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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 12

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  In the small kitchen area they sat around sipping and snacking on some Graham Crackers. Emma had adulterated hers by putting a skiff of peanut butter and honey on top. Sharon used honey only and Stacy ate them plain. Dan came in and followed Emma with his crackers. Then here came Ben starring at the very old snack that he'd grew up with. "I certainly have missed these over the years. My kids stuck their noses up in the air one time when I brought some home."

  At precisely 10 am in walked a defiant Amelia Mason. Sharon led her to Stacy's office and alerted Dan he was required to attend the interview. Emma came with her recording and notebook. Stacy said, "Let's see Ms. Mason if we can have a civil interview that involves a man murdered literally in front of you."

  "I'm not sure Marshall that under different circumstances I'd have done anything different. Perhaps knowing I'd be strip searched by a dyke guard who thought she found some gold up my backside was going to take place, I'd have bitten the bullet. Now ask away."

  "We had the impression that you didn't feel any loss when Andrew died. Why is that and who else shared your feelings?"

  "Okay, when Professor Blick raised the issue of plagiarism we as staff took affront that someone would dare steal information from another source. David Oxnard and I discussed it thoroughly and then we took our case to a dean. The dean told us he was looking into it and was waiting for some inquiries to come back. Later we had a covert staff meeting to discuss the idea Andrew was 'fast tracking' his tenure and then to top it off, that same dean was being serviced by Andrew. At that point rumors were flying around the entire biology department. Students were transferring to other schools. We saw a mass exodus and then we saw staff layoffs coming. All because some gay was stealing research from previously published articles. Additionally his personal life was a shambles. A breakup was occurring with another associate prof. On top of that Andrew had a new blonde boyfriend he was strutting around with.

  If that wasn't the topper then when suddenly he was granted tenure left all of us gasping for breath. David told me that something must be done and soon."

  "That late evening Ms Mason, focus if you will on who was coming and going into the kitchen around 6:30. That time would be just prior to his collapse in the living room."

  "As I remember it Marshall, I did see Andrew empty his glass, turn and walk towards the kitchen. Shortly after that I saw David, also with an empty glass follow him into the kitchen."

  "Anyone else Amelia," asked Stacy.

  Now that you bring it up I did see Sarah come out of the kitchen but I never saw her enter the kitchen. She had a fresh drink and a handful of crackers or chips; not sure what was in the bowl."

  "What did you do when your glass was empty," asked Stacy looking her in the eye.

  "David took my empty glass, but never brought it back," said a smug Amelia Mason.

  "Weren’t you surprised when he returned without your glass?"

  "Not really, I stood up and went to the kitchen and filled my glass and returned in ten seconds. I was standing talking to David when Andrew fell over."

  "In that ten seconds you were in the kitchen, what did you see Amelia. Think hard and our brains remember more than we think it does. Your eyes flashed around the table and you saw who was there and what was he or they doing?"

  Stacy could see she was thinking hard. Stacy glanced over to Ben who raised an eyebrow and then she said, "I remember seeing Art with his back to me at the kitchen counter away from the table and punch. I was happy he didn't see me. I filled my glass and left. That's it Marshall."

  "Thanks for coming in. you've been a big help and more than you think. We'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this interview with David Oxnard." Stacy let Ben escort her out while she went to her desk to play with her new toy and pad.

  Rehash the Case

  Before Ben left to see Professor Blick, Stacy asked him and Dan to listen to what might be the salient facts of the case. Emma came in as well. Stacy went to the white board and looked at the prime suspects. "Let's start or begin here. Our victim died of hemlock poison most likely from the easy access at the biology lab. There's is one person that we know hangs out there a lot. Shawn Nickolas is currently working on his dissertation. He's our victims boy friend and was in position to replace Art Menans. Maybe to speed up the breakup, Shawn slips into the kitchen to poison Art and accidently poisons his boyfriend Andrew.

