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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 3

by Emily Bex

  She winced as the restraints were so tight, she felt the rope cutting into her skin through her stockings. “A colleague of yours, daddy.”

  Alec stalked her as he walked slowly around the bed, like a predator sizing up his prey. “Ah, a colleague of mine, and you found him attractive, did you? Did he make you wet? And what was this colleague’s name, baby girl?” He ran his gloved hand along the back of her calf, up her thigh, and across her ass, where he delivered a hard pinch that would leave a bruise by tomorrow. He felt her flinch in both pain and pleasure.

  “He was trying to seduce me, daddy. Baby girl was bad, so wet.”

  His beast was angered as his eyes fired red and he roared, “What is his name, Rissa! I’m not fucking playing games here.”

  She jumped at his words and whimpered, “He whispered nasty, dirty things into my ear. Winston.”

  Alec creased his brow. “Winston? Are you fucking kidding me? That little candy ass mortal made you wet? Is that all it takes? I think you need a little reminder of who owns this ass. Now, what will it be? Hmmm? Paddle? Belt? Whip?” He leaned onto the bed, his lips by her ear, “Tell daddy which one you want.”

  “Whip, please. I have been so naughty.”

  He coiled the whip around his hand, felt the braided leather. “Now, how did I know this is the one you would choose?” He swung his hand back and with the quick snap of his wrist, brought the whip down across her ass. The sheer material of her panties tore away with the strike, and the red welt appeared immediately on her tender skin. The mere sight of it fueled the beast.

  Rissa made the mistake of clenching and tightening her muscles in anticipation of the whip. As it ripped into her skin, she screamed in pain. She immediately felt the blood and Max's words rang in her ears. No, no, no!

  For Alec, her screams only fed his beast, and he wanted more. He ripped the clothes from his body and climbed on top of her, his cock large and throbbing, and ran his tongue across the bleeding welts the whip created. The beast was crouched over her, sniffing, looking for a scent. Vampire. He smelled vampire, and he released a roar that shattered the glass in the windows. Alec fought to regain control. He knew she had no idea about the rival coven. They had been close enough to leave their scent on her. He dropped the whip from his hand, slid his legs between hers, spreading her open. They think they will take Rissa? No fucking way will they claim her. He slid his hand up her back, and put pressure on her shoulders, pushing her head to the mattress, while he lifted her ass in the air.

  “Remember who you belong to, baby girl.” He entered her from behind in one quick thrust.

  He felt her respond, as she lifted her ass to receive him as he fucked her hard. He slid his free hand beneath her hips and pulled her against him, feeling the curve of her ass fit perfectly against his hips as he thrust into her, claiming her, marking her, leaving his scent on her.

  He heard her growl, as she looked back at him over her shoulder, and saliva dripped from her fangs. He fucked her harder, and he could feel the bed shift forward with each thrust, her legs pulling free from the bindings. As her feet were freed, she raised up on her knees, ass high in the air, and head down for her master, giving him greater access to pound away at her, his cock throbbing to release. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back as he came inside her, and the beast roared once more, echoing into the night, letting every vampire know she was his.

  He felt her body quiver as he came in her, poured into her, but she held back her own pleasure, waiting for his permission, which he didn’t give. He pulled his cock from her, hot and wet and slid it across her ass as he listened to her groan. With one swift move, he flipped her over, so she was lying on her back. He slid his hands down her body, across her breasts, to her narrow waist and grasped her hips, lifting them once more as his mouth covered her sex, already hot and dripping wet with his cum. He licked at her slowly and watched her squirm, tempting her with his tongue, probing, teasing, until he heard her beg, “Daddy, please.”

  He covered her sex with his mouth and sucked hard at her clit, and felt her raise her hips against his mouth. He looked up at her from between her legs. "Cum for me, baby girl. Show me you know who you belong to."

