Bittersweet Hate (Bittersweet #3)
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Bowling Alley Sluts
I put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans, a pair of black pumps, and a glittery tank top. Then I brush through the mass that I call my hair. The curls at the ends are snarled, and I let out a growl getting frustrated. Why is being beautiful so hard to manage?
“Are you ready to go, Jenna an….” Corey’s voice suddenly cuts off behind me. There’s a deep look in his eye when we make eye contact in the mirror. His are dilated as he looks me up and down; his gaze stopping at my ass for a moment too long. I think he likes what he sees, because he covers up what I think is a growl with a cough.
“Are you ready to go?” He asks, his voice deep. I gaze into his eyes through the mirror, as I move my hair from one side of my neck to the other putting it in a fish tail braid. His eyes stay trained to that little strip of skin that I just removed my hair from. I watch him for a moment longer as I begin to feel the air in the room electrify. Our eyes meet again, and I can practically hear the crackle and pop of our gaze meeting.
“Yeah, just give me a minute.” I somehow manage to get out ending the moment. He shuffles his feet across the floor, turning around slowly. As soon as he’s gone, I take in a deep breath. Fuck. It’s been less than a week since the towel incident and his eyes have been glued to me since. Maybe getting naked in front of him had the opposite effect on him.
I finish the braid, and grab a pair of socks so I can bowl. I don’t feel like trying to kill myself out on the bowling alley floor. I walk into the living room, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Everyone looks up, and I take notice of the fact that Ryder is coming with us too. Well this just got awkward.
Jenna gives me a bright smile, as she pulls herself from Rex’s hold. She runs up to me wrapping her arms around me. I throw mine around her giving her a tight squeeze.
“You look cute.” She says, pulling away taking a look at my outfit.
“Duh, don’t I always?” I smile at her. I love her. When I think of friendship I think of what Jenna and I have. I fucked up keeping something from her, and in the end she took me back. Sometimes holding onto grudges and the past hurts you more than the other person and when it comes to Jenna, she’s the strongest person I know.
“What’s he doing here?” I say gesturing towards Ryder who’s talking to Corey about something. It’s not that I hate Ryder, because I don’t. I just think he’s misunderstood, he’s hard to grasp, and I’m seriously wondering if he has some type of disorder because generally he’s moody as fuck.
A sour expression crosses Jenna’s face, “What was I supposed to do Mimi? He’s Rex’s brother and ever since he moved out he’s been distant. I mean we never see him. Rex is worried. I just thought it would be a good idea, and give Rex and Ryder a chance to spend time together.” She says her voice hushed. I can’t help but roll my eyes at her wariness.
“Yeah well; he should be more worried about the fact that his brother tried to get in your pants. Fuck he kissed you Jenna. That’s kind of a big no-no when you’re dating someone, especially if that someone is his own brother.” Honestly, I’m flabbergasted that after everything she’s still sticking up for him. Ryder that is.
“Stop, Mimi. Yeah I was pissed off and confused by it but I don’t hate him. You know more than anyone I can’t truly hate someone. Whatever is going on with him, it’s not his fault.” There’s a deep sadness in her voice when she talks about Ryder
She’s not hard enough on people. That’s the thing about Jenna that’s probably caused her problems since the beginning of time. It’s fine to give them the benefit of the doubt, but being hurt repeatedly should warrant some warning in your brain to protect yourself. I’m pretty sure her warning sensor is broke.
“That is not reason enough to kiss someone.” I say in a hushed whisper back to her.
“Oh, really…” She replies, an evil smile forming on her face as she pauses “Is that why you kissed Corey when you knew he was dating someone?”
I glare at her. Oh really she wants to bring this up. “That was different, he was with a slut. Which in turn totally equalizes, and justifies me doing so.” I reply in an overly snarky tone. I have my reasons for such things.
She shakes her head at me, giving me a look that lets me know she thinks I’m crazy.
“Well, are we ready to go?” Rex says standing and making his way over to me and Jenna. He smiles down at me as she steps back into his open arms. They look at each other smiling. It looks as if there’s a gravitational pull between them, where one moves the other moves. I want a love like that; I want a love where when he looks at me he sees the world. I refuse to have anything less than that.
