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Sarah Curtis - Pursuing (Alluring Book 3)

Page 10

by Unknown

  He dropped his hand and placed it on her thigh. Her skin was warm and soft, and he couldn't keep his thumb from sweeping back and forth across the surface. "Also, I want us to spend time together that's not just fucking. I want to take you out to dinner, watch movies, do shit together that comes up in our daily lives."

  She opened her mouth to interrupt again, but he was faster, and his fingers covered her mouth once more. "Let me get everything I want to say out, then you can talk to your hearts content."

  He felt her lips firm under his fingers and saw her eyes narrow in annoyance, but she remained silent. Good girl. "And last, we have a conversation before we end things. I want us both on the same page, always. This doesn't end until we both agree."

  She waited a few beats before she said, "Are you done now?"

  Smart ass. He gave her a wry smile. "For now."

  She stood from the couch and paced a few steps away. "You do realize you just described a relationship, right?"

  Mase inwardly sighed. Now for the tricky part, convincing Jo, his way (which would be the only way) was the best way.

  Chapter Eleven

  She backed up a few more steps, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for Mase's reply. He held his body still with not so much as an eye twitch to give his thoughts away. Finally, after what seemed like several long minutes, he spoke. "I might have described a relationship, but we don't have to call it that. Why do we have to label it at all?"

  "I just think if we're going to do this we shouldn't put such restrictions on things, that's how people get hurt and in trouble. We can't label us exclusive because then I'll worry if you're cheating. It will always be in the back of my mind but if it's okay to see other people, if we know that from the get-go, it won't hurt when it happens."

  "Are you trying to tell me, you'd be okay with me seeing someone else while I'm fucking you? Because I sure as hell wouldn't be."

  He was angry. She could tell by the tone of his voice and the tightening of his facial features. She'd never seen him angry before. Her stomach did a little dip when she realized she didn't like being the cause of his anger. What that meant, she didn't know, she just knew she wanted to take it away.

  She held up a hand not sure if it were to inform him she wanted to speak or to ward off the daggers his eyes were shooting at her. "Listen, you've got nothing to worry about from my end. It's not as if I sleep with every man I meet. In fact, it's been four years since I've even had sex." She'd been so concerned with dissipating his anger, she hadn't realized until she saw his features turn from anger to disbelief then to thoughtful, how telling that last statement was.

  "It's been four years since you've had sex?"

  Jo looked down at the ground, watching her toes dig into the carpet. "Yeah, well, I told you my last relationship was in college."

  "Angel, look at me."

  She raised her head. He stood from the couch, advancing to her. His movements were sleek, graceful, and she could well imagine his prowess on a football field, as well as in a bed. Her heart rate increased the closer he came until all she could hear was its loud thumping, echoing through her ears as he stopped a few inches away. Her eyes tracked his hand as it came up, disappearing from her view as it dived into her hair. She felt his hand slide through the strands, stopping at the back of her head where he fisted a large section. His hold on her was firm but not painful as he tilted her head back.

  They locked eyes. The intensity of Mase's gaze seared into her soul, right before, with what could only be described as a low growl, his lips crashed down on hers. His tongue demanded entrance, which she instantly allowed, greedily seeking his taste. His free hand latched onto her hip, squeezing tightly, bringing their lower bodies into contact. With another light tug of her hair, he tilted her head a bit further, giving him deeper access to her mouth.

  A low moan escaped her lips as she pressed herself flush against him, gripping his biceps in a desperate attempt to get closer. Mase must have sensed her need, for she felt the hand at her hip slide up along her back, his arm pressing their bodies even closer together.

  He slowly ended the kiss with three light nips to her bottom lip before saying, "Tell me you'll try it my way."

  Jo slowly blinked her eyes, so lost in a daze, she didn't think before she softly said, "Okay."

  Mase's face, displaying a big grin, slowly came into focus. It took her a moment, but she gradually came back to her senses. She took a small step back, putting a few inches between them, and Mase's hand moved back to her hip. She frowned up at him. "You play dirty, Mr. Connor."

