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Lil Mama From The Projects 2: Love In The Ghetto

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by Mz. Toni

  “Naw, you can go.”

  “Whatever!” she said before grabbing her purse and limping out. The next few women that I interviewed were the same exact way, ratchet and looking for a come up. I was about to just cancel the rest, until a beautiful, professionally dressed woman walked into my office.

  “Hi, I'm Jayda Rae,” she said extending her hand for me to shake. She had a whole stripper name. These bitches killed me changing their names to shit that's nowhere near what they mama done named them.

  “Nice meeting you, I'm Jason Cruz, please have a seat.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a beautiful smile.

  “Do you have a resume?”

  “Yes I do, and before you ask, I want to work at your company because I know I will be a major asset to you. I am determined and I work hard, not to mention I don't have any kids, or a husband, so I will be at your beck and call when needed.”

  “Wow, your resume is good, most of your jobs were in Atlanta, are you new here?” I asked.

  “Yes, I'm originally from Atlanta but I needed a change, so here I am.”

  “Well, when can you start?”

  “I can start tomorrow!” she said excitedly.

  “Oh ok, I figured you needed time, but if you don't that's cool.”

  “So, I'm hired?”

  “Yes, the pay is $25.75 an hour, plus gas mileage.”

  “Wow, thank you so much,” she said jumping up and shaking my hand.

  “No problem. I just signed a ton of new artist, and I hate to toss you to the wolves, but we will be pretty busy so for the next few weeks, consider this your home. If you can't handle it, let me know, if you can then the human resource office is down the hall and I will see you tomorrow.”

  “I can handle anything,” she said sexily with a wink, before walking down the hall to human resources. God damn her ass was fat as hell, her ass was so fat it looked paid for. That was the kind of ass niggas like me lived to see. Well the old me, the new me had a beautiful daughter, a gorgeous wife and twins on the way that I didn't want to risk losing so I was gonna keep my dick in my pants. As I fantasized about digging all up in Ms. Ray’s guts, my phone rang and I knew by the ringtone who it was and instantly felt bad about thinking about another woman.

  “Hey lil mama, everything good?” I said after I answered.

  “Yeah, these damn babies got me sleeping all day, but can you bring me home some chicken and coleslaw from KFC.”

  “I got you big mama,” I said jokingly, only to have her bust out crying over the phone.

  “Why would you call me that Jason?”

  “I was just playing.”

  “Have I gotten that big?” she asked. As we were talking, Jayda walked back into my office looking good. Giving her the signal to hold on a minute, I continued to talk to Cherish.

  “No, you haven't gotten that big. I'm sorry, it was a joke and I shouldn't have said it.”

  “Really, you didn't mean it?”

  “No, now stop crying.”

  “Ok, I love you.”

  “Love you too,” I said before hanging up.

  “Was that your wife?” Jayda asked.

  “Yeah, she’s pregnant with twins so every second she crying,” he said with a laugh.

  “Oh wow, pregnant? Congrats,” she said with a smile.

  “Thanks, so did Helen take care of you?”

  “Yeah she did, so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said licking her lips.

  “I guess so,” I replied. I don't know if this family life was starting to bore me or what, but I knew that I was a little too hyped to see Jayda. Naw I ain’t doing shit wrong, ain't like I'm gonna fuck the chick, what’s the harm in a little flirting. When I finished up at work, I headed home after stopping and getting Cherish her food. When I got home, they were both sleeping and dinner was on the stove. If there was one thing I could say about Cherish, it’s that she always made sure we were taken care of.

  Chapter Three


  “Hey babe, I'm leaving,” Mega said kissing my forehead.

  “Damn already? Ok, well love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  “Did you ever find a secretary?” I asked before he left.

  “Yeah, she’s nice and she works hard,” he said nonchalantly.

  “Oh ok, why didn't you tell me?”

  “I don't know, I guess it slipped my mind. I’ve been busy as fuck.”

  “Oh ok, well at least you like her.”

  “Yeah, she does her job and goes home.”

  “Is she married?”

  “Naw, I think she got some cats though.”

  “That's that old lady shit,” I said laughing.

  “Yeah, but let me get out of here,” he said before leaving.

  Getting me and Jasmine dressed and ready, we headed to go have a lunch date with Camille and her children. Jasmine had gotten really close with Mylee and Sparkle, and I'm glad because they made her adjust with the shit that went down with her mom easier. When we arrived at the Cheesecake Factory, like usual Camille was late. As we sat waiting for Camille, I pulled out my phone to call Mega. Things have been a little weird around the house because he isn't really there anymore. I know his label has taken off quickly, and I'm happy for him, but what about his pregnant woman and his child that he has at home. I don't mind taking care of Jasmine and I love her like she’s my own, shit I feel like she is my child, but we should be doing this together.

