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This Savage Love: A Bad Boy Romance Boxed Set

Page 97

by Kathryn Thomas

  She wouldn’t cry.

  She started simple. Socks, underwear, pajamas. She went into the bathroom, collecting her toiletries. Perfume, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, hair products, face wash. But, then, she stopped. The weather was volatile right now, and she decided on jeans and light pants with short sleeves and a couple of light jackets. That should cover it, she supposed. But what else would she need?

  She walked into the living room, looking around, and she felt herself falling apart. She had games and shows recorded she wouldn’t get to see. She couldn’t take her DVR with her. And there were comforts she didn’t have room to pack.

  A knock at the door made her jump, and her heart skipped a beat. Had she taken too long? Or had Brett come for her, wanting to whisk her away before she finished? Terrified of who she would find on her stoop, Krishna tiptoed toward the door and peered through the peep hole.

  And stepped back in shock.

  She flung the door open and stared with her mouth gaping at Alex. “What are you doing here?” she asked, her heart in her throat now and her lungs so tight she couldn’t breathe.

  He smiled lazily and leaned his hands against the doorframe. “I came to tell you I have a new offer for you.”

  She frowned at him. What was he talking about? “What sort of offer?” She narrowed her eyes as his grin just about split his face in half.

  He quirked a brow at her. “Can I come in?” He looked back over his shoulder, and Krishna realized she was making it more obvious that he was breaking the rules by keeping him outside. She moved back to let him in, and he slid past her, leaning against the wall casually with his hands in his pockets.

  She crossed her arms. “You shouldn’t be here,” she told him, feeling a bit awkward.

  He shrugged. “Maybe not, but, then again, if you’ll hear me out, you might change your mind.”

  His mischievous expression and stellar mood began to seep into her, and her spirits rose. She glanced back toward the bedroom, where her bags were half packed, and when she turned around, she said, “Okay. Tell me what you’ve got.”

  Taking a deep breath, he asked, “Were you packing up just now?” She nodded. “Where were you going?”

  “Brett set it up so I could stay with a friend of his. He said there was some dangerous stuff going on with the club and he wanted me safe.” Was he going to tell her what was going on, or at least spill his thoughts? That smirk was going to drive her nuts.

  With a sly look, he told her, “Well, I’m going to offer you the opportunity to stick around. No more trouble, no more danger, no more running. How does that sound?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I would love that, Alex, but how is that even possible? We’re probably both going to get killed because you’re here.” Her fear started to rise again, and she tamped it down, telling herself to trust Alex. He hadn’t steered her wrong yet.

  “Let’s just say there’s been a little change in plans, and rather than letting my family go down in flames and a maniac control my life, I decided to give us a chance to thrive. And, in the meantime, I had the death threats called off.” He was holding something back, and she waited anxiously, ready to shake it out of him. “Pop has stepped down as leader.” The statement rang in the silence, and it took a moment for the meaning to settle in. Krishna just held Alex’s gaze in amazement, waiting for the punchline, but it didn’t come, and his eyes twinkled with delight. “So, do you want to take the deal? There’s only one condition you have to accept.”

  Krishna felt the energy building inside, but she wasn’t going to give herself away that easily. “I’m not signing any contracts, Alex. And I reserve the right to negotiate.”

  “Mmm.” His brows drew together, and he told her, “I don’t think you’ll want to negotiate. This one will be a clear yes or no.”

  For some reason, Krishna started to feel giddy, and she had trouble containing her excitement. She had no idea what Alex was going to say, but she had a really good feeling about it. Still, she stayed calm on the outside, giving away nothing. She could play this game right along with him.

  Alex stood straight and stepped toward her, barely leaving breathing room between them. He tucked his hands behind his back and looked down at her with a confident grin and bright eyes. “You can stay, and you can be one of the Ashes, accepted one hundred percent. All you have to do is be mine.”

  Her heart melting, Krishna stood there and kept her poker face. Forcing her lips to turn down ever so slightly, she took a deep breath, and said, “Wow. That’s a pretty heavy request.” She watched his smile fade, and she knew she had him convinced she wasn’t sure. But after everything she’d been through, she refused to stop there. She was going to play this out as long as she could hold it together.

  She continued, “I told you before I wasn’t sure I wanted to be part of the Ashes. And after the way you left things…” She trailed off and shook her head, dropping her eyes to the ground to hide her smile. She could feel his energy change, knew his disappointment, and her grin broadened. Still looking down, she said, “With the way you left things, I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever see you again. Now, with you standing here in front of me, how could I say no to your proposition?”

  She looked up as she finished and giggled at the elation on Alex’s face. He lifted her in the air and spun around, making her squeal, and when he set her on her feet, he kissed her with a long, deep sense of triumph. She broke away, and everything was still very surreal, but it was so different. There was hope and excitement for the future, and she knew for a fact that she’d be spending it with Alex.


