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This Savage Love: A Bad Boy Romance Boxed Set

Page 84

by Kathryn Thomas

  A resounding yes hit her square in the chest. Alex was worth every minute of struggle, every heartache that came with hearing the nasty jokes and remaining painfully quiet. She could handle the ridicule and lewd come-ons if it meant being with Alex.

  “Would you really leave?” he asked, and the devastation in his voice was clear, though Krishna knew he tried to hide it.

  All the wind in her sails died, and she flopped onto the couch next to him, searching for the right words. “Alex, I’ve always gone against the grain, and it’s made things hard from time to time. But I’ve never suffered through anything like this before, and it goes against every instinct to turn the other cheek. But I’m willing to put up with all of it because I want to be with you.” She tilted her head up to meet his eyes with a searching gaze, and she found the tenderness she needed at that moment.

  He sat beside her and pulled her into his arms, and she sank against his chest, taking the comfort he offered. Resting his chin on her head, he sighed. “We’ll get through this, okay? I promise, we’ll figure it out.”

  She had no choice but to have faith in him. Who else could she rely on? She wasn’t a child anymore; it wasn’t like her father could come up to the school and talk to the principal about bullies harassing her on the playground. And something told her leaving the club, even though she wasn’t a full-fledged member, wasn’t as easy as tossing an apron at Pop and telling him she quit. She still played like she was naïve to any of the club business, but that didn’t mean they would let her go free and clear.

  Here in Alex’s arms, it didn’t matter anyway. This was where she wanted to be. In her worst moments at the clubhouse, when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, she imagined being surrounded by his warmth, lying under him in bed while he kissed her with hot lips and drilled into her with desperation, sleeping with her body thrown across him at night. Those memories and fantasies were her solace now, and she couldn’t think of anything more peaceful, even away from the club.

  “Krishna?” Alex’s voice was gentle but prodding, and she pulled away from him to look at him in question. “No more outbursts, okay?”

  She gave him a small smile. “I’ll work on that.” She leaned in and kissed him, a gesture that started out chaste and soft and quickly heated with passion. She opened to him like a blooming flower and felt her insides warm to molten lava, pooling low in her belly. She reached up and touched his face, feeling the prickly shadow of hair on his cheeks, and she sighed as she tasted him.

  His hands slide up her back and back down, curling beneath her, and as he squeezed her cheeks, she squealed into his mouth. She inched closer to him, reveling in the feel of her breasts pressed against his hard chest. He lifted her onto his lap, and his cock pressed into her hip, motivating her further. The spark became a flame, and the flame became a raging bonfire. She didn’t resist as he stood, wrapping her legs around his waist and letting him carry her to the bedroom without ever breaking the kiss.

  He dropped her unceremoniously on the bed, and she kicked at the pile of clothes she hadn’t yet cleaned up so they dumped to the floor. It didn’t matter; he hadn’t stopped to turn on the light. And she lifted her arms as he tore at what she wore to add them to the mess. She was just as anxious, tugging at the tight t-shirt he wore and pulling at the waistband of his jeans until they were skin to skin.

  And she still wasn’t satisfied, drawing her fingers down his chest and over his abs until they felt the coarse hairs below. She followed the trail to the base of his cock, closing her hand around it and stroking up and over his head. He groaned with pleasure, his shaft twitching with her attention, and she guided him to her wet center, ready to feel him inside her.

  But he wasn’t giving in so easily, moving lower so he could draw one taut nipple into his mouth. Krishna arched her back in a silent plea for more, and she moaned as he swirled around her peak with his tongue and then drew a line to the opposite breast, treating it with the same torturous ministrations.

  She thrust her hips up, begging for the satisfaction only he could give her. This time, he complied, driving into her with enough force to rock her up and over the first crest so she writhed wildly beneath him. He grabbed her wrists, pinning them with one strong hand over her head, and he leaned in, pressing deeper and escalating the intensity of her orgasm so she gasped.

  He found a slow, easy rhythm, and she matched him thrust for thrust, raising her hips to meet him. Her eyes rolled back in her head, the ecstasy climbing up her spine and overtaking her. Krishna couldn’t get enough, and the fact that she couldn’t escape his hold only increased her arousal.

  He slid an arm behind her back and pulled her up so she straddled him as he sat back on his haunches. He started to move her up and down on his shaft, and she caught the rhythm easily, taking over as he plowed her mouth as thoroughly as he did her center. But the sensation drove her into a frenzy, and she bounced harder and faster, bringing on another overwhelming crest that had her throwing her head back and crying out with its power.

  Her whole body tingled with pleasure, and she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Now, Alex squeezed her tight to him, and she clung to him for dear life as he aided her, moving her faster and harder up and down his cock, which was swollen to the point of stretching her. She delighted in it and, as his body convulsed with his release, her inner walls convulsed and pressed around him with an orgasm that almost made her black out.

  She sat there, the two of them connected, for so long she lost track of time and, eventually, her limbs gave out from clutching so tightly at Alex. He slid her carefully from his body and laid her back with gentle arms, moving to lie beside her. With an arm draped over her waist, he kissed her sweetly on the lips and then the cheek before resting his head on her pillow.


