Murder Mysteries #5

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Murder Mysteries #5 Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Yes we do. I'll get right on after we're through here. Anything else?"

  "Not right now Ben. Rory can take on the publisher angle. I'll sit back and look good," she said laughing. "Actually I'm going to talk some more to Frieda about Albert's life more than a decade ago."

  Senatorial Retreat

  Not so far as the crow flies, but by road that winds up a creek to a camping area that is privy to only a few, lies the Senatorial Retreat. It's due east of the Newport Municipal Airport tucked in a secluded site on the backside of a coastal mountain. It's not an uncomfortable thirty minute ride from the airport. Upon arrival the guest wants for absolutely nothing. Similar to the Bohemian site on the Russian River in California, that caters to an extremely exclusive cliental, including the President of the United States and with him are the most powerful people in the world.

  Many years ago, only the aged seniors would remember a boisterous Senator Morse from Oregon. He wanted to join in the annual Bohemian affair, but was turned down. He took matters into his own hands in his own state. The result was an exclusive retreat for senior senators and their guests. Senator Morse enlisted the help of a US Forest Service Supervisor to locate a secluded site not far from an airport and shopping. Hence a place for high-ranking politicians to relax and enjoy themselves. Servants attend to their every wish. Cooks prepare gourmet meals fit for kings. What isn't available locally, is flown in to an airport that can accommodate private corporate jets. A great deal of money is spent locally so most residents keep their mouths shut.

  At the same time Stacy and team were having breakfast; at the Senatorial Retreat breakfast was being consumed. Sitting at the table talking was Senator Rollie Wiggins, his lady friend Janice Banks and Senator William Wentworth. "After watching the news last night Rollie, are you satisfied the authorities will rule his death suicide," asked Wentworth.

  "We left them no choice Bill. We left his place spotless. I can't see why without some evidence that suicide won't be the verdict in his death. I feel confident we're home safe on this one. Janice and I are flying out late this afternoon. We've a date with his ex wife to insure she doesn't flap her gums. We can't have any loose ends; don't you agree Bill," said Rollie tucking his pristine white cloth napkin in his lap.

  As Bill Wentworth left the table, he saw his friend Jake Hollingsworth about to pollute the air with one of his Cuban cigars. Jake looked at Bill and nodded for him to have a seat next his side. "Is everything going well Bill?"

  "So far so good Jake. We'll tie up one loose end in Florida and then another loose end regards Rollie's lady friend. That should seal the deal Jake."

  "Let's hope so Bill. That old bastard Albert came close to sinking our ship. Even though we've escaped due to the statue of limitations, but if we'd been implicated, our names would be tarnished forever. Our families disgraced. We couldn't let that happen, could we Bill?"

  "Nope and soon it will be all over with. Are you having another massage this morning with that lovely Jamaican girl?"

  "Bill," said Jake, "I don't even need any Viagra with her. It's the best. Why don't you get in line?"

  Frieda Revisited

  After breakfast Stacy went to her office. Emma and Dan were still in the office while Ben found a vehicle. Emma was instructing the temp what to do and what not to do. The temp service had sent a young girl with shockingly bright deep blue eyes. Rory, at over six foot, looked Sharon Lord directly in the eyes. Stacy could only hope she was as good as her looks. Later that morning and into the afternoon, she found Sharon quite capable and efficient.

  Stacy called Frieda Winslow. She answered and soon they were face to face on the computer. "Frieda I'm so glad I caught you. There're a couple of things I'd like to ask you. One is about Bert Simons. Did your husband and Bert do any personal business together?"

  "As our lawyer, Bert took care of our banking and certain contracts, property transactions, those kinds of things Marshall."

  "Do you know which bank or banks you and your husband did business with?"

  "Yes of course. My husband never had a secret from me. Let me fax our banks and our account numbers. Also Bert was a signer on our accounts. Give me half an hour and I'll send to you."

  "The other thing is Frieda; you might be in some danger. Is there somewhere you can go where you can hide for a while?"

