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Electric Fog

Page 6

by Kara L. M.

  Saturday night I found myself alone and craving him. “Buzz” it was text from Katie. “We have only hung out twice this summer let’s fix that?” I didn’t mean to ignore her but we were on opposite schedules. I was busy during the day with school and Austin this week while she was working at night at the snow shack. “Oh Katie we need to talk, I have been meaning to call you but I got swept up in the ‘Austin’ storm lol”. I wrote. “Let’s go out tonight! Zeke’s friend is having a party.”She texted. I hadn’t heard from Zeke since the evening he saw me with Austin. Carly had helped me create an I’m sorry text for him but he never responded. “Is there going to be many of people?” I asked hoping she would say yes, that way it wouldn't be an awkward meeting with Zeke. “Yes! Everyone is going! I am coming over so we can get ready together”. She wrote back.

  I slid on a tight red University of Utah t-shirt with some skinny jeans, it wasn’t designer but it was cute. I wasn’t going to see Austin tonight so who cares. Katie arrived already stunning but she put on extra eye makeup to make me feel as if we were getting ready together.

  “So tell me all about Austin, all I know is what Carly said about you going hiking together?”

  “Carly helped me get dressed for our hiking date. He obviously likes the outdoors, he is smart even though he is in summer school, he is kind to Peter and very perceptive of my feelings which is so strange for a guy you know?” Katie put down the eyeliner and smiled with excitement.

  “So will he be your first kiss?” Oops I had not told her yet. After telling Carly I was too busy soaking it up and playing it over and over in my mind that I had forgotten to share it with my best friend. Part of me didn’t want to share it with her since I couldn’t lie to Katie. The electric force was still so confusing to me and if I had to admit to someone I would have to admit I was crazy.

  “We actually did on the hike”. I peeked up at her hoping she wouldn't be mad. “What?! Why didn’t you call me? Oh whatever just tell me all about it!” She squealed. I spilled the story about the kiss and the words exchanged minus the electric shock and cliff jump. I couldn't have anyone else thinking Austin was too reckless for me. She seemed genuinely happy even though I had the feeling she was disappointed that I had been kissed first. We both had planned to kiss twin guys at one point.

  My Mom drove us to the party in her silver Audi. Oh the joys of being fifteen. My Mom seemed happier than usual and I couldn’t help but feel it was because I was Austin free. “I will be home right at ten.” I said to her hoping to keep her in a good mood. “No need honey midnight is fine just have fun!” Katie and I approached the front door. “Wow your Mom has finally extended your curfew. Welcome to high school baby!” She gave me a high five. “That’s weird; I was fifteen minutes late the other night and I got quite the speech.” The door opened and the BBQ party had already started.

  We said hi to Carly and Samantha. Nic was following Samantha around like a puppy it was cute and disturbing. Katie and I gravitated towards the hamburgers and plated up a large serving of fruit and chips. The party scene was typical with the guys milling around the grill and the girls hanging by the pool. We quickly located a few pool chairs together and sat down to eat. I was about halfway through my burger when Zeke walked over. “Hey ladies.” He said with a smile. “Liv, you want to go for a walk?” I chewed quickly and answered “Um sure”. I stood up and he lifted my plate from me.

  “You done?”

  “Yes, thanks”.

  “Good because they just brought cheesecake out.”

  He swiftly held my hand and led me back to the food table. Watching my hand in his was strange and felt uncomfortable. I am not sure what Austin and I were but I like to think this could bother him. The cheesecake was covered in fudge and coconut bits and the combination was incredibly tasty. We dug in and started walking out the backyard onto the road.

  “So I got your text, sorry I have been busy working and well.” He paused. Oh no why do I feel like he is about to confess something big to me. “ Well we had such a great date and I was thinking we were going to date more but seeing you with that other guy it made me think you were done with me.” He looked up at my expression with hopeful eyes. I could tell he was waiting for me to correct him. When I didn’t he turned his head away from me. “I had a great time on our date, I was thinking we would date more too, but Austin kind of fell into my life and it’s new but we get each other if that makes sense.” I explained. He started walking back down the street towards the party.