  He shook his head. "No taking it back. You said you would try."

  Now it was her turn to grin. She could play dirty, too. "Yes, but I didn't say for how long."

  No mistaking his growl this time, as he planted his shoulder into her stomach, and flipped her up and over.

  Yes, she girly shrieked right before she pounded his back. "What are you doing?"

  "Taking you to bed."

  "What (embarrassingly enough, that was shrieked, too), now?"

  "Yes, now. I've been thinking about nothing else for five fucking days."

  He made fast progress to his bedroom and tossed her on her back in the center of his bed. "Wait." He was in the process of removing his T-shirt, the collar up over his head, exposing his abs. She swallowed, hard. "What about Kyle?"

  He threw his shirt on the floor and stood before her, hands on hips. "What about, Kyle?"

  "We can't have sex with Kyle in the house."

  "Why the hell not? He's sleeping."

  "What if he wakes up?"

  Mase walked to the bedroom door, closed it, then locked it. "There, problem solved." He moved back to the side of the bed.

  "Wait." She held up a hand when it looked like he would pounce.

  He again placed his hands on his hips, looking down at her. "What?"

  "It feels wrong having sex with a little boy in the house."

  "You think Sam and Derek don't fuck?"

  She was quickly running out of objections. Not that she didn't want to have sex with Mase, but she thought they would work up to it slowly. Maybe get to know each other a bit better. Hell, who was she kidding. She was nervous as all heck. It had been four years since she'd last had sex, what if she'd forgotten how? Yeah, she knew how to take care of herself, but it had been a long time since she'd taken care of anyone else. God, she really hoped it was like riding a bike.

  "What's going through that brain of yours, Angel?"

  What was that saying? In for a penny, in for a pound. She'd gotten herself into this, she may as well go all in by telling him her fears. "It's been a while. I may be rusty."

  Mase tipped his head back and laughed. She huffed, not really sure what was so damn funny. "Sweetheart, my dick has been hard for you since the moment I saw you. You could lie there naked and let me do all the work, and I would be just fine."

  Feeling suddenly brave and maybe a little wonton, she lifted her tank over her head and tossed it on the floor in the general direction that he'd tossed his. She shook her hair back, leaning back on her elbows, pushing the girls out front and center. "You mean like this."

  Mase's eyes were zeroed in on her boobs. His hand went to the waistband of his jeans, and he gave it a tug, popping buttons. "Exactly like fucking that. Lose the shorts, Angel."

  She felt her stomach dip and her nerves came into play, again. Although her shorts were terrycloth, they were still tight. They wouldn't just slide right off. She would have a bit of a struggle pulling them down over her hips and ass. She pondered how to accomplish this goal and still look sexy doing it.

  She must have pondered too long, for Mase took the dilemma out of her hands. Grabbing the waistband of her shorts at both hips, making it look effortless, he slid her shorts (along with her panties) down her legs. He barely jarred her, and she even managed to stay up on her elbows. Amazing. She wondered if he could do that cool magic trick where you pull the tablecloth while leaving th
e dishes behind.

  All thoughts of magic flew from her head as Mase stepped out of his jeans. Well, maybe not all thoughts of magic. Mase's body was pretty magical. He had gone commando so everything was on full display, and he'd been right, he looked plenty excited to see her.

  There was a tattoo, in block letters, low on his pelvis. She sat up on the edge of the bed, her hands reaching behind to grab his ass and pull him closer, so she could read it. "You have got to be shitting me, THE END ZONE, really?"

  She giggled, looking up, expecting to find him grinning down at her. He wasn't. His eyes looked a bit crazy, and his lips were slightly parted. He took a deep breath in through his nose, and she felt his ass flex under her fingers. "What?" She asked, barely above a whisper.

  He shook his head. "I can't decide what I love more. The sight of you with your lips so close to my cock, or you looking up at me with laughter in your eyes."

