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The Huntingtons of McKenna Downs (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Zoey Marcel

  A sharp gasp rushed from her when he broke the kiss.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She nodded, inhaling deeply, though she didn’t seem to get much air into her lungs with him pinning her against the wall. He saw her eyes glaze when he nestled his erection against her crotch. Her lips parted slightly and her chest heaved.

  “So, it gets cold here at night?” she asked shakily.

  He smiled. She was visibly nervous and probably a talker when she was. He found the trait adorable. “Sometimes. The thing about September is you never really know what the weather is gonna be like.”

  He stroked his thumb over her jawline, noting the way her bottom lip trembled and the haze of desire that clouded her jeweled eyes.

  “One minute the heat can be sweltering from the Indian summer. The next thing you know, the temperature drops.” The back of his finger traced the natural curve of her throat. His dick hardened even more at her swallow. “And it gets cold, too cold to sleep alone at night.”


  She didn’t say anything more, just licked her lips and then melted into the next kiss he gave her. He tongued her thoroughly and ground his straining cock against the denim covering her hot pussy. She whimpered frantically and practically mauled his face in between gasping and panting under his skill.

  Pulling back and hitting her head lightly against the wall, she blurted, “I’m not on the pill.”

  He petted her head to be sure she wasn’t hurt and tried not to chuckle at the urgency with which she informed him of her lack of contraception. “I have condoms on me.”

  She sucked in a sudden breath of air. “I...”

  Slowly he let go of her and took a step back. “We don’t have to go there if you’re not up for it.”

  “It’s not that. I just—”

  “You’re tired. I understand.”

  Although immensely disappointed, he didn’t want to bulldoze the poor thing into doing anything she didn’t want to. He kissed her hand, absorbing the delicate softness and essence of purple flowers. Even if they parted ways from here, he was certain he would remember her all the days of his life. He didn’t know why.

  He headed for the door. “It was a pleasure to have met you, Kendall. Take care of yourself.”

  “René.” She hesitated when he looked back at her. “How cold does it get?”

  A slow smile turned up his lips. “Pretty cold, cher.”

  Primitive need sparkled in her eyes, but she seemed nervous and inexperienced. “Can I have your phone case it gets too cold for me to be alone tonight?”

  He grinned, feeling a glimmer of hope when she got her cell phone out of her purse so she could punch in the numbers he gave her. “Yes, ma’am.”

  * * * *

  Kendall wanted to kick herself. René was smoking hot like her first boyfriend, Charlie, had been, but unlike her ex, René was a gentleman, and from the little time she’d spent with him already, she could tell he had a big heart.

  Birth control wasn’t an issue when such a thing as condoms existed, but her inexperience was. She was no virgin, certainly, and Charlie had taught her everything he knew back in the day. He’d taken her virginity and trained her into becoming well adept at pleasing a man.

  After they broke up, she’d spent most of her time celibate, but not completely. No way in hell would she sit home, chaste and heartbroken, when the blond-haired, blue-eyed bastard was probably out taking advantage of his killer looks and some lucky bitch who was willing to be another notch on his bedpost.

  Oh, there had been other men, all right. Oh yeah, two whole men she’d bedded after Charlie. They’d done their part to sate her libido. Or rather, they’d done their best. The guys had been fine, but there was always that crushed feeling of despair afterward because they weren’t him. Then, too, the overwhelming guilt that resulted afterward, like it was wrong of her to take her clothes off for any man but him.

  She’d bet Charlie didn’t have that problem. He probably had a waiting list of simpering idiots eager to hop into bed with him.

  According to her sister, Melanie, Charlie had given her his number to pass on to Kendall. It might be under the guise of a reunion of their lost love, but she was no fool. He probably wanted to flaunt his success and latest bimbo to rub it in her face that he was just fine without her. Then he’d flex those washboard abs of his...

  Those beautiful, ripped abs. She remembered that chiseled form of his, especially when he had a tan, which he usually did. She recalled running her fingers over the hard planes of his chest and licking the sculpted ridges of his abdominal muscles.

