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This Savage Love: A Bad Boy Romance Boxed Set

Page 111

by Kathryn Thomas

  She sucked in a deep breath of air. It was time to bare her soul. “I love you, Riley. I don’t know how or when…but I fell in love with you and when I thought that you’d betrayed me, my heart broke into a million pieces.”

  “I never betrayed you.” His voice was surprisingly heavy, almost as if he was resisting the urge to cry. “I didn’t know what they planned. Yes, I suspected that they were up to something not quite kosher, but since I didn’t have proof, I wasn’t sure what to tell you. That was the only mistake I made. Other than that, everything we did, everything I said, was straight from the heart.”

  She didn’t take her eyes off him but neither did she move towards him. There was a lot that she needed to hear. “And?”

  “And I love you, of course.”

  She sputtered out a laugh. “That should’ve been said first, you idiot.”

  “Oh!” He rubbed his jaw. “I can’t think straight. Tania, I love you…and there are no other words that describe how I feel about you.”

  She didn’t know which one of them made the first move. Maybe it was her. Maybe it was him. But soon they were in each other’s arms, and their lips were fused together in a kiss. His tongue delved inside her mouth to taste the recesses of her mouth, and she felt the familiar waves of pleasure and desire zigzag through her veins. It was exactly what she needed, what she’d craved for all these days.

  He lifted her off her feet and carried her to the couch, but she pushed his shoulder. He raised his head. “What?”

  “Upstairs, bed. Maids, remember.”

  He swore. “Damn it. Where is your room?”

  “Upstairs on the right.” She giggled at his flabbergasted expression. It seemed so long ago that she tasted him, felt his skin ripple under her fingers, or squealed as he pounded into her, but still she didn’t feel shy or self-conscious. Instead, she was eager, determined.

  He let her go and, hand in hand, they raced up the stairs. She opened the door and they stumbled inside her room. She fell on the bed and he joined her. Immediately, his hands captured hers and his mouth clung to her with a desperation that matched hers.

  It was far too long, and they couldn’t wait any longer. A fountain of lust spiraled up her spine, and wild sensations gripped her in their fiery embrace. Arousal was instantaneous, strong. Beads of moisture gathered in her pussy and stuck to her panties as he continued to plunder her mouth.

  Finally, he lifted his head and stared down at her. “This is it. We’re together, forever.”

  “Of course." She ran a hand over his cheek. “We are together.”

  There was no need to say anything else. He sat and took off his shirt. She enjoyed the way the muscles rippled on his back. He’d lost a little bit of weight, but, still, his body was as sleek and hard as she remembered. After he took off his clothes, he stood still for a moment as if he was allowing her to burn the memory of his body in her mind.

  She feasted her eyes on his wide shoulders, his chest, and the long line of dark hair that swept down to the curls that guarded his cock. Moisture leaked down her thighs, and she pressed her legs together in an attempt to control the flow. She’d lost him and that made her miserable – but now they were with each other and nothing else mattered.

  She wanted to fight the desire and take it slow, but it was a losing battle, especially when he tugged the dress off her. His fingers played with the straps of her bra and then moved back to unhook the delicate material. He threw it aside and glanced down at her firm, heavy breasts that spilled out. He didn’t touch them. Instead, he took off her panties and allowed them to drop on the ground.

  “I’ve dreamt about this,” he said in a voice that was filled with pain. “It’s been too long.”

  In response, she opened her legs and beckoned him forward. He didn’t waste any time. His eyes glittered as he joined her on the bed. She wanted to feel his hard, long cock pound into her, to have his warm skin rub against her, and to satisfy the need for release that already careened in her body.

  He appeared to share her thoughts as he captured her swollen nipple in his lips and sucked with fervor. She arched her back as sensations, strong and hot, rushed through her veins. Her hands rested on his back and she relished the way his muscles bunched under her fingers. His skin was warm, smooth. Hot swirls of desire gripped her as his tongue flicked over her nipple. She was his willing prisoner as he caressed and fondled the hard bud until she was a bundle of frayed nerves.

  Her fingers slipped down his torso until she gripped his hard cock in her hand. She flicked her finger over the tip of it and was rewarded with beads of moisture that gathered on top. He was as aroused as her. She could feel his need, and it matched hers.

  The hunger that gnawed through her didn’t allow her to rest. She wanted more and as he feasted on her breasts, she pumped his cock up and down. He raised his head and groaned. Seeing her opportunity, she slipped out from under him. As he flipped over on his back, she kept a firm hold on his cock. When he settled on the bed, she kissed the head while her tongue traveled down the light of it until she found his balls.

  Tania inhaled the scent of him. It heightened her desire. She licked and fondled his penis until he parted his legs, giving her a great access. Finally, when he was begging under her, she took him deep inside her mouth. His penis throbbed in her mouth and she loved the sensation.

  Lust hazed over her mind as she continued to caress his organ.

  Finally, he gripped her hair and forced her to move off.


