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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 29

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Let's see if I have it right. Felix Warner is AWOL and Roger Sparks is also AWOL. We need to interview Pete Poncy for more information about Roger and what he saw this morning. Like Dan says, Pete Poncy holds the key that could possibly open the door on a prime suspect. Right now as we understand it, nobody from the outside or a non-club member entered the health club. That leads me to believe it had to be a club member who murdered Dirk Cassiday."

  "Ben find Felix and follow up with Rhonda on the background checks. Dan and I are going to see Pete Poncy again. It's possible we can get a lead on Roger Sparks." Stacy was looking around the table seeing some real hangdog looks on their faces including Emma and Sharon.

  Stacy looked at Emma and asked, "Why is everyone so down in the mouth?" She saw looks going from Dan to Emma and Emma to Sharon. Ben was the only one not casting about for a comeback. Finally Dan said:

  "For me it seems we're spinning our wheels unable to get any traction to go anywhere. This Roger guy lives in such squalor and now he's disappeared, or at least for the moment he seems wary of being asked a few questions, that he's probably hiding out in somebody's similar habitation. If he's running with low life drug users, he'd be hard to track down. I suggest we get the local police looking for him."

  "Look you guys, it's only been a few hour since we or I discovered the body. We need to plod our way through the dead ends to reach our perp. Always, after the bad comes the good. Okay, Dan let's go and Ben can find Felix if anybody can."

  Pete's Review

  Pete Poncy was sitting in Tammy Henley's office when Stacy and Dan arrived. Upon entering Stacy saw downcast looks on both Tammy and Pete's faces. She said, while still standing, "Could we find a place where we can all sit down where a few questions can be asked."

  "Yes, of course Marshall. Let's go over to a conference room. Follow me please," said Tammy. From her office they had to walk through a large area where groups of people could come together for any occasion. Stacy remembered Tammy telling her about how nice a community center they had for large gathering of a family reunion or any other event. After crossing an empty area they entered a conference room by the name of 'The Evergreen Room'.

  Inside was tastefully decorated with large prints of forest scenes lining the pale blue walls. A rectangle table and chairs for about twenty sat in the middle of the room with additional chairs lining the walls. Near the head of the table Stacy and Dan sat across from Tammy and Pete.

  It looked like Tammy had recovered since early morning. Pete, on the other hand, looked a little rough around the edges. As Stacy recalled, he was, she thought, in his early thirties, but now he looked closer to forty. She wondered why he looked so aged. "Pete do you have any idea where Roger Sparks is?"

  Tammy took the question saying, "He was here cleaning around 9 or half past when he asked if he could take the rest of the day off. He said the shock and under the spotlight by the police made his migraine rear its ugly head. I told him to finish up what he was doing and be here tomorrow as usual."

  Pete said, "Right after you left I sent him to Tammy's to work. He seemed a little out of sorts all right. You remember I had to go find him for you to ask him some questions. Well—uh—I- found him in the women's locker room—humm-he was masturbating. I told him to clean up and get out front. In retrospect I should have fired him. Our female club members are complaining about his leering ways. I know Stacy you have found him offensive. Tammy has agreed we'll relegate him to cleaning the club house and helping our gardener."

  "We went to his residence and he was absent. Before when asked about a cell phone he mumbled something about it being broken. Do you know if his cell works?"

  "It's true that his cell is no good. But you know it's surprising that he's only missed a few days since hiring on. We've gotten used to him not showing up on a Friday and sometimes on a Monday. One day doesn't matter much to us unless we've a party on the weekend. It's those times I make sure he comes to work to clean up the place."

  "Thanks for that information. Now Pete, tell us one more time since you arrived this morning and when I informed you of a deceased person. What time and who came and went that you can remember?"

  "Like I said earlier, I saw Felix, Boyd, Shawn come in. I remember Boyd and Shawn leaving, but missed Felix for some reason. Actually that's all I remember leaving. The others who were here when Dirk was discovered, were the only ones that were exercising today."

