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This Savage Love: A Bad Boy Romance Boxed Set

Page 116

by Kathryn Thomas

  He tasted her mouth while she plundered his. It felt good and right. As always, he took delight in the feel and touch of her. It was enough to drive him insane. Riley picked her up.

  “Your arm?” she protested.

  “It’s fine, sweetheart.” Once again, he kissed her as he walked to their room. Sometimes he couldn’t believe he was so lucky. They had made it. After all the trouble, the fights, and the fear, they were now safe. And from now, they were more than lovers; they were business partners. Surely, this said something for their relationship.

  Once he reached the bed, Riley laid her down. She wriggled out of her clothes. The desire that skipped through his heart also gleamed in her eyes. He took off his shirt. Naked, Tania stepped off the bed and helped him take off his trousers. As he stepped away from his pants, she bent on her knees and before he understood what she intended, she ran her hands up his legs.

  He froze.

  Seizing the opportunity, she licked the tip of his cock with her tongue. He groaned. Her hand cupped his balls, rubbed, and caressed as he shuddered. There was a sudden roaring in his ears as she swept her tongue over his cock, sending blood rushing through his body. He sucked in a deep breath as she took him inside her mouth. The sensations, strong and heady, enveloped him.

  He was close, too close. Riley pulled out of her mouth before she could bring him to climax. He didn’t want this to end without feeling her pussy around him. When she rose, he kissed her once more and made her lie on the bed. He couldn’t wait any more, but he wanted to take his time. He wanted to savor and take delight in this moment.

  As he gazed down at her naked, magnificent body, his heart thundered inside his chest. She was so goddamned beautiful. He loved her more than he could explain, more than he could understand. There was no going back for either one of them. His gaze traveled down her gorgeous face to her swan-like neck, her heavy, firm breasts, to her flat stomach, and down to the lips of her pussy that were already wet with arousal.

  He bent over her, and his mouth covered her swollen nipple. Her fingers ran through his hair while he played with her sensitive bud. She arched under him. Soft moans escaped her lips as he gorged on her breasts to his heart’s content. His cock was hard and demanding, growing larger as he fondled and creased her breasts. Finally, his lips traced a line down to her taut stomach where he took his time and paid homage to her belly button.

  “Riley, please,” she begged.

  He loved it when she was on the same page as him. Riley slipped down her torso until his head was bent between her legs. He inhaled the musky scent of her arousal, and licked her pussy, tasting how sweet she was just for him.

  She buckled under him, unable to do anything but succumb to the torture he inflicted on her. He could feel her need and responded to it by picking up pace. When his tongue pushed down on her sensitive clit, she burst into a scream and the orgasm rippled through her. She shuddered and trembled while he gave her a moment to recover.

  He was bristling with impatience, needing to take her then. He climbed on top of her and took position. As if understanding his need, she opened her legs and wrapped them around him. His cock found her wet pussy, and he dove inside without pause. Her muscles expanded to accommodate him, and he slipped inside. For a moment, they were joined together, hip to hip, and there was nothing better than this.

  Riley put his hands on the bed and moved out. She gasped as he rose up, and squealed when he thrust deep inside her once more. He watched the play of emotions on her face, loving the fact that he could drive her to such heights. Her eyes were closed and her lips trembled. He kissed her once more, needing to feel the intimate connection. He raised his head and bore down again.

  In and out, he moved, setting a demanding pace, but she matched him stroke for stroke. He rode her hard, but she wasn’t one to tire easily. Her breasts heaved as his hips jerked while his legs clung to her.

  Over and over, he pounded into her with enough force to make her squeal. Finally, she shuddered and screamed, her orgasm rushing through and enveloping her. He felt her entire body vibrate, and only then did Riley allow himself to give in to his own pleasure. He came inside her, his orgasm hard and wonderful, and before his weight could crush her, he rolled off. His heart beat so loudly he thought it might break free from his ribcage. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. “I love you, Tania.”

  “I love you, Riley.”

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Tania was feeling restless, bored. After being inside the house for more than week, she wanted to get out and do something exciting, but, unfortunately, until Raymond was no longer roaming free, there wasn’t much they could do. The man nearly killed them, and she didn’t want a repeat performance. There was always a patrol car in front of their house and, even though it gave her courage, it also made her agitated. When would this nightmare come to an end? When would they be free to do whatever the hell they wanted?

  On the morning of the ninth day of their confinement, Riley’s cellphone rang. He picked up. “Hello.” His quiet and somber expression told her something was up. She held her breath as she tried to gauge as to what the news was. Who called him? Was it good news or bad? Was it Raymond on the other end, ready to deliver another threat? “Sure, thanks.”

  “What is it?”