  “Hey boo, sorry I'm late,” Camille said hugging me.

  “It’s cool, hey girls,” I said speaking to the kids.

  “Hey Aunt Cherish, you look pretty,” Sparkle said kissing my cheek.

  “I feel like a whale, but thank you baby,” I said with a laugh. After ordering, me and Camille caught up.

  “So, what’s up?” she asked.

  “I got a phone call the other day, from Meeka’s mom.”

  “What that bitch want?” Camille said.

  “Ooooo mom!” Mylee said laughing.

  “I'm sorry baby, but what she call you for?” Camille asked.

  “They found Meeka and she wants me to talk at the funeral.”

  “Man you ain't got to do that shit, all that girl put you through.”

  “Yeah, I just don't want it to look weird that the person she was with everyday for years didn't even show up at her funeral.”

  “You ain't got to fake the funk, you did nothing wrong, so drop this shit. Anyways, how are you and Mega?”

  “Girl, he working on his label and artist so he’s barely home,” I said sadly.

  “Did he hire the secretary?”

  “Yeah, he did.”

  “Did you meet the bitch?”

  “No, but the way he described her she’s an old lady or some shit,” I said laughing.

  “Oh ok well, why not bring the romance to the office?”

  “Ooooo yeah, you can pick out something cute,” Sparkle’s little ass said jumping into our conversation.

  “Uh huh you better mind ya business, matter of fact, go take Jasmine to wash her hands so we can go,” Camille snapped.

  “Ok…” she said pouting. After she left, we continued our conversation.

  “What I was saying is that if he is working, why not surprise him, take him some food, have a lunch date with ya hardworking man.”

  “But it’s Saturday and I have Jasmine.”

  “I’ll take Jasmine and keep her overnight.”

  “Aight, then imma order him something from here and take it to him,” I said with a smile. After I ordered his food, we talked for a little while longer and headed out. When I pulled up to his office, I was excited to see my baby. When I walked into his office, he was talking on the phone. While he continued to talk, I moved some of his paper work off his desk and placed his food in front of him.

  “Thanks babe,” he said, kissing me after he hung up the phone.

  “You're welcome. I miss you and you're always here,” I said sadly.r />
  “I know. I'm tryna get this shit popping for us.”

  “I know.”

  “Hey, Jason, do you need anything before I go to lunch?” someone said from behind us. When I turned around, I was beyond taken aback.

  “Uh… naw, thanks Jayda,” he replied nervously.

  “Who are you?” I asked walking over to her.

  “I'm Jayda, his new secretary, and you must be Cherish,” she said with a smile.

  “Yeah, I'm Cherish,” I said shaking her hand before looking at Mega with anger and confusion.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you. I've been spending everyday with your man and I must say you're lucky,” she said with a smile. When she said that, I instantly didn't trust her. That shit raised my antennas completely and I wasn't feeling her.

  “Is that right?”

  “You can go now Jayda, have a good lunch.”

  “Well, we usually go to lunch together, but I see you have yours so see you in a little bit,” she said before walking out his office.

  “I should slap ya sneaky ass!” I snapped.

  “You ain't gon slap shit, you better calm down before you get my babies hyped,” he said with a smile.

  “Mega I ain't playing with you, why you lie!”

  “I ain't lie about shit.”

  “You ain't say shit either. You made her seem like some ugly old ho!” I screamed.

  “How you gonna be mad at me because you assumed some shit!” he snapped.

  “Whatever, you knew I would have a problem with this shit, which is why you ain't say nothing,” I said. I wasn't no hater, and I wasn't usually the jealous type, but this girl was bad as hell. She looked to be about 5’9 and she was stacked with DD breast and a big old ghetto booty that you can't tell me she ain't pay for. Not to mention, her face was flawless, hair flawless, makeup flawless, while I'm standing here all swollen with my farting ass.

  “I don't want her lil mama, I got who I want.”

  “That doesn't stop her from wanting you. Don't act like you ain’t hear the bitch throwing shade.”

  “She didn't even say shit. I been working a lot and we have been grabbing lunch together,” he said with a confused face.

  “Whatever, just don't keep shit from me Mega.”

  “My bad, I should've told you what she looked like.”

  “Seriously, because that shit makes you look sneaky and I don't like it.”

  “So you want me to fire her?” he asked.

  “Does she do a good job here, or did you hire her for her looks?”

  “Come on now, stop tryna play me. She really is a good worker.”

