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Dragon Scales

Page 8

by Sasha L. Miller

  He wanted Isaia. He wanted all of him, wanted to touch and taste every scale, feel the weight of Isaia's cock in his mouth, wanted to—

  Isaia broke away, glancing around the room and scowling. Amantea frowned, his fingers digging into Isaia's shoulders. "What?"

  "I don't have a bed here." Isaia sounded so put out about it that Amantea couldn't help but laugh. He stifled his giggles when Isaia turned his glare on him. "What do you suggest, then, hmm?" His hand slid down Amantea's back, his fingers brushing against the skin just under the hem of Amantea's shirt.

  Amantea hummed thoughtfully. Nothing inside looked like it would be very comfortable. The floor was more stone, and the little furniture was stiff and unyielding. "Outside?"

  "Faeries," Isaia muttered. He kissed Amantea again before Amantea could reply, his hand sliding up Amantea's spine and making him shiver. Then he let Amantea go, no longer touching or kissing him, and Amantea did not find that to be acceptable. "Fine, outside. Go find a spot."

  "What are you—?"

  "You'll see," Isaia said, then hesitated. He grabbed the hem of Amantea's shirt, tugging it up. Amantea obligingly slipped out of it, and Isaia frowned at his pants, letting the shirt fall to the floor. "Is that?"

  "What?" Amantea looked down, spotting the dragon scale sticking out of his pocket slightly. "Um, yes."

  "Outside," Isaia said, the word a growl that sent a shiver of anticipation down Amantea's spine. Isaia turned and marched toward a trunk, and Amantea slipped out of his pants, not wanting to lose them—or more importantly, the scale—outside in the grass. Then he left, heading out the back door. Outside was more long grass, and Amantea scouted out a spot that seemed to have no rocks or anthills, enjoying the feel of the sun on his shoulders.

  He turned as Isaia approached, carrying a blanket and a tub that looked like the one he'd stored his healing cream in. Isaia didn't seem to be paying any attention to the spot Amantea had picked, his attention solely on Amantea. He stared at Amantea, dragging his eyes from Amantea's chest down, focusing on Amantea's cock.

  Amantea smiled, a little shyly, knowing he was smaller and nowhere near as muscled as Isaia. Isaia knew that, though, and if the look on his face was any indication, he approved of that. Isaia dropped the blanket and tub on the ground at Amantea's face and leaned down to kiss him, burying his hands in Amantea's hair and then rubbing his thumbs over the points of Amantea's ears.

  Shivering, Amantea stood up on his tiptoes, the warmth of the sun and the warmth of Isaia's body surrounding him.

  "You're lovely," Isaia growled softly, his voice deeper than usual. Amantea struggled to voice some similar sentiment, but Isaia was lavishing attention on his neck, and that had always been a weak spot for Amantea. He tilted his head, gasping as Isaia bit down gently, then scraped his teeth down Amantea's neck.

  Amantea dug his fingers into Isaia's shoulders, shifting closer. Isaia growled softly, his hands skating down Amantea's sides, landing on his hips. He squeezed, and Amantea tried to squirm closer, desperate for some friction, but Isaia held him firmly in place.

  "Patience," Isaia said. He let go of Amantea with one last nip to his jaw, then spread out the blanket on the ground. He frowned at it for a moment before sitting down on it, sprawling backwards like he was simply out to do some naked sunbathing.

  Amantea stared, entranced by the sight of the sun lighting up every one of Isaia's scales, the way his cock jutted up proudly—arrogantly, much like him—and the pleased, cat-got-the-cream smirk on his lips.

  "Join me," Isaia said, that little growl to his voice never leaving. Amantea did as he was ordered, promptly climbing on top of Isaia and settling on his stomach, earning an, "Oof."

  "Want me somewhere else?" Amantea asked. He slid his palms up Isaia's fine chest, toying with the scales around Isaia's nipples.

  "Never," Isaia said, more growl than words. He gripped Amantea's hips, sliding him back, and Amantea gasped when Isaia's cock brushed his bare ass. "I want you here forever."

  "Might be difficult to manage, but we could try," Amantea said, his voice only slightly strangled. He leaned down, catching Isaia's mouth in a kiss, gasping into Isaia's mouth when Isaia's hands slid around to cup his ass. He could still feel the warm weight of Isaia's cock against him, and his own cock leaked onto Isaia's stomach, smearing the scales and making them glisten.

  "Can I," Isaia panted out, his fingers sliding between Amantea's ass cheeks.

  "Yes," Amantea said, shifting back and accidentally making Isaia's fingers slip away. Isaia grinned and kissed him, and Amantea was distracted enough he didn't see it coming when Isaia wrapped his arms around Amantea and twisted to flip them over.

