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Lil Mama From The Projects 2: Love In The Ghetto

Page 8

by Mz. Toni

  “I see Jasmine every day.”

  “We miss you here!” he said loudly.

  “I will let you be more active, but I'm not coming back yet.”

  “You still love me lil mama?”

  “Always,” I said kissing his cheek and getting into my car. When Jasmine got into the car, I pulled off and headed to my new apartment. I just got my furniture delivered and I was happy to be spending my first night here with my baby Jas.

  “So this it, do you like it?”

  “Yeah, but I wish you were home.”

  “I know baby, this won't be forever, me and daddy just need some time,” I said before showing her her room. After talking for a while, we had a good time watching movies and playing games. I loved this little girl with everything in me and I refused to make her believe that our family was non-existent.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Shit with me and Cherish has been fucked up. She been gone for months and I found out she has her own apartment. We’re cordial, she comes to get Jasmine and I've gone to every doctor's appointment involving the twins, and for that, I appreciate her, but shit ain't the same. It’s starting to seem like she ain't got no love for a nigga at all no more and that's some shit I can't handle. I ain't never been one of those dudes pressed or stressed over a chick, so this shit right here is new to me. I ain't been fucking with no chicks, thinking bout no chicks, seems like the only woman on my mind is Cherish. Lil mama almost seven months pregnant, shit crazy as hell. Her pregnancy ain't been no walk in the park, but she’s handled that shit like a G.

  “Good morning Mr. Cruz,” Jayda said with a smile. Giving her a simple head nod, I kept it moving. That chick the reason why I ain't got my girl, so all that getting close shit is done. Walking into my office, I started on some paperwork. Things with my record label have been going great, the artist have been rolling in and so has the money. I got a big meeting to sign a new female singer and she’s hot as hell and knows it. She has so many offers coming from other labels, but I already know I can take her career to the next level if given the opportunity. This shit is what I'm good at; only thing I can't seem to get right is my own personal shit.

  “You have a call on line one,” Jayda said through the intercom. Picking up the phone, I was surprised to see it was the school calling.

  “Hello Mr. Cruz, I am the school nurse calling about Jasmine.”

  “Is she ok?”

  “Yes, but she got her menstrual cycle in the middle of class. I gave her a change of clothes, but she is very embarrassed and wants to go home.”

  “Menstrual cycle?” I asked confused. It took a minute for what she was saying to register in my mind and when it did, I was fucked up.

  “Wait, you mean her period? She’s only nine, naw she can't be, it's too early.”

  “Sir, these young women are getting it earlier and earlier now a days.”

  “So what do I do?”

  “You come get her, make sure you bring a change of clothes, some Tylenol and just have her mother talk to her.”

  “Aight, I'm on my way.” Grabbing my keys, I headed out while using my phone to call lil mama.

  “Everything alright?” she asked with a worried voice when she answered.

  “Man hell naw, Jas got her fucking period.”

  “Oh wow, right now?”

  “Yeah, right now. I'm on my way to go get her, but I have this meeting that I can't miss in about forty-five minutes.”

  “Damn, I'm at my therapy session, call Camille and see if she can watch her for an hour, then I can go get her.”

  “Aight, imma hit you back, but what do I do about this shit?”

  “She had been being a little cranky and I thought it might be coming soon. In our bedroom on my side of the closet there’s a gym bag, I got everything she’ll need in there. You don't even have to look in the bag, just go get her and give it to her. Tell her I love her and we already talked about this and I will see her in an hour,” she said surprising the shit out of me.

  “Wait, so you knew this was coming and didn't tell me?”

  “I didn't know shit Mega, I'm not fucking psychic, but I did see a few signs.”

  “Aight Cherish, imma call Camille,” I said before hanging up. When I called Camille, she didn't answer, so the only thing I could do is bring her to the office until I figured something out. Picking her up, she looked like a little woman. Although nothing changed physically, she was a little woman in the making, and that scared me. Driving to the house after grabbing Jas, I went exactly where Cherish told me to and sure enough, there was a big ass bag with the word Pink! on it. Grabbing the bag, I took it to Jas.

  “You ok?” I asked while we were driving to the office.

  “Yeah, me and Cherish talked about this already so I wasn't too surprised, just embarrassed.”

  “Every female goes through this; you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “It’s this boy in my class and I like him, he’s funny and smart and he’s always nice to me.”

  “What about him?”

  “Well he was the one who saw my pants, he didn't make fun of me, but I wish I coulda saw it before he did,” she said putting her head down.

  “First of all, ain't gonna be no liking boys no time soon. Second, shit if I like a woman, I like her no matter what, and a little blood ain't gonna change that,” I said with a smile. When we got to the office, I had literally twenty minutes to get to my meeting. Grabbing my phone, I called Camille again and even tried Mama Betty, but no one was answering the phone.