  His words drew her eyes back to his cock, standing at full attention before her. She moved her right hand from his ass and gripped him at its base, giving it a firm squeeze. She watched mesmerized as a tiny drop of pre-cum leaked from its head and without thought, her tongue darted out to lap it up.

  He growled, deep in his chest, as his hands lifted her from under her arms. She brought her legs up, wrapping them around his waist as his lips sought hers, his tongue diving in with a force that left no doubt of her compliance to allow his entry. His kiss was all consuming. Nothing existed beyond Mase at that moment. His hands gripped her ass, kneading and squeezing, her hands, one clutching his shoulder while the other, gripped the back of his neck.

  He walked them until her back hit the wall, his powerful arms keeping her in place as his lips traveled down her neck, licking, sucking, devouring as if he would never get enough. His mouth worked its way down, his teeth grazing her skin creating goose bumps in their wake, only stopping when he reached her nipple. He latched on, sucking in deep.

  Her legs squeezed his waist as she pressed in close, trying to relieve the building ache between her legs. He moved to her other nipple, paying it the same devotion as its twin with teeth, tongue, and lips. Her body was on fire, and she was panting like she'd just run a mile. Her fingers dug into the skin of his shoulder and his scalp at the back of his head as she writhed and squirmed in his arms.

  "Shh." His mouth was back at her ear, his teeth captured her lobe, and he bit softly. "It's okay, I've got you."

  His fingers dived into her folds and she moaned. "Fuck, you're soaked." His thumb found her clit, and she went wild. His hair was too short for a good grab, so with both hands on either side of his head, she pulled him away from her neck and, this time, it was her lips that crashed down on his. Her tongue invading his mouth.

  After a minute, he ripped his mouth away. "Your pussy feels like heaven. I need to taste you."

  Oh, my God, yes please. No one had ever done that to her before. She' d read about it countless times in her romance books, and she was dying to know what it felt like. Mase maneuvered her legs over his shoulders while getting on his knees and placing a hand on her chest, holding her against the wall.

  She was too excited and turned on to be embarrassed that his face was now level with her lady parts, but it was a bit disconcerting when he just stared at it. She gave a little shimmy with her hips to subtly point out she wanted him to get the show on the road.

  "Relax. There's no rush. I want to enjoy and savor the first time I eat your pussy."

  She loved the light scratch of his beard on her inner thigh as he talked. "Yeah well, I'm sure I'll enjoy the first time it's ever been done to me, but I'd like you to start savoring it, now." She emphasized the last word while executing another hip shimmy.

  His fingers stilled, and she thought she might weep. "No one's ever gone down on you?"

  "Nope," she said, popping the P. "And I'm dying to find out what all the hoopla's about. Hey, what are you doing?" He stood, cradling her in his arms and made for the bed.

  "Your first time is not going to be against a wall."

  "Why not? That was hot."

  He placed her on the bed then crawled up between her legs. "Because, I want full mobility. I want your first time to be mind blowing, something you'll never forget."

  Well, okay then. She'd go along with that reasoning. And soon she wasn't thinking at all. She was only feeling.


  Mase trailed his lips along the soft skin of her inner thigh. She squirmed again, and he smiled as his tongue came out to taste her skin. He'd been serious when he'd said he wanted her first experience to be mind blowing. She'd floored him with the news that no one had ever done this to her before. What kind of assholes had she gone out with? He closed his eyes breathing her scent in deep, putting all thoughts of her with anyone else out of his head. That shit made him see red. It was crazy, he knew, feeling anger that Jo had been with someone else, but damn if he could stop it. The thought that someone had touched what he considered his, nearly made him insane. He knew his thoughts were irrational but, again, damn if he could stop them.

  He needed to erase every memory of her asshole exes from her mind, only then would she trust him with her heart, and he would start by blowing her fucking mind. He grinned against her heat. He couldn't help it. Knowing he was the first to give her oral sex brought something primitive out in him, made his chest puff, and his dick harden. Yeah, he was a fucking beast, ask if he gave a rat's ass.