  "Did you ever see anyone with Dirk this morning? Someone who might have been spotting for him," asked Stacy.

  Dan saw him lacing and unlacing his fingers. His eyes were not calm but not darting around as if truly nervous. He said, "Not that I recall. If he'd somebody spotting for him it would have been Felix."

  "Pete, how long have you been here working for this company?"

  Eyes to the ceiling and wheels were turning. "I think about two years now I've been here."

  "Where were you before here Pete?"

  "Up in Portland at a fitness center in Beaverton. When I heard about this new operation here in Eugene I applied and was hired. It's smaller and less demanding than my old place."

  Stacy had his application and saw the name of the fitness center: Hightone Fitness Center.

  "I presume this address in your application is current Pete?"

  "Yes, I'm fairly comfortable there. It's only a ten minute drive from home to work.

  "Well thanks a lot Pete and Tammy. If you hear from Roger, please call immediately." They shook hands and left.

  In the SUV Stacy sat thinking over the interview. There was something nagging at her brain about the interview with Pete. It will come, she thought. "Dan what's your take on Pete?"

  "You know Stacy I don't have the analytical side of an investigator yet, but he's not telling the truth or is holding something back. What that is, I've not a clue."

  "I too felt something is missing and he knows more than he's letting on. The question is why is he not being totally forthright? I think we need Rory to check out the Hightone place."

  Dan was driving so not thinking about the case much. What he did not need was an accident. Then his thoughts swung to Roger jacking off in the women's locker room. Dan's thoughts were, as he drove into their underground parking, why not use the men's restroom, why the women's. It seemed a little strange to him, as he led Stacy to their front door.

  Actually Stacy had been thinking about that very thing as well. She took it a step further wondering about a guy like Roger doing a little peeping tom work. Stacy wasn't positive, but about half the women showered at the gym rather than at home. It was considerately more in the wintertime.

  Afternoon Hash Time

  Ben wasn't back yet. Stacy went to her office to call Rory. "Hey Super catch the bad guy yet?"

  "Almost in the bag Tall Man. Hey, need a favor. There's a health club-fitness center in Beaverton named, Hightone Fitness. I'll fax some names for you to check out if they were members and one guy who worked there. Are you busy?"

  "Doing this court stuff is for the birds. It's like babysitting. I need to get into a good homicide. Can you slot me in on this health club murder?"

  "Can do, especially if there is a connection that might tie these guys together, which I think there's a connection. We've two suspects that have gone missing. I'll note those two on my document coming forthwith. Got to run Tall Man."

  Stacy grinned and laughed knowing he would be sitting there with his mouth hanging open wanting to talk some more. Sharon came in and with a cock of her head wondered why Stacy was smiling. "Hey that newspaper guy Phil from the Oregonian called asking for you. He said he'd like a sketch of the health club murder for tomorrow's news."

  Stacy said, "I'll call him in a minute. Now please note what I wrote here on this legal pad and send it to Rory please." Sharon looked to proof read noting it had all the names of the witnesses and suspects. Also she added the two missing men. She nodded and left.

  Ben walked in as Sharon was leaving. Dan followed as t
hey all sat at the round table to discuss the afternoon's events. Ben looked a little beat. "I can't seem to find the guy Stacy. It's like he disappeared. I even found his regular doctor who hasn't seen him in a while. His office has heard nothing. I have an APB out on him. If he's driving we'll catch him."

  Stacy nodded and then told Dan to brief Ben while she called Phil at the Oregonian. Phil answered right away and said, "Thanks Stacy for returning my call. We're lacking news from down your way so I thought your morning homicide might pique some interest. Can you tell me what is what?"

