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Still Yours

Page 8

by Cara Roman

  "Well, I wasn't invited." Leigha told Dani.

  "Uh-uh. You think I'm going over there without you then you're crazy. You're coming too, I'm roping you in." Dani said wrapping an arm around Leigha with a smile. "How's five o'clock sound?"

  "Works for me, Leigha?" Ridge said tossing the question back her way.

  "I've gotta grab the stuff for the mac, but yeah fives good." She said looking over at Silas. The excitement was all but pouring off him in tangible waves. There wasn't much she wouldn't do for that boy, and an impromptu dinner party didn't even begin to scratch the surface.

  "Well I was going to try and convince you to go for a drive with me after you closed, but now I think I've got to get some chicken marinating." Ridge said leaning over the counter. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. His voice dipping low enough to make her squirm, "see you later Sugar." The heat in his eyes was unmistakable, and Leigha smiled as she nodded.

  After closing at two for the afternoon Leigha ran to the grocery store to pick up what she needed. She also grabbed a bottle of wine on impulse, very careful to not ask herself why she was doing it. At home she spent some time cuddling with Finn on the couch until he walked away with a typical feline flick of his tail. Getting up she made the cheese sauce and after pouring it over the pasta stuck it all in the oven. She cleaned the house up while it cooked. When the timer went off she melted butter adding it to some breadcrumbs. Pulling the bubbling hot macaroni out of the oven she liberally sprinkled the breadcrumbs over the top, and popped it back in.

  Hurrying in to her room she pulled off the CS logo t shirt she wore to work that day. Lifting a soft button front shirt in a deep plum from a hanger in her closet she smiled. Pulling her hair out of the pony tail she walked into the bathroom. Turning this way and that to see if the top looked good she nodded her head. It did. She ran her fingers through her hair rearranging the waves, and sprayed on a little perfume. Hearing the timer buzzing she walked back into the kitchen. Pulling the casserole dish out of the oven she bent down grabbing the thermal carrier her Mom had insisted she would need someday for potlucks. Smiling, figuring she owed her Mom a thanks on that one, she loaded up her contribution to the meal.

  Leigha pulled up to Ridge's house about ten minutes early, and smiled seeing Dani and Silas weren't here yet. Ridge walked out of the house as she was opening the passenger door to grab the food. Handing him the bottle of wine she closed the door and lifted her head for a kiss. A smile sparkling in his green eyes he leaned down and kissed her like they weren't about to be joined by an eight year old and his mother for dinner.

  Leigha was just setting down the casserole dish on the island in the middle of Ridge's massive kitchen when she heard a car pull in. Ridge grinned at her and walked back out front, Boomer hot on his heels. Leigha followed behind them, and made it to the doorway in time to see Silas throw open the back passenger door of Dani's car and be greeted by a very excited Boomer. He was licking Silas, his tail whipping back and forth.

  "Silas, Boomer, Boomer, Silas." Ridge said making introductions.

  "Hi Boomer, Ridge told me you like to play catch, so Mom and I picked up some new tennis balls at the store on the way over!" Silas said reaching back into the car. "I opened them already." He pulled one out and Boomer immediately sat down in the grass eagerly waiting for the ball to be tossed. Silas took a step away from the car, reached way back and sent the ball sailing into the yard as hard as he could. Boomer gave a happy bark and took off after it.

  "Well he is gonna want to be over here all the time now." Dani said with a smile on her face as she pulled a bakery box out of the hatchback.

  "He is welcome anytime Dani." Ridge told her taking the box. "You are too ya know." He added.

  "You're making it awfully hard to be mad at you for breaking my best friend's heart." Dani said.

  "Good. Then my well crafted plan is working." Ridge said with a wink.

  "Sure is. I've missed you Ridge, welcome back." Dani said hugging him around the box. Ridge hugged her back with his free arm.

  "Missed you too." He said with a sigh. "Why don't you and Boomer bring the game out back so I can watch all the fun while I'm grilling our chicken?" Ridge called out to Silas. He came running and Boomer followed happily along.

