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Southern Discomfort

Page 7

by Burns, Rachel

  “Do you really think that?” It seemed so unlikely to her.

  “Yes, I really do.” He held her even tighter. He was surprised that she would think that he wasn't happy with her. She wasn't just shy she was also unsure of herself. “Emily, why did pick up the snake?”

  She didn't answer. She was afraid that he would want to punish her again.

  “Tell me.”

  “I – um. I wanted to see – If I could – still do it.” She told the story about her getting teased by the neighbor boy. “The snakes around here get a lot madder when you pick them up,” she finished her story.

  “The husbands do, too.” He laughed at her story and explained that if the snake would have bit her she would have died.

  “I know, Katie and Bessie told me. I promise, I won't touch anything around here ever again.” Her tears were returning. She was glad that it was dark out in the meantime.

  He could feel the teardrops as they landed on his chest. “Emily, you can touch me whenever you want,” he teased her. He went on to tell her that he was very proud how well she took her punishment. He told her that he loved her so much, and that his heart would have broken if he would have come home to her dead body.

  Nathaniel scolded her a little as she cried and apologized. He believed that she was sorry.

  “I'll be so good that you never have to take the strap to me again. I promise.”

  He wished he could have seen her face as she made that promise. It was probably so endearing that his heart would have melted. “My sweet little Emily, you are making a promise that you probably can't keep.”

  He heard her gulp air and then he felt her teardrops on his chest again. He reached for her eyes and wiped her tears away. “Emily, sometimes a person is trying so hard to be good that they just snap and do something wrong, or sometimes trouble finds a person. Other times a person is convinced that they have made the right decision but they forget to look at all the consequences.”

  They talked until late in the night. Nathaniel was so glad that Emily was a part of his life. Emily was glad that Nathaniel wasn't mad at her anymore.

  The next morning they made love again. After they washed up and got dressed they went down to breakfast hand in hand, as always. The only sign that something was different was when Emily had to sit down. She drew her breath in so sharply that everyone noticed it. Nathaniel held her hand under the table as she fought against the tears forming in her eyes.

  She gave him a kiss before he rode out to work. Nathaniel was feeling mighty proud of himself. He had his pretty little wife under control. He would be the envy of every single man around these parts, and some of the married ones, too, he mused.

  Nathaniel rode off with his brothers. He felt that they had more respect for him now.

  Emily helped clean the house and did what her sister-in-laws told her to do. They were all getting along really well. They didn't ask Emily about her strapping and she was glad about that. She was also glad that she didn't have to do any tasks that required her to sit.

  All to soon it was lunchtime and the men came home, meaning she had to sit down again. She masked her pain better this time, but still the others noticed.

  Nathaniel held her hand again. He noticed that she wasn't eating much again. He squeezed her hand and she looked at him. Nathaniel gave her plate a look and she ate a little more. He thought that was something that he could spank her for next Wednesday if she didn't shape up right quick. He wondered what the reason could be for her not eating.

  Nathaniel continued to think about that as he rode out to the range to watch their cattle.

  Chapter 7 Dowry

  Emily wondered when her Aunt and Uncle were coming. She thought the most likely thing would be on Sunday. They would probably arrive here on Saturday night and spend the night in town. She would talk to Nathaniel about them this evening.

  Katie sent her out to collect eggs. She was always given the easy tasks. They were worried about her. She was just so much more fragile than they were.

  Emily heard a wagon. She peeked out of the barn. If it wasn't her family than she would stay put and wait for whoever it was to leave. It was her aunt and uncle. She raced out to them. Her uncle jumped down when he saw her. He picked her up and twirled her in a circle.

  Nathaniel and his brothers had heard the wagon approaching. They rode off quickly to see who was coming.

  Nathaniel saw strangers and his Emily. He got his rifle out and looked closer. A strange man was holding onto his wife. He was about to aim and shoot when the man set her down and a woman took her in her arms then. He rode in fast.

  The man who he had wanted to shoot was short and fat. He was even balding and gray. The woman was also a little plump but she was taller than the man. They seemed to know Emily.

  Nathaniel rode up to them. He looked at his wife, who was smiling bigger than he had ever seen her smile. He gave her a questioning look.

  “Nathaniel, this is my aunt, Victoria Stuart and my uncle, Edmund Stuart. They brought my dowry.” She looked to see if he was mad at her but he looked more confused than anything else.

  He stepped forward and introduced himself to them with perfect manners. He had never been rude before but somehow she was surprised that he knew exactly what to do. Her aunt looked very pleased. Her uncle was still looking him over. He wasn't sure what he thought of the lad yet.

  His brothers had also rode up in the meantime. Katie and Bessie both came out to say hello, too. Emily introduced everyone. They were all surprised that she had a dowry and a family who knew where she was. They all look at Nathaniel, but he showed no emotion other than being pleased to meet her family.

  Nathaniel ushered them inside. He was very gracious.

  Emily went to him and back to her aunt and uncle and back to him again. She knew her place was with him now but it would probably be years before she would see her aunt and uncle again.

