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Kinsley's Heart

Page 3

by Roxanne Greening

  The unlucky bastard touched what was mine, and now he was going to pay the price with his life.

  Chapter 14


  Fireworks exploded around my foggy brain. I melted into the black leather as heat spread out from his lips to the place I needed him most.

  That warmth turned into fire, and soon I was pulling him closer. I moaned into his mouth his fingers brushed the sides of my breast.

  I moaned again, this one louder than the last. I wanted to cry as Fin pulled back and placed the key in the ignition. Shame coated the happy feeling only dampening it slightly.

  I wanted to rip all my clothes off and fuck him right here for all to see. Although, the alcohol had me leaning back into the soft leather. I relaxed and pushed that shame aside.

  I couldn't wait to feel him thrust between my thighs. It was a losing battle, and I decided to wave a white flag.

  The alcohol made what I was doing seem right, but a rational part of my brain screamed no this isn’t right.

  The car was moving, and I was trying to bring the rational voice to the surface, but Fin placed a hand on my thigh.

  Then he started moving it up and down gently in slow motions. With each glide up, he moved closer to his goal.

  Closer to where I wanted, nowhere I needed him. Soon those long-calloused fingers were almost brushing against my black silky lace panties.

  I sighed as the warmth of his hand heated more of my blood. Soon I would be dealing with an inferno.

  As the car pulled up to the compound, my heart leaped in my chest. This was a place I wasn’t sure I wanted to be.

  I had this horrible sinking feeling that I may not walk back out those doors a free woman. Again, that rational voice popped up.

  Just when I was ready to run from the car, Fin brushed his fingers against my pussy.

  I wanted to scream, take me, as my rational voice took a dive and my desire burned through my body

  Fin looked at me with such heat, and I felt like the most beautiful woman alive. I wasn’t stupid though, I knew he had many lovers.

  I’ve never seen them. He never brought them home. I climbed from the car and fought the need to jump into his strong muscular arms.

  The thought of those arms wrapped around me had juices flowing from my pussy. My brain focused completely on the need pulsing between my legs.

  His hand collected mine, and slowly tugged me into his body. His strong muscular frame was pressed against my smaller one.

  My gasp was swallowed as his lips pressed against mine. The world tilted, and that slickness between my thighs became slicker.

  His fingers slid up my thigh, and then they were pressed against my lacy panties.

  “Fuck Kinsley.”

  I moaned in response and pressed myself closer to him. I waited for him to put his fingers into my panties.

  I waited for him to press them deep inside me.

  I needed the release he was promising. Instead, he pulled back.

  Disappointment surfaced. It was over? He wasn’t going to make the ache go away? Before I could curse him, I was being swept off my feet.

  Before I could blink, I was in his arms, and he was running into the house. Laughter bubbled from below the surface.

  The house passed by in a blur, and I was surprised he could carry me and run. The stairs were the most concerning.

  I should have known better, this was Fin, and he was strong. I could feel how strong under the fabric of his clothes.

  All that muscle had his body rock hard. Among other things. I opened my mouth to say something, what I don’t know, but instead, I gasped as I hit the bed.

  The soft quilt under my fingers had me turning my head. It was a different shade of green.

  It was wrong somehow, I wasn’t sure why, but it was. My brain was trying to put it together, but it couldn’t.

  Not when he was tugging at my dress over my head. I watch in shock as he grabbed my bra and tore it in the middle.

  My breast spilled out, and then his hands were covering them. Gently he massaged them. My head fell back as moans poured from my lips over and over.

  His lips were once again against mine as his body towered over me. He was already undressed.

  His black jeans and gray T-shirt were easily removed. There was a tearing sound and then my panties were gone.

  My excitement rocketed past no return, and more of my juices poured from between my legs.

  “I’m sorry darlin, I’ll go slower next time.”

  I opened my mouth to beg him to hurry, but his cock pressed against my wet lips. He then was pushed inside.

  I felt every inch as he stretched me to the point of pain. Fin was much larger than my dream Fin.

  I wasn’t so sure I could take all of him. It hurt like it was the first time. His lips glided over my neck as he whispered sweet nothings.

  Not that I heard a word of it, I was too busy trying not to pass out from both the pain and intense pleasure.

  After what felt like an hour he was seated deep inside me. Then he shifted, and he forced me to take another inch.

  Oh god, how big was he? Another inch and I swear he was touching my belly button.

  “Come on kitten you can take more I know you can.”


  I screamed the words as he pulled back and slammed into me hard. The bed rattled hitting the wall behind it.

  He went deeper, and then he pulled out again and slammed into me harder. By the third thrust, his hips were flush with mine.

  I thought he would stop, and let my body adjust to being damn near split in two, but he didn’t. He pulled back and pressed home again and again.

  His thrust getting harder with each return. The pleasure was more than I could take and soon I was screaming through the most intense orgasm of my life.

  Fin didn’t pause or slow down. He continued to pound his way into my pussy, making sure no one would ever compare.

