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Candidate For Love (Classic Romance Collection Book 2)

Page 17

by Lita Lawson

  As she slipped into her one-piece white swimsuit, she grabbed a few towels from the bathroom and joined JT poolside.

  He was already swimming in a small, narrow pool, totally secluded by high stucco privacy walls. Lush tropical foliage of palms, cactuses, and other plants she didn’t recognize lined the walls. Dim landscape lighting dotted the perimeter, and a luminous blue glow emanated from beneath the surface of the pool. All in all, it made for quite an intimate romantic setting.

  The Nevada heat had cooled down as the sun set, and the air was chilly. Christine dipped her toes into the water. JT’s dark hair was slicked back, droplets of water dripping from the ends.

  “It’s nice and warm,” JT said as he floated near her. “Come on in, babe.”

  Christine went to the deep end of the pool and dove in. Splashing, she came up and found JT swimming toward her.

  “That was a great dive.” His voice was husky in the still night. “But you did one thing wrong.”

  “And what was that?” Christine asked playfully.

  “You forgot to take your suit off.”

  “Oh?” Even though she had already been with JT, she felt a shyness come over her.

  “You’re not going to get bashful on me now, are you, Chris?”

  JT’s legs intertwined with hers as they floated in the water. His wet lips kissed the hollow of her neck, and he swam her toward the edge of the pool. Once there, she rested her arms out of the water on either side of her, holding on to the pool’s tiled edge.

  His kisses continued, moving to the top of the swell of her breasts. Christine closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his lips traversing her body, their warmth contrasting with the cool water. His head dipped lower, and his kisses were between her breasts.

  “JT, if you go any lower, you’ll be snorkeling.”

  He bobbed up to where his chin was just above the water. “Let’s take care of this unnecessary swimsuit.”

  Gently he held Christine’s arm as he pulled down one suit strap. Letting her regain her hold, he then did the same with the other strap. Ever so slowly, he peeled down the bodice of her suit until her chest was fully exposed.

  Her nipples puckered in the night air and in response to JT’s touch. He kissed first one breast and then the other. He pulled back so he could look at her before he slipped her suit down and tugged it completely off before tossing it onto a nearby lounge chair. Bobbing, he flipped onto his back, and did a quick backstroke.

  Christine couldn’t help but marvel at his erection in his dark triangle as he swam by her stark naked. She dove in and followed him until she pressed him against the side of the pool. Placing her hands on either side of his shoulders, she nipped his lower lip with her teeth and darted her tongue across his mouth.

  He massaged her breasts while they kissed, his legs kicking gently a few times to keep his place. Breaking their kiss, he took a deep breath and dove under the water.

  Christine gasped as he began kissing her between her legs. She backstroked until she could grab the sides of the pool for support, with JT still kissing as he floated along with her.

  After coming up for air, he grinned. “If this is any indication of what the honeymoon will be like, I might be in trouble.”

  She laughed. “I could never imagine you being in trouble in that department!”

  And they continued with their water sports until the early hours of the morning.

  • • •

  Christine had shopped on the main strip of Las Vegas for her wedding outfit, planning to dress differently than she had at her first wedding. No more a virginal, blushing bride, she’d chosen an outfit that was decidedly sexy and quite appropriate, considering that her groom was the sexiest man alive.

  She had selected a white leather suit. The leather was very thin so it wouldn’t be hot, but would still keep the January chill out. The jacket was single breasted, closing with one white leather-covered button. The skirt was straight and hit her just above the knees. She had bought a pale blue silk sleeveless shell to go underneath that complemented her eyes and her engagement ring. Her shoes were a simple sandal with a wedge heel. She’d never been to the desert, but she certainly didn’t want to wear shoes that she might trip in.

  As she got dressed late in the afternoon on New Year’s Eve, her pulse pounded a bit stronger at the thought of marrying JT. He was everything she had ever wanted, and more. The thought of waking up next to him for the rest of her life had kept a low-voltage hum of excitement running through her for days.

  When she walked out to the main area of their bungalow, she found JT pacing the length of it. He turned and looked at her. The emotion and desire she saw in his eyes were like a bolt of lightning in intensity.

  He looked wonderful. Dressed in a simple black suit, he was wearing a white shirt underneath. Instead of the normal tie, he wore a bolero string tie with a turquoise stone at his throat. His tan had darkened during their days in the pool, and his eyes gleamed like warm amber lava.

  “Wow.” He beamed at her. “You are drop-dead gorgeous.”

  Christine laughed. “You better not even be thinking of dropping dead on me today!”