  Nathaniel kept his eye on her. She seemed unsure, but she kept coming back to him again and again. If she hadn't wanted him anymore than she would have stayed by them. She was making him very happy again.

  Katie was insisting that they stay at the house. They had a couple of extra bedrooms and insisted it would be an honor if they stayed.

  Her aunt and uncle had agreed quickly. They wanted to see how their niece was getting along here. They were very pleased with how things were settled. Nathaniel's hand was usually holding Emily's. They liked that.

  The men still had a bit of work to do on the range. So they carried in Emily's many things quickly. The piano had been a highlight. They didn't even have one at church here in town. The saloon had one, but nobody was willing to admit that they knew that.

  Her aunt pulled her aside while the men were carrying in trunks and furniture. She gave her a basket. It was one that had flaps that could close. Nathaniel watched her give the basket an odd look. She was standing in the parlor by her piano. It was a room that they only used on Sunday when Edward led their bible group and they all read in the bible.

  Emily took the basket and opened it. She made a funny noise and sat down on the floor, well she knelt down. She reached into the basket and pulled out a white cat with a pink collar. The collar even had a bell on it. The was the perfect cat for a princess.

  He watched her hug it and give it several kisses. “I never thought I would see you again.” She held the cat up and look at it in the eyes.

  “We brought her basket and toys along too. I hope your husband will allow you to keep it.”

  Emily looked to the door and saw Nathaniel watching her. He was smiling. She asked with her eyes, too shy to say the words.

  “Who do we have here?” he said it as friendly as he could.

  “Her name is Snowball.”

  “Welcome to the family, Snowball.” He was grinning as he left.

  After everything was in the men took off to the range. Uncle Edmund expressed an interest to go along. The men gladly took him with. He thanked them and had the time
of his life playing cowboy with them. He had a really good feeling about Nathaniel in the meantime too.

  Aunt Vicky, as everyone was calling her, unpacked the dowry with the women. Katie and Bessie admired the beautiful things that Emily pulled out.

  “You made these things?” Bessie asked. There was just so much.

  “I have been working on it all of my life. Things accumulate that way.” She shrugged her shoulders. She had come from a very privileged life. They hadn't, she didn't want to say anything to hurt her feelings.

  “I sent along plain sheets and lots of wool and bolts of cloth and everything that the three of you could need. You can all make things this winter. But mostly socks for your men. Just in case I have things here that would be perfect for a baby. In case one of you would need that.” Aunt Vicky smiled at the girls sitting by her knees. “Emily told me that you have all been very good to her. Let us be good to you too. Our little Emily's happiness is the most important thing in the world to us.”

  “Aunty, I'm happy. You don't have to worry about me.” Emily set her cat aside and hugged her aunt.

  After everything was unpacked and put away in the wardrobe, that Emily's aunt had sent along for her, they went to work unpacking the rest of her dresses. Katie and Bessie were surprised by the number that she had and the quality.

  “Why Emily, you must have been a fine lady. Why did you come here?”

  “She still is a lady. A lady is a woman who has respect for others and for herself. She is kind and gracious and a pleasure to those around her.” Aunt Vicky smiled at her niece. She was very proud of her indeed. “Now if you would excuse me, ladies. I would like to rest and wash up before dinner.” She smiled at the girls and left them.

  “She's right we better get supper on.” Bessie took off.

  Katie gave Emily a look as she folded her arms over her chest. “Are you ever going to tell us why you are here?”

  “Yes, I will, but I have to tell Nathaniel first.”

  Katie left satisfied.

  Nathaniel had been waiting for this moment all day. They had said good night to their guests and he was opening the door for his wife to their bedroom. He lit the lamp and looked over at her. She was standing by his desk. The chair of the desk was piled high with dresses.

  She saw him looking at the dresses. “I just have so many that they don't fit in our wardrobe. My aunt suggested that I ask you if I may give Katie and Bessie some.”

  Her aunt had made it very clear that he would decide about all of her things. The dowry was now his and he could burn it all if he wanted to. She should be thankful for everything he would let her have.

  “Yes, if that is what you want but I could build you a bigger wardrobe if you would prefer that?”

  “I would rather they get the dresses.”

  He nodded and moved over to her side of the bed. He sat down on the chair there. Her head hung.

  “Come here, Emily.”

  She figured that he would be mad. She slowly went to him. He reached for her hips and pulled her onto his lap.

  “Emily, just start talking.” He didn't sound mad but he had her in a position that clearly told her that he better like what she said.

  “I – I – ” She hung her head and just didn't know what to say.

  “Why did you answer an announcement where it was clearly stated that no dowry was required?” He had promised himself that he would never ask but she was just so mysterious.

  “I just thought that, well, that if you didn't care about a dowry that it was because you wanted a wife and not her money.”

  “I understand but why didn't you tell me since we have been married?”

  She hung her head again. She was quiet for a very long time. “My aunt and uncle didn't approve. They were worried. They didn't think it would work out,” she stammered.