  "Yes, me and Fred discussed that very thing. I'll send you a e-mail from an unknown sender. Okay, I'll send what I've on banking and a long story about Bert and his friendship with us."


  “Stacy, I was just thinking about you. Catch me up please. At this particular time, you’re being observed from some of the highest offices in the land. However, don’t let that deter your pursuing this case. Sadly, that’s what most power junkies do is watch not wanting to even think about getting their feet wet. Okay go ahead.”

  “Here’s what we’re doing as of this am and for the rest of the day. Rory is interviewing the publishing company; Ben is checking private flights into Newport to determine who is at the Senatorial Retreat and having a computer expert look inside Albert’s laptop; Dan and Emma are playing campers to subtlety find the location of the retreat; and I’m attempting to locate Bert Simons who is instrumental in the working of Albert and his wife personal and public life. Can you shed any light on his whereabouts?”

  “Stacy, let me do some research. I don’t know the particulars of the case against Albert. I was but a young lawyer at the time and in awe of the whole giant body of power in DC.”

  “I was thinking Frieda might be in danger knowing what she does. It appears to me that any loose ends are being silenced. You know Connie this case is expanding exponentially. I’m a homicide investigator and not conspiracy detective. Are you sure our small Oregon team is up for the challenge?”

  “Like I said Stacy, this is being observed from many departments. What you’re doing on the ground needs to happen. Finding the retreat and a members list would be nice. What also would be nice is an inside person like our last case with the church.

  I’ve taken the liberty to have Frieda protected. She’ll be untraceable even to power hungry high place senators thinking they can receive vital personal information. I’ll tell you a secret Stacy. When I was offered this position, I sat down with the Attorney General and we made a pact that is in writing, witnessed and stashed where only a few eyes have access. I’ve a special team that, so far, remains anonymous to any other agency. If I’m gone, the team is passed on to the next head of the Marshall Service. That team will assist Frieda Winslow.

  If this case were transferred it would probably go to the FBI. I’m not saying that the FBI couldn’t do the job, but some years later it might be complete,” said Connie.

  “Okay Connie. We’ll keep going with the idea we know what we’re doing; which we don’t. But if nothing else, we might scare the perpetrators’ just a little. From that nudge maybe somebody will make a mistake. “

  “You’re right Stacy. Folks like these get cocky and think they are untouchable. For most Nixon is but a distant memory. However, it should be a wake up message that crime really doesn’t pay. Keep in touch.”

  Seeking a Retreat

  Stacy, hand on chin, elbow on desk, eyes on a bare wall above the conference table, wondered where this case would take her and her team. She was quietly proud they followed her orders or suggestions without question. Rory was back where he previously was when the three of them solved homicides on the coast. Stacy smiled inwardly thinking he was a good team player and a good person.

  Stacy was just about to give the real estate a call when Sharon came in with a file folder document from Frieda. Sharon handed the file to Stacy and said, “Excuse me, but I’m at a loss as to how to call you. I know you’re a US Marshall and your name is Stacy Foreham. What or how formal should I address you?”

  Stacy gave off a small chuckle and said, “Sharon, if we’re alone or if we’re together with our team, just call me Stacy. If guests or media or some
VIP comes around, call me Marshall.”

  “I got it and right this minute I’m not busy would you like a cup of something. I’m a tea person myself. I see in the kitchen some green tea. I was wondering if it would be okay if I had a cup of tea?”

  “I’m a tea drinker Sharon. Make two and come back so we can chat a bit,” said Stacy.

  "Do you take anything in it," asked Sharon.

  "No thanks, but if there's a blueberry muffin in the refer I'd take that," said a smiling Stacy.


  Ben found a late model SUV for Dan and Emma's use. Both Dan and Emma had a field day shopping for camping gear. For Emma it really felt like a true vacation going camping with her significant other. However, for Dan he was mostly all business focusing on the task at hand. The first place he wanted to check was the airport seeing what high end small passenger jets were there. Dan didn't want to flash his ID, but wanted information to freely flow from a local who wanted to share information.

