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Still Yours

Page 6

by Cara Roman

  Ridge had his bottom lip stuck between his teeth, and she could see his chest rising and falling rapidly as she deep-throated his dick. Expecting he would get off soon she was surprised when he let go of her hair grabbed her hips, lifting and turning her around instead.

  "Don't want to come down your throat, even as fucking good as that felt. When did you learn to do that?" Ridge said climbing up onto his knees behind her.

  Turning her head she looked over her shoulder at him, with a saucy, "I'm not the same eighteen year old you left behind either Ridge." She used his own words back on him. Then she leaned down slowly tipping her ass up invitingly for him.

  Ridge wasn't the kind of man to waste time, and as soon as the thick head of his dick found her pussy he surged inside. Ducking her head Leigha gasped at how full he filled her from this angle. He stayed fully inside of her not moving, and let the tension build. Unable to take it any longer Leigha rocked back and forth, moving herself against him.

  "That's right baby, fuck." Ridge growled out, grabbing her hips.

  He kept still and let her work him like that for a few minutes, but no matter how hard she pushed back into him it wasn't enough. Leigha whimpered out her frustration.

  "Need more, Sugar?" Ridge asked.

  "Yes!" Leigha moaned.

  "Tell me, I wanna hear you say it. What do you want me to do to you Leigha?" Ridge asked.

  "Fuck me!" She yelled out.

  Ridge reached down grabbing a handful of her thick hair, lifting her head up as he grabbed her hip with his other hand. Holding her in place he slammed his hips into her quickly, over and over again. With every breath Leigha was crying out. Her body was on fire, the heat burning through her increasing with every slam of his dick inside of her. Even over her screams she could hear their bodies slapping together. She had never felt more powerful as a woman in her whole life. Being devoured like this, without any wishy-washy manners. Ridge fucked Leigha like a man who knew exactly how much she needed it, and was the only one who would ever be able to give it to her. This was primal, and unapologetic. Gripping the blankets underneath her hands she felt the orgasm tear through her on a trajectory straight into him. As soon as Leigha's pussy gripped down on his dick he slammed into her with a loud growl, his heat filling her.

  Leigha's whole body felt boneless, like all of her skeleton was replaced with jello. Before she could collapse face first at the end of the bed Ridge caught her and pulled her up to the pillows. Her heart beat still racing she said, "that was..."

  "Everything you needed, yeah me too Sugar." Ridge said.

  Leigha smiled over at him as her eyes drifted slowly closed. All of the intense orgasms blanketing her brain in a sleepy sated fog. She was asleep within moments, and never even felt him get up to let Boomer out one last time for the night. Ridge came back upstairs with her clothes and set them on the chair in the corner of his room before crawling into bed next to her. In her satisfied sleep she didn't hesitate to curl around him as soon as he laid down. Smiling up at the ceiling Ridge wrapped an arm around Leigha and let himself fall asleep.

  Chapter 10

  Leigha opened her eyes slowly, and for a few heartbeats she thought she was in her own bed at home. Then the warmth pressed up against her side filtered through, and she realized that she had fallen asleep in Ridge's bed. Spending the night all curled up in his arms like a legitimate couple really wasn't on her plans. In fact it was the last thing she wanted at the moment. Especially considering how good he felt next to her. This was definitely not keeping it casual, strictly just for sex. Over-nighters were venturing into some very dangerous territory. Leigha sat up, and the sheet slipped down, the cold air making her nipples pucker and reminding her that they did the get naked dance down stairs. Sliding out of the bed Leigha made to sneak down stairs, but a cloud moved away from the moon and the room was bathed in a luminous silver glow coming through the large windows. She saw her clothes in the chair, and tip toeing over to the corner she quietly starting putting them on. She started the night without a bra, and now she was heading home without panties too. Leigha smiled, remembering the sound her panties had made when Ridge tore them in his rush to get to her. She loved every minute of that, even if she was running away now. So focused on inching the door open wide enough to squeeze through, Leigha didn't notice Ridge sit up in bed.

