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The Missing McCullen

Page 18

by Rita Herron

  Cash took a deep breath, determined to forget his animosity toward the older man. Nothing mattered now except Tyler.

  “Mr. Elmore, it’s Cash Koker,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but Tyler is safe.” He hesitated, waiting for a reaction.

  Elmore’s eyes fluttered open and he struggled to focus. He licked his lips and tried to make his voice work, but coughed instead.

  Cash spotted the water on the tray, inserted a straw and pressed it to the man’s lips. Elmore took a sip, his eyes fluttering again.

  “Did you hear me, Elmore? Tyler is safe and alive.”

  “Thank God.” Elmore groaned and slowly turned his head to face Cash. “Jasper?”

  “Maddox—Sheriff McCullen—arrested him. He’s going to prison.”

  “Did he hurt Tyler?” The question came out a croak.

  “He’s shaken up, but he’ll be all right.”

  Regret racked Elmore’s face. “I’ve wasted so much time with Sondra and Tyler.”

  Cash’s throat thickened. “It’s not too late for Tyler.”

  The man’s lip quivered. “Thank you for...saving him.”

  “He needs you,” Cash said. “You’re all he has.”

  Elmore shook his head, then tried to lift his hand. “Tyler loves you.”

  Cash took the man’s trembling hand in his. “I’ll be around if he needs me. That is, want.”

  Elmore nodded. “If I don’t make it, promise me you’ll take care of him.”

  Cash clenched his teeth. “You are going to make it, Mr. Elmore. You can’t leave Tyler now.”

  For a weak man, his grip on Cash’s hand grew stronger. “Promise me,” Elmore said, his voice cracking.

  Cash swallowed hard. “I promise.”

  A small smile tilted the corners of Elmore’s mouth. Then he closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.

  Cash stood, dumbfounded. What the hell had just happened?

  Had Elmore really asked him to take Tyler if something happened to him?

  Suddenly, the heart monitor beeped and machines trilled. A nurse rushed in and waved him away from the bed. “Get a crash cart!” she shouted to another nurse.

  Cash was pushed to the side while a team tried to revive Elmore. Several minutes passed.

  But Elmore didn’t respond.

  Instead, he slipped into death.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Cash stared at the scene in the hospital room in shock.

  A few minutes ago Elmore had asked him to take care of Tyler if something happened to him.

  Now Elmore was dead.

  “Cash?” BJ’s voice barely registered through his dazed state. “What happened?”

  “He’s dead,” Cash said in a gruff voice.

  Her hand brushed his back. “My God, poor little Tyler. What’s he going to do?”

  Cash pivoted, heart aching. “I don’t know. Elmore actually asked me to take care of him, but...I can’t.”

  BJ’s expression softened. “You could, Cash. Tyler loves you.”

  Cash shrugged. “I have nothing to offer the kid. No money. No home. I don’t even have a damn job.” He ran a hand over his rough, beard-stubbled jaw. “Besides, the law would never give him to me. I’m not blood kin.”

  Sympathy registered in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I...we’ll talk to the social worker.” She guided him away from the sight of Elmore lying dead in the bed.

  They walked down the hall toward Tyler’s room. “I spoke with Maddox about Drew and Jasper,” BJ said. “He’s going to pressure Jasper to be tested for the kidney transplant.”

  Anger threatened to make Cash explode. No man should have to be bribed to step up for his own kids. “You think he’ll do it?”

  “I put a call in to talk to the DA about a deal to take death row off the table if he cooperates.”

  A rock and a hard place. Jasper deserved to die. But Drew needed that kidney.

  “How’s Tyler?” BJ asked.

  “Physically, he’ll be fine.” Cash pushed open the door and they both stepped inside. The little boy was curled on his side, deep in sleep. He looked peaceful—but his life had been anything but peaceful lately.

  His mama and grandfather were dead, and he was alone in the world.

  “I’ll call Candace,” BJ said. “She’s sitting with Drew. Maybe she can help.”

  Admiration for BJ flooded Cash, and he took her hand in his. “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done, BJ.’re amazing.”

  Her eyes sparkled, the attraction simmering between them bursting to life. “So are you, Cash. So are you.”

  * * *


  She wanted to say so much more to Cash. But the hospital wasn’t the place.

  Maybe when the legal issues were settled, when they returned to Horseshoe Creek, they could talk.

  Although she wanted more than talk...

  A nurse walked by, jarring her back to reality and the job she had to do.

  Had Elmore told anyone other than Cash his wishes? If not, it would be difficult to prove that he’d actually asked Cash to raise the little boy.

  Candace met her in the hallway outside Tyler’s room. “Tyler’s grandfather just died.” She explained about Cash’s conversation with Elmore.

  “Unfortunately, we’ll have to see what Sondra and her father stipulated in their wills,” Candace said. “Until then, Tyler will be placed in a temporary foster home.”

  “He’s already been through so much,” BJ said, her heart aching. “Staying with strangers will only add to his trauma.”

  “I’ll make arrangements to handle his case myself.” Candace squeezed BJ’s hand. “Try not to worry.”