Ryder and Corey make their way over to the rest of us, their paces slow, and eerily similar.
“Yup, let’s get the fuck out of here.” I yell grabbing my purse as we all head out the door, and down to the parking lot. In the short distance it takes to get downstairs not a word is said between any of us. We all pile into my jeep, the love birds, and Ryder in the back seat and Corey in the passenger seat, watching me curiously.
“Stop staring at me.” I say to him, backing up out of the parking spot.
“Why does it bother you?” He questions. His tone awfully smug. With my foot on the break I lean over the center counsel.
“No. You fucking bother me.” I say, my eyes delving into his.
After my small spat with Corey the drive to the bowling alley is quiet; too quiet. It’s as if everyone seems to think they have to walk on egg shells around Corey and me. As if at any moment we will combust. That’s why by the time we get to the bowling alley, I’m ready to pull my hair out.
“What is wrong with all of you?” I say as calmly as I can. It kind of pisses me off that we can’t have a good time.
They all look at me like I’ve grown a second head, and then asshole number two has to throw his two cents in.
“If you guys would just fuck already there wouldn’t be all this tension.” Ryder says from the back seat. I turn around; wishing I could shoot laser beams at him from my eyes.
“No fucking way. You couldn’t pay me to have sex with him.” I state turning back around and grabbing my purse so I can get out of the car. My temper is on the verge of snapping, and it’s pissing me off more, the longer I sit in this car. I reach for the door handle and open it, allowing myself to escape just for a moment.
Its short lived though as a hand lands on my shoulder, and I swirl around almost losing my footing. Ugh, heels. Slow down Mimi. Corey’s smoldering face is focused solely upon me as he reaches his other hand around me to steady me.
“He didn’t mean it.” He says into my hair, before letting me go. I turn on him.
“I’m pretty sure he did Corey.”
I don’t hate Corey. I mean sometimes I do, but he’s been here for me. But he has also been an asshole, bully, and arrogant bastard, and that alone gives me reason to make his life hell.
We walk into the bowling alley, pay for our shoes, and pick a lane. “Not a Bad Thing” by Justin Timberlake blasts through the speakers, and I find myself swaying to the words of the song.
I sit pulling off my pumps, and let out a sigh. Heels are a bitch. I pull my socks out and slip them on my feet, and then my shoes. I look around, and find Corey over by the balls. I smile a sheepish grin. He would be feeling up the balls. What a sicko. I make my way over to him, in my hideous bowling shoes.
“Feeling up the balls are we?” I ask, a small laugh escaping me.
He looks up at me and then back down to the ball in his hand.
“Definitely, you got to know if you can handle them.” I look at the ball closest to my hands, sinking my fingers into the holes.
“Oh really?” I ask curiously; acting as If I’m completely naïve.
“Yup, there’s a science to it.” He says un-phased by the fact that, I find it hilarious that he’s feeling up a bunch of balls. Then again, that could be the child in me.
“So what is so importa
nt about these holes?” I ask working my fingers in and out of them trying to get a stir out of him. I hear his sharp intake of breath and look up into his eyes. I flutter my eye lashes laying it on thick. Keep it up Mimi and you’ll have him eating out of your hand in no time.
“The holes… holes…” He says stumbling over his words. Holy shit, does little old me have Corey mumbling, and stuttering?
“Are you stuttering?” I ask, letting out a short laugh. His brow furrows, and a dark look shadow’s his face.
“The holes are for your fingers, you should make sure they’re nice and tight, don’t want anything slipping out.” I feel like I’m in a trance as I stare into his eyes, the hazel, and brown color mixing together reminding me of deep rich coffee.
“Hey are you guys done with the foreplay? We got have a game to play?” Jenna yells over at us from the bowling lane. I gaze over Corey’s shoulder at her giving her the evil eye.
“Yeah Mimi, are we done with the foreplay?” He questions me in a teasing manner. His demeanor is kind of turning me on. Then again maybe that was the whole point, however he’s pissed, and like I said I thrive off of that.