  Her body heated and she shoved the jackass from her mind.

  Nope. Not going there. Charlie was a chauvinistic ass. Remember that.

  René bounced back into her head. He was a dark, Southern dream with his easygoing nature, his strong, fit physique, and his musical Cajun accent that was smoking with sex appeal. He smelled really damned good, too.

  He was polite and charming, with genuine good manners. Did that combination actually exist in a man? A gentlemanly hottie? She’d always thought she’d have to choose between a sexy man and one who knew what proper etiquette was. René was living proof that such a man did indeed exist with both sets of traits that she hungered for.

  And she turned him away…why? Because some stupid, girlish part of her still missed her first crush from years ago? It had been love, but she’d learned to think of it as lust only to help cope with the pain of living without him.

  Her years of hardly any action had zapped the confidence from her. She’d been inhibited with her last two lovers. She didn’t know why, exactly. Maybe it was because she didn’t feel a connection to them like she had with Charlie. Or maybe she just hadn’t cared enough to try to have good sex after that. She knew plenty of other people were good at sex, but after having earth-smashing sex with a man she loved, anything else would seem second-rate and depressingly empty.

  But that was before René. Maybe what she really needed was someone like him to help erase the unhealthy hold Charlie had on her. Of course, nothing serious or long-term could come of it since New York and ultimately Paris were her real lovers, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy a fun night or two with René. That was probably all he wanted, anyway, and that was just fine by her.

  She’d show Charlie. He didn’t have a hold on her anymore. Being with René all day and this evening hadn’t made her think of Charlie hardly at all. René was a soothing balm, a rebirth for her body and soul. She would be stupid to throw that away for a heart-wrenching memory.

  Her hands shook and her stomach got jittery as she texted René with the biggest smile on her face.

  Hi, René, it’s Kendall. I’m cold—really, really cold.

  Chapter Three

  Kendall couldn’t stop shaking. She studied herself in the mirror in the bathroom attached to her hotel room. Good thing she hadn’t washed her makeup off yet. The eye shadow really made her jade-green eyes pop and drew out the silver glint in them.

  She fluffed her long, naturally curly red hair over her shoulders before pushing a few strands back to enhance the view of her cleavage. She’d put on a cotton-candy-pink baby-doll made of chiffon and satin. It had a plunging V-neckline that showcased her generous bust wonderfully, and the hem just barely covered the matching thong. A light pink garnish of lace framed the décolletage of the lingerie and draped down the front on both sides like a dramatic upside-down V. The ensemble made her feel sexy, and she had a feeling René would like it, too.

  As unbelievably excited as she was, she couldn’t help feeling nervous. It had been a while since she’d been with a man, a whole year. Not like she’d forgotten what to do or anything, and certainly her past partners hadn’t had any complaints about her conduct in the sack. Problem was that she actually gave a damn now for some reason. Not as much as she had with Charlie, but she really wanted to please René. She hoped her nervousness and unfamiliarity with his sexual ap
petites didn’t screw this night up with him.

  A knock at the door made her jump and stole a startled gasp from her. He was here. She sucked in a deep breath that abandoned her lungs along with her courage all too quickly. Opening the door, she felt her stomach somersault with womanly urges when she saw René standing there with a smile that was as sweet as it was naughty.

  “Can I come in?” he teased.

  She smiled and opened the door wider for him, taking care not to flash her goods to anyone who might happen to be passing through the hall. René stepped inside, putting his hands on her arms when she just barely got the door shut.

  He gave her a quick, admiring sweep over her body and grinned appreciatively. “Look at you. You look ravishing.”

  Her thank-you dissolved into his slow French kiss. His mouth moved against hers with erotic grace, and only the sound of her captivated sigh filled the room. She ran her hands up his back under his shirt, pleased by the smoothness of his strength.

