Murder Mysteries #5

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Murder Mysteries #5 Page 26

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Thanks Connie and I'll do that. I'll do a long work out tonight and be right as rain tomorrow. I'll call if any news."


  True to form, Stacy did a punishing workout. For almost two hours she sweated the poisonous liquid of failure into her workout gear. When she had felt thoroughly whipped, she prepared to leave. Clean up Rodger Sparks was, as usual, leaning on a mop starring at Stacy. When she walked by, she turned to look at him and said, "Eat shit and die asshole. Go get a grip on yourself as that's the only way you'll ever get off."

  When she exited the door, the window reflected back and she saw Rodger with his mouth hanging open starring after her.

  After a hot shower she called her father first and then she would call Rory after that. Her father answered with a hollow hello. "You sound like in a tunnel dad!"

  "I've a speaker phone in the shop daughter. Your idea of lamination is wonderful, but time consuming. What's up?"

  "We found the guy dad and then he did a runner to God knows where. I don't think he heard footsteps, but decided to move on leaving behind a wife and two kids who will be on the dole shortly. Ben discovered the evidence that linked the finding who he was. We came close, but close is only in horseshoes, if I remember right. I guess this spoils my one hundred percent solving percentage. I'm a little down, but such is life."

  I don't think you're looking at it quite correctly Stacy. You discovered who the killer was and where he could be found. Lots of killers run, but are eventually apprehended. This guy will eventually be put away. No you can't deem it an unsolved case, but nobody will hold it against you. Hey, I got to get back to work. Take a glass hot milk with honey and sleep the night away."

  Rory was next as she munched on some left over salad and chicken from last night with Sharon. "Hey Super, he left town without a forwarding huh?"

  "We were just a few hours late Tall Man. Ben is the hero finding the evidence and also the callers found the other van. How are things up your way?"

  "I still can't find a deputy and will keep looking. I'm meeting a guy down in Coburg for lunch tomorrow for an interview. How about dinner tomorrow?"

  Stacy had thoughts flashing through her head like a dual core processor or maybe it was the new quad processor at work. Anyway, her needs over road her reservations as she said, "Come by the office afterwards. I can always use a friend to talk to."

  "Good see you tomorrow. I've got to run as I'm late for dinner at mom's house," he said laughing.


  The first of the New Year came in with a half foot of snow. As the days and weeks went by, there was nothing but mundane activities to do at the office. It was a Friday in early March when Stacy sat in her office reading the Oregonian. The front page was splashed with the picture of the Executioner from Springfield. The headlines said: 'The Executioner Strikes Again' and under that the story it went on to say, 'At just before 5 pm yesterday in a State of California parking lot in Sacramento, Commissioner Jules Adaged was shot and killed by an assassin with the same MO as the two assassinations in Oregon. The bullet was from a 243-caliber rifle. The victim was a thirty-year veteran working for the state. All agree this Executioner is now labeled a serial killer.'

  There was more to the story, but Stacy could not read anymore. Chris McGoogle had flown to Sacramento and started up again forcing old workers to retire at the point of a gun.


  "Murder at the Health Club"

  The Bench Press Blues

  Ever since she moved into her new townhouse Stacy Foreham had been working out religiously every morning. It was her choice, after first living in a sterile plain apartment, to move to a gated town house community where young, virile professionals lived. At first she was stared at, leered at, drooled over by high testosterone over active men, with the desire to do what men like best, especially when hard body blondes are seen. However, after a few months, and rejecting all advances, she was pretty much left alone. Only the very brave, after discovering she was a US Marshall, put forth their best effort once in a while.

  The health club opened at 5 am for early health nuts. Stacy usually showed up around 6 am. The club fitness guru was a clean cut man by the name of Pete Poncy. He loved his job so he was one of the few who never hit on Stacy. The guy on clean up, Roger Sparks, was lewd and rude. There would be a day or reckoning with this awful young man.

