Sarah Curtis - Pursuing (Alluring Book 3)

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Sarah Curtis - Pursuing (Alluring Book 3) Page 16

by Unknown

  Chris looked down at his lap, but she wanted his eyes. "Look at me." When she had his attention again, she said, "The things in life that are important are worth working hard for. And only people that truly care for you will ever have your back. Remember that the next time one of your new friends asks you to do something."

  Chris turned his head from her and looked out the side window. "Are we done?"

  She heard a slight wobble in his voice and didn't want to push him further. "Yeah, we're done," she replied softly.

  He unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door. "Chris," she said, as he threw his leg out. He stilled his actions but remained silent and didn't look back at her. "Try and stay out of trouble until your court date."

  He gave a slight nod, got out of the car, and slammed the door. She watched him until he disappeared into the house, hoping at least some of what she'd said sunk home.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The girls didn't end up at Pink's Friday night as planned. Instead, they sat in a booth in the VIP section of one of the trendiest nightclubs in Las Vegas. Jo's eyes roamed, drawn to the splashes of red and gold in the otherwise dark atmosphere. The upbeat music was loud, she could feel the vibrations thumping through her body, but surprisingly not so loud to prevent conversation.

  When she had mentioned her plans to Mase, saying she hadn't seen her BFF in a few weeks, he'd suggested they go to Pulled, the nightclub located in the Allure hotel and casino and owned by Mase's friend Jackson Cole, instead. "Don't worry, baby, I won't cramp your style. I just want to keep you safe and be your ride so you can have a good time. I'll hang with my friend, Jack."

  As much as she enjoyed spending time with Deb, she'd already filled her in on all her relationship gossip and now wanted to be with Mase, too. She also wanted Mase and Deb to get to know each other. She glanced down at her phone for the fifth time in as many minutes, her fingers itching to pick it up.

  "Go ahead and text him. I know you want to."

  Jo's eyes flew from her phone to her friend, and she gave her a guilty smile.

  Her friend laughed and waved to the phone. "I don't mind. Believe me, it would be no hardship having to spend to rest of the evening staring at such a prime specimen of man."

  Jo grinned. "He is pretty hot, isn't he?"

  "That is no joke." Deb waved a hand in front of her face, fanning herself. "He's enough to give a lady vapors," she said, in a regal accent that made Jo giggle. "If he weren't already head over heels for my best friend, I'd snatch him up."

  Jo turned wide eyes to her friend. "How could you know that?"

  Deb laughed. "It's not hard to see, Jo. It's written all over his face every time he looks at you." Deb smirked. "Which is a lot, by the way." She reached her hand across the table and placed her hand over Jo's. "I'm happy for you, JoJo. He seems fantastic and you, my friend, deserve that."

  Jo felt her eyes fill, and she blinked rapidly, so she wouldn't cry. Her friend was the best and deserved fantastic, too. She sent up a little prayer it would happen soon. "Love ya, DeDe."

  "Yeah, well, you know how I hate all this mushy stuff." She tipped her head to Jo's phone. "Give your stud muffin a text, so we can get this party started."

  Jo laughed, picked up her phone, and did just that.

  A few hours and several (honestly she'd lost count) margaritas later, Jo found herself laughing uproariously at a story Alexis animatedly (she'd had just as many margaritas) had just told.

  Mase had arrived within minutes of getting her text. She couldn't keep the wide smile off her face as she'd spied him approaching the table. He turned heads as he went past, and rightfully so. He looked yummy all dressed up (well, dressed up for Mase), in a dark pair of jeans and a black button-up shirt under a black suit jacket. He'd done the whole product to the hair, spiky-do thing, that Jo knew he rarely bothered with, and not that he needed to bother with, for his hair looked great either way.

  His friend, Jack, and Jack's wife, Alexis, had shown up a few minutes later, introducing themselves as they sat at the table, and Jo had openly gawked for a moment in awe at the magnificent picture they'd presented.

