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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 51

by Emily Bex

  Fee chuckled. “Oh, you have no idea what she’s like now. But I’ll give her a call. I can fill her in a little before she makes the trip, if she’s available. But under one condition.”

  He shook his head. “There is always a condition with you. Name it, warrior.”

  “You tell your mate there’s a female coming this time. No surprises for her!”

  He growled, “For your damn information and short-lived memory, I would have told her the last time, but I didn’t know. Fucking Marco played that card and I still have a score to settle with him on that. So, rest assured, she will be informed. She can attend this meeting if she so chooses. I am hiding nothing from her.”

  Standing up, she put her hands on her hips. “Great. I’m out of here then, I’ll let you know what she says.” Teleporting home to the staff quarters, Fee couldn’t wait to give Jacks the details on this job. Damn, I hope she’ll take the job. It would be great to see my sister, it’s been too damn long!

  Realizing the place had emptied out, Shade slid into his leather jacket and prepared to teleport back home to bel.

  Jacks! Imagine that.


  She awoke slowly, Shade still asleep beside her. She heard the soft whir of the electronic blinds as they opened, signaling the sunset. He had been at the Dead House the last two nights after some rampage on the streets, and then last night, he said Rissa had been attacked. In addition to having Luca at her elbow every second he was away, he had also posted extra warriors to guard the perimeter of the house now. She thought about calling Rissa, she knew how she must be feeling. She must be feeling vulnerable just like Kate was. She still had flashes of that thing, that face. It sent shivers through her, and she snuggled in closer to Shade and felt him stir. “Lover, are you awake?”

  Hearing her voice, he yawned and stretched. Wrapping her in his arms, their legs entangled and her crimson askew, he loved waking up with her like this.

  “Si, mi amore, very awake now. How are you this evening? Talk to me. We didn’t get much time together before the slumber took me.”

  She looked up at him through her tangled hair. “I thought it was over, all the stuff going on in D.C. I thought I’d have you home more, and now this, the attack on Rissa. It scares me.”

  Sliding his hand across her cheek, he kissed her gently, tucking a few strands of crimson behind her ear, wanting to see her eyes clearly. “Bel, listen to me. Everything is okay. Don’t be scared, I am here and when I can’t be, you have Luca. He will keep you safe. Hell, you can keep yourself safe if you have that crossbow around. Rissa was attacked by a rogue that fled from here. I saw him on the security videos I watched after the attack. He is dead now. Alec heard her cries and took him out. Fee was there in Alec’s territory and responded to the attack. Then Alec arrived. Rissa is scared, I’m sure, but she’ll get over it and now Alec wants me to get her a protector of sorts.”

  Kate nuzzled into his chest. “But that's good, right? She should have a protector. I was surprised when she said she didn't have one.”

  “Yes, it’s a good thing. She’s not going to like it, but I don’t think Alec is giving her a choice. Kate, I want to spend more time with you, show you the life I want to share with you, and not be running all the time, taking care of business. I have decided to keep a full camp of warriors here, permanently. I’m thinking about doing so in California as well. I want to stay in this area, build a life here. We have made a great start, but there is so much I need to attend to. This incident with Cuerpo has shown me I need to guard Bel Rosso as I guard Castello, and perhaps, it will allow me to have more time at home. What do you think about that?”

  “You know I leave those decisions to you. I love our home here, I love everything about it, so do whatever you have to do. If you bring more warriors, we’ll need to add more quarters for them. I have them in the staff quarters now, and Theresa has had to sacrifice her own room. I’ll work with Gi and Luca. I'm sure they’ll know what we need in order to accommodate more warriors on a permanent basis. Do you have an idea of how many I should prepare for?”

  He listened as she went straight into planning mode to take care of his warriors. She gave him so much and took whatever happened in stride. How the hell did he get this lucky? He would never deserve her, even with an eternity to try.