  He lowered his mouth to her once again and flicked his tongue over her clit before sucking at her hard, drawing her clit into his mouth, teasing it with his teeth. He felt her release as she thrust her hips hard against his mouth, and he probed her to the depths with his tongue, letting her ride out every sensation that washed over her.

  As she collapsed limply on the bed, he sat upright on his knees, and pulled her to him like a doll and held her to his chest. He stood and picked her up, holding her against him as he pulled back the sheets, and lay her back down on the bed, and climbed in beside her, pulling the blankets over them. He curled his body around her, she was his. "Sleep. I will take care of you.”

  Max returned home from the Gala, refreshed and alive. He had talked to Rissa. She had been startled to see him at first, but in a good way. He could see it in her eyes. She was conflicted, torn. All good signs, because she didn’t reject him outright, and her initial move to leave the table was motivated more by fear of Alec. He knew his angel, and she was no longer his angel, Alec had made her heart cold. Max knew he could win her back from his arch-rival with time and patience. He watched as she finally left the Gala, rushing home to him. Max stayed close, as he had for some time now. He watched her, always watching her. It was not a long wait before Max heard the mating howl that shattered the glass, and he knew Alec’s beast had picked up his scent. Max had hoped the potion would block it. I am so sorry angel… so sorry. He could only imagine the pain and torment Alec inflicted upon her tender skin in retribution. Max would need to be more careful. Rissa would need to take the potion as well. The next time he saw her. Oh yes, my angel, there will be a next time. He would convince her she must also take the potion, so they could meet undetected, even from Alec’s beast.


  Rissa woke slowly, reaching across the bed for the warmth of him, but he wasn’t there. She sat up and moaned as her body ached from last night and his claiming. She could feel Alec in the house. She slowly pulled the sheet around her, as she slid to the edge of the bed, the wounds from the whip healing but still tender. She could already feel the bruises forming. Sitting would be hell throughout the day. Always his reminder, he owned her.

  She sat on the side of the bed, not wanting to move, her mind tortured with the thought of Maximus. Even after Alec had taken her, she didn’t feel whole. She felt the hollowness building inside her. She felt she was missing something vital. She had lived with Alec for so long. She knew he loved her, of that she had no doubt, but he rarely showed her tenderness, at least not in a normal sense. He wasn’t capable.

  She remembered Max's gentle touch across her cheek, his concern for her, and not a false concern based on what she was able to give him later, lying naked under him. It tore at her, that simple touch, how it stole through her body and landed directly inside her heart. Max knew there was a side of her that occasionally craved a gentle touch, arms that held her protectively, arms that cradled her in the night. Rissa was tired of being the strong one, never letting go of her emotions. It took Maximus to remind her of what she was missing.

  She moved with an aching slowness to the shower and let the hot water wash away the soreness. She dried off and wrapped the towel around her, walking to her sitting room. She pulled out her schedule book and saw there wasn’t much on the calendar for today, and the few appointments she did have, could easily be rescheduled. Making the calls, she begged off and rescheduled everything, deciding she needed to be alone and think this through. Dressing casually, she gathered a few things, and decided she would tell Alec she’s heading out for her appointments. She convinced herself this was what she needed, some time to think, and get away from it all. Grabbing her gym bag, she knew by this evening she would need the gym to restore mind and body. It was her only release when he withheld
from her and wouldn’t give her what she craved. Heading downstairs, she knew she would encounter him and cleared her mind, blocking her thoughts.

  Alec heard when she came down the stairs. He needed to tell her what he knew about this rogue coven. She needed to understand the danger.

  “Rissa, where are you going? We need to talk before you leave this house.”

  She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, laid down her bags, and went to his study. “Right here Alec, just going out for some appointments, then the gym afterward.”

  “Come in, my darling. Sit down, we need to talk.” He took a seat, lit up and offered her a drag, but she shook her head no.

  She sat down gingerly, trying not to wince. “What is it?”

  Alec noticed her guarded movements. He inhaled deeply from the cigarette, laying his head back on the chair cushion and releasing the smoke slowly, letting it relax him. “Are you okay? I don't usually allow the beast to ravage you, but you provoked me last night.”