  “Hey, who’s this beautiful little girl?” Jayda said when we walked into my office.

  “Oh Jayda this is Jas, my daughter.”

  “HI Jas, I'm Jayda, I work with your father.”

  “I know who you are, and only my friends call me Jas, you can call me Jasmine,” she said with an attitude.

  “Why you talking to her like that!” I snapped.

  “It’s cool, I can't be mad that she’s over protective about her daddy.”

  “I'm not over protective, I just don't like you.”

  “Get in that damn office before I beat ya ass!” I snapped trying to hide my smile. She was reminding me so much of her mother right now it wasn't even funny, and by mother I meant Cherish “Lil Mama” Daniels.

  “Don't be so hard on her. It’s not her fault, you know Cherish don't like me so who knows what she done told that girl,” Jayda said.

  “I don't care, that don't make the shit right.”

  “I know and thank you for defending me.”

  “No problem,” I said before looking at my watch, I had fifteen minutes to get to the meeting and I was really starting to stress the fuck out.

  “Is everything ok?” Jayda asked.

  “Naw, I got this meeting with Milan and I don't know what to do.”

  “I’ll watch Jasmine,” she offered.

  “Naw, I don't think that’s a good idea.”

  “Come on, you won't be gone for long,” she said with a smile.

  “I should be in and out, but let me call my people a few more times,” I said before grabbing my phone and calling around.

  “Just go, Jason.”

  “Jas!” I said calling my daughter.

  “Yes daddy?”

  “I have a meeting to go to but Ms. Jayda is going to watch you until I come back.”

  “I don't want to stay with her, I don't like her,” she said loud as hell.

  “Come on now, I promise I won't be long.”

  “Aight then,” she said with a pout.

  “That's my baby girl,” I said kissing her forehead before heading out to my meeting.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Shit with me and Mega has been weird as hell ever since the drama went down with Cherish. I just knew if she left him that he would be mine, but all that did was push him further away from me. I offered to watch his disrespectful ass daughter because I wanted to show him t
hat I could be a mother to her. She was a beautiful little girl, and before meeting her, I was excited to become her stepmother, but now that I know what kind of mouth she has, if it were up to me I’d send the little bitch to Dubai as soon as we were married.

  “Do you need anything?” I asked Jasmine.

  “No,” she said rolling her eyes.

  “Listen, I don't want you to hate me.”

  “I don't hate you, I don't know you.”

  “But you can get to know me, and if you hate me afterwards, I won't bother you again.”

  “Ok, well I guess I do have a question.”

  “Ok, ask away.”

  “What’s better for a woman, tampons or pads? I know people my age wear pads, but what if I wanna go swimming,” she asked blowing my mind.

  “Ummmm I think that’s a talk you need to have with your school nurse.”

  “You told me to ask you anything.”

  “I know, but I don't want anyone to be mad at me for having a conversation that I shouldn't be having with you.”

  “Whatever,” she said walking away.

  “So what do you like to do?” I asked, only to be ignored.

  “Do you not hear me talking to you Jas?”

  “I asked you not to call me that.”

  “You know what, imma do some work and you do you.”

  “Best thing you said since I met you,” she said rolling her eyes. I wanted to slap the little bitch, but I knew that she was the only way I could get Mega. If she didn't like me, then I didn't stand a chance with Mega. Walking to my desk, I started in on the paperwork Jason didn't finish. When a half an hour went by, I went to check on Jasmine.

  “Hey, you hungry?” I asked.

  “No, I'm ok.”

  “Look, I ain't gonna have you tell ya daddy that I didn't feed you so I need for you to eat.”

  “I said I'm not hungry, you can't make me.”

  “When I'm ya new mom I can,” I mumbled.

  “Who new mom, not mine, I only got one mom and her name is Cherish.”

  “You a smart mouth lil bitch ain't you,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “I'm telling my daddy you cussed at me.”

  “You bet not tell him shit!”

  ‘I'm calling my daddy!” she screamed before standing up to grab the office phone.

  “Sit ya little ass down, he’s in a meeting, he ain't gonna answer anyways,” I said with a smirk.

  “Whatever!” she snapped. After making sure her lil grown ass wasn't near the phone, I went to order us some food. She was actually being quiet, she ain't have shit to say to me, but I didn't care as long as she wasn't being a smart ass. When the food came, I offered her some and she turned it down, I could give zero fucks and I hope her ass starved.

  “Can I use the bathroom?” she asked.