  They sat at Ridge's massive dining table and ate grilled barbecue chicken, baked macaroni and cheese, and the salad Leigha tossed together. Silas entertained them all, keeping them laughing throughout the whole meal. After the food was all gone Ridge turned on the outdoor lights and went out back to play with Silas and Boomer. Dani stood next to Leigha by the french doors and watched them.

  "Its times like this I wish he had a Dad the most." Dani said softly. "Seeing him running wild, soaking up all the male attention. I'm a good Mom, I do my best, but I just can't be that for him."

  "You're a great Mom Dani, the best. Silas told Ridge today that his Dad was pretty dumb to let you two go, and he was right. Jason is missing out on the best damn thing that ever happened in his life. If anyone knows what that's like though, its Ridge." Leigha said.

  "That's true, I'd forgotten about Ridge's Dad. I'm even more glad that he decided to make friends with Silas then. He's a good man Leigha, you see that right?" Dani asked.

  "I'm starting to." Leigha said nodding her head.

  Chapter 14

  Leigha stood on the front porch waving goodbye as Dani and Silas headed back home. Ridge started out beside her waving at them too, but as they lost sight of the car through the trees he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his hard body. Leigha sighed knowing she should be fighting it, but they were like magnets constantly drawn together, and the pull was too strong to bother fighting. His hand rested on her hip, fingers rubbing on the soft material of her shirt slightly, and it felt more real than all of the doubts swirling around her head.

  "Will you stay with me tonight Leigha? The whole night?" Ridge asked quietly his other hand tucked in his pocket. He didn't say please because it would be too close to begging, but his careful tone told her he was afraid to let her know how much her answer meant to him.

  Leigha watched the reflective collar glowing as Boomer ran around the yard doing his business in the dark before trotting happily back up the steps to them. It was obvious he had enjoyed all of the fetch and fun earlier.

  "My bag's in the car." Leigha finally admitted with a sigh.

  "Bag?" Ridge asked with an edge of hope creeping into his voice.

  "With clothes for tomorrow." Leigha said. "I don't know what's happening between us, but I know I get one day completely free each week, and I really want to spend it with you. I don't want to deny myself that, it just feels like a waste of time."

  "So you're telling me that I get you all night long, and tomorrow too?" Ridge said walking them inside the house, the happiness ringing in every word.

  "Unless you don't want me." Leigha said with a smile.

  "Oh, that's never been a problem. How on earth will we ever fill all that time?" He joked.

  "I'm sure you can think of something." Leigha said turning towards him. She bumped against him, and his arms closed around her, holding tight.

  Ridge leaned down to whisper in her ear, "mmmhmmm, and you're gonna love them all." His hot breath tickling her skin.

  Leigha shivered in his arms, and he made an appreciative rumbling sound deep in his throat. She loved knowing that he always wanted her just as bad as she wanted him. Their desire each fed the others. Threading her fingers up into his hair she pulled his mouth down to hers, kissing him long and deep. Ridge reached down and picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her upstairs. "I forgot to go grab my bag." She mumbled against his mouth.

  "Get it later. Much later." He said squeezing her ass to make his point.

  Leigha nodded her head before going back to feasting on his mouth. Later was good. At the top of the stairs he turned towards his bedroom, and walked them in
side. Using his foot he shut the door behind them. Leigha expected her back to hit the door, but instead he walked them over to his bed, and set her on her feet. He reached behind his head and pulled off the forest green long sleeve t shirt he had on. She immediately ran her hands up his warm muscled skin. While she explored the planes of his chest he undid his pants and pushed them down. Seeing his hard dick she ran her hand down the front of his abs eagerly towards it. Ridge stopped her hand just centimeters before it got to its destination.

  "Not yet." He said shaking his head before slowly unbuttoning her shirt. He took his time, and with each new button freed of it's hole her desire grew. When he finally slid the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms, her breath caught in her throat. He moved on to her jeans next, and pushed them down her hips slowly going down on his knees to help her step out of them. He traced his hands up her legs as he stood up. Hands on her hips he backed up a step and let his eyes roam all over her body. She could almost feel their touch across her skin, and reveled that he could make her heart pound with just his eyes. He always looked at her like had had never seen her skin before, and she loved it. The air was thick, the need swirling between them a tangible thing.