  “You sure you don’t mind? I want to get things started; eventually making it a full working camp just like in Florence, training new recruits, making an army and establishing my name here. I want Marcello in on this too, mi amore. I think I want him to oversee training here, be my Second-in-Command over the warriors. I think if we start out with about fifteen to twenty at first, then recruit from here in the States, it will grow. Padre built the original camp, but I made it what it is today, and I want that for our sons. I want them to have a strong legacy, one we built together.”

  “One thing we have is plenty of land. So, I will work on that. I’ll let Marcello and Luca lead the project. Don't worry about it. I’ll take care of the quarters for the warriors, and a training facility. You have enough to worry about. And if you want the facilities duplicated in California, I can manage that as well.”

  “Let’s just do one at a time, get this one done, see how it functions. We will build here first. Figure out what works, what doesn’t work or needs to be improved once we get moving and then we take on the West Coast and duplicate, si? I’m thinking Raven could handle California pretty damn well. He damn sure acts like he is from another coast.”

  Kate laughed. “Raven. Now I bet he has stories to tell. Lover, is that your phone?”

  “Cazzo! Where is my damn phone?” Reaching beside the bed, he scrambled to get the phone out of his leathers’ pocket.

  “Fee, yeah, what’s the deal?” Fee told him Jacks was up for a meeting, and she was willing to meet tonight.

  “Great job, Fee! Go ahead and set it up and let me know the time.”

  Kate looked at him with concern. “Are you going to the Dead House again?”

  “No, it was Fiamma. I have a female coming to the house for a meeting tonight. She is from Italy. She is a warrior and one Fee and I hope will take on the job of Rissa's protector. Can you handle that? You are more than welcome to come meet her, sit in on the meeting. You know Rissa, and you may be of some help convincing Jacks to take the job.”

  As soon as he mentioned he was bringing a female here, Kate’s back stiffened. She felt her anger rising and she had to fight the automatic response. She reminded herself of her experience with Fee. Kate wondered if the day would ever come when her first response to any female around him wasn’t one of jealousy and rage. She took a deep breath and calmed herself.

  “I... yes. I would like to be at this meeting. Will Fee be there as well, or just Jacks?”

  He had felt her temper rise and saw her struggling to gain control.

  “Bel, relax and listen, please? Fee won’t be there. This is a job interview. The protector’s name is Jacks, actually Jacqueline, everyone calls her Jacks. I would like you to be with me. This is part of my world, and soon to be your world as well. Meet her before you decide if you like her or not. You hated Fee the moment she walked in, and now you are friends. Do this for me, si?”

  Kate lowered her eyes because he read her like a book. She didn’t want these feelings, she hated these feelings, but they came automatically, and he did nothing to deserve it. She knew it wasn’t him. It was her own lack of self-esteem, her own fear that she wouldn’t be enough. “I know, lover. I’ll try not to pre-judge her.”

  Kissing her softly, he pulled her into his arms and snuggled into her neck. “Mi amore, I have never been with Jacks. She was at the camp a very long time ago. Her master sent her there to learn from Medici, but she works as a mercenary now. Fee suggested her to me after I asked if she knew anyone that would suit this position. I didn’t even remember Jacks until Fee mentioned her. I know what you are thinking. I am yours, I want no other.”

  Kate let him enfold her, reassure he
r. She sighed in relief as he told her he hadn’t been with Jacks, unlike Adriana and Sabine. She let the anger go and prepared to meet this new warrior. What a complicated world he lived in, and one she still struggled to navigate.

  “Then let's meet her.”

  He whispered softly into her ear, “That’s my bel. You make me proud. Now, let’s get up out of this bed and begin our night.”


  Waking, Rissa was startled by the images in her head and she clutched her throat, frantically looking around, trying to orient herself. She was home, safe. Where’s Alec? Did he leave me alone?

  “Alec!” She sat straight up in bed and tried to feel him.” Oh Alec, please, where are you?”

  Alec was on his way back upstairs when he felt her fear and heard her call to him. Entering the bedroom, he found her sitting upright in the bed. He sat beside her.