  "Nothing very exciting or earth shaking Phil. A power lifter at my housing complex was killed when a heavy bar bell crushed his throat. He was lying on the bench press when I discovered him. We don't have any prime suspects as of yet, but we do have a few leads we're chasing down. The victim was early thirties and as I've contacted his next of kin, his name is Dirk Cassiday. He was a stockbroker here in town. That's about it Phil"

  "Thanks Stacy. I'll call back tomorrow to see if any new developments."

  Love Letters

  As Stacy hung up she remembered the stack of letters in her bag. She had forgotten about them. Her cheeks had a dash of color if anyone was looking. She reached down into her bag for the packet of envelopes. The first thing she noticed was the return address was three letters: WIC. She took out the most recent to see what was currently happening and then back to front.

  The latest started out:


  Why haven't you called me? I thought we had an agreement I'd supply and you'd send cash. I've been supplying and haven't seen any compensation for two months now. If no cash, no raw material. Think about it and best get a hold of me. Your friends won't like you if I spill the beans.


  Stacy was rocked back wondering what this all meant. What was the 'supply' and what exactly was he paying for? Could it be drugs? Power lifters were known to use steroids. She looked up while stuffing the letter back into the envelope. This is very curious for sure, she thought while digging out from the bottom to see what the beginning had to say. It was postmarked about a year ago.

  Dirk Honey,

  Here comes the first batch. I'm trusting you to send the funds immediately. You shan't be disappointed. More to follow if you're prompt with your end of things.

  All of the rest were similar in content. They all were mentioning supply and wanting money in exchange. This was a puzzler for sure. Stacy looked at the wall clock seeing it was late afternoon going on evening. It sure looked like drugs were being sent down from Portland. Stacy decided to call Ben and Dan in for this new development. She moved to the round table with the packet of mail. Dan and Ben came in wondering but not asking what she wanted. Stacy said, "I found this in Dirk's chest of drawers tucked in the back. Here read the latest and the first one. The in between are similar. Tell me what you think. I'm going for a cup of tea."

  By the time she had returned Ben and Dan was discussing the contents. Stacy plopped down and looked first at one then the other. Ben said, "Drugs. It must be drugs." Dan nodded his head in agreement.

  "I'm inclined to agree with you but there might be something else. Let's not close our minds on what it might be. Pornography is one other alternative. But that is all I can think of right now. I'll ask Cathy to do a thorough search of his house. I didn't do much other than a cursory look around."

  Ben and Dan waited while she called Cathy and after she told her what she wanted, Cathy said she was on it right this minute.

  Just after she hung up, Sharon came in saying she had a call from a woman who had earlier talked to Deputy Dan at the motel. Dan, with a nod from Stacy went to her desk to take the call. He listened and then said, "Don't touch anything and don't let anybody near his unit. I'll be there in ten minutes."

  Stacy was listening and waited for Dan to speak. He set the phone down gently and with a thoughtful look, turned and said, "That was the lady I talked to earlier today. She said one of his friends came by to pick up something from Rogers unit. He went in and came back out in a hurry. The neighbor lady was outside and the guy said, "He's dead. He's lying across the floor face down with some blood under him." That's when she went to office to use the phone to call me."

  "Take off Dan and we'll follow you. I'll call Cathy and Marsha. Tape off the area and ask the woman if she knew the friend who came. I doubt he's still there, but it's also doubtful he knows what happened to Roger Sparks."

  Ben drove after receiving the address and directions from Dan. They were only a few minutes behind Dan. Pulling in, the old motel apartments were in deep shade. The original trees had never been trimmed much and Stacy thought it hid the awful site the place was. No wonder Dan had a hangdog look on his face earlier. Stacy and Ben got out and saw Dan talking to the neighbor. He had already taped off the area. The woman had an infant hanging onto her thrust out hip with a shiny new diaper on against an otherwise naked body that was badly in need of a bath.

  Dan said, "This is Rose Garner. She's the one who put the call in. I'll let her tell you what she knows about what happened."

