Murder Mysteries #5

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Murder Mysteries #5 Page 27

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I'm not sure Herm if that is good for me or not," Stacy said with a cock of the head and obviously being coy.

  "I've always wanted to talk to you but am too shy to come forward to tell you who I am. I would, in your place, think I was just another news hound."

  "I'm sure Herm we can talk again as this case develops. I'm happy to make your acquaintance."

  "Likewise and now it's time for a much needed hot shower. I wish you luck. Strange place to kill someone and right in front of a few people. This might be one for the books."

  Stacy saw Herm leave thinking what a nice looking man he was. She didn't see any ring on his finger—hum—and such curly hair. She heard a voice and looked up seeing Pete with a lovely dressed woman who was the complex manager. Stacy had met her when she moved in, but had not seen her since. Tammy -- something was her name was what she remembered. Stacy stood up realizing that her usual appearance was pale in comparison to her present look. This death would take its toll on her as the on-site manager. She ran her fingers through her stringy hair and said, "Thanks for coming so quickly Tammy.

  "What a horrible way to start a week Stacy. This will have devastating effects upon our reputation. What will happen now," asked Tammy with one hand to her neck thinking maybe the killer was still here just waiting to jump her. Her eyes were darting here and there as well.

  "The health club will be closed for a few days Tammy. I remember seeing the victim, but need his name and such things. Also a copy of his original application. Pete told me his name, but we need his full name please. I presume you have a pass key to his house?"

  "Yes we do. I'll get it for you right away. If possible, let's get past this awful incident as quickly as possible," said Tammy.

  Stacy thought that was typical of a manager climbing the rungs of a life's ladder to places only a few really want to be. She had not a care for the dead man and who might have murdered him. What she desired was to have the cleanup guy Roger sweep the whole mess under the rug. She could care less about the dead man's family, friends or anyone familiar with him. The most startling thing was there was somebody that lived here and frequented the health club had murdered Derk Cassiday. It was apparent that thought never entered her singular thinking brain.

  Dr. Stone Reports

  Tammy and Pete left leaving Stacy standing there in thought. Marsha walked up taking her latex gloves off. Stacy looked at her trying to put on a smile, but failing miserably. "You look like hell Stacy. Go take a shower, but first let me say this: The vic has been dead about an hour and half I'd guess. That would put the time of death between 6:30 and 7 o'clock. I'm speculating he died of asphyxiation probably from a crushed esophagus due to the bar being used as the murder weapon." Cathy was with her and she said:

  "I think the bar bell was placed on his throat and his hands also placed where they are now. It seems reasonable to think the victim was being assisted and the killer dropped the hundred twenty five pounds onto his throat."

  Marsha said, "I think that is what happened. We might know more at the autopsy, but that remains to be seen. You can go take a look Stacy. He was a nice looking man. I'll let you know when the autopsy will take place. He's all yours and when you're finished will take him to the morgue."

  Stacy went to Pete and with Ben at her side, said, "Pete, what do you know about Dirk and what did you see this morning about his workout? Was there anyone around him at any time?

  "Like I said before, he was rather quiet and seemed into self. He spent a lot of time building muscles from the legs on up. Actually he seemed a little obsessed with putting on bulk. There's been a new guy, Felix……..can't remember his last name—let me see my list. Here we go," taking out a book with a hardbound black cover from under the counter. Pete flipped through the pages and ran a finger down and said, "Here we are—Felix Warner. He's in C-21. He hung around Dirk on occasion. To me it seemed a helping hand rather than a friendship kind of thing. Anyway, I did see him come in this morning but never saw him leave. However, I was earlier checking the restrooms and other things to start the week. Roger was out front if I recall."

  Ben was taking notes and Stacy said, "Thanks Pete. Who else was here this morning that left before our remaining members we interviewed?"

  "Only two others that I recall. One was a little guy, but well toned muscles. His name is Boyd Riggins and the other dude is Shawn Little. Shawn is on the portly side, but in the last few months he's shed some weight. Boyd is quiet and Shawn is always gay and happy."