  Or maybe David Oxnard is so fed up with the whole thing, realizing how difficult it's to prove someone at a party puts poison in a glass, does in fact waltz into the kitchen following the victim, slips some hemlock into his glass and walks away. The victim walks out and collapses onto the floor. I think whoever poisoned our victim had to do it while physically being around the punch bowl. Okay guys, poke holes or add or delete what you just heard," Stacy said looking from one person to another.

  Ben said, "There's nothing you've said to poke holes in. I believe we've narrowed it down that the kitchen is where the poison was administered. But and also the but come into play, but who put the hemlock into the glass and how to prove it is a whole nother story. We've got Sarah Green and Clair Jordon coming soon. Let's keep at it until we've no more rocks to turn over."

  "This has been the most frustrating case we've ever worked on It's like my father says: 'we're just spinning our wheels going nowhere fast.'"

  "Okay let's break and wait for our two suspects to arrive. I'm convinced somebody saw something and hasn't yet put what they saw into a plausible event. I think if we can positively know who did it, they might just confess to boast their ego."

  "I'm going for a walk and if you'd like, join me at the Chinese joint across the street from Cathy's office. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

  The afternoon sun was hot and no bones about it. Stacy had a small umbrella that Emma had given her to protect her delicate white skin. After she popped the umbrella she started walking and thinking about the same picture she'd in her head since the first time in the vics kitchen. The punch bowl sat there in all its glory with over half of it still ready for a party. The pictures of the crime scene showed one glass near the bowl and one glass on the counter. The glass on the table next to the bowl looked used, but the glass on the counter looked clean and unused. Stacy wondered about that unused glass and who was it for? Art must have taken it out of the cupboard, but why was it just sitting there. Stacy stopped at a flashing crosswalk that prevented crossing with an orange color warning.

  She waited. She thought. She felt an answer was right in front of her. The light turned green to cross and it hit her. She smiled. She saw what was hidden to her before. Now she needed some confirmation and they were not far away from wrapping this case up. However, as she stopped in front of Cathy's and Marsha's office, one person had to confirm what she knew as the key to the hemlock puzzle.

  Stacy called Cathy. "Hey Stacy, Emma said you're buying Chinese is that right?"

  "Yup, I'm right outside your office door with sweat dripping off my nose. Tell Marsha to hurry up. I'm counting on my fortune cookie to dampen the fires of my overworked brain."

  Sarah Green and Claire Jordon on the Hot Seat

  At just before 2:30 Sarah Green and Claire Jordon walked into Sharon's reception area. Sharon said, "Follow me please. You're expected." Sharon rolled her eyes at the ceiling thinking why these two women were seemed so angry at the world. To Sharon it was doubtful that either two of these stoic witches had ever enjoyed the pleasures of a caring man. She smiled thinking these two were the epitome of a frigid woman.

  Stacy gave the two women a small smile and gestured both to the round table. At the round table sat Ben and Dan. Emma hadn't arrived yet. Stacy said, "Thanks you for coming. This was necessary or I wouldn't have bothered you. The first interview you both came across as either or both disliking the victim or resentful of the way he obtained tenure. I'd like both of you to expand on both the dislike and the alleged plagiarism charge.

  Sarah Green let's begin with you. Why did you dislike Andr
ew Floaten?"

  With dark black eyes that would bore holes through rock said, "Frankly speaking he was not qualified in becoming a full Professor with tenure. In my opinion, and others, his writing was both weak and without coherent explanation of what he was purporting. It's strictly my opinion he gave sexual favors to obtain his status of tenure. I resent the fact he didn't earn the status. Now as to disliking the guy, I guess because he used his sexual persuasion openly went against my grain. I'll say this Marshall," as she leaned in to make her point, "I'm bisexual and few know it. I don't run around campus with everybody knowing I'm fighting with my significant one. Now you know what my story is."

  "I appreciate you being candid Ms. Green. Now what were you drinking that evening around or between the time you arrived and when Andrew collapsed onto the living room floor."