  He pumped an arm in the air and then enveloped her in a hug. “It was the police. Raymond has been caught while he was trying to escape the city.”

  “Yay!” She closed her eyes in relief as Riley delivered a kiss on her forehead. “Now, we’re free.”

  “We are, indeed. The police have removed their patrol car as there isn’t a threat to our lives anymore.”

  “What about Charlie and the others?”

  “I doubt they’re in the city, and, even if they are, they are too busy trying to find a good hideout. The police are looking for them, and I bet now that Raymond’s inside, it wouldn’t take Charlie long to cave.”

  She wanted to know more. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to go to the police station and get more information as to who was arrested and which members of the Devil’s Mafia Brotherhood were still running in the town, but she thought better of it. Tania didn’t want to be confined to her house again. Now that they could go out, she didn’t want to borrow trouble. If she mentioned her fears to Riley, he would err on the side of caution and force her to remain inside, and if she did so, she was bound to go mad.

  “So what should we do to celebrate?”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “How about we catch a movie and have dinner outside?

  He kissed her on the lips. “Get dressed, sweetheart. We’re going to paint this town red.”

  Showered and dressed, they walked outside two hours after they got the news. Tania took a moment to breathe in the cool air. It felt good to be out of the house. She felt positively giddy with excitement. Rather than take the car, they decided to take Riley’s new motorbike that was delivered only a day before. He was still grieving over his old one, but was in love with his new one.

  It reminded Tania that she intended to buy one of her own. Just because Devil’s Mafia Brotherhood failed as a biker’s club didn’t mean they dropped their love for biking. Soon, they were in a mall. In their haste, they didn’t even check as to which movies were playing, but luckily there were a couple of good ones.

  “How about that action thriller?”

  Riley breathed a sigh of relief as he lifted his gaze way from the poster of the romantic saga. “Good choice.”

  She laughed. “Next time, we’re watching that romantic one.”

  He grinned. “Sure. I’ll take a sleeping tablet and catch a snooze through it.”

  She punched him on the arm as they marched inside the cinema hall. It felt good to do something so ordinary. This was life like she wanted it: a good man, an interesting movie, and freedom. What more could a girl want?

  The movie was thrilling, exhilarating. The high-speed chases and fig
hts reminded her of all that they endured. Sure, it wasn’t as exciting what they went through in real life, but it was certainly as dangerous. She shuddered, reminded of the way she felt when Raymond shot Riley. He could’ve killed them and he would’ve if they had remained passive. It was good that during a crisis neither of them froze. As if sensing her mood, Riley put a hand around her shoulder and she relaxed. That was in their past; they were moving forward and she didn’t want any bad memories to follow them into their new life.

  The movie finished. Riley held her hand as they strolled out. “Did you like it?”

  Her ears were still ringing from the loud noises. “Yep! And now I’m hungry as a goat.”

  “We could go to Clover,” he mentioned the name of a fancy restaurant.

  “I’m not dressed for that and I don’t want to wait for that long. Why don’t we grab a bite to eat at one of those roadside pizzerias?”

  He agreed and they sauntered out of the mall. It was nearly dark. The sun was a distant ball of orange light in the far horizon. Fat, white clouds filled the sky. It was going to rain. A brisk wind flipped her hair. She loved the weather, and it felt so good to be outside. “We should start looking for new premises.”

  During their days of confinement to the house, they had shortlisted a lot of properties they could lease for their new business. One advantage of being in the property business was they didn’t need any outside help to select the place they wanted. All they had to do was consult the various estate agents, see the place, and then dive into the contract. From then on, it would be a lot of hard work and long hours until they established their firm, but Tania was sure they would make a success of it. There was no doubt Riley was savvy when it came to meeting clients, and she had full faith in her own abilities.

  “We should set up base on the east end of town,” he said.

  “Of course,” she agreed as they walked into a pizzeria. “That’s the place to be. Initially, we could manage with a small place.”

  “It should’ve room for two offices and a waiting area.”

  “Yeah.” She grinned. “That’s what I was thinking. We can expand later into bigger premises when we’ve generated enough cash revenue.”

  “I give it six months,” he said.

  “Maximum a year,” she agreed. “Before we’re the top agency.”

  They slapped their hands together in high five as they moved to a corner booth. The waiter came to take their order and, after he left, Riley turned his attention to her. They chalked out the rest of their plan, which was more or less final at this stage. Their forced stay in the house had given them plenty of opportunity to think about their business plan. Riley prepared the numbers while she added the final touches. Tania had good contacts, and she possessed an excellent reputation in the market. Her company let her go, but she still had the guts to try out on her own. And she would succeed. There was no doubt in her mind about that. With Riley firmly in her corner, there was no way she was giving up without a battle.