  “What is it, my darling? Bad dream? I imagine you’ll be plagued with them for a while. Very normal, but it’ll pass with time.” He stroked the side of her face. “Now lie down, you really need to rest. It's important for your healing.”

  As soon as he appeared her heartbeat slowed to normal. Bad dream, yes. It was just a bad dream. Lying back down, she grabbed his hand and clung to it. “Please don’t leave me, Alec. Sit with me until I go back to sleep. Please?”

  “I'm right here. Not going anywhere right now. You know I’ll have to go into work eventually, though, so I’ve been talking to Shade. I think it best he assigns a warrior to you for a while. I don't want to hear any arguments, Rissa. The decision is made. Not a full-time protector. This won’t be a permanent assignment like a protector and they won't live here, but they’ll guard the house and follow at a discreet distance when you’re out. It’s a temporary precaution and I'm telling you now, I expect your cooperation.”

  “Yes, Alec, no arguments. I’ll listen.”

  No arguments? Who the hell is this woman in my bed and what did they do with Rissa? Whoever she is, I don't expect it to last once she has her feet under her again. “I'm not kidding, Rissa. I’m not sure you realize the magnitude of this event. If Shade's warrior had not been there, I wouldn’t have reached you in time. If this rogue had taken you out on sight, even Shade's warrior would have been no help.” He leaned in until they were nose to nose to make his point. “You were this close, my darling. This close to your eternal sleep.”

  If keeping her scared kept her in line, then he would keep her scared for a while.

  Her eyes widened at his implications. Her voice was shaking and barely audible. “I’ll do what you ask, Alec.”

  “Quiet now. I want you to rest, and I’ll lie here beside you. But what’s this, Rissa?” He reached for the vials on the bedside table. “What are these vials? You had them clutched in your hand last night.”

  He picked up the vials from the bedside table and held them out to her.

  Her brain clicked into gear as she sat up to offer an explanation. She quickly settled on a lie that would explain how she came to have them in her possession. Looking down, she wrung her hands. “The rogue, they fell from his jacket. I didn’t know what they were, but I grabbed them from the floor. I was frightened but I thought they might be of use to you in identifying him.” She turned her head and looked at him through her disheveled blonde hair with an innocent expression in her eyes.

  Alec raised an eyebrow. “They were on the vamp that attacked you? Interesting. Maybe this is the potion they spoke of, the one that eliminates their scent. Good job, my darling. I’ll have this sent to a lab to see if they can analyze it and figure out what's in it. This could be quite useful. Perhaps I could even use it as payment for some of Shade's services. This would be a mighty weapon in his arsenal, and maybe I wouldn’t have to give him so much fucking property.”

  He tucked the vials in his pockets and gently pushed her back onto the bed. “And now, I believe I said lie down and rest.” He stretched out beside her so she’d calm down and get some sleep.

  She took his hand. She didn’t want him to leave again. She was tired but she needed to feel him and couldn’t fall asleep unless she felt him touching her. His presence calmed her, and it wasn’t long before her eyes felt heavy and she drifted into a dark sleep.


  Kate and Shade sat in the study going over some plans and rough sketches for the warriors’ camp that would include barracks, a gym, a training center, a dedicated weapons bunker, and a large practice field. Since there were mortals who pulled onto the property to see the vineyards, the exterior design of the new buildings would mimic the Tuscan architecture of the house and be enclosed by a high stone wall. The plan would use roughly eight hundred acres of property, which was still much smaller than the warrior camp in Florence. Kate was excited to work on this project. She’d seen the camp in Florence briefly but didn’t yet have the experience to know exactly what was needed. Shade would be involved in the planning but would leave Luca and Marcello to provide oversight. Shade was explaining how the facilities would be used when Gi announced that Jacqueline had arrived.

  “Give me five minutes, Gi, then send her in.” Looking at bel, he could already feel her bristling.

  “Take a breath and relax. It’s Jacks... warrior, assassin, mercenary, and spy. She just happens to be female.”

  Kate hated that her reaction was so visible, but she took a deep breath and mentally prepared to meet her. “I'm ready, lover.”

