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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 31

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  When she finished that report she handed it to Dan. He read it carefully while Stacy read Boyd Riggins the loan manager. He too had transferred down from Portland about two years ago. He had a substantial bank account that appeared a little high for his position at the bank. Rhonda had made a special note that his annual salary didn't reflect the size of his accounts. Rhonda had two exclamation points behind the bottom line. Stacy, like Rhona, wondered where the income had come from. she did note that Boyd had invested heavily in the stock market and looked like he did very well. Also Stacy noticed he did his stock business with the same firm as Felix worked for. There was not any significant about that notion him doing business with a major firm. Stacy made a note to make an appointment to see Mr. Boyd Riggins. The last thing see noted was he too was a former member of Hightone.

  Next came Shawn Little the life insurance guy. Ben had interviewed him and maybe both Ben and she would interview him as the bell rang for round two interrogations coming up Shawn came from back east from a well to do family. His father was in the life insurance business. Shawn arrived on Portland almost eight years ago. As a matter of fact, he still worked for the same company as before here in Eugene. There was nothing out of line about his income. It might have been a little high, but as he too invested in the market, with the same brokerage firm as Boyd Riggins and Felix Warner, but other than he too was a former Hightone member, all appeared fairly typical.

  Stacy handed Shawn to Dan thinking about what those three suspects had in common. First they belonged to the Beaverton Hightone Fitness Center. Next they all lived in the same townhouse complex and all worked out at that same location. They all denied they were friends, but only casual acquaintances. Stacy thought they were more friends than just an occasional hello how are you.

  Not long after she finished reading and thinking, Ben walked in. They always heard a pleasant good morning or afternoon from the even-tempered Ben Razor. Stacy said, while handing him the background checks, "We've a date with Marsha this morning Ben. Let's make a schedule to interview our local suspects and think about a trip to Beaverton."

  "Okay let me look through these bio's and after that let's decide what to do. If I'm not mistaken Stacy, you think our missing Felix guy can be located up north?"

  "Yup, sure do Ben. Rory found our letter writer and I think she is hiding our prime suspect Felix Warner. While you're reading those checks Ben let me call my boss to update her. She gets a little nervous if I don't check in regularly."

  Stacy rang up Connie Wilson who was the head of the US Marshall Agency. She said, "Good morning West Coast. How's everything going Stacy?"

  To Stacy, Connie always seemed cheerful and in a good mood. Even when they were dealing with the serial killer that had stress and tension written all over it, she seemed rather cool under fire. Stacy said, "We're looking good Connie. I'm hoping we can close the books on these homicides very soon. If I don't miss my guess, this will be major breaking news when the lid finally comes off."

  "Ah, the old Stacy already knows who did the deed. Damn girl, you have a sixth sense that few have for solving crimes. I must put an umbrella over you or somebody will steal you away from me," she said laughing.

  "I'm a Pacific Coast girl Connie. Money or fame is not in my dreams. My father is getting married come June. I like here and not where you are, as you well know."

  "Let me know how the case turns out. I've got to run."

  Dual Autopsies

  Stacy, Dan and Ben were running a little late. Marsha was just beginning the first victim, Dirk Cassidy. His parents were waiting outside and Stacy felt a little guilty not having personally met them before this time. However, when she entered the building and after introducing herself, they did not seem to mind not being pampered over. They had their own world to live in with the loss of their young son. The mother said to Stacy, "You know parents should not have to attend their children's funerals. The parents are supposed to go first. Now we must take our son home in a coffin and I'll have to grieve for him the rest of my life. Sure it might get easier over time, but it'll never go away."

  Stacy squeezed her arm and made her way to the stainless steel and concrete workroom for the resident Pathologist. Marsha gave off a quick wink and proceeds with the job at hand. With patience the three investigators waited for the results. An hour later, with her assistant doing the remainder of the autopsy, Marsha asked all to join her for a cup of tea or coffee. Inside her office she said, "Nothing new to report. The victim died of asphyxiation from a crushed windpipe. From the angle the perp must have been standing behind him. When the spotter was to receive the barbell the victim probably looked back exposing his throat. That's when the spotter of perp dropped the bar onto his throat. After that, as it would take some little time to expire, the killer held the bar against his throat while the victim thrashed around. The rest you know or have surmised."