  A man came inside the pizzeria, and Tania jumped. A gasp escaped her lip. “What?” Riley asked , his gaze turning behind him to the guy who was reading the menu. “What?”

  She shook her head, aware that her face had lost all color. “Sorry. It’s just…he looks a lot like that goon that Raymond brought with him.”

  Riley touched her hand and patted. “It’s over,” he whispered. “We need to put it behind us or we’ll never be able to move forward.”

  “You’re right.” She nodded. “It’s just…I’m scared, and I suppose until this case is settled, that feeling of dread would never leave me.”

  “We need to get busy with our work as soon as possible. The quicker our minds work in another direction, the sooner we can forget all this.”

  Their food came and they dug in. Tania quite agreed with Riley. Work was important. It would be their salvation. They couldn’t afford to worry about their future all the time, especially when it concerned Raymond and his gang. It was vital that she get busy as soon as possible, and that was the reason why Tania started calling her contacts the next day. Within two days, they finalized a space and began the tedious process of making it into an office they could be proud of. Thanks to Jason, they had enough money to splurge, but neither of them wanted to be extravagant.

  Three days later, they were ready to start work. Tania touched the cream blinds they put on the window. “If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from this experience, it’s that we need to be more careful.”

  “And how does that relate to the blinds?”

  “Hey, I could’ve picked those ice-blue curtains that would’ve cost us a fortune, but, since I’ve a new found resolution to be careful, I decided to go with something less expensive and much more simple.”

  He grimaced. “You’re right, of course. I’ve selected our laptops. You want to come take a look?”

  She went over to his phone and checked out the secondhand laptops that he was buying. Tania sighed. “There is careful, and then there is careful. When it comes to my gadgets, I like them to be brand new.”

  “Work with me, sweetheart, and soon you can buy anything you want.”

  She stared at his clear, beautiful eyes and felt as if someone was squeezing her heart. The man was too good-looking for his own good, and the best part was that he didn’t have eyes for anyone except for her. She’d gone through hell and back but he was her gift – and she intended to hang on to him. “Sure, okay.”

  Within two weeks, everything was exactly as they wanted. The office was set, the ads were placed in the paper, and they started to get calls from their clients. As a matter of protocol, Tania called all her old clients and told them that she’d quit the agency and, if they wanted to work with her, they could contact her in her new premises. Much to her delight, three of them visited her within the first two days. She handed one over to Riley who whisked them away to see the houses and, within two days, they signed on the contract. Another client of hers also approved an office space that she showed him – and just like that, their business was off to a running start.

  It felt good, great even.

  Of course, two days after that, she got a personal visit from her ex-boss, Brin. He sauntered into her office, took a look at the small space, and wrinkled his nose. “My, my, how the mighty have fallen.”

  She glanced up from the paperwork that she’d been dutifully filling and leaned back. Tania was surprised to see him. It wasn’t often that Brin ventured out. “To what do I owe this pleasure, Brin? Take a seat.”

  “I don’t have time to stick around. Just wanted to see what you were up to.”

  “My usual.” She waved her hand. “As you can see, I’ve set up my own company with a partner.”

  “Yeah, well, word on the street is that you’ve lost your mind.”

  Tania considered him. Brin was always a competitive soul. It wasn’t necessary a bad quality. She admired people who could set and adhere to high standards, but the thing with him was that he didn’t really like to work hard himself. He enjoyed pushing his agents, making them sweat, while he was usually seated in his air-conditioned office. The fact that he was here showed her company rattled him more than he was prepared to admit.

  Tania was perverse enough to admit that she enjoyed seeing him squirm. “I might’ve,” she admitted. Knowing that he was trying to goad her and not giving him the opportunity to do so was gratifying. He was here because he didn’t like her as competition, and Tania was quite aware of that little fact.

  “You can’t really make this a success.”

  “I already have, actually. We’ve been in these offices for a little less than three weeks, and we’ve got three sales under our belt already.”

  He curled his upper lip. “So you’re poaching on my old clients.”

  She didn’t mind the insult. “That always happens in this business, or in an any other. I just gave my old clients a call, and they walked right over. Some of them decided to stick with you. That’s great
and I don’t mind.”

  “Why should you mind? You would take anyone in as long as they paid you.”

  “So would you,” she retorted in a calm voice. He was losing his cool. Brin walked here so he could make her squirm, but he was the one who wasn’t having a good laugh now.

  “You won’t last long in this business.”

  “Don’t be silly, Brin. I’ve been in this business for years. The only difference is that now I’m working for myself and not taking your shit.”

  “You bitch! I taught you everything I know, and you’re turning it against me.”


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