  “My turn,” he said as he flipped her over. Before she could release, he thrust his finger into her pussy. She buckled under him as waves of pleasure careened through her nerves. Gripping his shoulders, she kept herself locked on the edge of sanity while she was swept along the fast current that rushed through her blood. Her hips jerked up and down in tune with his finger, moving in and out of her.

  His thumb pressed her clit, and the orgasm that rippled through her nearly tore her into two. She squealed as her toes curled. He didn’t give her much time to recover. She could tell he was right on the edge. Instead, he took position over her and, when she parted her legs, he thrust inside her with a loud groan. Her blood boiled with a need that was hard to control anymore. It took precedence over everything. All she wanted was to escape this torture, but, yet, she didn’t have the will to move away.

  He jerked up, moving his cock all the way out. Her muscles expanded and contracted again when he pushed deep inside her. His pelvic bone ground into hers with enough force to pin her on the bed.

  She wrapped her legs around him as every cell in her body exploded. He rode her hard and she matched his rhythm. They kept pace together, jerking up and down in motion. Loud noises escaped her lips, but she didn’t care. She was dying – and it was going to be one hell of a finish. Spirals of passion loped and coiled through her gut and tingled into every fiber of her body.

  The craving for release was a fire in her belly. Her nerves fizzled and burned, and the need was a tempest that held in fast. When the orgasm ripped through her veins, she screamed and shuddered. Her toes curled and she buckled under him. A moment later, he spilled his semen inside her.

  For a long time they lay still. Life was good. In fact, it was fantastic.

  Chapter Nineteen

  He’d gotten his life back.

  Now that Tania was with him again, Riley felt alive, energized. For too long, he thought that he lost her and the thought had killed him. But she was with him. She loved him, and no one could tear them apart.

  He didn’t much like her plan and, although it appealed to him, he didn’t want to put her at risk. Given enough time, he would convince her to leave the idea alone. Of course, he didn’t have any intention of letting Devil’s Mafia Brotherhood get away with their nefarious plans, but he would bring them down alone. No way was he letting her offer herself as a scapegoat while he did an investigation. If she was within their grasp, she wasn’t safe. Anything could happen. Now was not th
e time to talk about it, though.

  Tomorrow, perhaps the day after, he would convince her to leave town for a few days so he could concentrate on this problem and after he delivered them to the end they deserved, he would join her. They would begin again, and this time there would be no devilish biker’s organization that would spoil their time together.

  Content and happy, he put an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Spooned together, they went to sleep. The next morning when Riley woke up, she wasn’t in bed. He shot straight up and would’ve run out of the room to look for her when he heard the shower. He collapsed back on the bed. His heart was pounding so loud he was sure the neighbors could hear it.

  When she emerged, clad only in a towel, her hair hanging down her back, he felt the familiar coils of desire loop through his stomach. She glanced into his eyes and smiled. “Good morning.”

  “Yeah! It’s a lovely morning. Why don’t you come here and I’ll give you a kiss?”

  She cocked her head, considered his offer, and then stepped away. “If I join you on that bed, both of us won’t get out for a while, and I am starving.”

  “Damn! Busted!” Taking off the sheet, he stood. Her gaze traveled down his lean torso to his cock that was already throbbing with need. “Like anything you see?”

  “Plenty to like down there,” she said in a cheeky voice, “but I’m hungry and we’ve got a plan to finalize.”

  She was still hung up on it. Did she really think he would walk into the den of enemies with her and offer her as a sacrificial lamb? As she changed her clothes, he sauntered into the bathroom. His eyes widened as he took in the gleaming tiles and the opulence of the bathroom. Jason was one successful bastard, but he wasn’t the one who was with Tania – and that was all that mattered to Riley.

  He took a shower and changed into the same outfit since he didn’t have another set of clothes. Perhaps he would drop by his house and pick up some stuff later. Or it might be a good idea to take Tania along with him. He wasn’t comfortable living in another man’s house. But then, this was the safest place for her to be, and he didn’t want to put her in a risky situation.

  When he came out, she wasn’t in the room. He went looking for her and found her in the dining room. “I’ve ordered some toast and eggs for you.”

  “One could get used to a lavish lifestyle like this,” he commented even though he felt a stab of jealousy in his heart. Did she like living here? Was Jason good to her? No. He wasn’t going to think along those lines. She loved him, not Jason. And there was no way he was letting his insecurities make him a lesser man.

  “Yeah, one sure could. Now, let’s talk about our plan. I don’t think we should wait too long. They must know that you’ve contacted me.”

  Riley buttered his toast. “I tried to make sure no one followed me to this place but I can’t be a hundred percent positive. They could be outside right now, but as long as you are inside, nothing bad could happen. They’re not idiots enough to storm this place in an attempt to kidnap you.”