  After a nice lunch at the small hole in the wall café in Seal Rock, where a witness was discovered. While having lunch, a tall man in his late fifties walked in saying hi to Lizzie and Tiz . As Steve Larsen sat down, Lizzie said, "Oh, Marshall, we were about to call you about what Steve her saw the night old Albert killed himself. Steve comes in here every day for lunch. I'll let him tell you."

  Steve was listening and as they were sitting close together said, "I was jogging on the highway just as it was getting dark out. I saw a new SUV turn into Albert's driveway. I kept running and, I'd guess, a half hour later I came back by and it was still there. It was deep red or a maroon color. That's all I saw."

  Dan was inwardly breathing hard and outwardly calm. He said, "Let me make sure I have your statement correct Mr. Larsen. You were jogging south about dusk when you saw a maroon SUV pull into and drive up to the house. And it was still there about a half hour later. Is that right?"

  "That's it, but I did see two people in the car Marshall. The driver was taller than the passenger was. But I couldn't tell if the passenger was female or not."

  "You've been a big help Mr. Larsen. May I have your contact phone number and address please," asked Dan.

  After lunch Dan called Stacy to inform her of a witness and a description of the occupants and vehicle. "Great work Dan. I guess it pays to revisit the area to follow up. Let's see what you find in Newport. I'll get Ben to check the rental agencies for a vehicle matching the description. Keep in touch."

  Later in the afternoon, Dan and Emma drove into the Newport Airport. Word had it that where once a commercial airline occupied the airport, now because of low passenger use, only small private airplanes dotted the airport. There was one low building that once housed the passenger airline terminal, but now was the local flight center and the hangout of pilots along with some local old timers interested in flying. That's where Dan and Emma went.

  Dan's story was he was late in arriving to meet some VIPs for pickup. Dan saw four men at a table playing gin rummy. Dan said, "Excuse me gentlemen, but can you help me out here. I'm late, due to an accident to meet a corporate jet from back east. I wonder if a sleek small jet arrived either this morning or maybe yesterday."

  "The old man with a pencil thin moustache and thick black rim glasses replied, "Nothing such as you mention has come in since, what, a week or more ago. Unless I missed something, the plane you're looking for hasn't arrived yet. The three corporate jets are tucked into that big silver hanger down to your left. The pilots are all housed at a local motel, as I understand it."

  Another card player said, "We used to wonder what the passengers did when they came here, but we all know they are not here to do business! He laughed and so the other three chuckled at the same time.

  Dan said, "I thank you and as I'm not familiar with where the passengers might be, does anyone here have idea where they might be?"

  "The whole town knows they're up Johnson Road at their secret retreat. Boy would I love to be a mouse around that place. You know, a local with a long-range spotting scope saw naked women walking around serving drinks to those senators. Locals tell us nothing but the finest steaks and seafood are served. Cases of whiskey and other drinks are transported out empty when they return to Washington DC," said pencil thin moustache.

  "I thank you," said a smiling Dan leaving the old timers to their card game.

  "My that was easy," said Emma as they drove off to find Johnson Road. But first Dan again called Stacy to see if she had any particular instruction to pass on to him. "Stacy here's what I have at the present time. We stopped at the airport here in Newport. Four old timers were happy to pass on what they knew about the special Senator Retreat up Johnson Road east of here. Apparently it's quite a luxury affair. We'll drive up Johnson Road to see what is what.

  "Good job Dan. Make sure nobody suspects you're an investigator. I'm sure you have a cover story that will work just fine. We're working on that maroon SUV rental. Keep in touch," said Stacy.

  Dan closed his cell and said, "Em, we need to fill up our ice chests with food and drinks. Also let's if we can find out if there're any campgrounds near the retreat. I'd like to take a look from a discrete distance. Maybe I can spot the maroon SUV. Also we need some binoculars. Let's go Em and load up and then we'll find a camping site before dark if we hurry."

  "I've a list Dan. We also need good accounting for expenses. I'm not sure if I can, or we can, enjoy camping and doing the job at hand. Let's go and at Walmart we can find a good camping book on the Oregon Coast. That and with Google Earth we should be set. Also we might need a trail map if you're going hiking looking for a maroon SUV."