  "Pink." He said with a gravely voice.

  One side of Leigha's mouth tipped up in a naughty smirk. She'd known the bright pink bra and panties would get to him when she put them on. He always did love her in that color. Some men liked red, but whenever she had pink lace on the fire in Ridge's eyes had burned even hotter. The ones he had ripped off her the other day were pink too. Holding her arms out to the sides she turned a slow circle for him, keeping eye contact over her shoulder as long as she could. "Just for you." She said when she finally faced him again.

  Ridge licked his lips, and nodded his head. The muscle in his jaw was ticking deliciously, and she knew he was holding himself back. She reached an arm behind herself and undid the clasp on her bra, holding it to her with the other arm. She waited until she saw his hands clench into tight fists before letting the frothy lace fall away from her breasts. His dick gave a quick jerk upwards, and she wanted him so much more because he had never shied away from showing her everything she did to him. But she was enjoying this slow burn, so she inched her hands down her own body, tracing all the skin his eyes had devoured. When she finally reached the lace riding on her hips she hooked her thumbs in and turning around pulled them over the globes of her ass, and bent at the waist to ease them down her legs, giving him an eye full of her pussy in the process. Standing slowly back up she turned back to face him.

  "Come here." He said low. "Now."

  Leigha stepped up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Tipping her head up she waited for his kiss. Sliding one arm around her, he gripped her hair and he leaned his head down to kissed her mouth hungrily. His dick pressed against her stomach, and she swiveled her hips, rubbing it against her skin. With their height difference it wasn't where she wanted it, but she liked teasing him anyway. Ridge sat down on the bed, and scooted up against the headboard. He raised an eyebrow and tipped his head back, inviting her up. She smiled and leaned down on her hands, sliding slowly up his body. They hadn't touched each other much at all, but she was already dripping wet, and craving him desperately. Leigha's fingers dove into his messy dark hair as she lifted onto her knees, straddling his waist.

  "I've never wanted another woman the way I want you." He confessed.

  Leigha froze on top of him, his clear green eyes blinking up at her, his lips parted slightly in anticipation and she nodded her head. She knew exactly what he meant. It was obvious he couldn't get enough of her either. Her eyes never leaving his she sank slowly down on to his waiting dick. She bit her lip, taking a moment to absorb how good he felt filling her pussy like that. She never got sick of how he felt inside of her. He didn't rush her, he just waited perched on the edge of desire with her. Lost in the beauty of his eyes, and his heart that she couldn't help but see shining up through them she finally moved her hips. She had intended to go slowly, continuing the teasing pace they had been on, but she needed him too badly all of a sudden. Ridge gasped as she bobbed up and down just as quickly as she could, surprising him with the force of her need too. The momentum had her breasts bouncing and he reached out and finally touched them. Holding them in his hands he pinched her nipples, and a long moan left her throat at the contact. She gripped his hair, riding him even harder.

  "Jesus, Sugar." He groaned.

  "Need you so bad Ridge." She whimpered. The intense pressure building inside of her.

  "I'm all yours, take what you need." He said one hand reaching around to tangle into her hair as it moved across the skin of her back. He gave it a quick tug and she moaned, her hips whipping up and down.

  She felt his hands gripping her hips, fingers digging in. The closer she got to the orgasm the bigger it grew, just out of her reach. Growling in frustration Leigha grabbed the wood of the headboard behind his head and used it to pull herself towards him on every downward stroke. "Yes. Yes. Yes!" She chanted. Staring down into his eyes she shuddered, the massive orgasm shooting through her body. Crying out she stilled, unable to move with the force of pleasure pulsing through her. Ridge watched her a heartbeat, bottom lip between his teeth, feeling her quaking around him, before he used his hands on her hips to lift her as he pounded up into her. Leigha was just coming down from her orgasm, and gasped as he pushed her into another one. Tipping her head back she screamed up at the ceiling, her body gripped in another shattering orgasm. So lost in the way her own body felt she didn't even notice he was close until he stopped moving. His dick jerked in time to the pulsing waves inside of her pussy as he filled it with the familiar warmth.