  “Sure. I guess I can’t compete with a guy from summer school, I mean a guy with good grades and a future must be a real turn off.” He said with an edge to his voice. “You don’t know him and honestly Zeke I thought you weren’t the type to tear someone down, if you think Austin is a summer school loser I guess I must be too”. I walked faster ahead of him with fury in my step. “Liv you know that is not what I meant, but whatever have a fun summer and when he breaks your heart, and he will Liv, you will be asking me for that third date.” He yelled after me as I started to jog away. The sting from his words set in, I hope I wasn’t going to regret Austin. I entered the party in the worst mood and found Katie to let her know I was going to walk home or call my Mom.

  “What happened? Was Zeke mean?” She asked worried. “He can’t get over the fact that I like Austin and he pretty much called me stupid for being in summer school, how sweet huh?” I griped. “Wow that is super lame. Well don’t go home, if you do he will think he is right. Let’s go over to the music and start dancing. I will have them put on Spice Girls and it will cheer you up!” She smiled brightly. Katie knows I love to dance but I wasn’t in the mood. She dragged me over to the stereo and plugged in her phone to play “If you want to be my lover” by the Spice Girls. The beat came on and everyone looked over surprised by the old 90’s hit playing. My friends ran over and started singing at the top of their lungs. I refused at first but then we all started doing the dance we had made up one night to the song and I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous our dance moves were. I have the greatest friends. Zeke walked in and over to his friends who were all staring at us. I decided to flash my biggest smile yet. Here I am Zeke having fun even if you think you could stop me.

  Once I got home I changed out of my clothes into new black Victoria Secret pants that Katie had given me as an early birthday present. She said I couldn't possibly be seen in my pink old sweats if Austin ever stopped by unannounced. Coincidently he was supposed to come by tonight but no text yet. By one-thirty a.m. it was incredibly tempting to text him. I could simply say, “Off to bed.” or “Night” but I resisted. I relaxed in my bed debating whether to take my makeup off and turn off my phone to stop the anxiety it was building inside of me. “Buzz” I checked my phone. “Gorgeous, it’s time to sneak out. Meet me outside for a walk”. My heart burst with emotion as I leapt out of bed to get to him. I sprayed on my favorite fragrance and popped in a mint. I could hardly wait to feel his touch again and those lips! I walked quietly down the hallway to avoid squeaking the floor boards. My Mom was in bed hours ago and I was fairly confident it would be an easy escape. I chose the sliding door to make my exit. It was painful to move the sliding door slowly when all I wanted to do was force it open at mach speed and find my way to his arms.

  Once I reached outside I tip toed down the deck and walked through the cool grass in the dark. The moon was not out tonight making it almost impossible to see. I came around the corner of the house when two strong arms lifted me into a spinning hug. The power of his embrace sent volts down my arms and pierced me to the bone. His smell put me under his spell and I stared at his perfect lips. “Too long.” Is all he whispered before he kissed me passionately. He set me down and pulled me close until our waists were touching. Our connection was so undeniably strong I wondered how I would be able to fight it. Ah I don’t have to fight it. We kissed for several minutes and then disconnected.

  “Let’s go for a walk.” He softly held my hand and led me to the sid
ewalk. The light of the street lamps gave me a glimpse of his form fitting button up and jeans. He always dressed well and I felt silly looking down at my outfit. “This is me.” I said pointing to my outfit. “When you come to my house after midnight, you get the special treatment of pajamas.” I smirked at him. He quit walking and eyed me up and down as if he was appraising a piece of furniture. “Those tight soft pajama pants make your body look and feel wonderful.” He complimented me. I blushed so hard but he luckily wouldn’t notice in the dark. I would have to triple thank Katie for the early b-day present. We held hands and started our electric flow as we walked down the street.