  She waved her hand. “I just have a few aches. I’m familiar with the beast, and I can take it. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to provoke you. I didn’t start the provocation, Winston did. Is this what you wanted to speak to me about?”

  “No, my darling, Winston is of no consequence, and I’ll deal with that situation myself. But my beast picked up a scent on you... vampire, and not of our coven. Not of Shade's warriors. It can only mean someone from the rogue coven was close enough to you to leave their scent. I can only assume you had no idea they were there. They masked their presence from you. They were stalking you. You need to be more alert, my darling. If I think they are stalking you, I will need to find you a protector. I know you don't like it, but I can't have you at risk, Rissa.”

  As his words spilled forth, she gasped and her heart felt squeezed in a vice. The last thing she wanted was a protector.

  “Alec, no vampires were there.” Standing, she began to pace. “I would have known. You can’t be serious. And why would they be stalking me? I was alert the entire night. I would have picked up their scent immediately.”

  Flinging her hair over her shoulder, her anger kicked in. “And I want no protector. I’m no weak mortal. I can take care of myself!”

  Alec issued a low growl, it was a warning. “Watch your tone with me. I have no doubt you can take care of yourself, but clearly, you missed something. I assure you, the beast was not wrong. If I pick up that scent again, you will have a protector, whether you like it or not. I'm going to alert Shade as to how close they got to you. I’m not at all happy about that. Why didn't his warriors pick up on it? He will have to answer for that little breach in security. In the meantime, you are to be on your guard. We’re not fooling around here, my darling. This coven is dangerous. Don’t take it lightly.”

  She spun on him like a feral cat ready to strike and his warning went unheeded. “How dare you! You created me, Alec. Your blood runs in my veins. You taught me to take care of myself, and then you accuse me of missing something? Tells me a lot about how little you think of my skills.” Growling, she took off like a bat out of hell straight for the front door.

  Her words defied him, angered him, and he released the beast as she stormed out of the room. The beast teleported to the front door, reaching the door before her. He grabbed her throat and forced her to her knees. “I’m glad you remember who created you. Now, remember you also obey me. I’ll not take insubordination from you. I decide your fate... I do, not you. Now put your head to the floor. Bow down and remember your station. You’re my mate, and I’ll protect you as I see fit. And yes, I trained you, but you are young, and way too cocky and sure of yourself. You think another vamp could not deceive you? Do you honestly think your fighting skills are superior to that of a trained warrior? Don't be ridiculous, Rissa. And never speak to me in that tone again. What I do, I do for your own safety and mine. We can't afford a breach of security.”

  He grasped her by her hair and yanked hard, pulling her to a standing position. His eyes glowed red and his fangs exposed, he put his face to hers, so they went nose to nose. “Now, tell me you understand. You will follow my commands, or you will not leave the house. Not today or any other day.”

  “Yes, master, I understand.” Her breath was shallow and her body shook under his hand.

  He released the hold on her hair and dropped his hand. “Rissa, you have never lived to see rival vampire covens battle. You have no concept of it, the amount of carnage and killing. It’s out of control. We’re on the brink of it now and I need to avoid it if at all possible. You don't seem to understand the scope of what’s going on here. It’s what I’m trying to explain. I’ll not apologize for my actions. You needed a wake-up call, my darling. And I suggest you heed to it, if you expect both of us to be alive on the other side of this thing.”

  She stood perfectly still, not moving a muscle. She didn’t even blink. “I understand, master. I have disappointed you, and I am weak. It will never happen again. May I be excused?”

  He shook his head in frustration. “No, Rissa, you don’t understand. My message is not that you are weak and disappointing. My message is, you must be alert and on guard to the dangers that threaten us both. If Shade’s warriors missed it, then there is no way you would have picked it up. That is my point, Rissa! We are being stalked by something powerful and dangerous, and I need you to keep your head in the game.”

