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Page 4

by Mari Kyle

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving so soon,” Kelly whined to Rebecca as they packed up her room in the sorority house. “How are all your exams during the first three days?”

  “Luck of the draw, sister! And I’m so happy to get away from this place. My parents won’t be back from their trip until next week so I’ll have the house to myself for a while.” Rebecca winked. “When do you leave?”

  “Not until the very end of the exam period. My last exam is on the day before I fly home. Sucks.”

  “Scott’s here until the end too,” Rebecca said, lilting.

  Kelly made a face at her but her stomach clenched in sadness. Being on campus alone would’ve been the perfect opportunity to spend time with him, especially with Patrick out of the picture.

  “What are your plans for the summer?” Rebecca asked.

  “Getting under someone who isn’t Patrick Emory,” Kelly joked but her throat tightened upon the brief reflection of the breakup.

  “Someone like…Scott Matheson? As much as you’ve been crying your eyes out, you have to know Patrick wasn’t right for you. The guy’s a player. He’s much better suited for girls like me, who just want the fun for a while. You need someone who’s going to be thinking about you next week, not just the next hour.”

  Kelly sighed, drawing a length of tape over one of Rebecca’s boxes. “It’s probably not Scott, though. He hasn’t even talked to me since the night of your sorority’s party. And I wouldn’t talk to me either. Not after I went back home to Patrick knowing Scott was the one I really wanted to be with.” She had been relying on her vibrator nearly every night, unable to sate her desire for him.

  “You two work so hard to be apart,” Rebecca said with her hand on her hip, a look of frustration hardening her face. “I really don’t understand it. It’s like you and Scott are majoring in how to make yourselves and each other miserable. Not to rub Patrick’s shitty philosophy in your face, but time really is of the essence. Once we graduate, life won’t be like this anymore. We’ll be making concrete decisions we won’t be able to just change like when we want to drop a class or switch our academic advisors.”

  The women lifted some of Rebecca’s smaller boxes and carried them down the hall to the storage room. “I’m not like you, you know, Becks. It’s not easy for me to just go after who and what I want but maybe that’s what I’ll do this summer. I’ll take the initiative with guys when I’m back home. Date a little.”

  Rebecca beamed. “Ooh! I like that. First step to attracting all the guys is working on our bikini bodies. Are you still up for a run?”

  “Definitely.” Anything to clear her head. She was excited about the possibility of starting something new far away from Gabel and its drama but her heart carried a perpetual burn for Scott. And with only one year left, maybe Rebecca wasn’t too far off base. How many more chances would she and Scott have to finally get it right?

  Chapter Four


  Scott gripped his solid cock and pumped himself with hard strokes as the warm shower water cascaded over his shoulders. He was leaving for the airport in a few hours but he needed this moment. It had become his favorite part of the day during exam period now that he passed Kelly on her evening runs on his way to the dining hall. He pictured her in those black spandex shorts and her bright-pink sports bra and her flushed, sweaty skin. It was impossible not to stare at her toned body jiggling in all the right places after he gave her a polite nod. He had heard she and Patrick had broken up and he wondered how she was but they were back to being strangers. She was back to being just his fantasy girl.

  Hugging himself tighter in his fist, he reminisced on all the times her velvety tongue had glided over his penis, her warm mouth sucking him, and he jerked off, grunting as the sensation of his climax grew in his core. He thought of the sound of her breaths when she was whispering his name when he was inside her and he tugged his dick rougher, groaning with each pull until an orgasm seized his body. The dorm was empty so he let himself spurt against the wall with a powerful groan and a harsh breath.

  Once out of the shower, he got dressed and loaded his things in the car he had rented to transport himself to the airport. He frowned at the rapid raindrops falling to the windshield from a churning gray sky. It was supposed to thunderstorm tonight and that had him worried for his travel plans.

  Bittersweet nostalgia swept over him as he drove by the center of campus, thinking about all the times he and Kelly had walked through there. How many more opportunities would they have to do that? Senior year would probably go by in a flash and then who knew where Kelly would be after that. Far away and with another guy, he thought as the campus shrank into the background. One day Kelly Stern would only be a memory for him, fading off in his rearview just like Gabel was right now. And maybe he had not finished the Got To list after all. Maybe the most important thing left on it was telling Kelly Stern how he felt.

  After checking his bags in, he hurried through the security line and settled at his gate. Scott growled in disappointment at the word DELAYED next to his flight number and there was no indication of revised departure plans. A brief glance around revealed that a lot of other flights moving across the country were experiencing serious problems. There were massive, powerful storms threatening the East Coast and Midwest as they had been all week. In fact, up on a muted television set, a weatherman was gesturing at a thick mass of color hovering over the Eastern seaboard on a map of the U.S. The rain was already beating against the glass at a torrential rate, with a sky black enough to deceive about what time of the day it was and low rumbles of thunder rolling in the distance.