  “How was camping?”

  “Oh you know sitting around drinking beer with my Dad, just kidding, we had fun. I was able to rock climb and hang out with my Dad.”

  “Hopefully not off huge cliffs?” I asked softly.

  “Oh would that worry you?” He asked with curiosity.

  “Yes, strong or not you are not invincible.”

  “With you I feel invincible.” He said confidently.

  “Speaking of that.” I was about to chicken out, afraid of losing this perfect thing we had just started but then he interrupted.

  “You can ask me anything.” He said with earnest eyes. I drew in a deep breath.

  “Do you feel the same shock I feel when we touch?” I asked. He laughed.

  “Honestly I am surprised it took you so long to question it.”

  “So you do. Then why have you not said anything?”I asked confused.

  “Ah for the same reasons you didn't, afraid it would all end somehow.” He stared up at the night sky as if he was searching for an answer.

  “Let’s just say that me and you finding one another was a once in a lifetime chance, no more than that, once in a million lifetimes.”

  My stomach floated at the words. He said it so endearing that I couldn't help but melt. He grabbed my hands sending shocks down my arms. We both gazed at our hands together. “What does it mean?” I questioned. He gave me that devilish grin. “How about you guess, any theories?” He asked. I exhaled loudly. “I’m embarrassed because I only have one, that you're like Thor or something.” He let out a large laugh that was surprising and adorable. “What about the gigantic muscles and the long flowing hair? Surely I am not the Thor you have been dreaming of.” He smiled back and kissed my cheek. My face felt on fire but in a good way from where his lips had touched. “Well what else would describe our electric touch unless you were an alien or something, but Star Trek has taught me that it would be obvious if you were?” Now I was the one laughing but he suddenly became serious and dropped my hands.

  “So if I were an alien it would be funny because?” He trailed waiting for a response. Did he just confirm his identity? My world started spinning. I don’t know what I was expecting but aliens don’t exist and Thor seemed more believable than a klingon boy straight out of Star Trek. I chose my words carefully as the mood had changed. “Because I have never met an alien before.” I tried to tease a bit. He didn’t seem satisfied with the answer and started walking back to my house. I rushed to catch up but he stayed ahead of me. “Austin, just tell me, I promise whatever it is I will understand. I care for you.” He turned around. “As do I for you, but you don’t know what you're getting into.” He said darkly. “I don’t care.” I yelled back sounding like a child. He turned around and waited until I ran to his arms.

  He kissed me with fury and fireworks shot all over my body. The electric fog started settling in again and I forgot what we were fighting over. He broke the kiss.

  “I need you, so bad it hurts.” He whispered. “I feel the same way, whatever this power is that draws us together it can’t be wrong.” He shook his head but didn't let me go. “Honestly there is so much to tell you but I'm afraid, afraid of what you will think, afraid this will all end.” He said with pain in his voice. How could a boy that had an attractive level of 100 be so easily crushed? I grasped his face and stared him in the eyes. “Don’t be afraid of a little girl that is a little girl that is head over heels for you.” I pecked his lips and a huge grin broke across his face. He led me back to my house quickly and quietly.

  “Get some sleep and tomorrow you will learn all there is to know about me.” His attitude was hopeful and I felt relieved to know our moment in life wasn’t over. He walked me to the backyard and he gave me one last sweet kiss.

  “You know, tomorrow night is a big night, you will decide if you want all of me.”

  “I don't need tomorrow to decide, I know now, whatever it is, I want all of you.” We kissed and smiled in the cool dark night.

  “Sleep well Liv, tomorrow you're going to need your brain to work along with your heart.” He said seriously.