  "Oof," Amantea said, wrinkling his nose at Isaia. The ground was uneven beneath his back, but he was more interested in the way Isaia was kissing him again. One of Isaia's hands slid slowly, tantalizingly, down Amantea's front, teasing at the patch of hair above his cock before finally sliding around Amantea's cock. Isaia's hand was warm, firm, perfect, and Amantea stuttered out a half-hearted encouragement, the words incomprehensible as they fell from his lips. Isaia smirked and let go of Amantea's cock.

  "I hate you," Amantea said passionately, starting to sit up. He'd show Isaia. See how he liked it when he had a half-sucked cock and Amantea didn't finish—Isaia held up the tub he'd brought outside, derailing Amantea's thoughts of revenge. "What's that?"

  "Something to ease the way," Isaia said, smirk still firmly in place. He leaned in, teasing a hand up Amantea's thigh, toward his cock, and Amantea shivered.

  "Do something with it, then," Amantea said, anticipation making his heart race. He wanted Isaia's cock. He'd taste it later, but now that Isaia had presented the option, he wanted Isaia inside him.

  "On your knees, then," Isaia said, that heady growl in his voice again. Amantea moved, maybe a little overeager, but he wasn't going to be the one slowing them down. He wanted Isaia—the sooner, the better. He ended up on his elbows and knees, resting his head on his forearms, goosebumps raising as he waited for Isaia to do something. Isaia obliged, caressing Amantea's left knee. "A little wider, 'tea."

  Amantea obliged, his cock hanging heavy and thick between his legs. Isaia growled softly, and Amantea jerked in surprise when he rested a hand on Amantea's ass. He grumbled more words that Amantea couldn't quite understand as he thoroughly explored Amantea's backside, adding something slick as he teased a finger between Amantea's ass cheeks.

  "I can throw you to the other side of the world," Amantea threatened when that was as far as Isaia seemed to be willing to go.

  "Patience," Isaia said again, and Amantea could hear the smirk in his voice. He followed that up with sliding a teasing finger inside of Amantea, and Amantea forgot the rest of his threat, though he resolved to remember it later.

  Isaia was horrible, Amantea concluded several minutes later, when Isaia's fingers were three deep, Amantea had been reduced to alternating attempts to threaten Isaia into moving more quickly and simply riding out the sensation of Isaia slowly, slowly sliding his fingers into Amantea, and then even more slowly out.

  After about seven years had passed, Isaia slid his fingers out completely. Amantea grumbled a half-hearted complaint, which only made Isaia laugh softly. "Ready?"

  "For years," Amantea mumbled. He wasn't sure if Isaia heard him, but in the next second, the head of Isaia's cock was pressing into him. Isaia was gentle, but it was still a stretch, and Amantea was reluctantly grateful that Isaia had taken his time getting to this point. He focused on breathing, relaxing, on the weight of Isaia's cock, how warm Isaia was.

  "All right?" Isaia asked, his hands resting gently on Amantea's hips. Amantea shook his head, not quite acclimated.

  "Just—" Amantea started, smothering a pleased noise when Isaia shifted slightly. "Just a second."

  "Tell me when," Isaia said, soft but a little strained, which made Amantea more pleased than he suspected he should be. He'd made Isaia lose that cool, and that sent a wave of heat to
Amantea's cock.

  "Slowly," Amantea said after a long minute, wincing that he had to say it at all. Isaia was bigger than any of the men he'd slept with before, however. "Please."

  "Whatever you want, 'tea," Isaia said softly. Amantea ducked his head, unable to deal with the almost reverent way Isaia said that. He was distracted in the next second when Isaia started to move, slowly sliding out. He added more of the slick to his cock, and then slid back in, equally slowly. Amantea breathed, his cock aching. He wanted to say more, faster, but he also wanted to be able to do this again in the near future.

  It took several minutes before Amantea was comfortable enough to demand Isaia move faster, though Isaia didn't oblige as quickly as Amantea would have liked. Amantea tried to force the issue, sliding his hips back, but that only led to Isaia grabbing his hips in a tight grip. Not unpleasant, and Amantea eventually gave up trying to control anything. His cock throbbed as Isaia fucked him slowly, crying out for touch, but Isaia's hands remained fixed on Amantea's hips, holding him in place.

  It was more arousing than Amantea would've thought. He couldn't reach down to touch himself for fear of unbalancing them and eating blanket, and Isaia's grip was firm, holding him exactly where Isaia wanted him. Then Isaia shifted, using one of his knees to slide Amantea's legs further apart.

  His next thrust was perfect. Amantea couldn't bite back the pleased noise that escaped as pleasure sparked through him, and then Isaia did it again, and again, and Amantea's already limited grasp on the situation dissolved into nothing but pleasure. Needy words tumbled from his mouth, and his fingernails bit into his palms, and he really wished they'd done something different because he wanted to touch Isaia, to dig his fingers into Isaia's scales and depths he couldn't take it.