  "I was drinking a tasty punch. I noticed most everyone was drinking Arts punch. And it had a nice punch to it as well."

  "When your glass was empty, what did you do for a refill?"

  "The first time my glass was empty, David Oxnard took it to the kitchen for a refill. The second time and that was just before Andrew died, I went to the kitchen for a refill."

  "Who did you see in the kitchen at refill time?"

  "Art was there stirring the punch. He turned towards the counter as I remember. He was reaching to open a cupboard, but I'm not sure. I took the ladle and filled my glass. I guess I left."

  "Did you perhaps see anybody just leaving the back door of the kitchen or were you alone with Art at that time," asked Stacy.

  "Now that you mention it, Art appeared to have just walked back to the bowl and began shirring when I came in. I wondered at the time why he was at the back door or maybe I was mixed up. Just as I was leaving Andrew came in followed by David. That's it Marshall."

  "Thanks and now Claire the same two questions are for you. Why did you disliked Andrew and any other reasons that might be tucked away in your head."

  "My reasons are exactly as Sarah stated. We worked for years to obtain tenure and this guy comes along and within seven years, throws a party for his tenure. Come on, get real here. This guy, as my boyfriend would say, is swinging on the meat."

  "What did you observe when your glass needed a refill?"

  "Actually the first time David took both of our glasses in and came back full. The second time I never made the second time, as he died in front of me with my glass empty. I was on my way in for a refill when he fell."

  "Let me say this to the both of you. We know David Oxnard held a meeting to see what could be done with the newly tenured Andrew. When you were at that meeting do you think David Oxnard was upset enough to murder Andrew Floaten?"

  Both women looked at each other. It appeared to Ben that Sarah Green was the stronger of the two. He waited for an answer. It wasn't long in coming: "He's the head of our department. We saw some graduate students leaving for other quieter places to study. David took it personally and indeed he was intending some action, but to actually poison a fellow human is not likely even for him."

  "Somebody murdered Andrew Floaten. His life ended at age forty-two. At this point no conclusive evidence has been presented to accuse him of plagiarism. Yes, he was gay and regardless of his being gay is not a reason to kill him. Okay, that's enough for now and I really do thank you for coming in today."

  Dan walked both to the front door while Ben said, "I'm off Stacy to see Professor Glick for a chat. I'll call you later."

  "Sounds good Ben. He's the key to this mystery by the way," said a grinning Stacy to Ben as his head snapped around looking at her. His mouth fell open and then he smiled at her continuing on his way shaking his head. She's done it again, he thought.

  Professor Emeritus Sidney Blick

  Ben knocked softly on Blick's office door. A powerful voice said to come in. Professor Blick stood and held his hand out to Ben. Ben could see Blick liked him, as most people did. Ben had a look about him that people trusted and liked.

  "Thanks for the time Professor…."

  "Call me Sid detective. I don't do much professing anymore."

  "You can use my given name Ben is fine with me. Please tell me why someone would kill Andrew Floaten Sid."

  "Simply put Ben, he was a festering sore on our biology department. Universities rely on research money for the sciences and not social sciences Ben. If a university begins losing grants it's in big trouble. It would be and shortly this fine university would start losing grant money. He had to go Ben."

  "Okay he had to go. Who suddenly made him go to never, never land Sid?"

  "At that party one of his close colleagues dropped some poison into his glass. I'm not positive who actually did the deed, but more than a handful know who the actual killer is."

  "Could you be a little more specific Sid," asked Ben.

  "Sorry I can't Ben. I don't know exactly, but when and if I come across the information I'll let you know soonest."

  Ben left and drove home more confused than ever. If Sid was the key to the answer who killed Andy, as stated by Stacy, I'm still in the dark. He turned his attention to home and his precious family. He decided that silence was golden and that tonight he'd be a golden boy letting is family do what they wanted. Ben was expecting a delivery of his new electronic reading machine with a special gift of five best sellers for free. He fully intended to do some reading after dinner.