  Alex felt Krishna’s impatience growing, and he smiled to himself as he put the finishing touches on his artwork. “I’m almost done, sweetheart. I promise, you can get back to work in just a few minutes.”

  He glanced over at the garage, where Krishna’s eyes were trained, lines of concern marring her smooth skin but not detracting from her incredible beauty. “It’s getting backed up,” she muttered. “Apparently, I can’t leave Quarter in control anymore. He looks like he’s lost in the woods and running from the Big Bad Wolf.”

  Alex chuckled. Once Pop had been removed, the Ashes had decided to send him over the border to the dealers he’d been working with. Alex had experienced a moment of guilt, but the man had made his own fate, and what happened to him from there was out of Alex’s hands. A unanimous vote had then placed him in charge.

  At first, he didn’t know what he was going to do to turn things around. He had to find a source of income for the group that didn’t involve anything illegal, and that was so out of his realm of experience he couldn’t think of anything. It was Quarter, who came to him with an apology and a humble promise to do what he could to help, that suggested opening up a custom garage, with Krishna at its head.

  When he’d managed to get the financial information decoded and uncooked, Alex had put the funds to good use, making sure they had a stellar garage and some good marketing ideas. Mostly, though, it was word of mouth, and within three months of having taken over the reins, the business was absolutely booming.

  Krishna had gotten her license, which was posted prominently on the door to the office and, since then, four more of his brothers had decided to do the same. How many custom bike and car garages could say they had not one or two but five certified mechanics?

  There had been some housecleaning to do. Not everyone had accepted the changes, and Alex had succinctly held a vote with the group of advisors that he’d selected from across the group to remove anyone who posed a problem. He knew better than to make any decision on his own.

  Krishna’s first order of business in getting back to the clubhouse had been to finish her work on Brett’s bike. It turned out surprisingly beautiful, if still a little clunky, and it ran like a champ. But he’d since bought a newer bike and, now, Betty was an icon and rested at the front of the garage. It had also been the inspiration for the business logo.

  “If you don’
t stay still, this is going to turn out poorly. It’s the very last little bit. You wouldn’t want that, would you?” he asked as Krishna grew so antsy she couldn’t sit still.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, and he nearly laughed as she tensed every muscle in her body, trying to freeze.

  As he shaded a brilliant red from light to dark in a fading diagonal pattern, Alex felt an incredible sense of pride with the woman who had graciously been identified as not only an official member of the Ashes – and accepted within the close group of advisors – but also his ‘old lady.’ Every time she heard it, she rolled her eyes, but her smile spoke volumes about how she really felt.

  And his pride wasn’t just because she was beautiful and smart and gentle and, best of all, his. It was because her confidence had tripled, or better, over the last few months. She had an incredible sense of self, knew her own value, and wasn’t afraid of anything. If anyone in the club even raised an eyebrow at her in question, she stood up to them like a champ. And she knew her limits, knew when to ask for help.

  Sitting back in his chair, Alex turned off the tattoo gun and assessed his work. As far as he could tell, it was absolutely perfect. But he wouldn’t make that call until he cleaned the entire piece of art. With a gentle but firm touch, he wiped down Krishna’s shoulder, leaving his work exposed. He’d done some wild, detailed, intensive designs before, but he felt this was his best work ever. There wasn’t a single flaw, and it had turned out exactly as he’d pictured.

  “Okay, stand up.” He stood and took her hand, getting her to her feet. Reaching into the drawer, he pulled out a small mirror and turning her so her back was to the larger mirror hung in his outdoor office. He handed her the little mirror and said, “Tell me what you think.”

  She held it up and angled it so she could see the design. The single puzzle piece on her shoulder was now a large square full of vibrantly colored puzzle pieces, expertly shaded and perfectly contrasted against each other. They brought out not only the intense brightness of the coloration but also the gorgeous tint of Krishna’s skin, and she looked impressed and extremely pleased.

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered, obviously emotional. “Nice choice of blank areas,” she said with a chuckle.

  It was symbolic, and he couldn’t think of a better puzzle piece to be missing than the one in the center. It was the heart of the puzzle, and he wasn’t the least bit surprised when Krishna pulled at the collar of his shirt until she uncovered that missing piece, centered over his heart. She laughed softly. “Good. I had to make sure they were the exact same size and shape.”

  He feigned offense. “You question my accuracy? Or memory?”

  She shrugged and fixed his shirt with a mischievous smile. “No, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t trying to say we didn’t fit together.”

