Murder Mysteries #5

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Murder Mysteries #5 Page 5

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I'll admit camping is cool Stacy. Emma is a real camp expert. I think instead of turning in a receipt for all this stuff, we'll keep it. This is really nice Stacy. Youought to give it a whirl."

  After hanging up, Stacy felt a pang of loneliness in her being. With her father still in the Southwest, Rory separated from her, she did feel a little alone. The phone rang bringing her back to the job at hand. "Ben here Stacy. Yup, the vehicle is a rental out of Portland PDX. It was rented to Rollie Wiggins of North Carolina. We have a detective driving there now to interview the person who rented it to the senator. Hopefully, that attendant will remember him. I'll get back to later Stacy,"

  A Hound Chasing a Fox

  Time to connect with Connie; Stacy thought picking up the phone. "Got some good news Stacy," asked a friendly sounding voice. "But first let me tell you that Frieda and her friend Fred are safe and sound in a place we all wish we could be someday. Okay what you got girl?"

  "Let me refresh your memory a little. First we accidently discovered a witness who saw a red or maroon SUV drive up to visit Albert at his house. Next I sent Dan to find the Senatorial Retreat and, hopefully, locate the maroon SUV. That would tie the two together. The vehicle in question was rented to Senator Rollie Wiggins in Portland at the airport. We've a detective going there to interview the attendant who rented it to him. Maybe, and I'm feeling sure that a female was or is with him. It's my suspicion that the female is the shooter. That’s about it Connie for now. Oh, we've got state police unmarked cars to track or follow the maroon vehicle if it leaves. We've also got Dan on site at a campground watching for anyone leaving."

  "Good work Stacy. Let's see what the next move is. I'm going to have our old friend, Bill B watch Frieda's house for visitors. Talk later."

  Senatorial Chat

  Rollie Wiggins, William Wentworth and Jacob [Jake] Hollingsworth sat around a spotless tablecloth drinking morning coffee. It was still a little chilly in the mornings so all had on long sleeve shirts and light waist length coats. Rollie said, "Friends I'm off this morning on the last leg of a long journey. Janice and I will fly to Florida where some unfinished business awaits us. After that, the last link in the chain will disappear."

  "Isn't it a little risky you flying down there and exposing self to others," said Jake Hollingsworth.

  "I'll combine business with a campaign trip to support our mutual friend who is up for re election this fall. Nobody will see my trip as anything but political. As you know Janice has been my private secretary for years. It's usual to see her with me. However, when she is, well, you know, then I'll be in mourning for sure," said Rollie.

  "I'm still curious how you—ah—encouraged her to go the extra mile for you," asked Jake.

  "Her family Jake is very poor and of Mexican extraction. Well, with a crackdown on illegal immigrants these days, I'm the only one protecting her parents from being sent back to the squalor of some dusty Mexican city. She loves to work for me," Rollie said laughing while a cute little blonde university student poured more coffee. Rollie couldn't help but notice what perky little tits the blonde had; especially in this nipple hardening air of the coast.

  "Well," said Bill Wentworth, ''soon this will be all over and put to bed. I'm still having trouble sleeping with all of this hanging over our heads. In this day and age, any rumor of impropriety casts a large shadow over any wealthy family. Be that as it may, after you leave this morning Rollie and by late tonight we should be hearing some good news out of Florida."

  "We've left not a clue and even if somebody saw my rental driving up and down the coast highway, so what. I'll call when all is well gentlemen. Now I must go get my secretary, have breakfast and say bye to that nice Jamaican girl. Needless to say, she can't say bye very well with a mouthful, now can she," Rollie said walking away with purpose.

  The Publisher

  Rory had driven to Portland to meet a representative of a New York publishing company. The publishing company had refused to discuss anything over a phone. Rory bit the bullet and drove to Portland to meet a rep named Matt Swinger. Matt had an office in the gentrified area of downtown Portland. It was lucky for Rory to have a parking place not far from his office.