  Jack was movie star, gorgeous with light-brown, slightly shaggy hair, chiseled features, and dark-green bedroom eyes. Alexis was beyond beautiful with mass amounts of dark-brown curls piled atop her head and light-brown eyes that sparkled almost as brightly as her smile. A smile she'd trained on Jack countless times throughout the evening that he'd always returned with a soft kiss. They were beautiful.

  Still giggling from Alexis's story, she felt Mase's hand slide up her thigh, under her dress, as he leaned over to whisper in her ear. "I love that you're having such a good time, Angel, but your sexy-as-fuck laugh has teased my dick to the point that if I don't get you home soon, I might not be able to control myself from fucking you in this booth."

  Jo leaned across Mase to look at Deb. "We've got to go!"

  Everyone must have seen their by-play, for the table erupted into laughter at her panicked announcement. She wobbled to her feet, Mase catching her at the elbow, said a bunch of hasty good-byes, blowing air kisses, and weaved (again aided by Mase, now, with an arm at her waist) her way through the crowded nightclub.

  The ride home zipped by with Mase at the wheel. Jo was turned in her seat, chatting animatedly with Deb, who was in the back, about Jack (how ridiculously handsome he was), and Alexis (how beautiful and sweet she was), the club (how awesome that was), and Mase (whom they forgot could hear them).

  "Oh, my God, I had no idea an orgasm could last that long," Jo shouted, in drunken glee.

  "Angel, as much as I love hearing how much you enjoy our sex life, I'm not sure I'm supposed to be a party to this conversation."

  Jo slapped a hand over her mouth, turned to look at Mase, then looked back at Deb. "Oops," she mumbled, between her fingers.

  Deb threw herself back in her seat and giggled.


  Mase pulled up in front of his house after dropping off Deb, walking her to her door, and making sure she was locked in tight for the night. There was a back and forth of shouted, "Call me," and, "Love you," between the two friends before he could get the deed accomplished.

  He turned off the ignition then turned to Jo and burst out laughing. "Angel, what are you doing?" She had her head shoved in her bag.

  "I can't find my cell phone."

  He pulled her phone from his inner jacket pocket and tapped her lightly on the shoulder with it. "You left it on the table. I picked it up. Are you expecting a phone call?"

  Jo shook her head. "Deb and I have a pact. When we go out, we always text each other when we get home. And well," she looked out the side window then back to Mase, "I'm home."

  He handed over her phone with a smile. "I like that you think of my house as home."

  Jo shrugged. "My house is home. Your house is home. When we're together, I'm home."

  Mase went still at her declaration. Her head was bowed, presumably texting Deb, and he didn't think she realized the enormity of what her statement implied, but he did. Even if she'd never said she loved him, he knew in his heart, she did. Her actions spoke louder than words. And he noticed them all. The way her eyes would light up when she saw him, and the soft smile that would cross her lips that he knew she gave only to him. The short, sweet texts he would get, though he knew she was busy with work, that let him know, she was thinking of him. How easily she'd accepted him into her space, going as far as clearing a few drawers for his use, which silently declared the fact that she liked him in her home and wanted him to stay. Even if that was all he ever got from her, it was enough. He would say, I love you, enough for both of them.

  He gazed upon her profile, marveling at her beauty and knowing she was all his, made him one lucky bastard. Her tongue was out, curling over her upper lip in deep concentration still working on her text, and he felt his lips tug into a small smile. Adorable.

  His dick reminded him, he wanted her in the house, preferably, in his bed. "You r
eady to go in."

  She threw her phone in her purse and popped her head up. "Ready whenever you are."

  Oh, he was more than ready. He got out of the car and went around to her side to help her out.

  "Always such a gentleman," she said, as he slammed the car door.

  Pulling her to his chest, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and tilted her head back. "I'm not always a gentleman," he growled, capturing her lower lip between his teeth and giving it a firm bite before sucking it in deep to take away the sting.