  “Scott?” He turned to the sound of his name and smiled wide, filling with happiness when he saw Kelly standing to his left, looking nervous.

  “Hey, Lee,” he said, his heart fluttering as he stared at her. She never stopped looking beautiful to him, even in damp jeans and a loose t-shirt. “Is this your gate too? You’re flying into Charlotte?”

  “Yup.” Her uneasy expression dissolved into a smile and he sighed in relief. She was happy to see him too. “I’ve been trying to find another flight. I’m on standby for one that is leaving earlier but it looks like they’re in the same situation with the weather. Do you mind if I sit with you?”

  “Of course not,” he said, pointing at the empty chair. “Sit. So, I heard about your breakup. I’m sorry.”

  She shook her head and shrugged. “I’m not. I was hurt before but over the last few weeks, I’ve realized that maybe it was far more mutual of a breakup than I thought. I don’t want to be with a guy who sees me as a ‘point in time’ for him…or someone it takes effort to be with, like I’m some trial girlfriend or something.”

  “Yeah…I understand,” Scott said, heart racing. And he really did. Kelly, a woman he had cared about for two years now, was certainly not a phase for him. Danny had been nagging him to confess his feelings for her and he had made excuses before—she’s dating Patrick, she needs time to heal from the breakup—but now there was nothing holding him back. He took a breath and started to speak again but she was plugging her earbuds in so he plucked a magazine from his backpack and absently flipped through it as their wait time pressed on into hours.

  “Attention passengers on Delta flight six thirty-two to Charlotte, which had an originally scheduled departure of five thirty-five p.m.,” a woman’s voice said over the loudspeaker and Scott tapped Kelly, motioning for her to remove her earbuds. “Due to the widespread thunderstorms in the area, the flight has been completely canceled for this evening. We apologize for the inconvenience and if you would return to the kiosk at gate twelve, we will happily rebook you for the next available flight into Charlotte, departing tomorrow.” Scott and Kelly joined the collective groan of the other passengers but an idea suddenly struck him. “I’m calling the airline right now,” Kelly said. “You should too. I heard it’s faster than going to the counter.”

  “Yeah, I’ll do that but we should probably find somewhe
re to sleep for the night. There are a few hotels and motels right around here. We can just crash and be back here tomorrow. I’ll pay for it…if you want to join me.”

  Her brow furrowed in thought and he waited with rapt attention. “Okay. Sure. Thanks, Scott.”

  “Yeah. No problem, Lee.” When she turned her back to continue the call, he thanked the storm gods with a silent prayer, watching the bursts of lightning shimmy across the sky. Maybe he wouldn’t get the chance to go home tonight but he was definitely getting another one to be with Kelly.

  * * * * *

  A ferocious clap of thunder rattled the door to the Comfort Inn after Kelly shut it behind her. The blasting AC in the room combined with her drenched clothes left her shivering in the darkness but she also knew that the other reason that she was shaking so much was because she was there with Scott.

  He flipped the switch in the double room and the lights flickered with a buzz before brightening to capacity. Drenched right now, he looked so sexy with his t-shirt taut against his sculpted chest, and she wanted to lick all the raindrops off his face and neck. “You know what this reminds me…” He trailed off as his gaze lowered to her chest and after casting her own quick glance down, she realized her nipples were visible, hard points through her top. His eyes flew back up to hers, desire awakening in his stare as he scanned her frame, and the look he gave her made heat flare up between her legs. She missed being watched like this. By him. “Um…uh…you know what this reminds me of?” he asked. “That dorm camping trip we went on and it got rained out. Remember?”

  Kelly beamed as the memory came. “Yes! The beginning of sophomore year. We didn’t do anything but it was fun bonding with everyone. I don’t think I slept that entire weekend. But this year’s was fine though when Elliott dorm went. Nothing like that again. Patrick and I had a great…” She cringed on the inside as his expression fell. He had done this nice thing for her and she was repaying him by regaling him with stories about her ex.

  “So…I think I saw a vending machine. It’s the best we can do right now.” A boom of thunder ground through the air and the lights dimmed. “You want something?”

  “Yeah…anything with—”

  “Chocolate?” he asked with a smile. “I know. And a Sprite, right?”

  “Please,” she said, returning his smile. Kelly strode for the bathroom, anxious to get out of her wet clothes as he left the room. She stripped before grabbing one of the hanging towels.

  “Lee, which one of the beds—Oh shit. I’m sorry. The door was open a little. I didn’t know you were…” Scott was behind her in the doorway. “Wow.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, moving the towel up her body in a slow draw. She wanted him to see her naked. “I was just…” She swallowed as he took several tentative steps toward her, lust curling like flames in her stomach. She needed him to touch her right now and she clenched with every breath she took. Outside, the wind whipped against the building and a surge of rain rammed the windows. They both looked up as the lights dimmed to the lowest setting possible without going out but Scott’s eyes were back on her right away.