  BJ went to join Cash while Candace made the phone call. Cash sat by Tyler’s bed, his head bowed.

  BJ remained still, giving him space and time, until he finally glanced back at her. He looked so tortured that she crossed the room to him and rubbed his back.

  “Candace is going to help us, Cash.”

  She realized she’d said us and knew she’d lost her heart to Cash and the little boy.

  Candace’s heels clicked on the floor as she entered. “My supervisor agreed to let me handle Tyler’s situation.”

  She joined them by Tyler’s bed. “Mr. Koker, BJ explained what happened. I’ll do everything I can to help you.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.” He patted Tyler’s hand. “I hate to see him suffer any more.”

  Candace offered him a smile. “You obviously love him. Both of you look wrung out. Why don’t you go home, shower and get some rest? I’ll stay here with Tyler in case he wakes up.”

  Cash looked torn. “I don’t want to leave him.”

  “Who knows if he’s slept at all these last couple of days?” She smiled softly. “You need to rest, too.”

  Cash hesitated again, but finally stood. “All right. I guess I do smell like smoke and could use a shower. Call me if he wakes up.”

  Candace promised she would.

  BJ and Cash left the hospital together and drove in silence back to Horseshoe Creek.

  Exhaustion lined his features as he parked at the cabin.

  BJ wanted to console him, to assure him that everything would work out. But how could she do that?

  Legally, he had no right to Tyler, not if Elmore hadn’t specified it in his will.

  He slid from the truck, walked around and opened her door. He made no invitation for her to join him at his cabin, and she reminded herself that he had a lot on his mind. That he was worn-out and needed a shower and sleep.

  So she walked up the path to her cabin and watched him drive across the way to th
e one where he was staying.

  It was best she not give in to her desires.

  Sleeping with him would only complicate things.

  He’d already stolen a piece of her heart. She needed to keep the remainder intact. If not, she wouldn’t survive when they parted.

  And now the case was over, she’d have to go back to her job and her life.

  Besides, Cash had a new family. And she wasn’t part of it.

  * * *

  CASH’S ARM ACHED like the devil from that flesh wound, smoke permeated his clothes and hair, and he felt as if his arms had been singed.

  It didn’t matter, though. Tyler was alive.

  But that kid faced a tough road, losing his family in a violent way.

  He’d probably have nightmares about the fire.

  Did he even know that Jasper was the man who’d fathered him?

  God, Cash hoped not. What would that realization do to a little kid?

  Probably screw him up for life.

  Tyler needed someone to love him, to help him through the grief he’d feel over his mother’s loss.

  Cash shucked his clothes and stepped under the warm water, then dunked his head. He quickly lathered and washed off, although when he closed his eyes, memories of BJ’s sweet touch made his body ache.

  Last night she’d kissed him. Not just kissed him, but really kissed him, like she wanted more. Like she wanted to be with him.

  Like she enjoyed his hands touching her.

  He wanted them on her now. Wanted to feel her delicate skin beneath his work-roughened fingers. To feel those gorgeous legs wrapped around him. To inhale her feminine scent and taste her, and slide his naked skin against hers.

  His erection swelled to a throbbing need, and he turned the water to cold to tamp down his libido.

  It didn’t help.

  Wanting her wasn’t just about his body’s hunger. Somewhere along the way he’d fallen for her soft heart and her stubbornness and her desire to help others. She’d defended him, and she would fight for Tyler and for his brother, Drew.

  The world needed more people like her.

  He needed her.

  The thought sucker punched him.

  He’d cared about Sondra, but as friends. He’d never wanted to be friends and lovers before.

  He wanted both with BJ.

  He dried off, yanked on clean jeans and a shirt and stared at the empty bed.

  Rational thought fled. He didn’t want to be alone.

  He pivoted and headed outside. Only one way to find out if BJ wanted him, too.

  The light was burning in her cabin. In the bedroom.

  He walked across the grassy area, then hurried up the path to her door. One knock, and she opened it, her face a beautiful sight.

  She’d showered and changed into pajama pants and a thin white camisole. No bra.

  Her plump breasts pushed against the fabric, her nipples stiff peaks.


  Her eyes lit with desire, then she curled one hand around his head and pressed her lips to his. “I was hoping you’d come,” she whispered against his cheek.

  Her softly spoken words and the passion in her kiss ignited his hunger, and he pushed her backward into the room.

  Her arms wound around his neck, her hands urgent as she raked her fingers through his hair.

  He cupped her butt with one hand, pressing her against his thighs as he deepened the kiss.

  Hunger ignited, raw and primal. He dragged his mouth from hers and planted frenzied kisses down her neck. She tasted like sweetness and hope and salvation, everything a man like him needed but didn’t deserve.

  He started to pull away.

  But she cupped his face in her hands, looked into his eyes with need, and he forgot his reservations.

  He needed her. And dammit, she wanted him, at least for the moment.

  That would do for now.

  * * *

  BJ HAD NEVER craved a man’s touch the way she craved Cash’s. The emotional connection from working the case and finally saving Tyler intensified her desires.