  He was ruining me. Another orgasm hit on the back of the first, and my voice left me as it crashed. It pulled me deeper into its embrace.

  Fin's fingers found their way to my pussy and then his thumb was pressing and swirling over my throbbing little nub.

  His hips rocked into me over and over. Not once slowing as he continued to force me over the edge.

  My body tightened to the point of pain as the last wave of pleasure washed over my already heated skin.

  Fin growled and thrust into me a few more times before pressing into my body as deep as he could go.

  Heat flooded me as his dick jerked deep within me. Then his lips were on mine as he whispered the three little words that turned me cold.

  “You’re mine, Kinsley.”

  Oh god, what have I done?

  Chapter 15


  Best fucking sex. She took the word pleasure and blew that shit out of the water. The moment she spread those creamy, silky soft thighs, she admitted the one thing I already knew.

  She was mine. I let those words slip a little sooner than planned and her body stiffened. Fuck, she was going to run.

  I turned to climb from the bed. Kinsley’s even deep breathes told me she finally fell asleep.

  I pulled on a pair of dark green cotton pajama bottoms not bothering with a shirt, and walked from the room.

  “She’s finally in your bed?”

  Turning I punched Carter in the gut.

  “Don’t fucking think of her in my bed. Fuck, don’t fucking think of her at all.”

  Carter tried to laugh, but it came out more like a groan.

  “Got it, boss.”

  “How’re the bastards taking the change in plans?” Carter shook his head. Yeah, I didn’t think they’d like the change.

  Instead of opening another fucking, strip joint, I opened a club. The exact club Kinsley decided to go to tonight.

  “They’ll get in fucking line, or I’ll force the bastards into the ground.”

  Carter laughed and nodded. I alr
eady knew I was going to have to kill a few of the fuckers.

  Chapter 16


  The bed was cool behind me and the sheets silky under my exploring hand. Where was I?

  I shifted and felt the ache between my thighs. Last night came back in flashes. Blood flowed to my cheeks as both shame and embarrassment ran rampant.

  I slipped from beneath the quilt and looked around the room. There was a bear skin run in front of the fireplace.

  The quilt was green and black, the pillows were black, and the sheets a deep hunter green.

  The chairs in front of the fireplace were green and black. Closing my eyes, I let the first tear fall. Now wasn’t the time to wallow in my pity party it was time to run. I needed out of here. My bra and panties were torn and laid uselessly on the floor.

  I grabbed the only thing that survived his rough handling and pulled it over my head. I rushed to the door, I tried to slip through it unnoticed.

  Unfortunately, colliding with a male body wasn’t in my the plans.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Taking a deep breath, I looked up at Carter.

  “I need to go…”

  “Go see Fin, right? I’m sure that’s exactly where you’re heading.”

  I wanted to argue, but the look in his eyes had me swallowing. I fought the fact my tongue wanted to disappear down my throat.


  He smiled and saw right through my lie. Stepping around him I made my way to Fin’s office.

  The large wooden door had a chill dancing up my spine. A large hand reached around me and pushed the door open.

  I looked over my shoulder as my feet kept moving. Carter's smiling face had anger tightening my shoulders.

  The bastard was enjoying my discomfort.


  Swinging back around I looked at Fin. His dark voice caressed my frayed nerves, and just like that, I wanted him again.

  I hated myself for that. For what we did and for what I wanted to do.


  “Going somewhere?”

  “Yes, to Angela’s.”

  “I thought I made myself clear last night.”

  That desire vanished as anger, unlike anything I’ve ever felt, consumed me.

  “Fin I’m not yours. I belonged to someone, and you are most definitely not him.”

  Anger darkened in those already almost black eyes. Before I could blink, he was in front of me.

  His fingers gripped my chin as his lips pressed gently against mine. A sigh of pleasure escaped, betraying me.

  “Your body knows it belongs to me, Kinsley. You always were meant to be mine baby. Don’t you see that?”

  Closing my eyes, I pulled my chin from his fingers. I couldn’t do this, not now, not ever.

  “Last night was a mistake.”

  That anger in his eyes returned. Instead of arguing with him, I cut off whatever he wanted to tell me.

  “I need space Fin, please.”

  I pleaded with a hint of desperation. I hated myself for what we did. I hated that it was wrong.

  I was so conflicted. His eyes looked deep into mine, and I swallowed the need to beg. To beg him to hold me to make it better.

  Instead of saying anything he nodded his head and turned his back on me. I felt cold with the loss, and I realized this might be it. That I may have pushed and got what I wanted and yet didn’t.

  Fin was finished with me. Don’t cry, don’t you dare cry. I screamed at myself that this was what you wanted, and it was the right thing.

  As I walked out the door and climbed into the car. Fin so sweetly had waited for me like he couldn’t get rid of me fast enough. I then let the first tear fall.

  Soon they were falling freely. What did I just do?

  Chapter 17


  Three weeks of hell later….

  Fin hadn’t called or sent a fucking message via pigeon. My stomach was in knots, and I was at a loss.