  What Rory did notice walking into the building that upscale was the proper word to describe the place. Walking onto the office that said, 'Swinger Publishing' he came face to face with a startling redhead with more freckles than one could imagine. Her eyes hazel with a touch of green spoke volumes as she gave Rory a demure smile spreading her full light orange lips not quite showing, no doubt, sparkling white teeth.

  "I'm Rory," said an almost tongue tied Marshall Caltex.

  "We're expecting you Marshall," Candy said standing revealing an almost six foot tall woman who wasn't heavy or big, but not thin either. "Follow me please to Mr. Swinger's office."

  Rory tried not his hardest to keep his eyes level and not let them cast down to where the sight would make his heart pound loud enough for her to hear. He never remembered arriving at Matt's office, but once inside it was all business. When Candy left, Rory wouldn't ever forget that lingering fragrance.

  Matt held out his hand taking in a tall man who represented the Justice Department. Matt realized he must be careful what he said. "I've been briefed by New York Marshall. I can tell you some things, but I've been cautioned that it's possible we might need legal assistance to complete the entire situation surrounding Albert Winslow's novel."

  "It's our understanding that three chapters were published and sent around to various sources. We'd like a copy of those three chapters please," said Rory letting that sink in before deviling further.

  "That we can do Marshall. Candy already has your copy ready to go."

  "Is there any more chapters that are say—in draft form?"

  "It's my understanding a very rough draft exists that comprises about forty thousand words or about half of what is the word target count. I might suggest you inform the Justice Department to solicit the remainder. That's the best I can do Marshall. I've never seen or read the draft."

  Rory sat back thinking and gazed around wondering how a publisher like this guy really determined that a book would sell or not. One thing Rory did know was he'd buy a dozen books just to have dinner with that lovely lady out front. He left Matt standing behind his desk. From the stacks of stacks of manuscripts on top and around his office, Rory wondered when he found time to read any.

  Stopping by the front desk, Candy gave him a nice smile. Rory said, "Any chance?"

  She said, "Look inside this package Rory Caltex formally of the Oregon State Police. I've been following your career since you teamed up with your partner Ben Razor and that now famous Marshall Stacy Foreham. Have a nice day Marshall. Rory noticed she kept eye contact the entire time. He took the manila folder and gave a brief neck bow and left. The office was on the second floor so he rapidly went down and out to his SUV. Inside on top of the partial novel was a Post-it. Her name was Constance L. Bigsley. Rory wondered how old she was. It was difficult to tell as she could be as young as twenty-eight or even thirty; or just over thirty. Be cool, Rory said to self as he went to his office. It was about a thirty-minute drive to his office. He really didn't like his office and was happy that they'd move soon. His secretary was efficient, but stoic as all get out. He really needed some young blood to build from. He also needed a Deputy Marshall as the old one retired when his boss contacted cancer.

  He sat down at his desk, which he hated because it was the former Marshall's desk, called Stacy. He'd dropped off the three chapters to his secretary to fax to Stacy. It might take awhile but such is life. "Hey Super the first three chapters are on the way via fax to you. The pub rep said to have Connie talk direct to the home publisher in New York for a copy of the rough draft of the remainder of the book. He told me it might take some legal action to obtain a copy of the draft. Meanwhile, what you want me to do next?"

  "As we speak Tall Man, Senator Rollie Wiggins is motoring to PDX and flying out. He's
driving a maroon SUV. A state police detective is interviewing the original attendant who rented the vehicle to him. We think he has a partner and we need to know who the partner is. You should have time to drive out there and meet up with Rich Waters, here's his cell number. Give him a call. Find out what flight he's on and where he's going. Okay, stay in touch."

  Check In

  Forty minutes later Rory was at the airport with his portable flashing light allowing him priority parking after he flashed his shield at a security officer. He'd made contact with Rich Waters. He was waiting at the counter for Rory. They moved off to the side with Rich saying, "I talked to the counter girl who rented the maroon SUV to a Rollie Wiggins. He used a credit card. He'd a woman with him she said. Age was in late thirties, dark skin, Mexican, she thought with black hair. Nice looking woman who seemed a little nervous, but they left together with him holding her elbow."