  “Yeah, well. I’m not going to be inside for long. Do you have any idea where they might be keeping their records? Surely, there are some papers that have their signatures on it related to the warehouse deal? If we can find them, and if we can find something that links them to that damned explosion, we will have nothing more to fear.”

  “It’s not going to be easy to search for such records. I bet, if such papers exist, they would be with Raymond. He is the financial head and the master planner. He dreams up schemes and the rest of them execute them.”

  “Do you know where Raymond lives? Do you think you can access his place?”

  This was a foolish scheme, but it was the only one they had. Riley’s mind spun with ideas as he ate his breakfast. The maid brought in two eggs, sunny-side-up, and he devoured them as he fine-tuned the plan without talking about it. Sure, it could be done. There was a chance that it might work.

  She bounced on her seat. Of course she was excited. The woman probably thought it was as easy as walking inside a room and snatching the papers off the desk. The task was likely impossible, but he did intend to try – without Tania. He’d intended to bask in the glory of his new found happiness for some time, perhaps spend a few days in her company, and relish the love that they shared, but he would have to burst her bubble sooner than he imagined. And he didn’t think she was quite ready to hear it. Sparks would fly, but he was adamant. He wasn’t taking her to Devil’s Mafia Brotherhood.

  “It might work…if we get a lot of luck on our side.”

  “We will.”

  “It won’t be that easy.”

  She set her fork on the plate. “Nothing worth achieving ever is. Don’t worry. I have full confidence in you. I am sure you will be able to fool them. All you need is access to that place; then you can go to the police and they will rescue me.”

  He took a deep breath, finished chewing the last bite, and set his fork and knife on the table. As an extra precaution, he pushed it away so she couldn’t hold the knife. Her temper he had seen and, although he was confident she wouldn’t hurt him, he didn’t trust her fully. “I am not taking you.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.” Pushing back his chair, he stood. “Look, it’s too dangerous for me to take you to them. What if they don’t want to wait? What if I can’t convince them to let you live long enough to find the papers? It’s too dicey and, frankly, I don’t have the stomach for it.”

  “So…we just leave them and slink out of town.”

  “No, you get out, go to a friend’s place, or, perhaps, to your parents’ for a couple of weeks. I’ll tell them you’re still in town and I am looking for you, and, in the meantime, I’ll search Raymond’s office if I get a chance. If there is anything worth hiding, it has to be there. He has a safe. I’ve seen it. Maybe I can find out the number. There are tools you can use to break into a safe. I could ask around. It would work.”

  “You’ll ask around?” She stood, strode over, and jabbed her finger in his chest. “This was my idea, my baby, and there is no way in hell I am letting you get away with it while I get out of town. I’m not some helpless damsel who needs to be protected. Don't forget that I was the one who was kidnapped and escaped on my own. You weren’t there to help me, and I didn’t need your assistance.”

  Riley didn’t flinch. A lesser man would’ve cowered under the glare of her eyes but he didn’t as much as blink. “You were fucking lucky to get out of that place. They made that mistake once, and they are not going to commit the same error again. If they get you, they will kill you the first chance they get so you pose no threat.”

  “They won’t kill me. We’ll tell them keeping me alive is in their interest because I’ve got a backup. You’ll inform them that you’re looking for those papers that I’ve hidden somewhere and, once that backup is removed, then they can kill me.”

  “That foolish scheme works in movies. It won’t bring the desired results in real life.”

  “It will,” she said. “I’ve been in this house for days. All you have to do is tell them that a friend of mine is holding something for me that points to the gang. They will bide their time until they get that particular thorn out of their side. It will buy some time and that’s all we need.”

  He couldn’t believe she was so naïve. If only he had realized how dangerous these people were, he would’ve left the gang ages ago. He didn’t want to get involved in illegal activity. Thrill and adventure wasn’t the same as crime, and he damn well knew the difference. She was playing games while they were blowing things up. How long would it take them to decide that she was better dead than alive? He couldn’t take the risk. “We’re not doing this, and that’s my final word on it.”

  Her eyes narrowed and a low growl escaped her lips. “How dare you treat me like a child.”

  “And how dare you think I would allow you to step forward in a place where people are waiting to kill you.”

  “As exciting as this con
versation is, I believe I would like to know what the hell is going on?” said another voice.

  They both whirled to face the man who sauntered into the room. He was better looking than his pictures, Riley admitted even as he noticed the way the man sidled closer to Tania as if he intended to stand between her and Riley. He was actually trying to protect her from Riley. Shit! Was there something between them?

  From the way the man’s gaze rested on her, he could tell they had a history…and something more. Riley didn’t have time to think. Tania pushed a hand through her mane of gorgeous hair. “Jason, what are you doing back so early? I thought you were going to stay for a few days.”

  “I was, but then I didn’t feel comfortable leaving you alone when things are so dangerous for you.” His eyes glittered as he glanced at Riley. “And I am glad that I came in. It seems that something exciting is happening here. What’s going on?”

  “Jason, this is Riley. He is…”


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