  "Thanks Marsha. How about the shot victim Roger Sparks? Do you think there're any surprised awaiting your autopsy?"

  "I've given him a fairly good look Stacy. I see nothing out of the ordinary, other than being killed by a bullet in the heart. The bullet appears a nine millimeter."

  "Thanks and if there's any surprises call me. Ben and I are on our way to Beaverton. Dan will hold the fort while we're gone."

  "I'll do that and let's have a get together soon. Some startling news maybe forthcoming," Marsha said with a sheepish grin while slurping her coffee. Stacy caught it and Ben looked manly confused.

  Dan was going back to see the motel lady and just snoop around seeing if anybody remembered anything at all.

  Ben and Stacy motored north waiting for Rory to call about Felix Warner. Stacy said, "Ben would you care to speculate on this case while we drive up north."

  "I think we both see what surrounds the case, but there must be a central person who is orchestrating this whole case of murder and for profit. I'm positive we have a sort of franchise of multi-health clubs where either drugs are used or something else. I'm not sure what that something else is though."

  At that moment, Rory called. "Hey Super. We got the guy locked up just waiting for you to water board him. You're right on where he was hiding out. I'd a warrant and she didn't want me to come in. Anyway, I convenience her to let me in or she'd be book into jail and not later, but right now. Anyway, Felix was there and gave us no problems. I'd recruited some local Beaverton guys in blue who also pumped weights to back me up. I told Wendy that she'd be accompanied every minute by a female police officer. Okay, when you coming Super?"

  "We're just passing through Salem now. Let's have some lunch first okay," she said grinning with Ben doing the same thing.

  "You're teasing me I know you are. Okay, you twisted my arm. Meet me at the Circle BBQ just of I-5 near the 205 exit. Ben knows where it is."

  "Ben nodding his head that he knows the place. See you in less than an hour," said Stacy closing her phone up, or swiping it off.

  Let's Make a Deal

  Stacy had breast of chicken in a bed of lettuce. She opted for a sweet and sour sauce to garnish the hard-boiled eggs and to soften the croutons. Rory on the other hand, went the entire chicken route. Stacy just shook her head. Ben had a medium plate of chicken and salad. Stacy asked after the orders were taken, "What attitude did you see when Felix knew he game was up?"

  "Actually he just hung his head and went along quietly. He did ask for a lawyer though. I told him to be ready by no later than 2 pm. He made the call and nodded in the affirmative."

  "We need to bring in Wendy and ask her some questions. I think it might behoove us to let him know we have his lady friend next door to his interrogation room," said Stacy.

  "I think this Wendy lady is instrumental to the case. She's somehow the distributor of the product and I'm not sure what the product is," said Rory as the waiter sat a whole chicken down in front of him. He also gave him a giant fork and a large serrated kitchen knife to cut through bone if needed. "I missed breakfast so this is going
to have to do for both lunch and the missed breakfast. Ben just shook his head and Stacy rolled her eyes.

  After lunch Ben followed Rory and Stacy to the newly built Marshall's office/building. This was Stacy's first time here. She said, as they drove underground to park, "Nice Tall Man. "You are top dog in the Portland region."

  "True that is, but all I've done so far is assist you and do the Marshall babysitting jobs that US Marshall's are so proud of. But you seem to have homicides all the time to occupy your days."

  ''I think it would be best to mix a few of everything together. Like peaks and valleys. Wow! this is nice inside here," she said walking into the reception area to meet Rhonda who was standing smiling at Stacy. "Oh, Rhonda it's so nice to finally meet you in person. Your help has greatly increased our solving time rate. I hope you're happy here," said Stacy giving Rhonda a brief hug.