  “No way, babe. I’ve been looking forward to this since I proposed.” He held out a bouquet of flowers. “Did you know there aren’t many blue flowers you can buy at a florist shop?”

  “I never thought about it.”

  “I wanted some blue to match your eyes.”

  She took the small bouquet from him. Blue cornflowers mixed with white rosebuds, nestled in a bed of fresh greenery. A pale blue satin ribbon wrapped around the handle, trailing in streamers.

  “JT.” She swallowed at the emotion that tightened her throat. “This is so sweet.”

  He kissed her nose and said, “Let’s get going. Our ride’s outside.”

  A shiny white limo waited for them. When her eyes widened at the sight of it, he said, “I thought something special might be in order today.”

  “This will do just fine.”

  Inside the limo, he popped open a bottle of champagne that was waiting in a silver bucket of ice. Once he’d poured each of them a glass, he held up his flute and said, “A toast to us. And to a life of happiness together.”


  A week later, JT stood looking out the window at Duke’s diner, taking in the view of the river and the tall pine-studded mountain behind it. If anyone had told him a while back that he would be married, have a young stepson, and be putting down roots at the start of this new year, he would have said they were crazy.

  Shaking his head, he smiled to himself. How love can change everything.

  Being with Christine had been a godsend, a cathartic experience that healed his painful wounds of being an unloved orphan shipped from one foster home to another. And Sammy. The boy reminded him how trusting and how especially precious children are. They needed and relied on the adults in their lives to be honest and caring, which was exactly what JT had missed out on in his youth.

  Now he had the chance to provide love and guidance to Sammy, even though he wasn’t his father. And Tad had increased the amount of time he spent with Sammy, which thrilled the boy.

  JT smelled Christine’s flowery perfume before she spoke to him.

  “Hey.” She stepped up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Nickel for your thoughts.”

  Smiling, he laid his arms on top of hers as they gazed out the window at the wintry landscape. They had just returned last week from their wedding trip to Vegas, and Duke and Livia had insisted on throwing a reception for them.

  JT patted Christine’s hand with his. “Just thinking what it feels like to be the luckiest man in the world.”

  Christine slipped around him and lifted her face to his with a smile. “Probably feels the same as being the luckiest woman in the world.”

  He studied her face, her sky-blue eyes that crinkled at the corners from laughter, her silky blond hair that fell to her shoulders, and her incredibly tempti
ng lips. Lips that he couldn’t seem to get enough of.

  Once again, he couldn’t resist the temptation. Angling his head, he slanted his lips over hers, gently kissing them, reveling in the sweetness, warmth, and inviting openness of Christine’s mouth.

  “Hey, you two.” Duke’s booming voice cut into their intimate moment. “Don’t you know it’s time to cut the cake?”

  “It is?” Christine smiled. She grabbed JT’s hand, and he willingly followed her over to the corner of the restaurant.

  Livia had outdone herself. JT could remember the birthday cakes she’d made for him when he was a teenager. At the time, being a hard act was more important to him than letting Livia know how much they meant to him. But this time, he could express openly how he felt about her love and the cakes she made for him.

  Already a circle of their friends and family were gathered around the cake table. Duke and Livia. Rosita and Taz. Nate and his parents. Sammy and Tad. Brad and his wife. JT was in awe of how many people had shown up.

  JT stood behind the cake, unsure of what to do. He couldn’t remember being to a traditional wedding before. He had been to a few weddings of famous rock stars, but he doubted the protocol would be the same. Somehow smashing cake into your wife’s face wasn’t his idea of how to show love for your partner. He decided he’d let Christine lead the way.

  She picked up the large cake knife and sliced a single piece from the top layer, and then placed on the plate Livia held out for her. Livia cut two small pieces and handed one each to Christine and JT.

  JT looked at his smiling bride and whispered, “Who goes first?”

  “I do.”

  He opened his mouth while she gently fed him the piece of cake. Then he did the same for her.

  “Now the toast.” Duke raised a glass, and the whole room of well-wishers followed suit.

  “To the best couple I can remember meeting. May they live long, happy, and prosperous lives together.”

  A round of applause sounded as Christine and JT sipped champagne from their crystal glasses.

  Livia came around the table and shooed them away so she could slice and serve the cake to their guests. As she did, JT took Christine by the hand and went around the room, making sure they had talked to every person who had come to celebrate their marriage.

  Livia approached them as they were talking to Sadie and her friends. “I apologize for interrupting, but it’s time for the bridal dance.”