  He stepped into the dark and I started my slow motion slide of the door. Once I slid into bed my brain wouldn’t stop. An alien? Obviously not the kind from Star Trek, but what kind exactly? He seemed human, his kisses felt human, not that I had much experience in that department. Besides the electricity and talent of helping my foot heal I couldn’t decide what he would reveal tomorrow. But all I knew was I could live a thousand years and never get sick of the flowing power from his body to mine. I knew that nothing he could tell me would stop me from wanting to be with him.

  Chapter 8: All is fair in love and injury

  Sunday morning I woke up exhausted. I slept a total of two hours. I attempted to fall back asleep when I noticed I had a text. “Gorgeous, get your hiking shoes and your game face on”. I groaned into my pillow. Hiking? He had to be joking I am so tired. I located the cute yellow shorts I wore last time and paired it with a pink cotton top. The thought of seeing him helped me mask my annoyance over the hiking we would do. Today he would finally reveal himself to me. Did I want to know everything? I guess I did. I mean if I was going to love this boy it was probably wise to understand what I was getting into. “I have to be home for family time by 3 p.m.” I texted back. “Sounds reasonable see you in 5”. My heart fluttered as I watched him pull up to my house. I yelled to my Mom that I would be back for family time. I think I heard her say something but I was in his black jeep and driving off before she could stop me.

  He held my hand as we drove up the canyon. He seemed to be cruising slower than his usual pace. We didn’t say much but instead focused on our energy building between us. Once we arrived at the trailhead he opened my door and gave me a soft kiss. He pulled away and I grabbed his face and brought his lips back to mine. The taste of his mouth was delicious mixed with the zing of his tongue as power trickled down my throat to my heart. Nearby hikers were probably staring at us but the electric fog came in and as usual I didn’t notice or care. We sat there for maybe twenty minutes lip locking. He didn’t seem to be in a rush to hike and neither did I.

  “Ok if you need to be home by 3 p.m. we should get going.” He said. I let him go unwillingly. We started the hike and he held my hand. I was grateful for the electric flow since it seemed to aid my hiking. Maybe it was in my head but it was my excuse to hold onto him for dear life as we climbed. We reached a river and I started to cross the bridge when he stopped me. “This way.” He pointed to a jagged dirt path which wasn’t really a path at all. “I am pretty sure it’s this way.” I said as I pulled him over the bridge. “Today is my day to show you, remember?” Reality broke through the fog as I remembered we weren’t just hiking. He was here to reveal to me his true self. I nodded and let him pull me up the steep dirt trail. My feet started to slide around as the hill grew steeper but somehow he kept climbing with his feet ever steady and his strong hand wrapped around my wrist keeping me from tumbling.

  “Almost there.” He beamed, as if this was the best day of his life. My breath was all but gone from my lungs from the steep incline. “I, I hope.” I exhaled. My legs were protesting being dragged up the steep incline without a break but the electric pulse from his hand that was traveling through my body willed me to continue. A quiet rumble which couldn't have been the river was
growing louder and louder. The tree’s broke ahead revealing a huge waterfall. It had to be at least fifty feet tall. Water was rolling over a steep granite cliff and the mist was spraying towards us as we moved closer. The cool spray felt refreshing and the rumble of the water hitting the slippery rocks below was shaking my chest. “Sit here.” He commanded as if he was talking to a dog. I wasn’t going to fight him I was tired. I plopped down on the flat rock and opened my water bottle and gulped. “Have you ever climbed a waterfall?” He asked with danger in his eyes. “Funny, not going to happen, this rock and I have already made friends.” I said patting the large granite slab beneath me. “Well you will now see one of my favorite things about, well, being me.”

  He swiftly leapt from rock to rock. At first I was not concerned as he selected all dry rocks to land on. His perfect balance kept him from the danger of wobbling and hitting the cold river. But then he started climbing up the moss covered rocks and I could see his feet sliding. He ascended about ten feet up the waterfall and I felt panicked. The rocks below were not flat like my trusty friend I sat upon. They were jagged and sharp and I am sure I have read news stories of others trying to climb waterfalls and die in the process.


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