  "Stacy it would seem I've known you for a long time, but in reality it's only been a couple of years at the outside. You three investigators have quite a name for yourselves. I'm happy to ride the waves as we go along. Let me give you a brief tour before you depart to the interrogation rooms downstairs." Rhonda showed her the kitchen, conference rooms, Rory's office and the yet to be deputy to Rory. Overall it was similar to her office/building in Eugene.

  Felix on the Hot Seat

  Stacy said, "Well, we must go to work and see what we can glean from Felix and his friend Wendy Carson." Stacy followed Rory down the stairs with Ben right behind. In an area that was only large enough for a small desk sat a hired guard to keep an eye on the two suspects being held. Ben went to Wendy and Rory and Stacy went in to see Felix and his lawyer. They'd been cooling their heels for a hour or so. The lawyer did not look any to happy, but stood up when Stacy entered.

  Frank Pointer said, "I want to know what my client has been charged with," said a rather high-pitched voice that any judge would find irritating in a courtroom.

  "We're filling charges of first degree murder against Felix Warner. He was seen with the victim just minutes before I discovered the body of Dirk Cassiday. He has some explaining to change or convince us otherwise. "Why did you run Mr. Warner if you are innocent," asked Stacy glaring into his deep brown eyes. Stacy thought he was a nice looking man and had seen him many times working out. However she never paid any attention to the other members while she worked out.

  "I've no real excuse why I ran. I was cognizant of the fact I was spotting for Dirk and when I found out he was murdered, it looked like I would be the guy you would be looking for. So I ran hoping to hide while you found the real killer. I realize this sounds rather lame, but it’s the truth."

  Stacy was looking at Felix wondering if this guy really was acting like a whipped puppy or just looking for some sympathy. To lighten the conversation she asked, "Mr. Warner, tell us about your friends Boyd Riggins and Shawn Little." She saw him twisting his fisted hands nervously. Stacy realized the stainless table was very cold to the touch. For that reason she kept her hands in her lap. The lawyer had his rather cheap looking attaché case closed and on top of the table with his arms resting across it. Felix looked up and said, "I know both pretty well. We met each other at Hightone and then we got together deciding Eugene looked like a better place to live than the Portland area. One by one we moved down to Eugene. I think it was Boyd who found the townhouse complex where we all live. I might add that we're not drinking buddies, but more like distant friends, if you know what I mean."

  "Why then would they both tell me they hardly knew each other and that included you?"

  Felix looked at his lawyer and Frank shrugged his shoulders offering a non-committable response to his client.

  "We didn't want to be seen as some hotshots from Portland. We'd decided to act more solitary than being close friends."

  "Let's go back to that morning when Dirk Cassiday was murdered. You tell us you were spotting for him and then left shortly afterwards? What time was this that you came to the club and what time did you leave," asked Stacy.

  "I got there just about when Pete opened up. Not sure of the exact time, but around 6 am or so. I went through my usual routine and then Dirk gave me a heads up on the bench press. I spotted for him and then told him I needed to duck out early for work. He thanked me and I left just before 7 am, I think."

  "Did you see anyone else around that area that may have spotted for Dirk after you left," asked Rory.

  "Nobody that was a stranger. Boyd and Shawn were working out, but they were into their own things. I saw nobody or any strangers if that's what you mean." Stacy saw him knowing full well he was in deep trouble. The lawyer leaned over and whispered into his ear. Stacy saw an eyebrow rise off his clean-shaven face.

  "Tell us about your relationship with Wendy Carson Felix," said Stacy.

  "We've had an on again off again relationship for the last few years. She's looking for a family and I'm not that kind of guy right now. We met at Hightone. That's about it really."

  "Are you ready to confess Mr. Warner," asked Stacy.

  "No I'm not Marshall. I didn't kill Dirk and I've no idea who did," he said with conviction in his voice.

  "Who's the guy in the red corvette," asked Stacy. She saw his back straighten up and his eyes drop to the steel table.