  "Not even gonna say goodbye to me? Well that's a fine way to treat the man that rocked your world not too very long ago." His voice rumbled sleepily, even more deep and rich than usual.

  Leigha could feel it skim across her skin, making her knees weak, and her resolve ready to crumble. Shoring up her spine she said, "I didn't want to wake you." Leigha didn't turn around, she just knew that looking at him right now would be a bad idea, and rob her of the desire to leave.

  "Oh, I'm sure you didn't, Sugar. Makes it that much harder to run away." Ridge gave a jaded laugh.

  "We're not together Ridge." Leigha said as she pulled the door all the way open now, no need for covert actions anymore. He was right, she was running away, and there was no way for her to deny it.

  "If you say so."

  He said it quietly, but she still heard him. There was nothing to say to that, nothing she could say to it that made any sense anyway. So she just shook her head and walked out of his bedroom. Boomer met her at the bottom of the stairs looking sleepy and a bit confused. She bent down to love on him a second, before walking across the room for her purse. Pulling the strap up on her shoulder she headed out the front door before she changed her mind. Crossing the dark yard to her car she wondered at why she was even bothering. What would spending the last couple hours before her alarm goes off even matter at this point? Was there really any difference when she already spent hours sleeping curled into his big comfortable frame? Sitting in her car she could admit to herself that there wasn't. They had crossed the line she had drawn already. Leaving was only punishing herself for staying in the first place. Shaking her head at herself she started the car and drove down his driveway.

  Back at home Finn was curled up on the foot of her bed sleeping, clearly he listened to her advice and hadn't been waiting up for her. Not bothering to go back to bed since she only had a little while before her alarm she got in the shower. She could still feel Ridge's hands all over her skin, and as she lathered up she smiled thinking of him. He made her body feel things that she didn't even know she needed until he did them. He ruined her heart twelve years ago, and now he was ruining her body too. No other man was ever going to push all the right buttons like he could. They hadn't come close to what he had given her before, so now there really was no chance of it. Even with a decade apart their bodies still wanted the same things. Too bad he couldn't be satisfied with just sex. Now that she knew he wanted more from her there was no way she could continue to sleep with him, no matter how good it was. But damn was it good. Her insides still felt warm and satisfied, and her bones were all but liquefied.

  Stepping out and wrapping a towel around her damp skin Leigha skulked into the bedroom. Why did he have to go and ruin a good thing? The sex was phenomenal, that should be enough, right? Her Mom and Dani were both worried about her falling for him again and getting crushed, and instead Ridge was the one wanting more from her. Go figure. Pulling on jeans and a cream colored waffle knit thermal she walked back into the bathroom. After dealing with all of the sex tangles, that no amount of conditioner was able to tackle alone Leigha worked her hair back into a french braid. Picking up her toothbrush she cleaned her teeth, and scowled at herself in the mirror. She was literally glowing, apparently her skin hadn't gotten the memo that she wasn't happy about her night. It actually made her laugh, nearly spitting the toothpaste foam everywhere. Her face was a contradiction with the angry eyes, and rosy cheeks. Spitting carefully into the sink she shook her head at herself.

  Out in the kitchen she gave Finn his breakfast. Glancing over at the clock she still had an hour before she needed to leave for work. She popped two pieces of whole wh
eat bread into the toaster, then slathered enough peanut butter on them that it basically canceled out any attempt at being healthy. Standing at the kitchen counter munching her toast she wondered why she had ever thought anything between her and Ridge would be able to stay simple. They might have off the charts chemistry, bodies that were practically made for each other, but their lives were miles, no worlds, apart.

  By the time she walked into Caffeinated Sprinkles she was in a right foul mood. Yanking her apron off the hook she put it on and hastily tied a knot around her waist. Even the smell of coffee beans grinding wasn't enough to chase the annoyance away today. Dani walked in the door, and was almost all the way into the kitchen before she stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Leigha.