  He took her in his arms and held her close, letting the love he felt for her flow through his embrace. He felt it come full circle through the light in her eyes as she gazed up at him. “I would do anything for you, Krishna, and I’ve never fit into anyone’s life the way I fit into yours. I love you, and I don’t ever want to go through anything that separates us again.”

  She threaded her arms around his neck and leaned her head on his chest. “You can’t guarantee someone or something won’t get in the way.” She still had fears, vulnerabilities, but they rarely came out. Alex was slowly proving to her that he could make sure they wouldn’t be torn apart.

  “I can, and I will,” he promised again, stroking her head. These were the stolen moments in their busy lives that made everything they’d been through worth it. He wouldn’t change a thing about their wild ride. It had made him a stronger, more mature person, and it had given him appreciation for the things he really wanted in his life.

  And in the long run, he’d gotten everything he wanted. Krishna was his. His brothers, the Ashes, were closer than ever and thriving in business. They had new friends working with them. Shane proved to be an asset with advertising and spreading the word, and he had helped several of the guys find nice homes away from the clubhouse.

  Krishna pulled her head back and gazed up at him, and Alex recognized that anxious gaze. “I love you,” she said, and he smiled, knowing there was a ‘but’ involved.

  “I love you, too,” he said, unable to hold back his amusement.

  She sighed. “But I have got to get back to the garage. It’s a mess over there, and if I don’t get it under control, one of the guys is going to start throwing things, and there’ll be an argument, and…”

  He cut her off, letting go and holding his hands up in surrender. “I get it. You are the centerpiece and the inner peace.” She hated when he said that, and he laughed at her expression. “Come on, I’ll cover that up.” He pointed to the fresh tattoo work. “I don’t want you getting oil or grease in that.” He patched it up, forced a kiss on her, and sent her on her way with a smile of satisfaction.


  Liked this book? Check out Carmen Faye’s latest release! Available FREE for Kindle Unlimited subscribers!


  In this world, the club comes first, the women second.

  But Peyton is different.

  From the moment I had her curves in my hand, I knew she was going to be mine. She set my world ablaze, and I won’t stop until I’ve tamed that fire and put my ring on her finger.

  She’s running from a bastard who wants to wreck her in the worst way possible.

  There’s no way I’m giving her up

  And if the demons want to drag her back to hell.

  They’ll have to go through me.

  Back to Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Tania Mathew tapped her foot on the floor as she surveyed the warehouse. The structure was sound and, even though it was dirty at the moment, once it was cleaned, the property would be worth a lot. It was a sound investment, and she was determined to make it. Angling her phone, she took some pictures and turned as she made a short video. Likely, she would have to get the place cleaned up and make another video to show the client.

  But damn it! Once she sold this property, Tania would be way ahead of her competition. As a successful property negotiator, she was already climbing the rungs of the corporate ladder in her company, but once she successfully handed over this warehouse to the multimillion dollar company that was currently one of their best clients, she would secure a promotion and a hefty bonus. And from there, the sky was the limit.

  After she’d gained enough experience and reputation, she intended to open her own firm. Once her name was established, she would be the undisputed empress of her field, and no one would be able to touch her. It would, of course, start from this very place. Jade Enterprises was looking for a warehouse to add to their considerable resources, and they would love this place. It was perfect for storage and its convenience to the highway was an added bonus. Their transportation costs would be immediately cut in half, and there was even a space behind the warehouse where they could park their trucks. Securing this property for them would be a major coup.

  Mentally, she prepared the proposal that she would make and present to their board. If that didn’t catapult her to the top of their list of favorite agents, nothing else would. With her hand on her hip, she surveyed the place once more. Tania caught her reflection in the broken mirror that stood against the wall. The bright, red suit was perhaps a tad too flashy for her job, but she loved the way it clung to her curves and highlighted her dark mass of curly hair and her green eyes that sparkled even in the dim light. Tania was a hot, smart, and sexy woman, and she knew it well. Yet, her crowning glory was the razor-sharp mind that she used without restraint.

  Tania loved to win and she relished her work. Nothing would deter her from purchasing this property. As she strode towards the door, she dug into her purse to take out the keys that were given to her by the manager of this place. She intended to speak to him in the even
ing and present the paperwork the next day. The sooner the better; she didn’t believe in allowing the grass to grow beneath her shoes.

  As she came near the door, it banged open and she nearly jumped with fright. The man who sauntered in certainly didn’t look like a thief or a serial killer, but she decided to reserve judgment until she knew better. Putting her hand inside her purse, she tightened her fingers around the pepper spray that was nestled deep inside a pocket. “Who the hell are you?”

  Casually, he lifted his hands, took off his sunglasses, and placed them in his pocket. The snug, blue jeans smoothed over his hard thighs and the green collared t-shirt emphasized the width of his shoulders. “Hello, sweetheart. I might ask you the same question.”


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