  “Well, keep her if that's what you want, I trust you,” I said, meaning it. I trusted him, but I damn sure didn't trust that bitch and I would be popping up more often now that I knew what the bitch looked like. When I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about this chick Jayda and the shit she said. Mega didn't see it, I guess because he wasn't a female, but I saw the shit, that bitch wasn't fooling me. See, people think because I'm young that I'm dumb as well. She wanna be throwing subliminals and of course, Mega didn't see it cuz he can't see shit beyond how fat her ass is. Ain't nothing wrong with hiring a little eye candy, something you can look at while you work. I ain't one of those jealous chicks that fly off the handle for no reason, but when I see some shit I don't like, that's when the problems come. She can try me if she want cuz she picked the right one and I don't play when it comes to mine.

  Chapter Four


  Who would've thought that a simple Indeed job posting would lead me to find the man that I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with. Things have been so hard for me these past few months, and this is nothing but fate working its beautiful hands. When I walked into his office for my interview, I knew I had to have him. Finding out his little girlfriend was pregnant, I ain't gonna lie was a little setback, but everybody knows a little set back makes for a big comeback. I have been spending everyday with him because of work, but little does he know, I’ve been getting to know him as well and falling deeper and deeper in love. Ain't nothing like a nigga with swag out here getting shit, and that’s Jason Cruz. He is an entrepreneur and I know a good thing when I see it, not to mention he fine as hell. When I saw his little girlfriend, yeah she cute or whatever, but she got that pre-teen body. A nigga like Jason needs a grown woman and that was me. She all insecure and shit, yeah I saw how she was looking me up and down and I heard them arguing when they thought I left. Why would they be arguing and fighting if I wasn't having an effect on his ass.

  “Hey Jason, how was your lunch?” I asked when I walked into his office.

  “It was cool, my bad about my girl, she pregnant and tripping right now,” he said shaking his head.

  “You good, how old is she anyway?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “She’s seventeen; her birthday is in a couple months.”

  “Oh, you like em young huh?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Naw I love my girl, but I never dealt with anyone her age before.”

  “Oh ok. She cute, I saw she was a little upset.”

  “Yeah, she was surprised to see you. I kind of downplayed ya looks and shit,” he said looking everywhere but at me.

  “What you mean?” I said taking a seat in front of him.

  “Man you know you bad as hell. I ain't want her to get mad so I basically said you was hit.”

  “You told your girlfriend I was ugly Jason?” I asked before laughing.

  “I didn't say ugly, she just assumed you were.”

  “So you think I'm bad Jason?” I asked licking my lips.

  “Look at ya face, look at ya body, come on now, you know you bad,” he said with a smirk.

  “Well thank you,” I said before crossing my legs. I watched him look at my thighs as if he wanted to fuck me right on the desk.

  “Yo, you trouble,” he said laughing.

  “What you mean?” I said standing up and walking in front of him.

  “I mean exactly what I said,” he replied before adjusting his dick in his pants.

  “You seem like a man who likes trouble,” I said bending over. My face was directly in front of his, I just knew what was gonna happen next.

  “You can go home, we done here,” he said before getting up and walking away. That shit pissed me the fuck off. I stood shocked for a few seconds before picking my jaw off the ground. After finishing up some last minute things at the office, I headed home where my roommate and best friend were waiting for me. Pulling up to our apartment, I was still mad about Jason’s ass not taking all this sexy bait. When I walked into my apartment, some dude was fucking my best friend Ashley. I would join in and get fucked real good, I was into girls and guys so I didn't mind fucking her, and she was bad as hell.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I asked while standing at her door butt naked.

  “Hey boo, I didn't even hear you come in,” she said while getting fucked doggy style. See what I liked about Ashley was that she was a big ass hoe, an even bigger hoe than I was and she wasn't ashamed of it. I met Ashley while in Atlanta, we both worked at a gentlemen's club and we instantly clicked. When I told her I was moving to Jersey, she said that's where she was originally from and wasted no time packing her shit and coming with me.

  “Who the fuck is that, she bad as hell!” the dude said hyped.

  “Shut the fuck up, who told you to stop fucking me!” Ashley snapped.

  “Can I join?” I asked sexily.

  “Come on boo, he can't eat this pussy right anyways so I need you,” Ashley said with a smile. We fucked four hours straight and all my tension and anger was relieved after all that fucking. After we were done and satisfied, we kicked his ass to the curb. He cursed us out while grabbing his shit, but I ain't give a fuck as long as he got up out of here.

  “Y'all bitches are crazy!”

  “Yeah whatever nigga!” I said before lighting a blunt. When he left, me and Ashley continued to fuc
k until we tapped out. Dozing off, I woke up to my phone going off like crazy. Looking at the time it was three a.m. Jumping up, I grabbed my phone and quickly answered it.

  “Were you sleep?” Jason asked.

  “It doesn't matter I'm up now, what do you need?” I replied.


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