  “So they are here to save you?”

  “I guess that was the plan,” she admitted.


  “They were really very worried,” she laughed a little.

  “It was your idea to come here?”


  “And they didn't approve?”


  “Why didn't they forbid it?” Now that he had started asking questions he didn't want to stop. Her answers were too interesting.

  “They did.”

  “Then how did you get here?”

  “I put my foot down.”

  He laughed. “What does something like that look like?”

  “I told them I would go no matter what. They were even more apposed to me traveling alone.”

  “Why did you feel the need to put your foot down?” Here it was the question he really wanted to hear. The one he promised himself not to ask.

  “It's a long story.” She looked into his eyes. Did he really want to hear this?

  “They always are. Just start wherever you feel is right.” He wondered to himself if he should push the point. If she refused would he force her to tell him. He had opened a can of worms and now he wasn't sure if he could handle it.

  “My mother died when I was twelve. My father was gone away from home a lot when I was little so he decided that it would be best if I went to my aunt and uncle. He visited me often, but his business was in New York, and not in Boston. As I got older a man in town took notice of me. He went to my father on one visit and asked if he could marry me when I turned eighteen. His family holds a good position in the community and he had more than enough money in his own right to take care of me. So my father promised me to him.

  My father died about a week later. We were all very surprised to find a written document among his things. He even sent me a letter with the wonderful news, which I received after he had died.

  My uncle had heard rumors about my betrothed and he checked into him even more once he found out that he was my betrothed. He hired a man to have him followed. He wasn't the gentleman he pretended to be by day.

  My uncle refused to give me to him. That made him very mad. He threatened legal action. He had bragged that I would be his wife. He felt that his pride would suffer if I didn't go through with it. But he had a reputation of the worst kind.

  I heard a couple of the servants talking in the kitchen, they talked about other servant girls who moved out west after answering marriage announcements. I went to a newsstand and got one of those papers that had such announcements. I read through them and decided I would answer yours. I had the best feeling about yours.”

  She continued to stare into his eyes. His face told her that he was shocked.

  Nathaniel was thinking about what she had said. He saw several solutions that weren't as drastic as marrying a stranger. He probably shouldn't point that out, seeing as how he was that stranger.

  “But you had said 'no' to him.”

  “He threatened my uncle. He said that he would ruin him if he refused. I had to be the one to do the refusing to save my uncle. The story back home will be that I took off and they followed me out to stop me, but by the time they found me it was too late.”

  “Why didn't you just marry him? Don't get me wrong I wouldn't have had it any other way but why not just bite the bullet instead of deciding for the unknown?” He needed to understand her now.

  Her eyes filled with tears and her head hung. “Victor Wellington is the kind of man who hurts others for fun. He burnt a woman once because she refused to do something that he wanted her to do. She didn't die but she can't work anymore either. That was one of many such stories. My aunt and uncle said that he couldn't have me and they meant it. My uncle would have dueled with him. You've seen my uncle, I would have lost him and I would have still had to marry him. That wouldn't be any good either. I had to protect them and clear their name. This was all my own idea.”

  Nathaniel pulled Emily close to his heart. The thought of that man getting her and hurting her was too much for him to bear. Then something else crossed his mind. “Emily, how old are you?”

  Emily was
surprised he didn't know. She had written it on their marriage certificate. She signed before he did. “I'll be eighteen on Tuesday.”

  He laughed a little to himself. He had wondered about how quickly she had decided to marry him. She had only sent him two letters and the last had been the telegram that she would be there in a week. He hadn't really had a chance to say, no. He had thought it was a little odd.

  Nathaniel had pushed those feelings aside just glad that he didn't have to wait all that long for a wife and he would have forgiven her almost anything the second he saw her.

  He hugged his beautiful wife again. Her reasons for coming had been to protect her family. She really was beyond reproach. “Emily? Are you sad that you had to come here?”

  She lifted her face and looked at him. “Of course not, I have you now.”

  “But you had to give up so much to come here.”

  She was confused. “No, I didn't. You are even letting me keep my cat.” Her face lite up and the end.

  He could see that she was telling the truth. He wondered how she would answer that same question in the years to come. “You don't regret it?”

  “No, well maybe every week. Wednesdays around midday. Just don't ever ask that question then.”

  He threw his head back and laughed his heart out. He held her tight so she couldn't fall off his lap.

  On Sunday morning the house was buzzing. Katie was making breakfast for everyone while Emily explained that there wasn't an organ at the church. It was just a one room building with a simple wooden cross on it. They looked shocked. They hadn't driven through town to get to their ranch, but they had asked the way at several farmhouses.

  Nathaniel wondered if they would be expected. The church would be full again because they would want to see Emily again. Now that she came with a respectable rich family more eyebrows would raise. He wanted to make a good impression on his new family too. He felt he was off to a good start.

  “Food's ready. Everyone, have a seat.” Nathaniel took Emily by her hand and brought her to the table. They had had a discussion about her eating habits. Emily had promised to eat more.


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