if you did, you wouldn’t be late on ya damn rent.”

  While Miss Tolliver was talking, Ivory was racking her brain trying to figure out how she was going to get her bitch of a landlord not to kick her out into the street. She had violated her rental agreement, and if she didn’t come up with an idea that was to Miss Tolliver’s liking, she was going to have to find another place to live. She was about to open her mouth and try to bribe her anyway with an offer of an extra $50 a month for her to forget that she ever saw the burning blunt, but she kept it closed when she noticed how the woman kept looking at it.

  Ivory zeroed in on her eyes, and for the first time since she’d been there, Ivory saw something in them. She recognized it instantly. It was the look of a person who was feenin’ for weed. Ivory looked at the blunt and then back at Miss Tolliver and smiled on the inside. She knew just what it would take to make Miss Tolliver forget about what she saw.

  “Miss Tolliver, you looked kinda stressed. Why don’t you come over here and sit down on the couch?”

  Miss Tolliver gave Ivory a strange look and began to back away. Not wanting to let her off the hook, Ivory quickly ran beside her and grabbed her hand. “Hey, I don’t play that shit. I’m strictly dickly,” she said, still looking a tad nervous.

  “What? Nah, I ain’t like that. I’m just sayin’ you look a little stressed, that’s all. Here, take a puff of this, and all yo’ troubles will disappear.”

  At first, Miss Tolliver hesitated, knowing that it was a very bad idea to be smoking dope with one of her tenants. But the strong scent and the powerful pull of the get-high stick was just too much for her to overcome. Ever so slowly, she held out her hand to accept the blunt. She looked at it for a second before transferring it from her hand to her mouth. Miss Tolliver closed her eyes and took a long pull. After holding it in for what seemed looked forever, she released the smoke into the air.

  “Oh, yes, that’s some good-ass shit,” she said as the addictive herb did its thing on her system. “This don’t mean you get a pass on the rent,” she said with a silly smile on her face.

  Ivory didn’t care about that. For the moment, her only concern was that she still had a place to stay. “I was just hoping that, you know, you could forget about what you saw in here today.”

  “Is that right? Let me take another hit of this, and I’ll think about it.” Miss Tolliver took another pull so fast Ivory couldn’t object even if she wanted to. “Tell you what,” Miss Tolliver said. “I’ll give you until tomorrow. But if you don’t have my bread by then, all bets are off, and I’m reporting your ass.”

  “Wait a minute! Your ass just sat up here with me, smoking dope, and you still gonna put me out? Even though you were smoking weed too? That’s fucking extortion!”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you call it! Either have my money tomorrow or get the fuck out.”

  Miss Tolliver got up and walked toward the door, smiling. She knew all along that if she had threatened to kick Ivory out and then acted as if she were feening for weed, she would be able to get a free high out of the deal. Ivory could have offered her an extra $200 a month and it would not have mattered. She wanted Darnell just that bad and figured that the only way she would ever have him was if Ivory was out on the street. She’d known for a while now that Darnell sold weed. She was just waiting for the right time to use it to her advantage.

  As soon as she walked out and closed the door, Ivory smiled. She was one step ahead of her weed-smoking landlord. While Miss Tolliver was on cloud nine as a result of the potent marijuana, Ivory had slyly pressed the record function on her cell phone and recorded everything that was being said. Knowing that she would have the money later that day, she let Miss Tolliver’s threat go unanswered and chose to save the recording for another day.

  Chapter 18

  Nancy woke up with her head in Hank’s lap. His dick was just inches from her mouth. She staggered up from her couch, where the two of them had fallen asleep, and stumbled to her bathroom. The last thing that she remembered was Hank cumming in her mouth just before she sniffed a large amount of cocaine up through her nostrils. After relieving her bladder, Nancy walked groggily back to her bedroom. She was surprised to see Hank so wide awake after both of them had gotten high and screwed like dogs in heat for most of the night. Hank didn’t touch cocaine, but he could smoke weed with the best of them. She sighed heavily when she spotted Hank’s rock-hard dick trying to poke its way through the sheets. Nancy was tired. Her womb was sore and her back ached. In no way did she feel like being pounded on so early.

  Sensing that Nancy was leaning toward not giving up the punanny, Hank reached down on the floor, dug into his pants pocket, and pulled out a small bag of cocaine.

  Nancy’s eyes widened as if she’d seen a ghost. The unspoken promise of giving her what she wanted—and, in her mind, needed—was all it took to ignore the pain radiating between her legs. Hank smiled as he pointed to his dick then to the bag of dope. Nancy understood exactly where Hank was going with his gesture.

  “The dick for the dope, baby. You can’t have one without the other.”