  Pete had turned the book around so Ben could write the names and house numbers. Ben noticed that Boyd Riggins in C- 22 was a next-door neighbor of the suspect Felix Warner in C-21. Also, Shawn Little lived not far away in C-24.

  "Pete, please contact Tammy again and ask her for the paper work on the three members we just looked at in the book. I'm going to shower and afterwards, I'll call her for accompanying me to Dirk Cassidy's house. Thanks for your help Pete."

  Stacy left for her house, Marsha left with the body and Cathy waited for Stacy. Ben and Dan went on an evidence search of the complete room and area directly outside the club.

  Shower Contemplation

  Stacy moaned feeling the hot shower wash off the sweat and grime of her workout and the subsequent interviews. She realized that the shower was a dandy place to think. First she thought about the victim Dirk Cassiday. He appeared around thirty. Not handsome but he had a pleasant face. She vaguely remembered him working out on occasion. Always the first thought is why someone would take a life. More often than not the killer had a very good reason or motive for taking someone's life. Stacy fleetingly wondered what the motive was in this case.

  Stacy decided a double shampoo would make her feel clean again. Her new almond shampoo was heaven to smell and a delight to use. Now the suspects entered her head. First there was the skinny guy who live next door in C-22, Boyd Riggins. And next was Shawn Little who lived in C-24. It was no use thinking about those two suspects at this time.

  Stacy did flash back on Herman Philips who surprised her being connected with the local newspaper. She smiled thinking how handsome he was with his dark curly hair. Pay attention to business Stacy, she said to the mirror as she exited the shower.

  After toweling off, dressing for a rather nice April day, she skipped breakfast quick walking to the health club. On the way she called Tammy Henly. She was in her office when she answered the phone with some apprehension. Stacy thought she might have considered it a superior calling to warn her of the consequences of a major crime on their doorstep. Sadly Tammy would probably think it her fault and feel guilty. "Oh hi Stacy. I'm ready and will meet you at the health club."

  Stacy found Ben and Dan just finishing an evidence search. Ben shook his head and Dan looked a little kid who was about to be scolded for being naughty. Stacy said, "I didn't think you'd find anything as the perp came in, killed the victim and left unseen. I think the killer was or had perfect timing. He'd been planning this for a long time." Stacy heard Tammy talking to Pete and she turned towards the counter. Tammy tried to smile but failed. It was evident that the early morning gloss of makeup had lost its purported lasting power.

  "Here's the documents you asked for Stacy. My boss wants me to go with you to the……"

  "Former owner who was found dead in the health club," finished Stacy.

  "Thanks. I appreciate it. I just couldn't say 'dead man's house', but then I guess I just did!"

  Stacy took Derk's original application and gave Dan and Ben the other three suspects, Felix Warner, Boyd Riggins and Shawn Little their applications. Tammy led the way to Derk Cassidy's house. Derk Cassidy lived in B- 20 which was just next door to C-building.

  Tammy said, while walking across the well-manicured sidewalk paths that wound their way from building to building connecting the main club house with the residencies. My boss is all over me Stacy as if the death was all my fault." Stacy kept quiet as the statement really didn’t concern her. Stacy enjoyed walk around the area.
It really was well kept and of course the hefty maintenance fee paid off in spades, as far as Stacy was concerned. The complex really was very nice.

  "Walking up the stairs to the second floor, Tammy, with her hand shaking, fitted the key into the dead bolt and punched in Dirk's door lock code. Tammy tentatively opened the door, stepped back to let Stacy in first. After walking in, Stacy detected a strange smell permeating the entire house. Her brain went into action and guessed it was some rubbing oil or something like that for overworked muscles. She looked around the living room area seeing it neat and clean for the most part. A smattering of magazines lay on the glass-topped coffee table looking well used. All were tributary to weight lifting. Stacy raised her eyes at the thought of how determined and dedicated this Dirk was to bodybuilding.