  ’m no warrior, but I’m yours. And I’ll not let anything take me from you. If you don’t wish for me to leave, I won’t. If you think I need a protector, then assign one to me. I understand you do this for us, for our survival.”

  He stared at her for a minute, pondering her words and weighing the risk. Rissa was strong, and she knew how to fight, but she was no match for a warrior. Whatever happened last night that exposed her to the rogue, she felt no threat, so he was probably just scoping her out. “You can go. But I'm going to talk to Shade. I'll let you know my decision about a protector. I need to think about it.”

  “I understand. I have some clients to visit and then I’m going to the gym. I’ll call you if I sense anything.”

  She opened the door and walked out. She needed to get away! She needed to think.


  Waking early from his slumber, Shade watched her sleeping soundly, curled into his side. He smiled down at her and knew they were on their way to recovery, and he was thankful. He cannot function without his bel rosso. He felt more at ease leaving at night, knowing she was doing better, moving forward, and leaving behind the darkness that had consumed her. He slipped out of bed quietly, wanting her to sleep as much as possible. Her sleep had been restless and uneasy. Dressing in his leathers for the night, he left their bedroom and headed downstairs to pack a bag with extra weapons and ammo. He could hear her stir, followed by the sound of her bounding down the stairs to find him. He stood in the doorway of his office and watched as she rounded the corner, crimson hair flying.

  “I was hoping you were going to give your warrior a kiss before he left you for the evening.”

  “You promised me, lover. Never again would you leave me without a kiss, without saying goodbye. Do you think I don't feel your absence from our bed immediately?”

  “Whoa, you saucy minx, slow down, will you? I was on my way up to wake you, but you came bounding down those stairs like your ass was on fire. Do you think I would ever leave here without having you in my arms? Not going to happen, mi amore, and I am still waiting for my kiss.”

  She ran into his arms full force, throwing herself at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He was forced to drop his bag of weapons to the floor to grab hold of her and return the kiss she placed so forcefully on his lips.

  “Damn, bel, you do know I have to leave, right? You keep this up, my ass will be in a sling with Alec, because I sure as hell won’t be leaving!”

  He slapped her ass lightly. “Now listen to me, I have something I want you to think about tonight, please? Things are heating up in D.C. It may not be as
easy for me to stay home for the night. So, I want us to have some time together before I leave each night. This is how it is going to be for a while, until we get control over the city. We can wake early and feed, play, whatever you wish. Just some time together for the two of us each night before I leave, si?”

  “Of course. I’ll always make time for you. I just want my warrior to remember what he's fighting for, and it's not Alec.”

  She tilted her head and nipped at the skin on his neck as she listened to the sharp intake of his breath.

  Cazzo! She had him stirred up, his cock hard and already straining against the leathers.

  “Woman!” Leaning back, he looked deep into those dark pools. “Bel, do you need to feed? Tell me.”

  “Tonight, lover, I will save it for tonight.”

  Hugging her to his chest, he laid his hand on her head. “I love you so much, mi amore. I don’t want to leave, you know that. I have to. Luca is here. You don’t worry for me, si? I will be fine, hell, most nights I am in the Dead House and not even on the streets. I want you to keep busy, with the houses and the gardens, like before. But here are my conditions and you need to follow them. You do not leave this house without Luca, you don’t go into D.C. for any reason. If you two need to teleport someplace, that’s fine, but it has to be far from D.C. Luca knows my conditions, and if he thinks something is wrong, you follow him without question. Understood?”

  “I’ll follow Luca's instructions. Please, I’m fine now, and I don't want you distracted with worrying about me. Now go, my warrior. I'll be waiting for you.”

  Kissing her with passion, he made the kiss last and felt her melt into him, her body like putty. That was what he needed to send his ass off to battle. He tipped her chin up and smiled.

  “Ti amo, mi amore, per sempre.” His hand slid along her cheek, as he grabbed his bag and headed out the side door, yelling as he went, “I’m out, Luca!”


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