  Her moan was his undoing and scooping her up into his arms he quickly made his way up the stairs to the front door and into the house. They didn't make it to the bedroom. Her mouth had latched onto his ear and he lost all control. Slamming the heavy front door with his foot, he plastered her back against it. Her legs wrapped around his waist, bunching her dress high on her thighs, and his hands swooped below to capture her ass, giving it a squeeze when he discovered the bare skin of her cheeks.

  He ground himself against her as his mouth attacked her neck with his lips, his teeth, and his tongue, her sighs and small whimpers bringing him close to the edge. Holding her securely with one hand, he ripped down the top of her dress with the other until her tits sprang free for his view. Like a man starved, he dived in, exploring and tasting her generous mounds before capturing a nipple and sucking it deeply into his mouth. He lapped at it with his tongue, playing and lightly biting at the hard peak before sucking it in deep, once more. He was out of control, but if the moaning, hair pulling, and pelvic grinding were any indication, so was Jo.

  He fell to his knees, positioning her legs over his shoulders, grabbing her ass once more with both hands to position her close to his mouth. The tiny scrap of lace covering her pussy was hardly a barrier as he latched on, sucking her through the material. She tugged his hair harder, rubbing her pussy into his mouth, and he couldn't prevent the growl that formed deep in his chest.

  He moved his hand slightly and entered her with his thumb. She was wet and slick, and he groaned as he found her clit, sucking on it until he felt her body shudder in release. She was panting as he slowly stood, her legs dropping to the floor but unable to support her. She swayed and he picked her up in his arms once more, carrying her to the living-room couch and placing her on her back.

  His eyes raked the length of her, searing the image into his brain, never wanting to forget how she looked right at that moment. So fucking beautiful. Her slightly mussed hair, hooded eyes, and kiss swollen lips along with her dress, more off than on, displaying a tantalizing expanse of skin, was what wet dreams were made of. And she was all his. That thought alone nearly had him coming in his pants like a pubescent teen.

  He stripped out of his jacket, tossing it on the chair behind him before setting to work on his shirt buttons. Jo slowly sat up, reached out, and caught the waistband of his jeans. She pulled him forward until his shins connected with the couch edge, and he was positioned between her widely spread legs.

  She tipped her head back and looked up at him while working the buttons on his jeans. "I don't think I'm very good at this."

  Mase's body stilled at her words, his muscles tightening. Even his breathing stopped for a few seconds. He figured he knew to what she referred, seeing as she already had his jeans undone and was now working to free his cock from his boxer-briefs. Mase cleared his throat to speak but it still came out gravelly. "Why would you think that?" His heartbeat picked up pace at the thought of her lips surrounding his cock.

  She looked down and mumbled something. He lifted her head with a finger placed under her chin. Her cheeks were flushed a soft shade of red. "Angel, I didn't hear a word you just said."

  "When I broke things off with my ex, he kindly informed me, I gave the worst head he'd ever had." Her cheeks grew redder in embarrassment, and she tried to turn her head away, but he wouldn't allow it, holding her chin in place, so she closed her eyes against him, instead.

  "Angel, look at me." When he had her eyes, he said. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. If you don't enjoy it, I won't enjoy it."

  At her rolled eyes and sarcastic snort, he amended, "Okay, I would still enjoy it, but I wouldn't love it, knowing you were doing it out of obligation. I fucking love being in your pussy. I'm more than satisfied with what we do now, I don't need anything else."

  "It's not that I don't want to do it. The thought of having you in my mouth turns me on, but I've only done it the one time. Can you maybe walk me through it, tell me what you like. I don't want you to hate it."

  Mase looked at her sad yet hopeful expression and was instantly pissed. Her ex was a fucking dick and at this moment, he would like nothing better than to find his ass, chop off his fucking dick, and stick it down his throat. Let him give himself head and see how well he likes it. He closed his eyes and took a calming breath, humorlessly chuckling to himself. He'd never been the overly-violent type before Jo. Another first she brought out in him.