  "I see no reason why we can't enjoy camping and work at the same time," Dan said reaching over giving her inner thigh a squeeze. She yelped in desire. He smiled and drove off to do some serious shopping.

  The sun was sinking towards the western sea when Dan and Emma emerged from shopping with two carts full of camping supplies. After packing all in the back, Emma opened up her laptop to bring up Google Earth while Dan flipped through a campground site book. "Okay let's drive up Johnson Road to see where our illustrious senators are camped," said Dan as they took Highway 20 east bound to Yaquina Road north to connect with Johnson Road which runs due north into the mountains. Dan estimated an hour from Newport to the Yaquina Campground operated by the Forest Service.

  Camp Emma

  At their campsite Emma went to work like a demon set upon an innocent group of school kids. She was definitely organized, Dan thought. She had the tent out reading the directions while he looked over his trail and topographical map of the area. They'd found the side road to the retreat with no problem. It was gated with a guard posted looking rather serious. Dan waved and drove on like a couple out for an afternoon drive.

  Dan looked at his watch seeing it was close to 5pm and maybe an hour and half of daylight left. He so wanted a look into the camp before dark, but by his estimation of time, it simply wasn't enough daylight to make the round trip. He gave up and went to help Emma.

  By 6 pm Dan the BBQ was hot and ready to go. Emma on her new fold up table, had burgers, dogs and chicken ready for cooking. The chicken would be for tomorrow's snacks. Sitting at the site's large picnic table they both ate with gusto. Not far away a water faucet was handy for clean up. Also, clean restrooms were just a short walk away. After clean up, a personal wash up completed, both crawled into their new zip together sleeping bags. If it hadn't been dark inside the tent, it would be seen two smiles on two faces drifting off to dreamland.

  The next morning, fortified with scrambled eggs and bacon, Dan left with a pack full of trail mix along with his map, a hand held gps, binoculars and a desire to make a report that indeed a maroon SUV was parked in the retreat.

  Being young and in shape, Dan hiked to where he guessed the best vantage point to view the retreat from. He was on site by 7 am. After wandering around the forest to locate a viewpoint, he found what he was looking for. His new binoculars had a distance graph
in the lens. He was about five hundred yards from their retreat. Dan lay on his belly with the glasses on a small adjustable stand for ease of use. Peering through the lens he could see a few small buildings, not tents, scattered around an area of hardwood trees. It was a little difficult to see much as the flourishing spring hardwoods were flashing bright green back to him. His purpose was to find a vehicle maroon in color. Dan slowly paned the area seeing first a black vehicle, which appeared similar to a GM Suburban; next to it sat a white SUV and a small flat bed truck of unknown vintage. He didn't see any maroon SUV anywhere. "Damn," he said quietly. Maybe whoever drove the vehicle took off and went back to wherever they came from.

  Dan looked closely at the camp seeing tables with table clothes. Some men were sitting around drinking, what looked like coffee; making him wishes he had some himself. Then he saw the black vehicle move leaving the area. Dan took a double take seeing behind the black vehicle, sat the maroon SUV in all its glory. Even at five hundred yards, Dan memorized the license number. He was giddy and pleased. He took one last look at some topless server scurrying around the table and left to return to a real life of real people.

  Back in camp, Dan was ecstatic and hugged Emma until she cried uncle. While he called Stacy she emptied his backpack seeing none of his snacks had been eaten. She tucked the food into the ice chest and joined him sitting at their small table. She jumped back up and fetched a mug and the new thermos full of coffee. He winked at her while he told Stacy their good luck.

  "Dan, we'll run the plate and stay there until it passes by. I'll have Ben alert some state guys to watch the road that intersects Highway 20. After it arrives at the highway, if it turns towards Newport then it will probably return. If it turns left to Corvallis and probably on up to Portland, you can pack up, or maybe you'd like to stay a night or two under the stars," Stacy said with a chuckle.


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