  Rose said with a mouthful of bad teeth, "I was standing in my door way catch a breath of fresh air when this friend of Rogers drives up. He got out without so much as a howdy doody and rapped on Roger's door. Then he opened it up. He went inside and then back out so quick it make your head swim. He looked at me saying Roger was dead with some blood showing. Then he got in his car and threw gravel all over behind him leaving. I don't know his name and didn't think to get the license plate."

  "Have you ever seen him before," asked Stacy. Stacy waited while Ben stuck his head in the door looking, but not entering.

  "Oh yea many times. The two of them are beer-drinking buddies. I heard them talking about his place over in Springfield." She shifted the, for now, baby to her other hip. "That's all I know." As if she thought that would be enough for now because it looked like she wanted to sit down.

  Stacy said for her to take a rest as the coroner would be here shortly. Dan went knocking on the other units to see if anyone had seen or heard anything. Roger was in unit 11 and the caller was in unit 10. He went to 9 and 8 finding nobody home or nobody answering the door. Across the way, as the motel was U shaped without the bottom of the U, which three or four big elm trees showed off their girth and prolific set of branches to the inside of the motel. They were in full bloom literally blocking off the sun.

  Dan rapped on unit 7 finding an old lady answering the door. She must have been gazing out the window as the door opened in seconds. Dan saw a smiling face that he wondered if she thought he was her long lost son or grandson. Dan showed her his ID and she took her sweet time looking at it. This event would be the highlight of her last few years or maybe a decade or longer. "I'm Mrs. Grey deputy. Use my given name please. It's Elmira. Now my old legs can't stand here forever young man, so please come in and have a seat." She turned away and surprisingly walked fairly well without any cane or walker. She led him to a sofa with a coffee table and two chairs at each end of the sofa facing the table. It kind of looked like she might be having company over at any time for tea and biscuits. Dan sat down and Elmira sat on one the small upholstered chairs facing him.

  "Elmira, what did you see, if anything, across the way at unit 11 this morning or afternoon?"

  "My word deputy I thought we might have a little small talk and a cup of coffee before we delve into the crime scene across the area. I'm a diehard lover of the CSI shows. Do you folks have a CSI team?"

  "Yes, we do. She will be here shortly. I'd love a cup of coffee if it's not too much trouble," said Dan. He knew full well this old lady with enough wrinkles to keep an iron busy for many hours had some real treasures to tell. He could tell she was bursting at the seams to pass it on, but she needed to savor the moment. She padded her way into the kitchen in her slippers.

  She said, from not far away, "Do you take anything in it Deputy?"

  Dan told her no and looked around seeing only two pictures o
f what looked like family on the wall. They were nicely framed, but seemed very old fashioned. The young man had a crew cut and the girl had her curly hair pined back off her face and ears. On the coffee table was a TV guide and nothing else but the remote to the TV. The TV sat directly in front of him. Other than that the place could use a paint job, but it appeared clean enough. Elmira rounded the corner with a tray and two mugs of steaming coffee. Alongside the coffee was a small bowl of Oreo cookies.

  "Help yourself deputy. Now I'll tell you what I saw across the way. It wasn't long after you left, somewhere just after lunch maybe, a dark, rather nice car drove up and parked in front of unit 11. Roger got out and a tall heavy set man followed him inside. It wasn't five minutes later the man came out. He got in his car and drove away. My eyes are not so good, but he sure looked like a thug to me."

  "Thank you Elmira. You make a darn good witness and a fine cup of coffee." He sipped and ate almost a half dozen cookies.

  "You're welcome. I doubt I could describe his face and I couldn't read the license. Now please tell me what happened across the street."

  Dan told her and then he said he had to get back to the crime scene to report what she told him. He made sure she knew it was US Marshall Stacy Foreham who was the head of this investigation. "I thought so. I've followed her career since Bandon. I knew her grandmother at one time. I'm over ninety deputy. She's one smart detective and her grandmother was one smart lady as well. Never mind. If you're in the neighbor hood, stop by for some more coffee and cookies," she said warmly following him to the door.


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