  "Okay Rich. Now we wait to see what flight he takes. Hang on I'm going to call my boss lady in DC."

  "Hi Rory. How's it going," asked Connie.

  "Fine Connie. I'm at the airport now waiting for Rollie Wiggins to hand the keys in for his rental. From there I'll find out his flight information and call you back. Is there anything I should know or do from here. That pub rep said that to obtain the rough draft of the remainder of the book, to have you contact the New York publisher direct."

  "Stacy told me and I'm working on that end of things. At this point in time Rory, I'm not sure what you can do or should be doing. Check with Stacy and if nothing, find a deputy and a new secretary. I want to see all young aggressive investigators on the west coast. That new office should be ready in a few weeks time. Meanwhile, if Bill B needs some help in Florida, I'll send you so be ready to fly out at a moment's notice."

  Coast to Coast

  Both Rory and Rick watched Rollie and his lady friend walk in, hand the keys over, wait until the car was inspected, then went directly to purchase tickets to Florida. Rory had the flight number and destination in hand. He called Connie. "Rory tag along please. I'll have someone meet you in Tampa. Have a nice flight."

  Rory followed Rollie and purchased a ticket to Tampa. While he'd an hour to wait, he went shopping for toiletry items and a spare shirt or two. He called Stacy telling her he was flying to Florida because Connie wanted him to try the oranges before she sent some out to her boss man. Actually, Stacy laughed and told him have a good time.

  Silence is Golden

  The next morning Stacy received a call from the state police. The patrol person reported a body just south of Seal Rock sitting against a signpost. The state police were securing the scene until a sheriff arrived. The area had not been violated in any way. Stacy thanked the patrol person and rang up Cathy and Marsha. With Dan out of town, Stacy asked if she could ride with Cathy. "Of course you can. I'll be by in twenty minutes. Marsha and I were drinking coffee so she'll gather her guys and be on their way soon."

  Stacy called Dan. They were just breaking camp and told Stacy they'd be in Seal Rock within two hours. Stacy wondered how the state police came across a body. She called the state patrol person back. "Marshall, I got a call from dispatch saying some lady called in saying a friend who always came by her restaurant was missing. She told dispatch her daughter went to the missing person's house and it was empty. I was in the area so I began the search. Apparently the woman said the guy loved to jog up and down the highway. I spotted him about three quarters of a mile south of Seal Rock."

  "Thanks and who am I speaking with," asked Stacy.

  "I'm Shelly Preston Marshall. I'm looking forward to meeting you. You're somewhat of a celebrity in our circle of law enforcement. "

  Stacy laughed and said, "You'll give me a big head Shelly Preston. I'm nothing special, but as a team we do good. I'll see you in a couple hours."

  While waiting for Cathy, Stacy flashed back on the afternoon before when she found a real estate person who had some attractive condos and townhouses to look at. He described the younger professional occupants that loved the pool and work out gym facilities. The price was a little steep, but such is life. She told her that she'd get back to her after this case was over.

  Just before Cathy arrived she called Ben. Ben was still in Portland with the computer man digging through Albert's laptop. He said he was about finished and would meet her at Seal Rock in about three hours or so.

  Cathy was on time. Stacy left the office to Sharon. Sharon had a sad look on her face as it appeared she'd like to go along. But that was not the reason she was tending the store while all of the staff was on a crime scene or doing business off site.

  "What do you make of this death Stacy," asked Cathy as they drove off to Seal Rock.

