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Murder Mysteries #5

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I've no pearls of wisdom Rory. I too am alone with my work. My work is my life as it is with Stacy. We've no room for a relationship with the opposite sex. I guess my advice would be to find another woman Rory. Unless I'm mistaken, Stacy will only become more involved in her work as the years go by. She's a gift that few have when it comes to solving a homicide. However, that doesn't mean she that once in a while, she needs a man. I remember when the case was over, the two of you would take a few days to relax and recharge your batteries."

  "I guess I'll just let it develop for the time being. Thanks Marsha and what was the name of motel you stayed at for awhile?"

  "I've there phone number in my cell. Let me call and book you a room. I'll see you at the autopsy."

  Who is up First

  Stacy went to her office with Emma and Dan following. Cathy went home to her kids to give the babysitter a break. For the last hour or more Stacy had been thinking how to take the first steps in solving the case. The only lead was the ex wife. It was out of the question to call back east now, but it wasn't too late to call Connie. Connie answered as if sitting on top of the phone. "He's dead huh," ask Connie.

  "Yes, it was made to look like suicide but we all think otherwise. Our only lead is the ex wife Connie. Also, we've a copy of the suicide note which I'll fax to you right away. It has some comments about meeting a friend in North Carolina that was addressed to his ex wife."

  "Okay, send it soonest you can. I'm still in my office. Is Rory on the job?"

  "He sure is and seems happy as all get out. He's at a motel while we make a plan to begin our investigation. The ex wife is our only clue at this point. Secondly is the book he was writing. I'll get a copy from the publisher tomorrow."

  "I'll call the ex wife and tell her the news. Also I'll expect a call from you tomorrow morning early," said Connie hanging up.

  Stacy had no more than hung up when the phone rang. She answered with her title and waited. "This is Ronald Green from ABB News calling in regards to the death of ex Senator Albert J. Winslow. We'd like confirmation Marshall Foreham that he committed suicide last night the 13th."

  "I can confirm that a death occurred and it appears he took his own life. A suicide note was discovered outlining the reasons why. At the present time we are treating it as a suicide. It's been a long day Mr. Green. Perhaps if you called back late tomorrow afternoon, I can fill in any details you might want to pass on to the public."

  "One question Marshall. Is there any evidence of any foul play?"

  "None whatsoever Mr. Green. As the locals will report, he shot himself in the head with a small handgun."

  "Thanks Marshall," said Ronald Green hanging up.

  "Let's call it a day and go home. As back east opens up four hours earlier than we do, let's get an early jump on the day, say 6 am. Rory will be starving so let's have an early morning snack and then after we call back east, we'll go out for a substantial meal. I'll call his room and tell him our plan," said Stacy reaching for her cell.

  Stacy drove home and when she let herself into her dreary apartment, thought that she really needed some better digs to live in. Coming home to these stark living quarters was depressing. As she changed her clothes she wondered what was available that was much better for living accommodations for single people. As she slipped on some sweats and went to the kitchen for a snack, she thought about the yellow pages while having a mug of tea. Somewhere in this city a real estate company must have something for professional singles to enjoy living in.

  While the water was heating she rifled through the yellow pages. After a half mug of tea, a strawberry yogurt cup empty, she found what she was looking for. She entered the phone number into her phone and went to watch some TV.

  The news was just coming on. She saw and heard Ronald Green saying, "We've some startling news to report tonight. Former Speaker of the House Albert J. Winslow was found dead this morning by his housekeeper. Apparently it was suicide as a note was next to the body. The death was investigated by US Marshall Stacy Foreham who reported that the death was apparently self-inflicted without any evidence of foul play. Recently Albert Winslow was writing a book noting the illegal activities that forced him to resign his post. In his brief first chapters, Mr. Winslow was pointing fingers at others who might have played a joint part in the illegal activities. Be that as it may, Albert Winslow has ended his life. We'll try and get some further reports from his ex wife and others who might shed some light on his death." Stacy flicked the mute button.

  With the TV on and her laptop open, she researched North Carolina past and present senators looking for what she really wasn't sure. But first she needed a bio on ex Senator Albert J Winslow. A quick search on Wiki gave a brief bio on Albert.

  Albert Jonas Winslow was born in 1947 in West Virginia to wealthy tobacco farmers. His university days were at Harvard. He served in Vietnam, but was a desk jockey. He married Frieda Southmier in 1969. They had two children a boy and a girl. Nothing was mentioned about the off spring. Albert entered politics riding on the Republican ticket with the funding of his wealthy family. First he was elected to congress in West Virginia and then was elected senator during the Reagan years. His big break came in 1999 when he became Speaker of the House. The last part of the bio stated he'd been caught in some illegal activities. Instead of prison time, and along with a presidential pardon, Albert resigned in disgrace.

  Stacy yawned and went to bed. She gave a fleeting thought to Rory at the motel, but sleep took over.

