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This Savage Love: A Bad Boy Romance Boxed Set

Page 79

by Kathryn Thomas

  “I’d ask what you were doing out so late, but I probably don’t want to know. It’s none of my business anyway.” There was a small amount of venom in her voice. “Give me twenty minutes. I’ll meet you there, Alex.” She hung up on him as swiftly as Pops had, and Alex wondered if he had suddenly become a pariah.

  But the sound of his name on her lips rang through his ears like a melody. He was turning into a pansy. “Just drop me off at the clubhouse,” he told Rusty. “She’s coming out now.” He was snappy as Rusty turned off the highway, but he couldn’t help it.

  “Chill out, bud. Your bike will be fine.” Rusty gave him another of those huge grins, and Alex wondered how much more of Rusty’s company he could stand. Thankfully, he only had a few more minutes to go.


  The back gate squeaked and rattled. Alex straightened for the box he’d been perched on, leaning back against the wall. He’d only been waiting for about five minutes, but he’d already started to doze.

  He looked up at Krishna standing before him and silently cursed the moonlight for casting a glow on her that multiplied her sex appeal. She had on a torn pair of jeans that hugged every enticing curve and a long sleeved t-shirt that fit her like she’s stolen it from a boyfriend to sleep in. Her hair was unkempt, clipped atop her head so it fell in her eyes, adding a sultry appearance to her already arousing image.

  He was used to disheveled and decrepit women, looking worse for the wear no matter how much makeup they wore or how much sleep they got. He was good at picking out the ones who looked gorgeous when they got dolled up. But Krishna had nothing to hide, not an ounce of makeup on and still absolutely angelic. She had her toolkit in one hand and the other on her hip. “Okay, where’s the bike, and what did you do to it?” she asked in an accusatory voice.

  Maybe she was teasing, but she was obviously tired and in a foul mood, so she failed. He couldn’t blame her for the attitude – he’d woken her up, dragged her out of bed, and made her come out in the middle of the night to fix a bike that had suddenly taken a shit.

  He pushed to his feet and walked her to the bike, propped in a spot that gave her plenty of room to move around it. “She started sputtering like it was losing power on the highway. I checked the gas, just in case. There’s half a tank.”

  She gave him a withering look, and he figured she didn’t like him referencing the machine as ‘she’. But she started to inspect it, and he continued, “Once she was off, I couldn’t get her going again.”

  “No prior warning signals?” she asked as she opened the toolbox and started rooting around in it.

  He shrugged. “Not that I noticed.” He was pretty attentive.

  Her face was a mask of concentration, and clearly, she knew what she was doing. He winced as his attraction grew just thinking about how talented she was with her hands. He needed space and went to sit back down while he waited for a diagnosis.

  Which, unfortunately, only took a couple of minutes. She sighed. “When was the last time you had regular maintenance on this thing?” She stood, copping the same attitude as before but with both hands on her hips this time. The authority in her tone suddenly had Alex tongue-tied.

  He shrugged. “I take care of her. Most of the guys haven’t done shit since the last guy left, but I take her in every three months. There’s a reminder on my phone. I think she’s just about due again, but it hasn’t been long.”

  “If that’s the case, you won’t be the first coming to me with the same problem,” she muttered, halfway to herself.

  Alex smiled and stood, coming back toward her. “I guess we’re lucky to have you, then.” She was staring at the bike scowling, but she glanced up at him for a brief moment. It was enough, though, for Alex to feel the tension pass between them. He wanted to close the gap and pull her to him, but he doubted she would react well. And it was a stupid idea anyway.

  “Whoever took care of the maintenance didn’t change the oil filter, and it’s clogged. It looks like that shut down the fan, and if it hadn’t choked, it would have overheated anyway.” Now, she met his eyes again and asked, “Do you guys keep any parts on hand, or do I need to go buy them?” She tapped her foot impatiently, killing the moment. Had she done it on purpose?

  “We have a few. Honda on the left, Harley in the middle, Suzuki and Kawasaki on the right.” He pointed to the line of cabinets under the carport in the back, set up a bit like a garage. If any of the guys had machines from another manufacturer, they were shit out of luck and had to put out the cash.

  Krishna marched over to the left side and dug through all sorts of rubbish. She pulled out several things Alex recognized – a filter, a spark plug, and some oil. He knew the cupboards were filthy, but she didn’t seem to mind getting her hands dirty.

  He tried to ease the negative tension that now filled the air. “Good to know it’s something mall and not a big deal.”

  She gave him a hard look and scolded, “It is a big deal when it kills your bike. If you’d been on the highway in the middle of the day, you could have been killed.” She squatted and went to work, apparently done addressing him. But she threw up over her shoulder, “Don’t take it to a shop again, okay? They obviously screwed you over, no matter what sort of deal they claimed to be giving you.”

  Alex just watched in silence, seeing how attentive she was and how her muscles reacted quickly and moved like well oiled gears. She was delicate but tough, with just the right touch to make the job look far easier than he guessed it actually was.

  “You really love this, don’t you?” he asked.