  Alex watched Krishna’s eyelids flutter as she tried to stay awake, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a ghost of a smile. She was beautiful no matter what, but in the afterglow of great sex, surrounded by the scent of sweat and other fluids mixing into that sweet aroma of satisfaction, she was the epitome of perfection. Her incredible body relaxed as she sprawled out on the bed, and she was a dark goddess who belonged to him.

  If that were the case, he wanted to worship at her feet for the rest of his life. He’d sought variety for so long to keep things fresh, new, and exciting. With Krishna, everything fit the bill, and he didn’t need to seek comfort in someone else’s arms. She was all he needed. Sweet, funny, fiery, gorgeous. And an animal in bed, always ready to try something new.

  He reached out and stroked her hair, splayed out like a crown around her head, and she sighed in contentment. “That feels so good,” she growled, her voice lazy and sultry.

  He chuckled softly. “I think anything would feel good right now.” He wished he’d been gentler when he addressed her behavior today. This woman was delicate, no matter what sort of hard façade she erected to protect herself. He should respect that, always keep it in mind.

  And that was exactly why he had to be firm about her actions around the Ashes. She didn’t realize how dangerous some of them were. Her sheltered world hadn’t allowed her the same terrifying and bone-chilling experiences Alex had lived through. He understood the danger his brothers posed to women who didn’t adhere to the classic roles assigned them by dominant males, and she needed to temper the strength that kept her going with the humility the Ashes expected.

  But that discussion could definitely wait. He came here to talk, to eat, and to have make up sex. He’d accomplished all of that and then some, and he found satisfaction in his success. But he discovered something else along the way, and as he continued to watch Krishna now, he marveled in his revelation.

  Alex’s emotions exploded, and the turmoil made him dizzy and a little nauseous. He was madly in love with Krishna. This wasn’t some petty childhood puppy love, and it wasn’t infatuation. He couldn’t even describe it as ‘strong feelings’ anymore. He was ruthlessly in love with her, and there
was no turning away from the impact of that realization now.


  He had to accept it so he could move on to weaving this new idea into his life. Alex didn’t know how to deal with emotions this strong. He’d turned off his feelings at some point, and now it all came rushing back. It shouldn’t scare him, except that now he knew this woman next to him, who had fallen into a shallow sleep, was his weakness. She could be used against him, and that terrified him, for both their sakes.

  “Alex?” Krishna spoke his name with her eyes still closed, and he adored the way she made it sound. He had a very plain, common name, but she said it like it was some beautiful foreign title.

  “Yes?” he asked softly, keeping his volume barely above a whisper. He was afraid to break the spell that seemed to have been cast over them.

  Slowly, her eyelids slid open, and her dark eyes sparkled up at him, reflecting the moonlight streaming through the window. “I’m starving.”

  Alex rolled to his back, laughing uproariously. It was the last thing he’d expected to come out of her mouth and, honestly, it made him realize just how ravenous he still was. “I suppose I should turn on the light so we can find our clothes and go finish our food.”

  “Or we could just go naked,” she suggested with a giggle.

  Alex could almost see her blushing, even in the dark, at her brazenness, but he loved how much her sexuality had awakened since they’d been together.

  Standing and reaching for her hand, he pulled her to her feet and kissed her soundly with a smack on the ass. “I think that’s a great idea.”


  Resigned to an evening alone, Krishna planned out the perfect way to keep herself distracted. She had some leftover tandoori chicken, and though it was disgracefully lazy, she had bought some packaged naan bread at the store. She was going to whip up some curry and steam some basmati rice and eat like a queen while she watched the Cubs series against the Detroit Tigers. She had three games on her DVR to catch up on, and that would satisfy her while Alex had his night with the boys.

  She hated that none of them considered inviting her to a poker game. In that kind of setting, she could easily ignore any trash talk or degrading comments about women. She became genderless in a poker match, and she hadn’t played in forever. But, of course, the misogynistic attitude that purveyed throughout the club didn’t allow for a woman to taint the chapel of testosterone. Pool was one thing; she was sure she could convince a couple of those headstrong apes to shoot a few rounds with her. But the sacred poker table would remain untouched by the unclean hands of the weaker sex.

  When Alex had first mentioned the need to show his face around the clubhouse alone, Krishna had been insanely jealous. And admittedly, she had her suspicions about his desire to sneak around with other women. But he’d patiently explained the questions his brothers asked and that he’d already had to dodge confirming or denying that he was seeing someone outside the gang and their random women.

  Krishna had relented. One or two nights a week weren’t a big deal. She was a big girl, and she’d spent plenty of time entertaining herself before she met Alex. Why should it cause a problem now? And as she settled in on the couch with her delicious meal and a soda, clicking on the first game in the series and hitting play, she smiled to herself. She had missed this a little. Maybe it was for the best that she didn’t count on spending so much time with Alex. There was something to be said for having space and independence.

  Of course, she wasn’t naïve. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of the vultures who would show up at the poker game and hang all over the guys. That’s exactly what those women reminded her of – scavengers looking for the easiest way to get something for nothing. They slept with the bikers because it got them free booze, free room and board, and gave them a sense of empowerment. They all hoped to be an old lady or at least a favorite who was invited back often. One thing was for sure – even if the Ashes had no respect for women, they took care of the ones they wanted to stick around. Money, clothes, sometimes other random favors.