  A slow walk through the kitchen found his laptop on the table and this is where he did his paperwork. Stacy thumbed through the pile of bills seeing the usual and nothing out of the ordinary. A quick look into the refer saw energy drinks, power advertised foods of various sorts. Mostly real foods were protein loaded, such as eggs, beef and such things.

  Down the hall way Stacy stopped off at the stark bathroom that had a stock supply of men's stuff. In the cabinet were some pill bottles. She did not recognize the names so stuck the bottles into her bag. She went to his bedroom also finding it neat and clean. The bed was made, nice high-end clothes in the closet with at least ten pair of shoes to fit any occasion. A quick look through his chest of drawers was almost a futile attempt, but then a stack of envelopes tied with a red ribbon was discovered in the top drawer with his socks and boxers. A look and Stacy saw feminine handwriting on all of them. She would read them later as they too went into her bag.

  The nightstand revealed a small caliber handgun and a box of condoms. In addition, more lifting mags were sitting on top next to his alarm clock. Stacy went back to the living room finding Tammy leaning against the wall waiting patiently. "Let's go Tammy."

  At the club Dan and Ben were chatting with Pete. Stacy broke up the discussion by asking where Roger was. Pete looked around and then looked at his watch. "He's probably over at the main club house cleaning. Do you want me to go get him?"

  "That's okay for now. What I'd like is for you to lock up and go home. We'll attach a crime scene tape across the door. I see no need of a police officer to protect this crime scene. I'm afraid Pete the bar bell will be missing for quite some time from now on."

  The three of them went outside and Stacy said, "Let's go to the office and sift through what we've got so far and make a plan where to go from here."

  Incident Room

  Back at the office with Dan swinging by the 'golden muffin' place, all, Ben, Stacy, Dan, Emma and Sharon wolfed down breakfast. Emma was very proud of her baby bump. She was scheduled for an August delivery. Rumor had it she was exercising and eating properly, but you couldn't tell it from breakfast. Em wolfed down two Egg McMuffin and washed it with orange juice. Stacy observed that Dan seemed a little nonchalant about the whole thing. But Emma told Stacy he was very caring at home taking on more of the housework. In bed he'd listen and feel the baby moving. No, she said, he might not appear excited, but he really is happy. Also he has his schoolwork and job to do. He has, as they say, a lot on his plate these days.

  As they ate breakfast, Stacy asked, "Any thoughts on the homicide anyone?"

  "I realize this sounds redundant, but somebody really disliked this guy. We need to find a motive. My thinking is, it was somebody he either worked with or did work for. If my understanding is correct, the vic was a stock broker or something like that," said Ben.

  "He was a financial manager at Lancelot Investments. I'll call then shortly to inform his employer the news. Also I'll call his next of kin. His parents are listed in case of accident or need to contact. They live in Palm Springs.

  Dan call Rhonda Hancock up at Rory's office to do a complete background check on Dirk Cassiday. After breakfast let's go into my office and do the white board work to sort out the suspects and/or witnesses that were on hand this morning."

  Bellies full, coffee drank, tea drank, they adjourned to what, all called Stacy's office, the incident room during a case of violent crime. First she called the parents: Walt and Helen Cassiday. Like any law enforcement agent, a call to inform a blood relative of a violent death was guts wrenching. Usually the recipient was either happy or perhaps angry when the phone rang. Seldom or never was the recipient devastated by the news until the sad circumstance was revealed.

  When Stacy called the Palm Springs number, a housekeeper answered the phone. In broken English she told Stacy to wait a minute and she would get the madam. Stacy hated this part of the job. She could hear walking coming to the phone and in a slight out of breath, a pleasant voice said hello. "Mrs. Cassiday, my name is US Marshall Stacy Foreham from Eugene, Oregon. I've some bad news and maybe if you're standing you might consider sitting down."

  A long ten seconds of silence and then a high pitch voice said, "Oh my God, something's happened to Dirk?"

  "Yes, I am afraid I've bad news Mrs. Cassiday. This morning her was found murdered at the health club where he lived. I'm terribly sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Is there someone who can help you right now?"