  Nancy closed her eyes slowly. She silently prayed that the Lord would push aside her sins and give her the strength to stand her ground against her addiction. An addiction that she now realized was growing by the second. Nancy opened her eyes and glanced at the clock. She had to be at work in an hour, but she hadn’t showered or even picked out any clothes to wear yet. But none of that mattered at the moment. All she could think about was the escape from reality that was guaranteed with each snort.

  “You know what? Fuck it. You taking too damn long,” Hank snapped as he got out of the bed and put the dope back into his pocket.


  “Who the fuck you yelling at like that?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just saying you don’t have to leave. I’ll do what you want me to do.”

  Nancy slowly walked toward the bed. She fought hard to prevent tears from falling from her eyes. She couldn’t believe that she had turned into a dopefiend who was selling her body to get high. Reaching out and grabbing Hank’s rock-hard dick, Nancy lowered her head. As her mouth wrapped around the head of it, Hank stopped her.

  “Uh-uh. Turn around and get on your knees,” he commanded.

  Nancy could already feel the pain. Her vagina already felt like it had friction burns. But the call of the hit was too powerful to resist. While Nancy was getting in position, Hank smoothly reached into his pants pocket again and pulled out a small tube of Vaseline. After squirting a small amount on his fingers, he rubbed the tip of his penis. Hank then rubbed his dick in an up and down motion against the back of her pussy.

  “You wanna raise yo’ voice to a brother, huh? Well, I’m gonna give yo’ ass something to scream about!”

  Nancy popped her lips. Although Hank’s cock game had been on point, his length was nothing to brag about. She’d taken much bigger dicks before. Taking that as a sign of disrespect, Hank drove every bit of his seven inches into her asshole. Nancy howled like a wolf at the moon. It wasn’t the first time that she’d experienced anal intrusion, but all the other times she’d known it was coming and expected it. This, however, was a complete surprise.

  “Yeah, scream, bitch,” Hank taunted her as he rammed into her anal cavity repeatedly. But Hank had severely underestimated Nancy’s dick-taking skills. Over the years, she had learned how to take it up the ass like a porno star. Once the initial shock wore off and she loosened up, Hank’s dick felt like a twig in a moon-sized crater. Nancy then clenched her cheeks up to make sure that Hank wouldn’t last long. A few seconds later, it was all over as Hank emptied himself inside of Nancy. The last drop had not even entered her body yet before Nancy started looking around for the bag of dope.

  “Where is it?” she asked.

  “Hold up. I’ll get it.”

  Hank had $500 in his pocket. There was no way that he was going to take a chance at getting his pocket picked. As s
oon as he got it out of his pocket, Nancy almost pulled his fingers off, trying to get at the drug. Hank just smiled as he lay back on the bed and lit a Newport.

  “Why, God, why?” Nancy asked after sniffing twice.

  * * *

  Detective Dryer sat in his car, drinking a steaming cup of coffee. On top of trying to find evidence to arrest Bobby and Red, Dryer was hard at work attempting to repair the relationship he’d held so dear at one time. Wondering where it all went wrong, Dryer shook his head as he reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. Dryer held up the soft pack of cancer rolls and looked at them long and hard. He’d been promising himself that he was going to quit for some time now. The Cleveland Police had shitty insurance. If he ever developed cancer, he was going to be fucked. Dryer shrugged his shoulders, stuck the cancer in his mouth, and lit it. After taking a pull, Dryer let the smoke slide through his nostrils and out into the air.

  Dryer looked at his watch and blew out a sigh. He was supposed to run up to Dunkin’ and go right back to the precinct, but instead, his heartstrings tugged at him and pulled him in an entirely different direction. He was torn as to whether to get out of his car and walk up to the door or to just say fuck it, start up the unmarked black Crown Victoria, and drive away. Dryer finished the rest of his cigarette and flicked the butt out the window. He then reached into the large box of doughnuts and took out a chocolate-covered twister. Before he could stuff his breakfast of choice down his throat, his eyes zeroed in on two people walking out of the apartment building.

  Dryer dropped his doughnut in disbelief. He looked at the slim black man, who seemed to be zipping up his pants, and became even more enraged. Dryer couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. The box of doughnuts was knocked off the passenger’s seat and onto the car’s floor. The white woman who was with the black man snapped her fingers as if she had forgotten something and went back into the house. Dryer walked as fast as he could toward the black man.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Hank saw Dryer coming toward him like a raging bull. Instinctively Hank reached for the pistol that was usually tucked in the small of his back. He grabbed nothing but air and then remembered that he had left his gun in his car. Hank then got in his boxing stance as Dryer got closer.


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