  On Monday, the third of April, Stacy was running a little late for her work out. She came in to the club just after 7 am after calling Dan that she would call him later for a pick up time. Pete gave her a nod and a happy good morning salute. Stacy smiled and hung up her windbreaker. She began her routine of stretching looking around. Usually Mondays were busy days with all swearing to work off the burgers and beer consumed over the weekend?

  Warmed up and ready to go, Stacy went to the first row of workout machines. She had a good sweat up when she went towards the bench press. She did a double take seeing the person occupying the unit was not moving. The weights were resting across his throat with both hands still attached to the bar. Stacy looked around seeing nothing suspicious. There was not any doubt the person, staring with open eyes, tongue slightly protruding, lying under the bar with weights hanging off the ends, was dead. His lips were colored and his fingernails were blue. She supposed it could be his heart, but just in case, she made a call. Stacy was never without her cell. She called Marsha and Cathy's office. Marsha was the Chief Medical Examiner of Lane County and Cathy Wilson was Lane Counties CSI investigator. The secretary took the message and then Stacy called Dan. After that she called the Eugene city homicide bureau to report a suspicious death.

  Stacy went to the front desk where Pete was busy doing some paper work. He looked up at Stacy wondering what she was doing at his counter. This was highly unusual as she always said hello coming in and good-bye going out. There was nothing in-between. She said, "Pete listen carefully please. No one is to leave this building or come in unless it's a law enforcement person. You have behind me, under a weight bench a suspicious death of a member. Let me say it again. I suspect that one of our workout members, a male, has been murdered. No one is to leave. Lock the door please."

  Pete glanced over her shoulder and then back again. Stacy could see he registered what she just told him. He reached under the counter for his keys and walked to the door locking it. Stacy turned around and saw about six or so people working out. Mostly they were on the treadmills listening to their MP 3's gazing into the back mirrors.

  Stacy asked Pete to speak to all of the folks working out to step up to the counter for a meeting. "Use whatever story will get their attention, but don't mention anything about a death. I want them to cool down so have towels for all. Also make sure there are chairs to sit on. I don't want them wandering around." He nodded with a stern face while walking towards the treadmills. Stacy put on her windbreaker, as she was getting a little chilly from the sweat on her body.

  While Pete was on an errand Stacy looked around for the cleanup guy Roger Sparks. She did not see him anywhere. This was a bit unusual as he was always around sweeping or mopping the floor starring at the women who were working out. He was so obvious and it was to the point where Stacy was about to mention it to Pete. She saw other members scowling at him watching them hoping to catch a glimpse of a hard nipple or nice butt shot.

  Pete came back with the members fiddling with their music units. Stacy asked Pete, "Where is Roger Pete. He's always lurking around especially early morning when most of us are here."

  "Damn if I know. Let me go check the restrooms."

  Stacy had her US Marshall ID with her and as most knew she was law enforcement, she showed it off and said, "Sorry to interrupt your workout, but we've a serious incident here this morning." By now the members were all sitting down wiping the sweat off with towels. "Behind me it appears we've a member who has expired with his death being rather suspicious. The police and others are on the way. I'm afraid your morning routine w
ill not be normal. We'll have to interview each of you. Perhaps you'll need to phone someone telling them you'll be late. However, just say you're being detained by the police and you'll explain later. If need be I, or one of the inbound officers can talk to the person or company on the phone."

  Stacy saw Pete come back from the restroom area with Roger following behind him. It was strange to see Roger walking without his mop or broom. His head was hanging with chin not far off the chest. Stacy wondered if Pete caught him doing something he should not be doing. She hoped so.

  Just as Pete took his place behind the counter, with Roger standing at one end, Stacy saw Dan at the door. Pete had left the door key in the lock. Stacy moved over to let him in. Just as he walked in she saw Cathy Miller, the counties resident CSI agent. Driving up behind her was the coroner Dr. Marsha Stone the counties pathologist. Both Cathy and Marsha were not only colleagues but also friends of Stacy Foreham.