  "Shit. Come on back and tell me what happened." She said as she shouldered the door open. Her arms full of the boxes containing today's specials. Dani got started on the days baking in her kitchen at home so she could get Silas up and ready for school before heading in. That was one of the biggest perks of owning the shop, she could arrange her schedule around being a Mom, instead of trying to be a Mom around work.

  Leigha huffed out a breath, crossing her arms and walked into the kitchen. "I've got to get the special cookie up on the chalk board Dani."

  "Yeah, pretty sure you've got enough time to tell me what's got your panties in such a twist already this morning." Dani said propping her hands on her hips, clearly ready to wait it out.

  The two women stared each other down a minute before Leigha caved. "Ridge wants more than just sex." Leigha said like it was completely shocking.

  "Of course he does." Dani said.

  "What do you mean 'of course he does'?" Leigha stared at her friend.

  "You were his first love too, ya know Leigha. He came home needing to feel something familiar again, after his divorce, I'm thinking. There is no way you two could ever just bang and that's it. There is so much water under this bridge, its a whole damn ocean." Dani said turning around to get to work.

  'Well why didn't you tell me that sooner?" Leigha asked begrudgingly.

  "Because you wouldn't have listened to me, duh." Dani said the obvious with a shrug.

  "That's probably true." Leigha admitted walking over to stand next to her friend, and lean against the big work table in the center of the kitchen.

  "It is." Dani agreed. "So let me get this straight, you're walking around with a near deadly scowl because the man actually wants to be with you?"

  "When you say it like that it sounds stupid." Leigha said. Dani just raised an eyebrow and kept silent. "Its not what I want. Ridge isn't the kind of man I need, he's just the one I can't help but want."

  "Maybe. Or maybe he has changed more than you're giving him credit for. But you'll never know if you don't actually face whats brewing between the two of you again, instead of ignoring it."

  "I don't know if I want to." Leigha said.

  "That's your choice, but once you make it, you gotta own it." Dani said wisely.

  "Yeah, I know. Thanks Dani." Leigha said bumping her shoulder affectionately into her best friend. "What am I writing on the sign today?"

  "Cinnamon roll cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, and white chocolate peanut butter blondies." Dani said carrying the first tray out to the display case. "By the way, nice braid. Haven't seen you wear your hair like that in ages."

  Leigha smiled as she followed Dani out. Making sure the special treats were up on the little chalk board Leigha walked over to flip the closed sign over to open. Dani was right, she needed to figure out what she wanted from Ridge, and quickly. He wasn't going to leave her alone for very long. Nobody could say he wasn't a man who went after what he wanted with everything he had. And right now what Ridge wanted was Leigha.

  Chapter 11

  As Leigha pulled into her driveway after work she spotted Ty getting out of his truck. He must be just getting out of work too. There was a rip in the knee of his jeans, and they looked dirty enough that if he jumped a cloud of dust would rise up into the air around him. He had a flannel open over a gray thermal shirt, with the sleeves rolled up on his forearms. Leigha looked at him and could acknowledge he was basically mouth watering, but she felt nothing. Her blood didn't sing, goosebumps weren't breaking out along her skin. Her heart didn't thump erratically, and there were no butterflies swarming in her middle. Which was kind of a shame. He started across he front lawn, heading in her direction.

  "Shit. Just what I need today." Leigha whispered as she climbed out of her car. "Hey Ty." She pasted on a smile and said as he got close enough to hear her.

  "Hey Leigha. Whatcha doin' tonight?" Ty asked smiling. The persistent bugger.

  Leigha shrugged trying to think of something to say when the sound of a truck rumbled up the road. Turning towards the sound she saw Ridge's ride pull over next to her curb. He opened the door and hopped out a smile on his face.

  "Heya, Sugar." Ridge said as he walked over and wrapped his arm around Leigha's waist. "Ty." He said with a nod in his direction.