  “Good, mi amore!” Standing, he kissed her softly. “Business, remember?”

  He could feel Jacks in the house. He turned as Gi announced her and she walked into his office. At first Shade didn’t recognize her. It had been a long time since he’d last seen her and she had grown from a young girl into a woman.

  “Welcome, Jacqueline. I am honored you have agreed to meet and discuss this assignment to see if you would be interested.”

  As she entered the room, Jacks took note of the mortal. Not typical of Shade, based on what Jacks knew to be his taste in women. Jacks had heard the rumors he had mated and she was curious about this female. She nodded to him.

  “Master Medici. It’s been a long time since we last met. You’ve done well, as have I.”

  Jacks was tall, and beautiful, as typical of vampire females. At five-foot-eleven, she almost stood eye to eye with him. Her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her dark eyes smoldered.

  Kate eyed the newcomer and recognized immediately that Jacks had been born a vampire. Women who were born vampires were generally taller, but it was their presence that really set them apart. Kate knew that the turning would make her immortal and more powerful, but it wouldn’t give her that extra something. For a moment, Kate wondered if she’d have to fight this insecurity for eternity. Fuck it, Kate. Quit questioning yourself! He picked you!

  Kate stood to meet her, stepping around the desk with her hand extended. "Hello, my name is Kate. Welcome to our home."

  As she introduced herself, Jacks saw she was small and determined, but her eyes gave away her momentary insecurity. Kate was definitely making sure Jacks knew Shade belonged to her. Whoever held the Medici heart should feel possessive. Taking her hand, Jacks nodded and shook it with one firm shake, noticing that Kate never broke eye contact with her. Shade had picked a feisty one.

  Shade gestured toward a chair. “Please, Jacqueline, have a seat.”

  Kate watched as Jacks sat down, crossing long leather-clad legs which ended in four-inch heeled boots. She wasn’t overtly coming on to Shade, but her very presence oozed sexuality and Kate’s sense of inferiority made her mistrust the warrior. She’d try to keep an open mind, but she’d keep an eye on this one.

  Shade took a seat across from her and Kate sat down next to him, as Shade addressed her. “I know that Fee briefed you on the situation, but I wished to give you more details before going into this meeting with the master who wishes to hire you. Excuse my manners, can I offer you a drink?”

  Jacks held up her hand to Shade. “Thank you for the
offer, but no. A warrior’s body is her temple, and she must treat it as such.”

  Kate laughed out loud. “A warrior’s body is a temple? Someone forgot to tell that to that pack of wild things living in the staff quarters who guzzle down Midnight after every shift.”

  Jacks chuckled, amused by her observation and looked at Shade.

  “I learned my weapons skills at the Medici camp, but I’ve trained with others as well who teach purity of body to maintain strength. I don’t smoke, or drink, and feed as often as possible from master’s who will allow it. Their blood gives me power beyond that of the regular warrior. I never forget that I’m a female in a world dominated by males, and I need every edge I can get. Above all, you taught me to never forget there’s always a warrior out there better than me, ready to take me out.” Smiling at him. “I haven’t forgotten my lessons.”

  Shade nodded. She’d made a name for herself in the assassins’ world. He knew she learned something from him and he was proud to have been part of her training. She had some Medici skills and that alone could take her far.

  “I see that. And I’m proud of you, Jacks. Let’s get down to business, shall we? Master Canton lives in D.C. The bastard is eccentric and into mortal politics. He is a tough one but doesn’t get his hands dirty. He has some old-fashioned views about female warriors, so you’ll need to be on your toes. His mate Larissa was attacked by a rogue. She is one high profile bitch. She was spooked by the attack, and is still unsettled. Master Canton is looking for a temporary protector, a short-term contract, not a lifetime assignment. Rissa is a handful… you can’t tie her down. I don’t know exactly what he has in mind. He’s down with the D.C. goons most of the time, he has no time to watch her and keep her ass in line. And let me tell you, she will test you to the limits.”


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