  “You are so beautiful, Kelly Stern.”

  Her pulse sprinted as he dipped his fingers over the edge of her towel and cupped the back of her neck.

  “I can’t remember the last time you called me Kelly,” she said, running her fingers through his hair. He pulled the flaps of her towel aside and Kelly released a quiet moan when he stroked the bare space below her bellybutton.

  “Not since we met, but I like you having a name I gave you.”

  “That’s pretty territorial, don’t you think?” she said, pretending to be disgruntled.

  “Maybe I just knew from the first day that there was something about you I wanted to keep to myself. Maybe I wanted you to be mine.”

  Kelly gasped, moved by the sweet words. “You still want me to be yours?”

  Instead of speaking, Scott sealed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss and she barely remembered to breathe as she fumbled with his belt. He pulled her towel apart completely and it fell to the floor as he walked her backward into the bedroom. While they maneuvered along the way, she took off his clothes. He laid her on one of the beds and separated her legs, then Scott ran his fingers down her naked torso, igniting her nerve endings with the sensual touch. The lights snapped off and popped back on as the storm continued to rage outside. She arched up when he reached her pelvis and he spread her out even more.

  “What do you want me to do? I like when you tell me,” he said.

  “I want you to lick my pussy and then I want you to fuck me. Like you used to.”

  “You want me to make you come, Lee? You want to come on my tongue?”

  “Yes. Please make me come. Eat me out until I come,” she said with a moan of ecstasy as he dropped his lips to her breasts. He teased each nipple with his tongue as he sucked on them. Then, moving at an excruciating pace, he dotted kisses in a line down her stomach until he reached her pussy. His hot tongue was on her clit in an instant and she let out pleasurable screams, muffled by the storm, as his fingers dug into her opening. As she sank her nails into the mattress, she lost count of how many times she came, powerless to do anything else.

  Scott stopped briefly to roll a condom onto his cock just as the sound of her phone ringing stole their attention. He was right at her entrance, teasing her wet hole with the tip of his dick. He pushed into her just slightly as the phone went silent but within the second it was ringing again. As much as she wanted to ignore it, she couldn’t, not with the storm and her family being unsure of where she was. Breathless, Kelly said, “I should probably get that. It might be my mom and dad.” She rose, walked across the room and plucked it out of her bag but frowned as she stared down at the caller’s name flashing on the screen.

  “Parents?” he asked.

  “No. It’s Patrick…” She shook her head. “He’s been calling me since the airport. Not begging me to take him back but playing on my feelings, like making sure I’m still interested, as if I’m his backup plan or something.”

  “Don’t answer it,” Scott blurted out. “Don’t answer it, Lee. You need to hear this.” He strode to where she was and took her cellphone from her. “I need you to know something…I need you to know that I love you. I have loved you for a long time and I want to be with you. Let’s forget all the bullshit we’ve been using to stay apart and just be together.”

  Her heart trembled as the room went silent except for the soft roar of thunder outside and Kelly laughed to herself. How could she even consider the existence of a choice right now? Scott was the only option. He always had been. “I love you too, Scott. I want to be with you.” She tossed the phone to the floor and threw her arms around his neck, propelling them back toward the bed. She pulled him on top of her and he pressed into her without missing a beat.

  He rocked deep into her with determined strokes and she clenched the length of his cock. The pleasure overtaking her was almost crushing and she bit down into his shoulder as Scott released wild groans into the air. “Come for me, Lee. Come now.” He reached down for her clit, rubbing it until she thrashed against him and uncontrollable shivers pulsed through her as her pussy tightened around him. Kelly grabbed his ass, repeating his name until her voice frayed in her release.

  Without pulling out, he lifted her in a swoop and pressed her back against the wall, still pumping with rough, fervent thrusts. Then his movements shifted, becoming slow and teasing but still sending a rush of delight through her, and she touched lingering kisses to his neck as he circled his pelvis into hers. The muscles in his back tensed beneath her fingers as she clenched his cock as tight as she could.

  “Kelly,” he whispered in a strangled, breathless voice and in several more pounding strokes, he came with his chest mashed to hers. “God, I missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too. And I never want to miss you again.”

  “Deal,” he said. He carried her back to the bed and snuggled h
er up against him, refusing to let her go, and she didn’t even try. The storm was over. There was nothing but calm. And Kelly couldn’t wait to see what lay ahead.

  The End

  About Mari Kyle

  The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Come Back To Me

  ISBN 9781419949975


  Come Back To Me Copyright © 2014 Mari Kyle

  Edited by Victoria Reese

  Cover design by Syneca

  Cover photography by

  Electronic book publication February 2014

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.


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