  “No one said anything about dancing,” JT teased. Taking Christine by the hand, he led her toward the front of the restaurant where tables had been pushed aside to create a dance floor.

  “Remember the first time we danced together?” Christine looked in his eyes.

  He nodded his head. “I do. It was at the fundraiser for you, Madame Mayor.” Thinking about it for a moment, he asked, “Does that mean people will be calling me Mr. Mayor?” He grinned at her, enjoying the easy banter between them.

  “Would it bother you if they did?”

  “Not a bit, babe.”

  JT took her into his arms, and when the slow song started on the juke box, and Christine leaned her head on his shoulder. He stroked her silky hair as they gently rocked together, barely moving their feet.

  A multitude of feelings washed over him. Love. Peace. Contentment. This was the first time in his life he didn’t feel that itch to move on to the next town, to seek the next adventure. Instead, they would share their adventures together.

  He bowed his head over hers, enjoying the feel of her in his arms. Tightening his hold on her, he whispered, “I love you, Chris. I always will.” An overwhelming emotion rose in him, and a sting of tears came to his eyes.

  She looked up at him, her expression soft and her eyes glistening. “I love you too, JT.”

  His mouth sought hers, seeking to ease the ache in his chest. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her, of being with her and sharing the simple moments of everyday life together.

  “JT.” Christine’s voice was low, a caress of words. “Have you ever thought about having children?”

  “I never had, until I met you and Sammy.”

  “Well, I know we hadn’t really discussed the subject before, but I was hoping you’d want to have kids with me.”

  JT saw the hope and passion shining in her eyes. “I’d love to have kids with you.”

  “I’m so glad you feel that way.” Her eyes became teary.

  “Hey, what are the tears for? Did you think I wouldn’t want kids with you? I could never refuse you something you wanted, especially if it would make you sad.” With his thumb, he wiped the tears from her cheeks.


  “Yes, babe?”

  “I think we’re going to have a baby.”

  His feet stopped moving and her body bumped gracelessly into his. “What?”

  “I said, I think we’re going to have a baby.” She was grinning, her face beaming.

  “You’re serious?”


  “How long have you thought . . .” Stunned, he found he couldn’t complete the sentence.

  “Since our wedding. I’m about a month late.”

  JT let out a whoop, picked her up in his arms, and spun her around. The faces of astonished guests whirled past him as they spun.

  “JT!” Christine laughed. “I’m getting dizzy.”

  “Oh.” Alarmed, he quickly put her down. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t make you sick. I didn’t hurt the baby, did I?”

  Laughing, Christine looked up at him. “You’re going to make a great father.”

  Author’s Note

  I took inspiration and literary license in changing the name and dates of Charleston’s annual stern-wheel regatta, as well as the city’s election cycles. Any errors or omissions are solely mine.

  Inspiration for writers comes from so many different places. The idea for this book came in a dream. The scene was so vivid and real that I got up and wrote it down. And as most story ideas go, from that scene emerged tendrils of inspiration that were woven into a book. I hope you enjoyed it.

  Also by Lita Lawson

  Foolish Gamble

  A delicious romp through horse country! Lita Lawson is in the winners’ circle with this one. I enjoyed every tantalizing page. – Reader Review, Sandy

  I thought I was getting a diamond, not a race horse!

  Austin Keller’s latest girlfriend is holding a grudge—Kentucky’s most notorious playboy hasn’t endowed her with the engagement ring she hoped for. How does she get her revenge? By giving ownership of one of his finest racehorses to a complete stranger.

  Cassi Whittaker is desperate. If she doesn’t find some money soon, her family’s debt-ridden farm will be foreclosed and she will lose her beloved colt, Foolish Gamble. She can’t believe her luck when she’s given the registration of a valuable thoroughbred during a chance encounter.

  Austin is skeptical when Cassi comes along, claiming she wants to return his horse. She’s too beautiful to play the innocent. But the attraction between them is electric, and she does have a failing farm that could be the key to conquering the Lexington racing world. Offering Cassi a business proposition she can’t refuse could be the best gamble Austin’s ever taken.

  About the Author

  Lita fell in love with romance and alpha males when her mother took her to see Gone with the Wind. An avid reader since she was young, her passion for love stories evolved when she decided to try her hand at writing one. Lita writes traditional romance with heroes you will fall in love with. She hopes you enjoy her stories, from the first kiss to the happily-ever-after.

  Lita is a member of Romance Writers of America® and lives in Ohio with her husband and multiple cats.

  Connect with the Author

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  I’d love to hear from you. Connect with me at:

  Website: www.allromancenovels.c


  Twitter: @AuthorLita





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