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Sugar and Spice (The Glitter and Sparkle Series Book 3)

Page 18

by Shari L. Tapscott

  Don’t trip on the garland, Harper.

  Mason takes my hand, offering me a mischievous smile, and presents me to the audience. “Isn’t she lovely?”

  The crowd cheers, and my face flames. This sort of thing isn’t uncommon for the Christmas show, which focuses on family and loved ones. Brian Kellerton brought his three-year-old daughter on stage last year, and it was the sweetest thing ever. Still, a little warning would have been nice.

  “For those of you who don’t know, this lovely woman is my girlfriend of two years.” Another cheer. “Do you mind if I sing to her tonight?”

  Along with the applause, there are a few wolf whistles. I can almost guarantee one came from Riley.

  As if on cue, a stagehand hurries out with an old-fashioned wooden chair upholstered in red velvet. If Santa had a chair, it would look like this.

  “Have a seat,” Mason whispers, grinning.

  I lean close. “You are in so much trouble.”

  He laughs, and the orchestra begins. It’s a sweet, romantic Christmas song, something he probably wrote himself, and by the end, all that indignant, mild irritation has vanished.

  Mason kneels in front of me as he sings the last note.

  I begin to stand as applause fills the hall, but Mason holds me in place with a hand on my knee. He raises his microphone and says, “Two Christmases ago, you sat in the third row, right in the middle. Do you remember?”

  I glance at the audience, nervous. “Yes…”

  The orchestra begins to play quietly, and my heart starts to pound.

  “I knew I was doomed that night. And I was right because I stand before you now, in love and desperately devoted.”

  He meets my eyes, taking his time as he reaches into his pocket and produces a velvet box.

  I suck in a surprised breath.

  “I have a Christmas present for you, Harper.” He flicks open the box with his thumb and holds it up to me. “You just have to say yes.”

  I blink at the diamond solitaire, trying very hard not to cry in front of all these people.

  Mason lowers the mic so I’m the only one who can hear his next words. “Will you marry me, Harper?”

  Slowly, still in shock, I nod. “Yes.”

  Grinning, Mason opens his arms, and I fall into them. He holds me for several long moments, and then he turns to the audience, raises his hand in the air in victory, and cries into the microphone, “She said yes!”

  Their deafening cheers fill the hall, and I laugh through my tears.

  Mason turns back to me, his eyes bright and his cheeks flushed. “I guess I better finish the show.”

  Riley clings to my arm as soon as I make my way back to my seat. “Harper! You’re going to marry Mason Knight!”

  As Mason sings the final song, I find myself thinking of the chain of events that led to this point. I glance at Brandon. He watches Mason finish the show, his arm draped over Sadie’s seat. She has her head on his shoulder, and they look as content as a couple can be.

  He looks over and grins, giving me a silent nod of congratulations.

  I laugh under my breath and turn back to Mason. He finishes the song, and Yvonne—who’s now his manager— whisks us backstage. Riley and Lauren are already planning the wedding, and I laugh as I step into Mason’s arms. The two aren’t going to leave me alone for a minute.

  “I was thinking a spring wedding,” he says, tugging me close. “What do you think of Hawaii?”

  Grinning against the soft fabric of his tux, I answer, “Oh, I suppose that would be all right.”

  He laughs and tilts my head up for a kiss.

  My life didn’t turn out the way I planned, and thank goodness. It’s so much better than I could have ever dreamed.

  Dear Reader,

  I so enjoyed writing the Glitter and Sparkle series, and I hope the books brought a little joy to your life.

  As many of you know, along with contemporary, I write fantasy fiction. I love both dearly, but it’s come time for the two genres to part ways. From now on, all my contemporary novels will be published under the name Charlotte L. Scott.

  I plan to release my first Charlotte L. Scott contemporary romance in 2018, so be sure to watch for it! If you would like to receive updates, join my all-new contemporary newsletter.

  Thank you for joining me on my writing journey. You mean so much to me.

  Wishing you the best,


  About the Author

  Shari L. Tapscott writes young adult fantasy and humorous contemporary fiction. When she's not writing or reading, she enjoys gardening, making soap, and pretending she can sing. She loves white chocolate mochas, furry animals, spending time with her family, and characters who refuse to behave.

  Tapscott lives in western Colorado with her husband, son, daughter, and two very spoiled Saint Bernards.

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  Silver & Orchids

  Moss Forest Orchid

  Greybrow Serpent

  Wildwood Larkwing

  Lily of the Desert

  Fire & Feathers: Novelette Prequel to Moss Forest Orchid

  Eldentimber Series

  Pippa of Lauramore

  Anwen of Primewood

  Seirsha of Errinton

  Rosie of Triblue

  Audette of Brookraven

  Grace of Vernow: An Eldentimber Novelette

  Fairy Tale Kingdoms

  Puss without Boots: A Puss in Boots Retelling

  Contemporary Fiction

  Just the Essentials

  Glitter and Sparkle

  Shine and Shimmer

  Sugar and Spice




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