  "If it's Steve Larsen, the one who ID the maroon SUV it's possible he was killed to keep his mouth shut. But the real question is how did somebody find out it was him who saw the vehicle at Albert's house. The only people who knew that was the mother and daughter at the restaurant and us. Because the housekeeper Delores is known as the town gossip, word could have spread I guess." Stacy looked out the window seeing what a lovely spring day it was for everybody except Steve Larsen. In the world of crime, it seems like more people everyday are dealt bad hands. Here was a case in point. A man jogging sees nothing out of the ordinary but learns a local VIP commits suicide, but the authorities are also looking for information. He volunteers he has seen a vehicle parked at the senator's house. He continues his daily jogging and then somebody comes along and shoots the guy. His life is over. He throws his bad cards into the pot and walks away to join his relatives who have already passed on.

  Disgusting Scene

  Driving up Stacy saw two state police cars, one sheriff's car and some of the curious parked up and down the road looking for anything that would be reported as gruesome. She could see hanging out the windows of the cars smart phones ready and cocked for a FB show. Stacy felt ill and shook it off with a focus on the job at hand.

  Parking out of the way, both women walked slowly towards the body. Steve Larsen was sitting with his back to a road sign. He was in jogging attire; shorts and a long sleeve shirt. A pair of new running shoes that wouldn't feel his feet, pointed both left and right. His neck was tied to the signpost. A small hole was clearly evident between the eyes. The most startling thing was hanging around his neck. A cardboard sign that said, in red permanent marker: 'Silence is Golden'.

  All could be seen from a distance. Both Stacy and Cathy noticed a small trickle of blood had run out of the corner of his mouth. Cathy and Stacy looked at each other. Stacy nodded and Cathy agreed that somebody probably cut his tongue out. It would be difficult to tell the time of death, but most likely it was yesterday sometime after dark. Their best guess, at present was, he was kidnapped while jogging, murdered and when it was dark, placed the body at the signpost. Now it was waiting time for Dr. Marsha Stone and her crew to arrive.

  Stacy went back to the vehicle and sat thinking about how this all fit together. The one thing that hadn't slipped her mind was the whereabouts of Bert Simons. No word had come back on where he might be. What we do know is Rollie and his woman friend is now in Florida so they couldn't have killed Steve Larsen. Whoever did this was a true professional. It was remote they'd find any clues or find anyone who had seen anything. Stacy feared this would lead to a dead end unless they caught a break.

  She saw Marsha pull up and the CSI team went to work. The only good thing was the weather. It was mostly calm with only a slight breeze coming off a quiet ocean just a few hundred yards away from the signpost. Stacy got out to stretch her legs and say hello.

  "So this is the person who called in seeing a car up at the suicide house," said Marsha

  "Yes and such a sad thing to happen to a person who only reported what he'd seen. How it got back to where somebody heard, and then acted, is unknown. The old 'loose lips sinks ships' cliché comes to mind. If this continues, few citizens will volunteer information about a crime."

  "Well, we must do
what we can Stacy. I'll take a look and be back with you shortly."

  Cathy had been prowling around with the other CSI team members. She had seen something pink and incongruous with the surrounding that was green and brown mixed grasses. She bent down closer and gave a gasp. She hollered to somebody nearby. Stacy observed two other investigators moving over. One investigator with a grabber reached down and gently squeezed the pink thing. He lifted it to a plastic bag and dropped it in. Stacy thought correctly that it was the victims tongue.

  Marsha came back across the highway and said, "I'd say death was ten to twelve hours ago. Yes, somebody cut his tongue out and there's no exit wound on the back of the head from being shot between the eyes. Such a waste. I know you're going up to that 'hole in the wall' and talk to the owner. How about I tag along. Oh, look, there's Dan coming now."

  "Sure you're welcome Marsha. Ben should be along soon. He's been in Portland working on the senator's laptop.

  Bert Simons

  After arriving, Ben updated Stacy on the computer search. He said, "It appears Simons was sending funds to Albert Winslow. Ironically, he wasn't hard to find. He's using an Oregon bank and sending from Portland. I traced him, through the bank to Woodburn south of Portland. I've his home address. I called for a patrol to drive past and see if anyone was home, but not to bang on the door. An unmarked took over the surveillance. He uploaded some pictures of a person walking around his house checking out some spring growth. From those pictures we traced him back to being Bert Simons."


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