  He wrapped his hands around her ankles, planting her feet flat on the bed, spreading her legs wide. "Don't move them." He placed his hands under her ass and couldn't stop himself from giving it a firm squeeze before lifting her lower body from the bed. Slowly he licked and sucked, taking his time, savoring her essence and the little noises he elicited from her. He found her clit and teased it with his tongue before sucking it between his teeth and lightly biting.

  He needed her to come, wanted to be the only one to give her pleasure. From this day on, he owned every one of her orgasms, and he planned on giving her many. He fucked her with his fingers as he continued to torture her with his tongue, playing with her clit until he had her panting, begging, and chanting his name, and he didn't stop until he felt her tremble in release.

  He eased her from her peak gradually, licking through her folds and sucking on her outer lips, staying away from her sensitive clit. He honestly didn't know who enjoyed it more, her or him. His cock was leaking and so fucking hard it ached. He kissed his way up her body, pausing to capture her nipple. He knew from earlier they were highly responsive, and he was rewarded with her surging up, rubbing herself against his cock.

  He continued his quest until he reached her lips, nibbling at the bottom one he loved so much before needing more. He plundered her mouth, her taste fucking enticing and had a fleeting thought, he would never get enough.

  He captured a moan, savoring the sound as her hands grabbed his ass, bringing him tighter against her. God, he was going to come just from that. He needed to get inside her. He cupped her face, backing away a few inches to look at her. "Angel." He waited for her to focus and when he had her attention, he continued, "The team is tested every three months for drugs and diseases. I'm clean and haven't had sex since my last testing. Are you on birth control or do we need protection?"

  She blinked a few times before licking her lips. "I'm um... I'm on the pill."

  He kissed the tip of her nose. "Good. Is it okay if I go in bare?" He never went in without a condom. Call him a little cynical, but he never trusted a woman's word that she couldn't get pregnant, the lure to trap him was too great. But he trusted his Angel, and the thought of her heat surrounding him without a rubber barrier had his dick twitching. It would be a first for him, a first he wanted to experience only with her.

  She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, surging her hips up to grind herself against him, again. She tipped her lips up in a sexy-as-fuck smile and purred, "I trust you, Ace. Show me what I've been missing all these years."

  He d
idn't need any more encouragement than that. He positioned himself and with one hard thrust planted himself deep. He heard her gasp and he stilled his movements, worried he'd hurt her. Fuck she was tight. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

  "I'm okay, you didn't hurt me. It was just a little surprising. It's been a while, and you are rather large." She did her little shimmy thing again. "You feel good."

  "Fuck, Angel, you don't even know how good you feel." And she did, she felt fucking fantastic. He grabbed her wrists and removed her hands from his ass, holding them down at either the side of her head as he surged into her again. He could get used to this, the feel of her heat surrounding him, the scent of her skin, and the sound of her soft moans and breathy sighs. She was an addiction, and he was already planning when to get his next fix.

  She cried out his name and it was music to his ears, as he too exploded while thrusting one last time, shouting with the force of his release. He buried his face in her neck, trying to catch his breath and regain feeling in his limbs.

  When he got his breathing under control, he got up on his hands, lifted his head, and with a chuckle and what he was sure was a big, shit-eating grin, said, "That was fucking incredible. I can't wait to do it again."

  Jo looked down at their joined bodies and with a sly smile of her own, asked, "How soon til you're ready to go again, Ace?"

  Chapter Twelve

  Jo slowly came awake and realized three things. First, she was draped across Mase. Her leg was thrown over his thighs with her arm hugging his abs, and her head resting on his chest. Next, her cheek was wet, and she had an unpleasant suspicion she had drooled on Mase. And last, the room was cast in a light-gray light, so she surmised it was very early morning.

  She carefully raised her head, trying not to disturb Mase and wake him before she could get rid of the watery evidence. She wiped her hand across her cheek, grimacing at the amount of wetness and prayed there wasn't a large pool on Mase's chest. Moving slowly and ever so cautiously, she pulled at the edge of the sheet until it would reach, and then slowly and ever so cautiously, dabbed at his chest.


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