  Isaia growled something, sliding his hand from Amantea's hip to his cock, and that one touch was enough to set Amantea off. He came hard, harder than he had in months, maybe years, and he collapsed to the blanket, his mind absolutely blank. He gasped for air, letting Isaia manhandle him around so he was laying on his back.

  "That..." Amantea started but couldn't form more words than that. He instead pulled Isaia close by the simple expedient of wrapping an arm around his neck and kissed him, messily and utterly without any skill, but Amantea was fairly certain that conveyed his point more eloquently than words.

  Isaia shifted against him, his hard cock pressing against Amantea's thigh. Amantea reached down with his free hand, curving his hand around it. It was slick and hot, heavy in Amantea's hand. If it weren't covered with slick, he'd taste it. As it was, he stroked Isaia's cock firmly, drawing Isaia into several more messy kisses until Isaia spilled into Amantea's hand with a growl and a kiss that drew the breath from Amantea.

  Amantea shifted closer, lazily pressing kisses to Isaia's mouth and chin, content to laze in the sunlight. Isaia seemed to agree; he draped an arm over Amantea's stomach and threw a leg over Amantea's, as though to keep him there. Amantea dozed off after a few minutes, happy for the first time in weeks.

  When Amantea woke, he was still tangled in Isaia's arms. The sun was starting to set, and he was starting to get a little chilly, despite Isaia's warmth. Still, he didn't move, shifting to rest his head against Isaia's chest.

  He'd never imagined this would be the outcome of his trip here. He'd thought he might be able to get closure, but not that he'd find Isaia, and that Isaia would return his affections. What happened next, he wasn't sure. He couldn't go home yet, not without knowing where to find Isaia, and he didn't want Isaia to be stuck waiting for him here.

  Isaia's chest grumbled then, the only warning Amantea got before Isaia pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Evening."

  "Mmm," Amantea said. He shifted so he could look Isaia in the face. "How are you?" Amantea wanted to kick himself the moment the words left his mouth, but Isaia only smiled, slow and sure, and leaned in to kiss him.

  "My leg is cramped and I'm fairly certain a stone has assimilated into my arm," Isaia said when he pulled away. "But you're still here—"

  "What do you mean, still?" Amantea interrupted, frowning. "Where would I have gone?"

  "Into the house?" Isaia suggested, but then he sighed. He combed his fingers through Amantea's hair. "I was worried you might change your mind."

  Amantea balled up his hand and thwacked it against Isaia's chest. Isaia winced.

  "Well, you're young—" Isaia started, and Amantea hit him again. Isaia grabbed his hand, continuing, "—and I'm sure you've got better prospects than a grumpy dragon who says all the wrong things and has a penchant for not dressing—"

  "I like that part," Amantea said. He detangled himself from Isaia. "And if you imply again that my age somehow makes me incapable of anything, I'll port you to the other side of the world when you're not paying attention."

  "I always pay attention to you," Isaia said, sitting up. "I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you'd settle for me, is all."

  Amantea sniffed. "Fishing for compliments is bad form." Isaia laughed softly, and Amantea reluctantly gave in. "You take me seriously, most of the time. My nest is... stifling. I didn't realize how much so until I left and found you. You're everything the other faeries aren't." Amantea huffed because he wasn't explaining himself very well. "You helped me save my nest, when you could've dealt with Naldo and not bothered about the rest of it. You saved Naldo, and you could've let him die, especially after everything he did. You saved me instead of letting me drown. You..." Amantea sighed. "I don't want a flit. I want you."

  Isaia smiled, the expression softening his whole face. Amantea stared at him, urging him to believe that Amantea was telling the truth. If Isaia thought him nothing more than a flit... he didn't know what he'd do.

  "I want you, too." Isaia reached out and brushed some of Amantea's hair from his face. "I'm sorry."

  Amantea made a face at him, then glanced at the house. "Are you going to stay here?"

  "Do you like it here?" Isaia asked. "I can stay here, if you prefer it. I wanted to show you my home, though."

  "I want to see it," Amantea said. Isaia climbed to his feet, helping Amantea up. He reeled Amantea close, kissing him softly.

  "I'll take you anywhere you want to go," Isaia said, kissing him again. "Especially if it involves a bed."

  Amantea snorted. "How about inside? It's cold out here." He offered Isaia a smile, which Isaia returned, giving him another kiss before moving to retrieve the tub. Amantea picked up the blanket, wrapping it around his shoulders. Isaia casually looped his arm around Amantea's waist, tugging him close, and Amantea smiled, enjoying the closeness as they headed toward the house.



  Sasha L. Miller spends most of her time writing, reading, or playing with all things website design. She loves telling stories, especially romance, because there’s nothing better than giving people their happily ever afters. When not writing, she spends time cooking, harassing her roommates, and playing with her cats.








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