  "Heard you were back Ridge. Been gone a long time now." Ty said, the look on his face was far from friendly.

  "Had shit I needed to do. Figured some things out along the way." Ridge bit out, and Leigha felt the tension rolling off him in waves.

  "Figured you'd just pick up right where you left off, eh?" Ty asked, his eyes going hard.

  "I don't see how that's any of your damn business." Ridge all but growled. He turned to Leigha dipped his face down and asked, "you with him?"

  Leigha shook her head slowly from side to side. Feeling both frustrated to be in the middle of this male tug of war, and so turned on by Ridge's possessiveness that her body felt on fire. Damn she was messed up, so much more than she realized.

  "Leigha said she's not with you Ty." Ridge said turning back to face him.

  "What the hell is that?" Ty said pointing at her. "Is that a hickey on your neck? Fuck, Leigha, he's been in town what, a week now, and he already managed to get you back in his bed. Even after he broke everything you had inside. I might have been away at school, but I saw the empty look in your eyes every time I came home. It took years for them to shine again. And now you're going to give him another shot? You should be with me instead, I would never forget to appreciate you."

  Leigha stood there staring at Ty for a full thirty seconds letting it sink in. A hickey, nobody had mentioned it, and she herself hadn't even seen it. Turning to look up at Ridge she raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled down at her, and that was more than answer enough. Stepping out of Ridge's arm she turned back to Ty, "I have told you no over and over, as nice as I could because you're a good man, and I wanted to keep calling you my friend because I like you. But since that's not good enough, let me make this as crystal fucking clear as I can for you. Okay? I will never be with you, no matter how hot you are, oh don't look at me like that, you know you're a catch. We go too far back, and I can't think of you without seeing Ridge. And since you apparently were so tuned into how broken I was before, you should understand that." Ty winced like she had slapped him, and she supposed her words had. Turning to Ridge she said, "And you Ridge, I am a thirty year old woman, I am way past the age when walking around with a god forsaken hickey on my neck was cool. I do not appreciate it one bit. Are you actually trying to make me regret fucking you last night?"

  Ridge stared at her with an unapologetic smirk on his face through her whole tirade, but she didn't miss the heat burning up his green eyes. "You have no regrets and you know it." He said. "Now that she cleared that up for you, come on by my place for a beer some time Ty." His eyes never left hers even as he spoke to the other man.

  "Yeah, sure." Ty muttered before walking dejectedly back over to his house.

  "What do you want Ridge?" Leigha said crossing her arms so she wasn't tempted to reach out and touch him.

  "You. Always you." He said, and the intensity in his gaze left no argument that he meant exactly what he said.

  "Why? You gave me up
pretty easily a long time ago." Leigha said.

  "You've always meant something to me, this whole time, whether you believe it or not. I won't be giving you up this time, Sugar."

  Leigha stood there feeling shell shocked by what Ridge said, and dropped her arms. Never one to miss an opportunity, the moment her arms fell Ridge was pulling her body against his. Her arms wrapped around his neck of their own accord, like so many times before. He watched her eyes as his head came slowly down towards hers. His lips pressed against hers, his tongue licking against her bottom lip demanding entrance. Leigha opened her mouth letting him in, and gave as good as she got. The kiss was a battle of wills, two strong people at war with each other. Ridge wanted Leigha's heart, and she was determined to keep it from him at all costs, even though she couldn't stay away from him.

  "Let me in Leigha." Ridge whispered softly against her mouth.

  Leigha nodded her head and turned walking to unlock the front door, having never made it into the garage.

  "That's not what I meant, and you know it." Ridge said following behind her.

  "It's what I can give you Ridge, right now its all I can give you." Leigha said feeling the warmth of his body melting into her back. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and turned the door knob knowing she just didn't have it in her to tell him to go home. He didn't say anything, but as she stepped over the threshold his hands were on her hips pulling him inside the house with her. Finn meowed in welcome, weaving sinuously through their feet, all but ignored.


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