  After their hearts finally stopped thundering Ridge threw on his pants and went down to get her bag out of the car. He took longer than Leigha expected, and she was just about to wander down and see what was going on when he walked back into the room. Her bag caught in the crook of his elbow, the bottle of wine she bought earlier in hand, and two wine glasses clasped in the other. He was smirking as he set her bag on the chair in the corner of his bedroom, and walked over to her. The wine was already opened, he set the glasses on the nightstand and poured the dark red liquid into them. Smiling from ear to ear, Leigha scooted over to make room for Ridge, and he got into bed beside her then picked up the glasses, handing one over to her.

  They slowly worked their way through the whole bottle of red, talking and laughing about old memories long into the night. Ridge set their glasses next to the empty bottle, and turned out the light. They made mad love again, always desperate for each other, in the dim room lit only by the silvery moon before falling into a satisfied sleep, their warm bodies tangled around each other.

  Chapter 15

  The scratching on the bedroom door woke Leigha up the next morning, and glancing over at the digital alarm clock perched on the nightstand she groaned. It was technically still morning, but only barely. Ridge was still asleep in the bed next to her, so she eased out from underneath the covers slowly. Picking up the first item of clothing she came across, which was one of his flannel shirts, and it thankfully covered her all the way down to her thighs, she walked to the door. As soon as she pulled it open Boomer gave a soft but urgent sounding woof, and took off down the stairs like a shot. Leigha found him waiting by the back door, all but vibrating with his need to be let out to do his necessary business. The cool air kissed the skin of her bare legs as she stood in the doorway watching the beautiful chocolate lab run around the yard, peeing rather enthusiastically in several different spots. She was laughing, caught up in his silliness and didn't notice Ridge walk up behind her.

  "You look better in my shirt than I do, baby." His voice was still delectably raspy and rough from sleep.

  Leigha took a deep breath of the crisp air, admitting to herself that the chills that just went down her spine had nothing at all to do with the air outside. It was just Ridge. Her body always responded to his on a purely elemental lev
el, and there was never anything she could do to stop it. "Boomer really needed to go out." She said looking over her shoulder at him. He had slipped on a pair of boxer shorts before heading down, but that's not what she noticed. His face looked softer from sleep still, reminding her of how he had looked before he took off for Nashville. Her heart thudded erratically inside her chest and her mouth went bone dry. This was happening again, her heart desperately wanted to leap out of her body and land at his feet. Grabbing onto the door frame to keep herself locked in place Leigha tried to patch up all the cracks splintering the walls she worked so damn hard to keep up around her heart.

  Ridge didn't seem to notice the internal battle she was waging with her own heart, and he walked over kissing her temple gently. "You don't have to stand in the doorway freezing, Boomer knows not to leave the yard. Thanks for letting him out for me Sugar." He walked away into the kitchen, "how about I make us some pancakes? I've even got blueberry syrup." He added with a wink, remembering her fondness for the topping.

  "Sounds great." She said, stepping inside and closing the door.

  Walking slowly over to the breakfast bar and sitting down on one of the stools. Leigha was having a hard time forming words, thankfully Ridge didn't seem to need any. He wandered around the kitchen pulling the things he needed out of cabinets and drawers. He was was humming, and Leigha doubted he knew that he was doing it. She didn't recognize the song though. He used to do that sometimes before, a smile on her face Leigha remembered the time he got detention when he wouldn't stop humming in English class. He tried to tell their teacher he wasn't trying to, it just happened sometimes. But Mr. Pratchett hadn't believed him, having already decided that Ridge was purposefully being annoying.

  Things like that kept weakening Leigha's resolve. All the good memories were starting to overtake the hurt that came after. Ones she had forgotten about, or refused to think of, kept slipping in when she least expected it. He was winning this fight for her heart, and he didn't even have to do anything. All of the millions of little things that had made her love him so much back then, were the same things she tried so hard to forget all these years. Leigha could almost see the present overlaying the past, like a thin sheet of paper. As if she could trace what she wanted to on it, and leave out all the parts that she didn't.


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