  "He's buddies with or was a friend of Dirks. Dirk was using roids and this guy was a dealer to my knowledge. I don't use any drugs. My company runs drug tests every now and then. It's cause for immediate dismissal."

  "Mr. Warner. We'd like for you to voluntarily come back to Eugene. I don't think you're an out of state risk to fly. You can resume your work, but wear an ankle bracelet for location purposes. If not, then we'll have to charge you with murder. Think about it and now I must go next door to interview your friend Wendy Carson. I believe Felix she is mixed up in something illegal and needs to tell us everything or spend some time behind bars."

  Stacy saw his reaction very well. He realized that these investigators were onto them big time. He said, without the lawyer's advice, "I'll go with you freely and willingly."

  Wendy Carson

  Stacy left Rory and the lawyer, who was talking a mile a minute to Felix about this and that. Rory sat and waited while they decided the next move down to Eugene. Stacy rapped on the door and entered. Ben stood up and they went outside to chat. Wendy was left with time to reflect on what had passed between her and Ben.

  "She's only owning up to being a girlfriend of Felix. She said the letters were for steroids. She was brokering between Dirk and some others clipping a coupon as she stated. I was waiting for you. We went through her high school to the present time. She's been a fitness trainer for many years. She loves her work. That's about it for now. Let's go press some issues like what is really going on here and most likely other places. I'd also like to know what her relationship is to Pete Poncy. That guy is holding back on us."

  "You're dead right Ben. There's more than meets the eye here. I'm a bit fearful we are opening a real can of worms, as my father used to say. Let's go see this muscle girl," said Stacy opening the door to see for the first time a young looking thirty something woman with just a hint of fear in her eyes. Stacy had a plan to exploit that fear from the opening.

  "Ms. Carson, I'm Marshall Foreham. I'll not waste your time nor mine. As near as I can predict, you'll serve about three ~ five years for your participation in this illegal enterprise. We could cut that down a little if you were to come clean on the whole operation. If not, then we can charge you with accessory to murder, selling illegal videos and steroids and that's not all. But let's get to the meat of this operation and that is the illegal videos of women's locker rooms in Hightone and in Eugene at my health club. I'm guessing there are others, but for now let's concentrate on these two." Stacy let her digest that information while sitting back with her arms folded across her chest.

  Ben couldn't believe he hadn't put it all together like Stacy had. He'd almost had it, but as usual, she led the way. He smiled as he saw Wendy Clancy squirming
. And then he realized Stacy hadn't read the right of counsel she was entitled to. Ben said, "Ms. Carson, you've the right to remain silent and your entitled to ………………..". Stacy barely cracked a grin hearing what Ben had said.

  Wendy looked at one and then the other wondering what to do. She thought the smart thing to do was to call a lawyer that she'd didn't even know who or where. She'd spent all her illegal income on material items and weekend excursions so her bank account hovered around zero or just enough to not be overdrawn. Stacy said to drive another nail, "Ms. Carson if you didn't know they have a weight room in prison so you can continue working out. They tell me some of the big momma's have their way with new hard bodies that come in. There're referred to as fresh meat."

  The fear intensified in her sky blue eyes. Stacy saw a twitch in her lips that ran from lip to past the eye to her smooth forehead. It almost resulted in a wink. She said, "I know nothing about the murder in Eugene. I am guilty of acquiring steroids and of sending videos to Eugene. As you know by my letters I sent all to Dirk. What he did after that I don't know."

  "What do you know or have heard from Felix about Dirk being killed," asked Stacy.

  "He doesn't know who killed Dirk. He claims he's innocent, but scared you'll frame him for murder."

  "Who or from where do you get the steroids," asked Ben giving Stacy a break.

  "I meet a guy in Beaverton. We usually meet a fast food joint. I give him money, he gives me product."

  "What does he drive for a car," asked Ben.

  "He drives a red corvette. I don't know his name. He's evil looking and very muscular."

  "In your world of drugs and videos, do you know or have seen a white person driving a big dark colored car?"


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