  Friday March 14th

  Rory was correct when he said Stacy was a heavy sleeper. The alarm clock was making all kinds of racket to an ear less than two feet away. An arm reached out and with long tapered fingers, tapped the button on top to give the sleeper five more minutes. She threw back the covers and swung her legs off to the side of the bed. About the only redeeming quality of the apartment was the carpet floors to keep her feet warm. With a long T-shirt on Stacy, like a homing pigeon found the bathroom.

  While in the shower, she thanked the good Lord for providing water that poured through pipes made hot by an electrical heater for the total enjoyment of humans. Stepping out of the shower was vastly different from when she stepped in. Now she was almost ready to take on the work of the day with purpose. Stacy decided to wear something bright and springy for the day. Rummaging through her clothes closet, she found a long sleeve pale yellow shirt. Hanging not far away was a pair of off white slacks. Under the shirt, just in case, she wore a turtleneck of deep yellow. A final check of her hair and out the door she went into a dark black parking lot. She'd almost forgotten that she'd called an early morning work day. A shrug of the shoulders and off she went not forgetting to make that real estate call.

  A little surprising Em and Dan was already on the job. Em had hot water made, coffee was brewing smelling better than it tasted and Dan scored the still warm bakery goods that would tide them over till breakfast. Stacy noticed Em raise her eyebrows seeing Stacy in a spring outfit. Dan was admiring the scenery until he saw Em glaring at him.

  Stacy in her office, sipping on her tea, called Florida. A pleasant voice said, "Good morning Frieda speaking." Stacy told her who was calling and offered her condolences at the same time.

  "Marshall, I've a long story and over a phone is not a good idea."

  "How about we use Skype Frieda. If you've a webcam we can see each other and talk," said Stacy.

  "I'm not too good with computers, but my neighbor is. Let me get him and call me back in thirty minutes please," said Frieda.

  That gave Stacy time to get both Em and Dan in here. Maybe Rory and Ben would show up soon. Stacy could feel the energy beginning to flow. She had a fleeting thought, why would someone feel excited about researching a death? Contrary to other vocations, solving a crime of homicide would be revolting. Who would want to stand by while a coroner was slowly dissected the victim just to determine how a former living and breathing person died.

  Rory walked in breaking her thoughts.
"Morning Super. I'm a bit late cause the desk clerk forgot to call me on a 5 am wake up order. Now I'm a bit famished. Before I do my best brainwork, some sugar must stimulate the grey cells."

  "Check the kitchen Tall Man and hurry back as we've the ex wife, hopefully, coming on line via video." Rory turned on his heels with the heads up for something to eat and drink.

  Stacy was timing the absence and when it reached forty-five minutes, rang Frieda up on the landline. "Hello Marshall. I've got Fred here and he says we can do Skype no problem."

  "Good news Frieda. I'll send an invite and soon we'll be chatting away. Please give me your sign in or contact address."

  "I've got it Marshall. Just a minute please." Three minutes later Stacy was face to face with Frieda Winslow.

  Revealing Information

  After some weather chat and both were comfortable with the connection Stacy asked, "I'm sorry for any hardship that his death might have upon you. With your help, let's hope we can put whomever was behind his death away for life. Before we begin, are there any questions you might have concerning your late ex husband?"

  "Thanks for you kind words Marshall. Did it appear that he may have suffered before death occurred?"

  "No I don’t think so. He was found sitting in his office chair dressed very nicely. There wasn't any marks that I could see on his exposed skin. I'd say he accepted the demands of the perpetrators realizing he didn't have any choice. The suicide letter has some interesting things that need addressing. But that can wait until you're finished with your inquiry."

  "Here is an old picture of him Marshall," as Frieda held up a framed picture of Albert posing to a professional photographer. He looked much younger. "How did he look compared to this picture?"

  "I'd say he looks about the same, but of course older. He looked fit and comfortable. His housekeeper said he ate regular and spent his time writing in his office."

  "Okay, thanks for that information. Now fire away Marshall with your questions," said a strong voice. Stacy had been looking at Frieda with a keen eye. She saw a fit woman that looked younger than her years. The Florida tan and outdoor golf probably added some vigor to her life and body. Also, if she wasn't mistaken, a face lift probably happened some years back. Stacy could see she didn't wear a lot of makeup, but what on the screen in front of her, clearly was complementary to her looks.

  "Why did you call the Justice Department about the safety of Albert?"

  "At this time I can't reveal my source, but a friend called to warn me about some serious talk of silencing Albert once and for all. This person is within a group who would be central to the, how shall we call it, actual sanction of the discussion. Not sure if my wording is correct or not. Be that as it may, she called me to ease her conscience, is what I suspect."

  "For us to begin our investigation we need some trails to follow. Is there anything in that respect you can tell us," asked Stacy.

  "It's my understanding that a group of prominent politicians and supporters of the elected officials, are currently residing in a secret location on the coast of Oregon. It's similar to the Russian River enclave that our president and other people of power visit once a year. I think it's called the Bohemian Grove Club. Well the one in Oregon is located somewhere near the area where Albert lived."

  Stacy looked up at her group watching the video on a couple other monitors. Rory shrugged his shoulders as well as Ben. Nobody had a clue what was happening on the coast of Oregon regarding a covert gathering of high placed politicians.