  He sat on the couch and drew her onto his lap, so she was straddling his hips. He threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling it away from her face. "First of all, your ex is an insensitive jerk and didn't deserve to have your sweet fucking mouth anywhere near his dick." He paused a moment, closing his eyes to get his anger under control and to banish the image he'd just placed in his head.

  He felt a light touch against his cheek. He opened his eyes to find Jo, looking at him with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, it just pisses me off whenever I think about you with another guy. Irrational, I know, you didn't even know me yet and it's not like I've lived my life as a monk, but I have no control over the jealousy I feel."

  Her eyes widened. "You feel jealousy over me?"

  Mase drew his brow into a frown. "Have you not been paying attention? I've already told you that you're mine. Your mouth, perfect tits, sweet fucking pussy, and phenomenal ass are all mine and it pisses me off that someone else has touched you, kissed you, fucked you. It makes me fucking see red, and the only thing that keeps me under control is knowing that no one will ever touch you again. My lips will be the last lips you kiss, and my cock will be the last thing you fuck. I own you now, Angel, and nobody gets to touch what's mine."

  Jo crashed her lips to his, giving him a sloppy kiss before leaning back, a sappy smile on her face. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."

  "Me acting like a crazy, possessive Neanderthal is sweeter than me telling you I love you?" He asked in disbelief.

  She gave him a sheepish smile and a slight shrug. "What can I say, I thought it was hot." She leaned forward, licking the shell of his ear before whispering, "It made me wet."

  And just like that, his dick was again at full alert. He quickly stood, flipping Jo over his shoulder, ignoring her shrieks to be put down, and made a straight line to his bedroom.


  Jo was still tipsy enough for bravery, but not enough to make a fool of herself (or so she hoped). After depositing her on her feet and making sure she was steady, she watched Mase walk to the bedside table and flick on the lamp, lighting the room with a soft glow. He turned to face her, peeling out of his shirt and toeing off his dress shoes, leaving him in his socks and jeans.

  Mase shirtless was a feast for her eyes and she was not embarrassed to say, she may have drooled a little while she stared, transfixed, at his abs. All that smooth, tan skin over rock-hard muscle and it was all hers, as she was all his. Right at this moment, Jo didn't think there was a luckier woman on the planet than her.


  Mase's gravelly summons caught her attention, and she looked up to find his eyes on her, blazing with intent.

  "Come here."

  Like an invisible tether, his voice drew her forward.

  "Turn around and lift your hair."

  She felt the slide of the zipper right before her dress pooled at her feet. She hadn't worn a bra, the bodice of her dress had built in support stays, so she was left only
in her panties and open-toed, black, slingback pumps.

  "Keep holding your hair and turn back around, slowly."

  His voice, even more gruff, held an edge that created excitement to unfurl low in her belly and wetness to form between her legs. She didn't hesitate to do his bidding, turning on the ball of her foot so her heel didn't get snagged in the carpeting.

  He stood before her bare. At some point, while her back had been turned, he had fully undressed. He reached out and buried his fingers in the hair she still held. "Kneel."

  She dropped to her knees. Soaked and aching with need, she pressed her thighs together trying to find some relief.

  "I'm going to fuck your mouth. Tell me you want that."

  He had tipped her head back and meeting his eyes, she practically moaned, "Yes."

  "Say it."

  "I want you to fuck my mouth."

  He gave her a roguish smile. "Then open up, Angel."

  She held onto his hips as he took himself in hand. "Give me your eyes. I want to watch you, watching me, as I slip my cock past your soft, plump lips and into your warm, wet mouth."

  He rubbed its head along her slightly parted bottom lip leaving behind a line of wetness. She watched his eyes darken in hunger as her tongue came out to lick away the salty remnant.

  "You're killing me, sweetheart." His hand tightened in her hair right before he entered her mouth.

  She sucked him in, shielding her teeth and using her tongue to caress along its length, but honestly, Mase did most of the work, guiding her head and moving his hips while she just held on for the ride.


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