  They got onto the bed together and resumed their slow, heated kissing. His hands felt great on her waist, but she moved one of them to her left breast, savoring the sweet vibration when he moaned with pleasure in her mouth. She fondled his sturdy chest through his T-shirt before groping his thighs through his jeans when he laid her down on her back.

  Her fingers splayed through his soft, dark hair as he made love to her breasts with his mouth. Each kiss that fell on her skin felt warm and smooth. A wild zing of energy shot through her when he tugged her strap down along with the right cup that covered her bosom. He lifted her heavy breast and seasoned it with moist, heated kisses that made her nipple tighten and sent wild thrills of enjoyment playing in her nerve endings.

  A tattered noise somewhere between a groan and a low cry emerged from her when he gently began sipping her taut nipple. His closed eyes gave an affectation of reverence and tenderness that moved her a little more than it probably should, given that she’d only known him for a day.

  It hadn’t been like this with the others...except for Charlie, but it had taken her longer to develop feelings for him beyond mere lust and physical attraction.

  René forced her other strap down and dragged her tit out of hiding. His hot, slippery tongue licked away the shyness from her breast and coaxed her nipple into an almost uncomfortable tightness.

  “So soft and sweet,” he murmured against her breast tissue.

  Before she could respond, he pushed her mounds together and began to flick his slick tongue over both nubs incessantly, driving her crazy with want. A mangled cry darted from her over the shower of electric sparks that emitted from his flitting tongue on her tits.

  “René...” All other words deserted her. She fisted the covers as if they would help her endure the unbearable rapture of René’s gifted mouth on her.

  “These have to be the best breasts I’ve ever seen.”

  Probably a line, but something about him struck her as completely sincere. She knew she had nice breasts. Looking in a mirror at them and enjoying the soft heaviness of them in her hands told her all she needed to know. Her past three partners hadn’t been silent about how enthralled they were with her rack, either.

  Still, the fact that René found them pleasing to look at—apparently even more so than the prior women he’d been with—made her feel special and appreciated.

  “Thank you.”

  He gave her a smile that made her feel cozy inside as much as it fired her blood. “I meant it.”

  She smiled back at him, slowly losing her timidity. “I know.”

  Her belly tightened when he rolled up the hem of her baby-doll and then gingerly lowered her pretty pink thong when she lifted her hips for him. She felt exposed with her red little bush out in the open and with him still clothed. Was he okay with her being natural down there?

  Charlie had been all about the naked pussies. Of course he had, in honor of all the strippers he’d supported, no doubt.


  He’d never gone to any strip clubs when they’d been dating, which she appreciated immensely, but damn him, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about how he wanted her mound shaved like those exotic dancers he’d seen in the past.

  Kendall pushed him from her mind again. She knew she really needed to stop comparing René to him. Both men were equal in looks and hotness, but René had Charlie beat hands-down with his kindness and polite behavior. She wished to heaven that she’d met him in New York instead of here in South Dakota. Then they might have a shot together.

  René glided his hand over her flaming fuzz, his dark eyes simmering with satisfaction. “I have to admit I was wondering if the carpet matched the drapes.”

  She laughed, feeling glad it didn’t come out too shaky and disclose her nervousness. “Yep, I’m coordinated, though I had wood floors at one time.”

  He glanced up at her and flashed her a playful grin before nudging her thighs open with his legs. “I bet you look great either way.”

  “Thank you.”

  René wasn’t picky like jerk-wad Charlie. That was refreshing.

  “You really are amazing, cher.”

  His dark brown eyes glimmered with fire and a level of admiration that bordered on worship, as if they had a deep, meaningful relationship with one another. For a minute, she felt a pang of sadness trickle through her that this was just a one-time deal. Maybe there would be a second time if she was lucky, but nothing of lasting value could ever come of it.

  “You’re awfully sweet to me.”

  He breathed a warm, scintillating kiss on her tummy. “You make it easy.”