  How did I feel? Why was I so hurt that he hadn’t been in contact? Did I love him? Turning over I felt bile rise.

  Rushing from the bed, I almost trip on the sheet as I tried to get to the bathroom. Dropping to my knees, I vomited.

  This was day three of this horrible morning bug. It was so weird it only bothered me in the morning.


  Turning my head, and looked at Angela.

  “I don’t understand…”

  “I would say you were pregnant if I didn’t know better.”

  Looking down at my lap as I sat back on my heels, I fought the urge to cry and failed.

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry.”

  I couldn’t speak past the large sobs, so I just shook my head and waved a hand in what I hoped was an ‘it’s okay’ gesture.

  “I’m going to get you some crackers. Why you don’t get cleaned up hmm?”

  I nodded and sagged lightly as she closed the door. I couldn’t have children, and I would never feel the joy of a child growing deep inside me.

  I stood up and looked in the medicine cabinet for another tube of toothpaste. The pregnancy test box fell into the sink.

  It was a waste to even bother, but I hadn’t peed this morning. I removed one stick, and I sat on the toilet and follow the instructions on the box.

  I had no idea it was that difficult to pee on a small part of a stick without getting all gross. Standing I placed it on the edge of the sink and made sure to put the cap back on the pee coated end.

  I started the shower and resisted the urge to hover over the little thing until it's finished. I pulled off my customary yoga pants and a tank top and climbed into the shower and under its hot spray.

  “Um, sweetie?”

  I didn’t bother opening the shower curtain. I just kept washing and tried to enjoy the heat of the shower.

  “We, ah, need to have a talk like right now.”

  Her voice was shocked and confused, but there was an underlying tone of concern.

  “Okay, I’m almost done.”

  “No, I mean now.”

  “Really, Angela I’m almost done.”

  Then the shower curtain was ripped aside, and she was waving the little stick around like a knife.

  My eyes followed it, and heat coated my checks. I knew it was foolish, but well, I don’t know what I was thinking.

  “It’s positive.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “Get your ass out of that shower and let’s get you to the clinic!”

  She knew I slept with someone, but didn’t know it was Fin. It was my secret shame.

  Rinsing off I patted myself dry quickly and almost fell over as I tried to put clothes on my still damp body.

  It had to be a false positive, I mean I couldn’t have kids. Oh God! if I was, it was Fins.

  Chapter 18


  “Boss, we have a problem.”

  More fucking problems. I was ready to just kill all the bastards and be done with it. Jon was at the top of that list.

  “What the fuck is it now?”

  I wanted to call Kinsley and drag her ass home. She belonged in my bed, underneath me.

  “It’s Kinsley...”


  “… She went to the clinic today.”

  I looked at Carter, I could only stare. Was she sick?

  “I’m heading out to fucking try and keep shit from exploding. While I go, please find out what’s happening.”

  Carter didn’t look surprised or particularly worried. Actually, if I didn’t know any better, he looked like a cat who ate the canary.

  I pulled my phone from my pocket and start the car with a push of the button.

  “Where the fuck is she Jacob?”

  His muffled voice told me he was outside.

  “… Sending my location…. At the doctors….”

  Without a word, I hung up. He would see me soon enough I pressed my foot to the petal hard causing my tir
es to spin in a rush to get to her.

  What if she was really sick? I couldn’t fucking lose her.

  Chapter 19


  The doctor said what I both feared and prayed for it. I was pregnant. I was pregnant with Fin’s baby.

  Daniel’s brother was going to be the father of my child. Again, bile rose.

  “Get out and then come back in and tell me this is some sick joke!”

  I wanted to scream the words, but they were hollow just like me. Angela was out in the waiting room.

  I needed her and her support. The poor doctor walked out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

  I should have screamed with joy as all my dreams that were ripped from me were finallyhappening.

  Pulling my clothes back on I sat on the exam table. Angela went to get my prescription filled out.

  Also, to get some pamphlets on being a first-time mom. The joys of breastfeeding to bottle feeding. So many things I never thought I would need before.

  The door opened, which had me looking up. I was staring at my hands lost in my thoughts. The oversized man I met at Fin’s house stood there.

  “Get up and let’s go be a good girl and I won’t kill you.”

  I swallowed and looked at the small gun he had pointed at me.

  Slowly I stood up.

  “Fin is going to kill you for this.”

  I hope I sounded more confident that then I felt.

  “I don’t give a fuck doll. Fin is a bitch and will need to figure out who did it first.”

  He was right about one of those things.

  “He will find out.”

  I could only hope he killed me quickly or that Fin saved me before I was lost. My feet moved, and then I was in front of him.

  His hand grabbed my ass and gave it a squeeze as he pressed his oversized stomach against me.

  I was going to vomit. I fought it down, but it kept coming back up.

  “Move it sweet tits.”

  I shifted and walked past him. His arm shot out, forcing me to go the other way. There was an emergency exit, but I knew if he opened it the alarm would go off.


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