  Stacy heard a voice fraught with emotion, but not without some poise saying, "Glenda is with me and I'm sitting down now. Please give me some details Marshall." Stacy went on to tell her what had happened and said:

  "We'll catch the killer Mrs. Cassiday. His days are numbered. Now, I presume you'll be coming to Eugene soonest. I'll let you know when the autopsy will be preformed and when you can take his body to his final resting place. Here is my number and call me anytime. One more thing and that is if you have any idea who might have been an enemy of Dirk's please tell me now so we can investigate that lead."

  "I'll think about it, but right now I don't know anybody who disliked my Dirk so much to kill him I'll talk to my husband very soon. Thanks for the call. God what a world we live in today. It seems violence reaches out and touches any and all of us citizens one way or another."

  After she hung up she could not agree more with her about the everyday violence occurring across a nation that purports the highest standard of living in the world. However, serious crime and serious violence happens every few seconds of a twenty-four hour day. Stacy gave a big sigh and after gathering her thoughts, said, "Okay, let's report what our interviews said about what they heard and or saw. I'll start first."

  A Recap of Interviews

  "My first interview was with Sherm Knox an attorney in town. He neither saw no heard anything. But my second interview did produce some information. Herman Philips said he saw a glimpse of a male with the victim during his workout. Herman, or Herm, is an assistant editor of our local newspaper. No details describing the person with, but at least we know somebody talked to him. Okay, let's go to Dan and his two interviews."

  Dan said, "I interviewed Nancy Dawson and Maggie Wilson. Neither of the two saw or heard anything abnormal that morning. They did admit they knew who the victim was by name, but had never met him personally. That's it."

  Ben said, "I had Rodger Sparks who is, as you know by now, the clean up worker for the site. He's not the brightest bulb and has trouble answering questions. I asked him his whereabouts during the previous hour before the victim was discovered. He said he was busy cleaning the restrooms. He said he recognized the victim, but had never talked to him. I felt he was not telling the entire truth. He seemed guilty about something. We need to grill him further. The other one I interviewed was Glen Dodge. He never saw or heard anything. He claims he didn't know the vics name or where he lived. I got the impression Glen was a loner and wanted to be left alone."

  "The only hot tip we have is from Herm Phillips about seeing somebody talking to the victim. I'll follow up on that end of things. Now let's move over to our short list of suspects."


  Stacy went to the white board with her black
market. On other occasions the suspect list was longer, but at this time, there were only a few suspects to begin the investigation.

  "The health club manager Pete Poncy told me about Felix Warner who lives next door so to speak from our victim. He's a stock broker in town. Pete says he's from Portland. It seems according to Pete that Felix would on occasion help Dirk with his workout. He went on to say that it didn't appear they were close friends, but just fellow lifters lending a hand when needed. He did see Felix come in and leave. Ben has some written notes to look at later.

  Next we have Boyd Riggins in C-22 which is next door to Felix Warner. Here's the application for living here. He's thirty-five and single. He works at a local bank as a loan officer. His prior residence was in Portland working for the same firm. He transferred and let's ask him why. Pete says he's a three time a week guy with a short program of body work and uses the treadmill.

  Shawn Little lives in C-24 and has been known to talk with Boyd and Felix. He's an outgoing person. Age is thirty and single. He works for a life insurance company and he too comes from Portland. Okay, we've names and little else to go on.

  Ben why don't you track down this Felix Warner suspect. Dan I'd like for you to see Roger Sparks and let's see what he's hiding or not saying. Check his job application and background back until he went from elementary to middle school. I want total information on him.

  I'll take Boyd Riggins and let's see how it goes with Shawn Little as left over for one of us to interview. I'll call Connie to inform her we're on a homicide case."

  Dan went to his office and Ben went to his new office in the large conference room. It had been decided that because Ben spent so much time here at the US Marshall's office, he really needed a place to work. Stacy had a crew come in and wall off a suitable area to accommodate a desk and other things necessary to do business. Sadly, but he did not care, no windows to let in some natural light. Ben was happy with a phone and computer. Actually he was really happy to have a place to sit down.


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