  Dan had his murder bag and Stacy said, "Tape off the area around the vic back there around the bench press." Dan nodded and quickly did his job. Dan Swollow was Stacy deputy with whom she had recruited from the Bandon Police Department.

  Stacy herself came from being a detective for Bandon and Southwest coast of Oregon. Her success as a homicide solver was noticed back in Washington DC. In particular, it was the head of the US Marshall Agency, Connie Wilson, who cleverly recruited Stacy into their program. A new location was established in Eugene, Oregon to accommodate the lower half of the state. In addition, one of the team of three, an Oregon State Police detective Ben Razor was conveniently transferred to Eugene. To his superior, the captain was quietly ordered to have Ben Razor attached to Marshall Foreham when required.

  The other one third of the original team, Detective Rory Caltex requested a transfer and ultimately recruited to replace a dying US Marshall in Portland. All three, Stacy, Ben and Rory realized full well that behind the scene strings were pulled to broaden the scope of a crime solving team extraordinaire.

  A Heavy Bar Bell

  Cathy came in first followed by Dr. Stone. Cathy and Marsha both went to Stacy who had discreetly moved away from the sitting health club members. "What do we have Stacy," asked Marsha.

  "Back there lying on a bench press table is a male with the bar across his throat dead as you know what. I think it's fairly clear somebody who was assisting him dropped the bar, or pushed the bar down onto the victims throat. I've been here for most of an hour and there's been people coming and going all the time I was here. Why he didn't struggle, which I'm sure he did, or was noticed by another member working out, is really a puzzler."

  "The photographer is snapping pictures and when he's finished we'll take a look. What time does the place open?"

  "Around 5 am or so. Usually the first arriving is about 5:30. The manager is Pete Poncy and when I told him about the victim he was unaware of the guy in the back of the room. One problem that we'll have is nobody really looks or watches any others working out. None of us like being watched so we respect the others. We could be looking at all the day's members not finding any of them aware a man has been murdered. Or the suspect is still here or has left within the last hour or so," said Stacy trying to tuck her hair behind her ear. Her hair was full of sweat and she would dearly love a shower. However, it would be unfair to shower and then interview the members who were starting to fidget in their chairs.

  Dan came up and told Stacy he'd called Ben and he'd also called Rory. Ben was on his way and Rory was down in Salem on a court case. She turned and went to the counter and asked Pete, "Do you know the guy at the bench press?"

  "Yes, he's Dirk Cassiday. He's been coming in for about two months now. He seemed quiet and reserved. It looked to me that he was a serious lifter bulking up for reasons usually only known to the lifter. I've never seen him talking to anyone, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know some people or members here. I just make sure all is well and clean. I inspect the machines and all parts daily. We can't have a machine failure accident that takes us to court. That is pounded into me every time the boss person comes around."

  "Would you call the manager and ask that we be allowed into the victim's house?"

  Pete looked at his watch. He reached up and scratched his head then he dialed a number. Stacy heard a short conversation and Pete hung up saying, "She'll be right here in a few minutes."

  Stacy turned and said to the members who were by now beginning to grumble. "I'm sorry but we've a probable homicide in the back of the room. You can see from here that we've a person who's expired. We need your cooperation and we'll do our interviews as quickly as possible. Deputy Dan will pass out a paper for you to write your name and contact number please. Also your house or apartment number."

  Dan passed out the paper and he'd a bunch of pencils in his bag he gave along with the paper. Stacy noticed the club members were quiet now. Looking up she saw Ben come through the door looking expressionless as usual. He looked to the back of the room seeing the crime tape and the photographer standing off to the side while Dr. Stone went to work on the body.

  "Morning Stacy. Any idea how he died?"