  A sudden tug-o’-war pulled at her when his lips descended to her pelvic region. She wanted him there, but she’d always been careful. Saying something might kill the mood or send him leaving. Maybe she shouldn’t. His kiss on her fuzzy mons cracked her brainpower for a moment and she felt her cunt leak pleasing nectar that seeped from her slit as it pleaded for him to devour her.

  Be smart, Kendall. Yes, he’s hot and it feels good, but...

  Panic and hot thrills of sensation bolted through her when he parted her folds and she felt warm, humid breath feathering over her damp pussy.


  His head jerked up and he appeared concerned at her dramatic outburst. “You don’t want me licking you there, cherie?”

  God, she wanted in his pants whenever he uttered those romantic endearments to her.

  She propped herself up on her elbows to fend off some of the helplessness she felt. “I do,’s just...I’m clean.”

  He didn’t strike her as a thickheaded dumbass who would say “That’s nice, honey” and then go down on her until she pushed his head away like her last ex had. The twit had been pretty annoyed that she’d made him get tested for extra things. He’d been clean, but a real jerk about it.

  René’s expression rang with understanding. “You want to know if I am.”

  “I know you’re going to wear a condom and all. I just don’t usually let men go down on me unless we’ve been together a while. I don’t mean to be a pain.”

  “You’re not a pain, Kendall. You’re a woman after my own heart.” He seemed delighted as he pulled something out of his pocket and then tossed it unceremoniously onto her belly. “I’m clean, too. I get tested for everything regularly, and I do mean everything.”

  It was difficult to focus on computing the test results when she felt his eyes glued to her. A fierce desire to feel him moving deep inside her came through and helped her concentrate long enough to realize he had a clean bill of health.

  For some reason, she nearly shed tears of joy when she read the last paper. “I thought I was the only person who voluntarily got tested for that one.”

  He shook his head and gave her a lazy smile. “No. I’m careful. It irritated a few of the past women I was with when I used precautions most people don’t. The ones who accepted it had a good time. The rest I sent home.” He shrugged. “No sense in ruining your life for one night.”
r />   She gestured toward him with her hand. “Yes, that’s what I always thought. It was always ‘I have condoms for vaginal sex. Now suck me off without protection and swallow.’ I told them no. It’s just a stupid mentality if you don’t know the person’s history. The last ex said I was ridiculous.”

  “You’re not. It’s good to be careful.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. We should have done that before. The only times I go down on a woman without any protection is when I’m in a relationship with her.”


  He looked slightly embarrassed. “I use a dental dam when I’m not in a relationship with the woman.” He shook his head. “I should have with you. It’s just that there was a part of me that was really hoping you’d stay.”

  His words touched her. “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  His lips tugged at one side and his eyes were gentle and mildly regretful. “It might have been best if I’d shown them to you beforehand. Medical records have a way of cooling the libido.”

  Beaming, she shook her head and got up to straddle his lap. “Not me. The way you respect me and yourself, it makes me want you even more. I almost wish I was on the pill.”

  “Would be nice.”

  She covered his mouth with hers and pressed her cunt against his lap so her liquid need for him dampened the crotch of his jeans. His low moan spurred her on when she lightly sucked his tongue into her mouth.

  Air rushed from her lungs when he flung her onto her back on the mattress and charmed her with a sassy smile and scolding eyes.

  “I’m gonna taste this pussy first, cher. You lie back and enjoy it.”

  There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she would. A subtle play of stress made her worry that she would feel the same deadness of spirit and crippling guilt she’d felt before when someone other than Charlie put his mouth on her sex.

  René sent her doubts packing when she felt his tongue tracing the contours of her private flesh. He moaned when he tasted the sheen of wetness gracing her folds. His slick, gentle licks made her vulva tingle and seduced even more moisture from her pussy. She let out a ragged gasp when she felt the fiery heat of his slippery muscle lapping at her juices on his way into her vagina. His fingers spread the hole and eased his way in, but it took several insistent thrusts to get his tongue inside her.


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