  “I'm sure you know where it’s at,” I said smartly before continuing to eat my food. When I noticed she still wasn't back from the bathroom, I got up to check on her, only for her to be walking into his office. When I sat back down, I noticed her giving me a look of death. Blowing her a kiss, I laughed my ass off.

  “My mama gonna mop the floor with you!” she snapped.

  “Let the bitch try it,” I said. After I was done eating, I got a call from Mega checking on Jasmine. I watched as Jasmine asked to speak to him, but that wasn't gonna happen, so I ignored her ass and assured Mega that everything was fine.

  “Why didn't you let me talk to him!”

  “Girl, sit ya ass down!” I snapped back. Before I knew what was happening, Cherish had burst through the office door with a look of anger.

  “Jasmine get ya shit!”

  “Oh hey Cherish, you here to pick up our daughter,” I said laughing.

  “You lucky I'm pregnant, with ya thirsty ass!”

  “Is you mad or naw?”

  “I'm not mad, but you sure will be. You think that Mega would ever look twice at you. Did you really think that if I left him that he would come running to you? Bitch it will never be you, even if I never take him back it will always be me,” she said, pissing me off.

  “Fuck you!”

  “No fuck you bitch, you trying too muthafucking hard and ain't getting nowhere!”

  “I swear them niggas should’ve blown ya fucking brains out!” I slipped up and said.

  “Oh yeah, so is that why you mad? You sent them niggas to do something you didn't have the heart to do and they couldn't even do it right,” she said laughing hard as hell. I thought she would've been mad or surprised to find out I was the one that tried to get her kidnapped, but her reaction was as if she already knew it was me. I didn't know what to say, and for the first time in a long time, cat had a bitch tongue.

  “Oh, you silent now? Yeah Mega might be acting stupid, but I ain't. I don't have a problem with nobody but you bitch, so yeah I knew.”

  “I'm ready,” Jasmine said walking up to us.

  “Aight lets go!” she said. When she turned around to leave, Jason was walking in with a confused look on his face.

  “Here Jasmine, take the keys and go wait in the car,” Cherish said, never taking her eyes off Jason.

  “What the fuck is going on!” Mega snapped.

  “How dare you leave my fucking child with this bitch, you must have really bumped your fucking head, or is the pussy so good it turned you fucking stupid,” she snapped.

  “Your child? That ain't even your real daughter!” I screamed. When I said that, Mega tightly grabbed my arm, letting me know to calm my ass down.

  “So you gonna let her say that to me mega!” Cherish asked with tears forming in her eyes.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Does it fucking matter, I mean really Jason!”

  “I'm trying to understand what the fuck happened Cherish!” Mega said before Cherish reached back and slapped the shit out of him.

  “Ask that bitch, cuz I'm done!” she said before storming out.

  “I'm so sorry Mega, I was being so nice to your daughter even when she was mean to me,” I said with fake tears.

  “Why was Cherish so mad?”

  “Jason, she doesn't like me and she made your daughter not like me, I don't know what lies she told her.”

  “Man if it ain't one thing it’s another.”

  “I feel like all this is my fault, I'm so sorry.”

  “Don't worry about it, but imma head out,” he said before leaving. I don't know what the fuck imma do, but more and more I'm losing the man that I love because of this bitch Cherish, and I wasn't feeling it. I've never loved a man the way I love Jason, never met a man quite like him. It’s like he’s a businessman, but he a thug too. He treats Cherish with so much respect and he is such a good man. When I think about all the men I fucked with wives, fiancés and girlfriends, they didn't think twice about giving up the dick. I need a man that's gonna love me just as much as I love him, and I know Mega is that man.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I don't know what the fuck is going on. I know Cherish doesn't like Jayda, but damn to react that way because of jealousy was petty as hell. I’ve been calling her for days and she won't answer. I haven't seen my fucking daughter in two days and that shit ain't sitting well with me. I don't know where exactly she lives at and ain't nobody willing to tell me shit. Yeah, maybe I fucked up, but it ain't that serious. I ain't been doing shit but drinking, smoking and fucking stressing. It’s one thing to punish me, but don't take my fucking child and not let me see her. Pulling up to Mark’s house, I parked and hopped out. I need to talk to my boy since he been through it all with Camille, I knew he would have some kind of solution.

  “What's up!” Mark greeted me.

  “Man, shit fucked up right now.”

  “Yeah I heard, you know Cam was the first person she called.”

  “I ain't seen my daughter in two fucking days.”

  “Damn that's fucked up.”

  “Yeah, over some petty shit. She got mad cuz I ha
d Jayda babysit Jas for a fucking hour.”

  “What’s up with you and her?” he asked.

  “She feeling a nigga, but I ain't fucking with her like that, it’s work and that's it.”


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