  Stacy quickly went back to the screen and said, "Frieda, when a person is murdered to determine who the killer is, facts about the background of the victim must be known to the investigators. If your husband was planning or has revealed certain other persons who may have been just as guilty as Albert, we need to, therefore, discover or know what illegal activities he was charged with. We know the president pardoned him upon leaving office. Your husband must have known the risk by naming names of associates. Can you tell us what those illegal activities were Frieda?"

  "I'd tell you if I knew Marshall. I've no idea what illegal activities he was charged with. Maybe you can find that out through the Justice Department. I don't know for sure, but maybe a statue of limitations has passed to prosecute on those past activities. Please remember that my ex husband was highly intelligent and resourceful. It's not inconceivable that he set the whole thing up, his death included, to implicate his former associates not in the past activities, but in murder."

  Stacy was rocked back in her chair staring at the screen. That last bit of information hit her like a blow to the solar plexus. Attempting to recover, Stacy said, "Your ex husband left a note and one part of it mentions champagne on your wedding night presented by Terb Atkins of North Carolina. What can you tell us about that addition to his script?"

  "Marshall, that name is for a man who was very close to my husband. He went underground after my husband resigned. His name is Bert Simons. If you can locate him, well, he probably knows something about my husband's death."

  "What can you tell us about him Frieda," asked Stacy.

  "He's a lawyer that after my husband was charged, gave up his practice and disappeared. I've no idea where he went. Sorry about that."

  "Frieda, let's stop here and let me digest what you've told us. I'm positive we'll have more questions as time goes on. I thank you so much. You've been a great help."

  A Mountain out of a Mole Hill

  It was very quiet in Stacy's office. Nobody said a word. Rory and the others were watching Stacy. Her eyes were almost glassy looking, as all knew she was processing all that she'd heard from Frieda Winslow. Emma was the first to make a noise by rising from her chair and going back to her desk. Dan was next following Em out the door.

  Ben, who had arrived a little late, sat next to Rory digesting what he'd heard from the conversation. Ben's first thought was this case is way too big for our little group of investigators. For Ben, who was basically as small town person, a murder with the possibility of a highly placed conspiracy was a little overwhelming. He flashed back on the seemingly insignificant homicides that the three of them worked on were so simple compared to this complex case in front of the same three investigators as before. To him, the big boys, the FBI ought to take over. Rory noticed Ben was fidgeting next to him. He wondered what Ben was thinking about.

  Rory too was wondering how to proceed with the case. As usual, he'd follow Stacy like a good team person. He really didn't think of all the ramifications that would affect this case other than the usual investigative procedures. He presumed that their team would take care of the Oregon end of things and anything outside of the state, Connie would handle from her lofty position. He saw Stacy stand up and walk to the white board.

  Dan came back in wiping his hands on a paper towel. He sat down focusing on what Stacy was writing on the white board. The name, Bert Simons appeared. Under the name Stacy wrote: a. Who b. Where c. Why d. How e. When. Dan wrote on his legal pad what he saw on the board. At the university bookstore, he'd purchased a book on how to take good notes with and without a electronic device.

  Stacy stood back and said, "We need to locate this man. There must be an important reason why Albert would write down his name. I'll contact Connie to see what the government has on this guy. Now," as she wrote beside Bert's name, "Coastal Retreat'' then wrote under it using the same structure as before: a. where b. members c. purpose d. when.

  "Dan, I want you and Emma to go find this secret retreat. Rent or maybe the state police have an unmarked SUV you can use. Ben can help you there. You and Em are campers on vacation. Ask the locals starting from around the Newport area good camping grounds. Subtlety find out where some big shots are holding a secret retreat. Maybe the US Forest Service knows something. Tackle shops where anglers go might be an idea where someone knows or has seen something. Dan, ask Em to come here please."

  Rory and Ben sat quietly listening to Stacy lay out a plan. Both wondered how they would fit i
nto the picture. For Ben he almost wished he was back in Coos Bay. Rory wished he could fill up the growling stomach. Stacy wished she had a cup of tea.

  Emma came in and Stacy said, "See if you can find a temp to sit at your desk for a week or so. I think we need to hire another secretary for our growing business." All could see Stacy was both serious and trying to lighten the mood a little.

  Connie Enlightens

  At 9 am they broke for breakfast. While eating Stacy told the team what Connie had mentioned. "Connie said this guy Bert Simons disappeared leaving no forwarding address. Nobody has any idea where he might be. She did say the illegal activities involved insider trading of some sort. Simons, was an outsider with insider relations with the big players. He was instrumental in drawing up contracts for companies who were directly connected with our military expenditures. As I understand it, North Carolina reaps a lot of defense spending; which puts it near the top of the states receiving the biggest budgets involving military expenditures."

  "What can we do Stacy," asked Rory who was shoveling a second plate of French toast into his mouth that had white powdered sugar surrounding his lips.

  "It's simple Tall Man, we go find him. If I'm not mistaken, we can track him through Albert's bank accounts. We need somebody to go through his computer for banking information and any e mails, secret or otherwise. Ben you must have someone from the state who can take care of that job?"


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