  She looked up at him with those dark eyes, and the low light out there turned them into endless pools. They lingered on his just a little longer than was comfortable, and her hands stopped moving. It was as if they were both hypnotized, briefly, and then she spoke and broke the spell. “Yes, I do.” She turned back to the bike, working again. “It’s like tattoos for you. This is my form of art, and I pride myself in my work.”

  A few minutes later, she stood and wiped her hands on her jeans. “There. You have a new spark plug, and I managed to clean out the filter so I didn’t have to replace it. But you’ll need an oil change in the next week, so let’s get that scheduled.” She jerked her head, motioning him toward the bike. “Why don’t you start her up and make sure everything works?”

  Alex straddled the machine, but he was tired and a little off balance. As he stood it up, it tipped, and Krishna instinctively reached for a handlebar, thinking he was going down. He fixed his grip, accidentally brushing his hand against hers, and he could feel the incredible smoothness of her skin, despite the fact that she worked on vehicles. It sent a shockwave through him, and he longed to touch more of her. He had to have her.

  He took a deep breath to calm his desires and started the engine. It roared to life, and the rumble beneath him felt good as new. He smiled appreciatively and shut her off. “Thanks,” he said. Before he could stop himself, he said, “Why don’t you come in for a minute?”

  She shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m going home.” She finished with a deep yawn and heavy lids.

  “Come on, you’re too tired to drive. And the least I can do for calling you out in the middle of the night is make you a drink.” Alex was determined to convince her to give him a little attention, a chance to win her over.

  Krishna gazed toward her car at the side of the building, then back at Alex, a if she was debating. She knew as well as he did it would be best for her to fight the exhaustion and just drive home. But the hesitation was all he needed to push a little harder and sway her decision. “You’re already out,” he coaxed. “And I’m not sleeping anytime soon.”

  Finally, she nodded, and he silently cheered as she followed him around to the front and inside.

  Weeknights were slow and ended early, so most of the lights were out, and the clubhouse was empty. Several members had families now, and others had side jobs. Still more would be out on runs and deliveries. Alex rounded the bar beneath
the glow of neon beer lights. “What’s your poison?” he asked. Krishna sat in a barstool in front of him, and he leaned over so he could get closer to her. He racked his brain for the right thing to say or do, but his mind went blank. The power Krishna had over him drove him nuts.

  She waved a hand in the air dismissively and smiled. “I’m not a big drinker. Surprise me.”

  That added fuel to the fire burning in his loins. He knew exactly what to do and went to work pouring the drinks before coming around the counter. He downed his while she sipped at hers. He waited in silence until she’d finished it and set the glass on the counter, and then he went for it.

  He didn’t give her time to breathe, much less think. He stepped up to her, sliding a hand up her thigh with obvious intent as he locked his lips with hers. Her body tensed and then caved without protest, and her soft, full lips parted as she fell into the kiss. He let his hand creep further up her leg, stopping just short of the destination he longed for, knowing he wouldn’t get away with it.

  The kiss intensified, and they drank from each other desperately. Alex drew away, barely an inch, and they gasped for air. He wanted her to catch her breath but not break the spell.

  “What was that for?” she breathed.

  He could feel her heartbeat fluttering, being so close to her. He gave her a teasing smile but told her in all seriousness, “You said to surprise you.” Her taste lingered on his lips, and he couldn’t seem to slow his breathing. He was ready to dive back in and never resurface. She was a drug, highly addictive, and now that he’d had a taste, body and mind both craved more with painful desire. He’d known it would happen, from the moment he’d seen her walk through the door to the clubhouse, but he wasn’t going to do anything else unless she assured him she wanted it, too.

  Something about Krishna demanded a certain respect for her strength and authority that he’d never felt for any woman in his entire life.

  She said nothing, but she didn’t back away, either. She just stared at his lips, then leaned back enough to look him up and down as if seeing him for the first time. He saw it in her eyes – the spark that told him she felt something for him, too. No matter how small the opening, he had to jump on it.

  He slid his arms under her thighs and lifted her off the stool, and she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist tightly. Her body surrounding him, pressed to his chest, was downright ecstasy, and he carried her over to one of the couches, laying her back slowly and gently.

  “Afraid to break me?” she asked with that sly smile and a quirked brow. It froze him long enough for her to sit up and reach out to remove his shirt.

  The gesture brought out his wild side, and he smiled confidently. He let her pull it off, and the animal was out in the open. He growled like a feral beast as she kissed down his tattooed chest toward his abs, and he closed his eyes as her tongue traced the outline of his six pack, making him shiver in delight.

  His hands moved of their own accord, roaming her curves and exploring every part of her they could reach while she worked her magic, tasting his skin. She got to her knees as she made it to his throat, scraping her teeth along his collarbone and making him grunt.

  He slid his hands under her shirt and up her back, so smooth, her spine straight, and her shoulders flexed as she curved into an arch like a purring cat. He continued around to her stomach, and Krishna gasped. The skin there was so hot it seared his fingers, and Alex’s eyes rolled back in his head at the thought of how much warmer she must be a few inches lower.