  "A crushed air passage I think. He was murdered that's for sure. The weights on the bar are not so much he would have trouble lifting, no quite the contrary, the amount of weight was for reps. Let's see what Marsha has to say. I know one thing Ben, I need a shower really bad. But I can't take one until all the witness/suspects are interviewed. Let's get to it okay?"

  Stacy's cell rang and it was Chief Geppart saying, "Morning Stacy. Sorry we've not made a quick response, but it seems we're swamped this morning. We had a rash of crime this weekend and all our detectives are busy. I can come if you need some help?"

  "Thanks Ron, but we're okay here. We've a suspicious death at my health club. We can handle it so no need to come. I just wanted to make sure you're informed of a possible homicide in the city."

  "I appreciate that and let me know if you need my help. It's a tough week coming," he said hanging up.

  Fellow Health Nuts

  Dan had made a list of members who were left here at the time of discovery. Stacy looked at the list: 1. Sherm Knox 2. Herman [Herm] Philips. 3. Nancy Dawson.4. Meggie Wilson. 5. Glen Dodge and 6. Roger Sparks. Stacy said, "I think we can ask Pete for a few more chairs from the club house. I'll take the first two on the list, Sherm Knox and Herman Phillips. Dan you can have Nancy Dawson and Meggie Wilson. Ben that leaves Glen Dodge and the clean up guy Roger Sparks. Roger is an employee here Ben and he was absent while I was working out. He's usually somewhere leaning on his mop leering at any and all females"

  Stacy went to Pete and he ran to the clubhouse for chairs. Stacy said to the members: This won't take long and you can be out of here. I'll interview, Sherm and Herman; Ben Razor will interview Glen and Roger; and Dan Swollow will do Nancy and Meggie. Pete went to fetch a few more chairs. Let's get started while we wait. Just be patient please. Now Sherm Knox please come with me." Stacy went down and over by the treadmills to interview Sherm.

  "Yes Sherman Knox it's kind of strange we meet this way and under such circumstances. We see each other on many occasions, but as we live in our own worlds, we seldom introduce and talk. Please call me Stacy and may I call you Sherman?"

  "Just call me Sherm Stacy. My uncles of old would joke about a military tank called a Sherman. And there was that general back in the Civil War named Sherman. Anyway, what can I answer for you Stacy?"

  "What if anything did you see or hear from the time you arrived until we stopped you from what you were doing?"

  "I arrived around 6am my usual time. My routine is a quick circle of the machines doing various muscle exercises. After that I spend about thirty plus minutes fast walking doing aerobics. I listen to music so I don't hear anything but my tunes. I've seen that guy before, but vaguely remember seeing him this am. I saw nothing out of the ordinary."

  "What do you do for work Sherm?"

  "I'm an attorney at a firm downtown. We do mostly governm
ent work and it's very boring."

  "Here's my number and if you recall anything……………" Stacy scribbled her phone number on a scrap of paper and handed it to him. "Thanks for hanging around." She watched him hurry out the door and Herman strode over to take his place.

  They both decided first names were just fine. Stacy asked, "Herm, what can you tell me about from the time you arrived until you were so rudely interrupted?"

  "I was here early this am waiting for Pete to open up. I only had to wait a few minutes. I truly love working out. I spend about two hours before work here most every day. I warm up with stretching, then twenty minutes on the treadmill. After that I make my rounds toning muscles, not looking to amass bulging arms or things like that. Then it's back to the treadmill and my music. I do remember seeing the dead guy, but he was pumping some serious weights. I shook my head but minded my own business. If I'm not mistaken I thought I saw somebody walk up and talk to him. That's about it Stacy."

  "Can you recall anything about the person who was talking to him?"

  "I seem to flash back seeing a muscled body, but I didn't recognize him as a regular."

  "Good recall Herm. What do you do for work?"

  "I'm an assistant editor for the Register-Guard our local newspaper," he said laughing. "I know who you are very well Marshall." Stacy was taken a bit aback by the news. She said:


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