“Nope.” I say back, as I skip over to Jenna and Rex who’re looking awfully cozy at our table.
“What was that about?” Jenna asks, curiously. Which in reality isn’t out of curiosity it’s because she’s my best friend and she’s nosey. Ever since this stuff with Corey started I was afraid to share anything with her. I knew what Corey did to her, and I felt for her. That’s why I did all I could to make his life a living hell. But then he laid on the goods and the relationship I had with him started having an onion affect. I was slowly peeling away his exterior, layer by layer. Did I know everything? No. Some things would take time, but I knew why he did what he did to Jenna. Was it okay? No, I wanted to kick his ass every day for it then, and still do now. However, people change, and I think he’s in the process of doing so.
“Oh Corey was just teaching me the IN’S and OUT’S of picking a bowling ball.” I lay on the sultry tone. Rex gets up to bowl first and everything moves along slowly. The tension eases out of everyone, and for the first time since the incident with Brody I’m actually engaging in something fun.
I get up and go to bathroom, and stop at the bar on the way back so I can get something to drink. As I’m making my way back to the table, I see a blonde, sitting between Corey and Ryder. Her hair is long, and curly. She’s pretty in an “I think I need makeup to look beautiful” kind of way. I watch from afar as she starts frowning at both of them. They’re laugh about something, or at something. Who knows which?
“Who is this?” I ask making my way up to the table after biding time at the bar. I don’t mean to come off as a total bitch but that’s me and I refuse to be anything different.
I look between Corey and Ryder who don’t even take the time to step up and claim her.
“Well…?” I look at every one of their faces, my eyes wide. Either they have gone mute, or this blonde chick has no name.
Jenna grabs me by the arm and pulls me from the table and over by the arcade.
“Her name is Bridget.” She says into my ear, as I sneer at her. Corey doesn’t belong to me, by no means, but I feel the territorial traits coming out. That can only mean one thing. I feel an unknown emotion in me. The need to cut that bitch is strong. Right here, right now. It only gets worse as her hands paw at his shirt. I watch her as a sick smile forms on her face. She’s a bitch, I know it, she knows it, hell probably everyone here knows it.
“I don’t give a fuck what her name is, her name is going to be on a tomb stone here real soon.” My attitude went from butterflies and sunshine, to I want to rip her arms off real fast. No one touches what is mine. Wait…. What….?
“Slow down Mimi you’re being completely irrational right now, take a step back and look around. Corey doesn’t belong to you. If he wants to sit with her and let her paw at him then he’s not worth your time.” Jenna’s voice is strong and I can tell she’s trying to be as convincing as she can. Her arms are crossed over her chest and she’s gives me that mother hen look she gives everyone when they’re on the verge of losing it, and I’m pretty fucking close.
I let out a defeated sigh, knowing that I can’t win this one. “Okay… Okay… Fine; But I don’t want to hear a peep out of her, I haven’t even talked to her yet and I’m already fucking annoyed.” I hate it when girls try too hard. If you want to be something, be it. Don’t act giggly, portraying this ditzy chick who doesn’t know shit. Guys want strong independent women.
“Just stop, I don’t even think she’s here for Corey, she’s been eyeing up Ryder all night.” Taking one look at Ryder I know why. But he seems to be more interested in stirring the straw in his drink then her.
“Oh is that right? Because he clearly looks enthused by her and her extremely loud and annoying laugh.” I say a little louder than needed attempting to draw a reaction from her. She looks up at me from where she’s sitting. Her face is that of someone clearly saying… na, na, boo, boo look at what I have that you don’t. Keep taunting me bitch, keep taunting me.
“It doesn’t matter, look at me Mimi.” She says grabbing my cheeks and pulling my face in to look at hers.
“He’s not fucking worth it. I fully believe Corey can change, but just remember everything he’s done.” She releases me, and I wipe the angry smirk from my face not wanting to show Corey that whatever scheme he has created is getting to me. Never look weak in the presence of the enemy.