  But he waited, his fingers wandering upward instead. He delighted to find she hadn’t bothered with a bra, and he cupped her firm breasts, heavy in his hands and perfectly rounded to fit in his palms He massaged them, watching her reaction as she closed her eyes and moaned.

  Krishna lifted her seat up and lifted her arms, and Alex was more than happy to draw her shirt over her head, baring her to him. His groin, already tight, ached as he hardened inside his jeans, and he pressed his hips up against her, showing her exactly what she did to him.

  She took charge, grabbing at the back of his neck and pulling him in. Her lips crushed his, and he slid his tongue over hers, reveling in the sweet and spicy taste of her. Their tongues intertwined in a sensual dance, and her soft breasts moved against his hard chest as her breathing grew shallow. She panted into his mouth, and he took a moment to celebrate the fact that he’d finally had an effect on her. It gave him a natural high to win that challenge, and he wasn’t even done. He would conquer her body, inch by inch.

  The smell of her skin made him hungry and piqued his senses. His whole body tingled with life and energy, just like it did when he hit the open road on his bike. She was like the wind in his hair, the smell of fresh dirt and grass. Krishna made him feel powerful and dangerous in a whole new way.

  Alex dipped his head and brushed her hair aside, latching onto the soft flesh of her neck with his teeth. Krishna let out a scream, first with shock and pain but then trailed off in a moan as he licked the mark he left and trailed a line with his tongue up to her earlobe, where he stopped to nibble. He wanted to devour her, like a starved wolf who had just come across a doe in the woods.

  “I want you so bad,” he growled in her ear.

  Krishna shuddered as his breath trailed over her and she looked him in the eye. Hers were wide with surprise, but he watched them change. Suddenly, he felt exposed, like she used her gaze to tear flesh from his bones so she could see through him. Not releasing his eyes, she slid her hands down his chest and around his back in a caress that left him as breathless as her kiss. She seemed to enjoy her explorations as much as he did, and he was so lost in the moment he hissed sharply when her fingers landed on his jeans. At the apex of his arousal.

  She held still, as if waiting for permission, but she traced one fingertip over the button of his fly like she was teasing him. Finally breaking the eye contact, she looked down and opened his fly, drawing the zipper down with maddening slowness. The instant she released his erection, Alex jumped up, letting his jeans fall down to his ankles and shoving his boxers with them. He kicked them away, in a hurry to see and feel her body against his own. He wanted to know what it felt like to be on top of her, inside her. He wanted full access and complete knowledge of her.

  But before he could kneel on the couch, Krishna sat on the edge in front of him, her mouth level with his hard on. She reached out hesitantly, as if he was going to stop her, and wrapped her warm fingers around his base. Alex closed his eyes and shivered as his head fell back on his shoulders at the sensation on the sensitive skin.

  She looked up at him again through long, dark lashes as he gazed down at her, and she looked as though she were getting ready to worship him. Still holding him captive, she bent forward and drew his tip into her mouth. Swirling her tongue and surrounding him with the warm, wet feeling shot him into ecstasy, and his cock twitched, swelling and pulsing as he grew larger and harder at her ministrations.

  She took him in deeper, and his body shook with anticipation as she sucked with the slightest, most delicious pleasure. She stroked her hand upward until it met her lips, and she fell into a rhythm that threatened to push Alex over the edge into insanity. He tangled his hands in her dark mass of hair, the clip falling to the floor, but his fists held it piled on her head. He used the leverage to drive her, thrusting his cock deeper into her mouth while keeping her rhythm. He moaned and growled alternately, the feel of her mouth wrapped around him sending shockwaves through his already throbbing shaft.

  His body quaked, and he felt the familiar sensation rolling through him that meant he was about to explode. He tried to hold back as she picked up speed, but Krishna must have felt and tasted how close he was. He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting it to be over so soon, but nothing worked, and his whole body tingled with hot and cold as he shot hot liquid into her throat.

  “Fuck!” he cried out as he pumped in jerky, uneven motions until the orgasm stopped rolling through him.
He couldn’t remember hitting a peak that left him this exhausted In his entire life, and he hadn’t even had the main course yet.

  He tilted his head down to look at Krishna as he slid out of her mouth, trying to regain a modicum of control and enough energy to speak. His trembling hands reached out to her, and she stood to greet him. He slid down her body, using his tongue to heighten her arousal, swirling it around her navel before kissing just above her jeans. He took the zipper between his teeth and drew it down as he fumbled with the button above. He marveled at the effect she had on him – no other woman had taken him high enough to make him shake like this. It was so fulfilling he was ready to bow down to the dark goddess and kiss her feet for showing him such pleasure.

  As Alex slid her jeans and black lace panties down her smooth, shapely legs, he admired the small protrusion that curved into her legs and folded together so enticingly. One perfectly manicured line of hair trailed down to disappear at the juncture of her thighs. It was irresistible, and he grabbed her ass so hard it made a smacking noise as he pulled her forward. He knelt before her and nudged her legs apart with his nose, and then he buried his face in her sweet center. Her legs quaked and grew weak as he ran his tongue over her folds, suckled at her nub, and delved into her moist core until her sweetness poured into his mouth and she cried out in passion.


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