  Ph.D. Advisor Blick

  While Ben was on campus interviewing Professor Blick, Stacy was on the phone to the biology department's head dean. His name was Dr. Lester Primrose the head dean of the department of biology. Once connected, Stacy explained what she was seeking. "I'd like to know Dean Primrose, who is the advisor of Ph.D. candidate Shawn Nickolas."

  "Hold on just a second Marshall. I seem to recall who it is, but let me check to make sure my old brain is still processing like it's suppose to. Ah, here we go, his advisor is Professor Sidney Blick. I'm currently unaware of the status of his progress, but if you need any further information, I can dig deeper Marshall."

  "Not at this time do I need more Dean, but I thank you for your help. I believe I can tell you we'll wrap up this case in the not so distant future," said a smiling Stacy hanging up.

  Dan was summoned to drive Stacy home. Dan could sense that she was coming to a peak in the case. He felt brave, as they drove out of the parking lot, "Stacy, you know who did it don't you?"

  "I think so Dan, but a few pieces are missing. What I need now is a background check on Professor Sidney Blick. Concentrate mostly on his personal life with family and relatives. Meanwhile, tomorrow let's continue our interviews asking David Oxnard to come in the morning if he's not super busy. Also, ask Art Menans to arrive around 11 am after David Oxnard is finished. Meanwhile, I suggest you re-read all of the interviews one more time and see if you can develop a picture about how the victim Andrew was poisoned; and by whom"

  "Next to Ben and Rory I seem like a real dunce Stacy. It all seems a jumble to me with so many suspects floating around. However, I'll go back to the office, take home some reading material after I call both David and Art for interviews tomorrow."

  "Thanks for the ride Dan. Pick me up around 7 am is good for me." Stacy waved and as the days continued hot and stuffy, she ignored the heat striding off for a sweaty walk. There were still a few loose ends to tuck away and after that, a long weekend coming to spend with her father and Fran down in Bandon.

  Tall Man Seeks a Niche

  Rory, after leaving Eugene to drive north to home with Candy not knowing when he was arriving, stopped for fuel. He called finding her at home and bubbling over hearing he would be there in less than two hours. "Oh my Honey Tex I'll make a pork roast with potatoes for us. A bottle of wine might hit the spot."

  "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach," said a happy Rory setting his cruise at five over the speed limit. He quickly changed thought gears and focused on finding a deputy and a competent secretary. He preferred a younger man, but a guy with
some grey hair, well, experience counts, he thought. How about a female Tall Man, he wondered. Nope, lord knows I've enough women in my life without another looking over my shoulder. What he needed was a guy like Ben: quiet, methodical, through with an eye for what was needed in a case.

  Rory noticed he just passed through Salem and was but an hour away from a pork roast with gravy. Well, not to mention dessert. A passerby would have seen the man in the SUV smiling as if he just won the lotto.


  Entering her town house Stacy was fairly dripping sweat from her neck down and sweat was also running down her back making it tickle a little. She shucked her clothes and went in search of soap and water. After the her shower, munching on left over crab and cheese green salad, she opened her laptop, prepared a new document, sat back for a minute to gather her thoughts, then blowing out some air, began typing. Emma would have smiled seeing Stacy's finger flying over the keyboard.

  Stacy began with the call from Chief Geppart to assist in a suspicious death on the university campus area. From that point she went step by step, interview by interview until she saw the complete picture of what really happened in the kitchen that evening. As the scene unfolded in her mind, Stacy gasped just a little seeing the mistake that was made. Stacy saved and shut her mind down until tomorrow to see the report on Professor Blick.

  Twist of Fate

  Dan arrived a few minutes before 7 am. He said, as she buckled up, "I've got the bio on Professor Blick and David is scheduled at 9 am with Art coming at 11 am."

  "Thanks Dan. Good work. We're getting closer by the day. What did you glean from the professor's bio?"


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