I take a seat directly in front of him. I can’t stop my eyes from honing in on the well-manicured hand griping his arm or the dirty look that I shoot at both of them.
“Whoa, bad kitty.” Rex says smirking at me, as he lands a hand on my shoulder trying to distract me from the train wreck occurring before my eyes.
“You’re up.” Jenna says, handing me my ball. God, never again, if they’re going to invite their ‘dates’ to go out on group nights I’m fucking done.
I take the ball, slipping my fingers into the holes. But because I’m too focused on Corey, the ball slips from my hand to early and ends up going into the gutter. Fucking, fucking, fucking, fuck. God, stay focused. A cackling ensues behind me and it takes everything in me not to turn around and chuck this ball at her damn head.
“She threw a gutter ball.” Bridget proclaims and continues to laugh, as if it’s the funniest fucking thing on the earth.
I grip the ball harder than needed, gritting my teeth. I must not go to jail. I must not throw this ball at her head. I release the ball from my hold, and watch it roll down towards the pins. Just when I think it’s going to hit something, it goes into the gutter. Again. Psh. Fuck bowling. Fuck socializing right now.
“Oh my God, like, does she even know how to bowl?” Bridget practically yells, her voice squeaking like a cheese curd. I turn around sneering at her.
“Knock it off Bridget, at least she’s bowling what the fuck are you doing?” Corey barks at her. I stop, my steps wavering, shock coursing through me. Did he just stick up for me?
“I’m spending time with you silly. I was just wondering if she even knows how to bowl. She threw like two gutters balls right after another.” Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and I just want to tell her to shut up. She throws her blonde hair over her shoulder, a challenge written all over her face as our eyes meet. She’s pushing me and she wants to see if I’ll push back. Fuck yeah I will. It’s on.
I take determined steps toward them irritation clearly written on my face. Bending down I place my elbows on the table, so I’m just at eye level with her.
“Let’s get something straight sweetheart, I know how to bowl. I also know how to get a man and this right here…” I gesture to her, Ryder, and Corey “Isn’t how you fucking do it. Throwing yourself at people doesn’t make you more appealing. Now if you don’t step the fuck back, I’m going to put you back where you came from. In the gutter, since I’m so good at throwing shit there.” I can fe
el the anger within my dissipating slowly. However I’m still filled with a fury because these two had the audacity to bring her.
I hear hushed laughter, and swing my gaze in the direction of the noise. My gaze falls upon Corey. His eyes are filled with amusement, and his lips are tilted up in a tight lipped smiled.
Ryder looks at me with annoyance, as if I ruined his chances of scoring for the evening. Bridget’s face morphs from happy go lucky, to anger in five seconds flat. Well after she realizes I wasn’t giving her a compliment.
Her lips part as if she’s going to say something but then she squishes them back together. Looking at me with resentment I could rival. I smile finally satisfied with myself.
“Jealousy really isn’t your thing Mimi.” Ryder interrupts. I’m not shocked by Ryder’s comment. If he wasn’t an asshole, now then I would be.
“Yeah, well I didn’t think sluts were really your thing. Turns out I’m not a good judgment of character.” His jaw clench’s as his fist comes down hard on the table. Most would be scared of a man like Ryder but not I. He’s about as scary as a kitten with no claws. He does have teeth though, so you got to watch out for those.
“Everyone calm down.” Rex yells, trying to reason with us all. All eyes shift to him. His face grows red with embarrassment for bringing himself into the middle of this. When in doubt just stay the fuck out of it.
“I would be calm if someone didn’t invite their ’date” to come along” My gaze shifting back to meet Ryder’s, angry eyes.
“She’s not my date.” Ryder says grinding his teeth together.
“Yeah I am.” She coos in his ear.
“I think I just threw up a little in my mouth…” I pretend to whisper it, but end up saying it rather loud.
“No you’re not. I’m going to fuck you and send you home, if you’re here for anything other than that please let me show you the door…”
I know we’re making a scene but, the moment Ryder’s words are spoken it gets quiet. I look at Jenna and see she’s just as shocked by his admission as I am.