  Krishna shook her head to clear the image of one of those dirty hags putting her hands on Alex. He told her he couldn’t just push all of them away tonight, or he’d raise too much suspicion. He swore he wouldn’t take it any further than maybe letting a girl or two sit on his lap for a minute, and she trusted him. She’d seen him dismiss several of them at the clubhouse, even when he didn’t know she was watching. But it still irritated her, and she hoped he took a shower and washed off their filthy scent before she saw him again.

  “Aw, come on!” she shouted at the television as the Tigers’ pitcher nearly racked Bobby Sanders with a curve ball. “That was on purpose!” Sanders had jumped back, narrowly avoiding a trip to the hospital to recover his gonads, and Coach Maddon waved his arms furiously from the dugout, cussing up a storm if Krishna could read lips as well as she thought.

  Bobby got a free walk, which was fair but unfortunate. He was the best designated hitter on the team, and he’d hit three home runs in their last series against the Astros. Which was probably why the pitcher wanted to take him out of the equation. That was fine; it was early in the game, and this was the first of three. Krishna had faith Sanders would make up for it later.

  When the curry ran out, she paused the game and dug around in her pantry for some microwave popcorn and the bag of M&Ms she’d hidden for just such an occasion. With snacks in hand and another soda, she flopped down on her side, propping her head on the arm of the couch, and continued her marathon. Yes, this was definitely what the doctor ordered. She would see Alex tomorrow when she got to work, and probably at home tomorrow night. For now, she could content herself with one of her favorite pastimes.


  “You’re bluffing,” Eagle accused, a cigarette hanging loosely from the corner of his mouth. The plume of smoke billowed as he puffed on it, and Alex coughed.

  “Man, blow that shit the other direction. What the hell brand are you smoking anyway? They smell like feet.” He waved his hand in front of his face, and Eagle growled at him playfully. “And for your information, I don’t bluff.” Eagle was new to the club. He was a long time biker and old friend of Pop’s, but he’d apparently lived in Wyoming for the past twenty-odd years and only recently returned. Pop had brought him into the club immediately, and no one had protested. Eagle wasn’t a bad guy; he just had some rough edges that could rub Alex the wrong way if he wasn’t careful.

  “You’re a lying son of a bitch!” Quarter threw at him, leaning forward. “About a year ago, this guy was down to fifteen bucks and change, and he was desperate. He went all-in on the pocket, and I called him because I wanted him to eat his cocky attitude. On the flop, we had the king of hearts and king of spades, and calm as I’ve ever seen him, Alex throws out another twenty from his pocket, says he wants to make it interesting. I told him it was his ass. I had pocket aces, so I wasn’t worried. I had this hand. A jack comes out on the river, and he drops forty more. I called, but now I’m sweating, right? I’m thinking he’s got pocket jacks and now he’s got a damn full house. We flip the last card and it’s a two. No good to me, okay? So, Alex smiles and tosses out a hundred. I can’t do it. I’m convinced he’s got that fucking full house, so I fold. He didn’t show me his hand, but I dealt, so I picked up the cards. The asshole had the three of clubs and the nine of hearts. He didn’t have shit in his hand. So, I don’t care what he says, he fucking bluffs like a pro.”

  Alex listened and laughed. He missed these moments, where they told elaborate stories about each other, or about misadventures they’d shared. He took a swig of his beer while Eagle narrowed his eyes and considered him carefully. “I don’t know, man. He looks pretty confident.”

  “That’s just Alex,” Damien said from across the table, his boots kicked up on the table with his ankles crossed. He leaned back in his chair with hands folded behind his head. He’d folded the last three hands without anteing up, and Alex wondered why he didn�
�t just leave. “He’s a cocky one.”

  “I see that.” With a sigh, Eagle tossed out the ten to call Alex’s bet. “You got me curious. Let’s see it.”

  With a broad grin, Alex laid down his pair of queens, giving him three of a kind with the cards on the table. Eagle cursed loudly and slapped down a pair of tens. Also making three of a kind, but still not enough to beat Alex.

  Quarter laughed as Alex collected the pot. “Well, he doesn’t always bluff, you know. Alex is a badass poker player.”

  “I think he sold his soul to the devil long ago so he could always land a better hand,” Rusty chuckled as he shuffled the deck.

  Alex remained silent. He never said much during poker games. Speech patterns gave away a lot, and he wasn’t the type to talk a lot of trash. He liked to listen to the banter and stories and just relax with a beer or two. That was his idea of a good boys’ night.

  “So, Bones was all kinds of pissed off yesterday,” Damien said, and Alex tensed. He knew where Damien was going with this, and he wasn’t particularly excited to hear it. He had enough trouble controlling his reaction normally without the topic being in his face like this. “He probably would have brushed it off as a woman who just hadn’t learned her place if some of the guys hadn’t given him hell for standing there and taking it without lashing out. If you ask me, he should have backhanded the little bitch.”


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