  His body was hard, his muscles thick from hard work, yet his hands gentle as he traced one finger down her jaw. She sucked in a sharp breath, his earlier hesitancy only fueling her growing feelings for him.

  Cash was honorable. A man who fought for what was right. A man who’d saved a little boy’s life.

  A man who would protect a woman, as well.

  She parted her lips and tasted the salty skin of his neck as he trailed his fingers over her breasts through the thin tank top. Her nipples beaded to stiff peaks, yearning for more.

  She urged him closer with sweet whispers, and stroked his back down to his muscular backside, reveling in the pleasure in his moan.

  “BJ?” he whispered against her ear.

  She took his hand and guided him to the bedroom. He paused, raking his eyes over her with appreciation, stirring erotic sensations inside her. A come-hither smile curved her mouth.

  There was no turning back now.

  She was going to give herself to Cash Koker.

  The pleasure would be worth whatever the price of her heartbreak when he left.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Cash wanted BJ naked. Skin to skin.

  Bodies moving together.

  He planted kisses along her jaw and neck, tasting sweetness and desire as he lifted the tank top over her head.

  Her breasts spilled out, sending his erection straining against his jeans. Her nipples were rosy and stiff, begging for a man’s touch.

  He cupped her breasts in his hands, then lowered his mouth and sucked one taut bud into his mouth. She threw her head back and groaned, arousing him even more.

  Her fingers tunneled through his hair as he laved one breast, then the other, and she pulled him toward the bed. He gently shoved her onto the quilt, but resisted when she reached for him.

  Instead, he focused on her pajama pants. They were some kind of flimsy material and felt soft to his hands, but not as soft and satiny as her bare skin.

  She wasn’t wearing panties.

  His breath caught at the blatant hunger in her eyes. She urged him closer, her whispered sigh a plea for more. But he didn’t want to rush this.

  He threaded his fingers in her hair, tilted her neck back and kissed the sensitive skin behind her ear. “Tell me what BJ stands for,” he murmured.

  She moaned his name.

  He drove his tongue inside her ear and stroked one nipple between his fingers. “Tell me, BJ.”

  A soft sigh escaped from her, and she rubbed his back. “You’ll laugh.”

  “No, I won’t,” he said, as he kissed her again. “I want to say your name when I’m inside you.”

  BJ shivered, shifting so she rubbed his thick length against her belly. “It’s Brandy Jane,” she murmured.

  A smile tugged at his mouth as he looked into her eyes. “Brandy Alexander?”

  She nodded, heat in her gaze. “My mother’s favorite drink.”

  He chuckled and she slapped him playfully. “I told you you’d laugh.”

  He brushed her hair back and kissed her again, this time fervently. “I want you, Brandy Jane.”

  She tugged at his jeans. “I want you, too, Cash.”

  Instead of mounting her, he lowered himself to the floor, then spread her legs with his hands.

  She whispered his name, her body trembling as he placed his tongue at her sweet center. He drove his mouth over her sensitive spot, teasing her with his tongue and savoring her honeyed taste.

  She reached for his arms, silently urging him to enter her, but he held back. More than anything he wanted to give her pleasure, to make her feel special. Wanted.
  To be the person she needed and deserved.

  He shut out the doubts. He’d have time for those later.

  He lifted her hips slightly, then closed his lips over her center, adding his finger to the madness to tease her. Her hips bucked and she trembled.

  Her sigh of pleasure ended with a long groan and she came apart in his arms.

  His need became more urgent, and he stripped off his clothes, braced himself above her and pressed his rigid length between her legs.

  Rational sense intruded for a millisecond, long enough for him to roll on a condom.

  Moaning his name, she clutched his hips as if she couldn’t wait, then rubbed herself against his erection. She felt like heaven.

  It would be hell to leave her when it was over.

  But they both needed tonight.

  He stroked her dampness with his throbbing sex, until his release burned inside him, begging for escape.

  Murmuring how much he wanted her, he stroked her sex with his. The first touch of her body quivering and clenching around him nearly made him shout.

  He thrust inside her, filling her to the core, then drove himself in and out, teasing her until the urgency swept them both away.

  Erotic sensations pummeled him as he came inside her.

  She clawed his back with her hands as she joined him on the ride.

  * * *

  BJ SNUGGLED UP to Cash’s chest and closed her eyes, the euphoria of making love with him triggering emotions that threatened to overflow.

  She was in love with the man.

  But she couldn’t confess her feelings. He would think she was crazy and desperate. Besides, he didn’t need his lawyer latching on to him like a lovesick teenager.

  Hadn’t she vowed not to get involved with another client? Her father had insisted on professionalism. She’d failed him once.

  He’d never allowed her to forget it, either.

  Cash slid from the bed and padded to the bathroom, and she instantly missed him. Was he going to leave and retreat to his cabin?

  Her heart fluttered. He should leave.

  But he returned, crawled in beside her and drew her to him again.

  She curled against him and fell into a deep, exhausted sleep.

  Hours later, the nightmares of her son’s death woke her. Aaron’s voice cried out, “Help me, Mommy. Save me.”


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