The Huntingtons of McKenna Downs (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Page 16
“Now I will take care of that other ache you have.” He took the underwear from her and set it aside before he led her by the hand into the back storage room and shut the door behind them. “Get naked for me.”
She slipped the dress off over her head and then took off her bra. He flipped the light on and soaked in her soft, nude glory.
“You’re a beautiful woman, Kendall.”
“Thank you, Sir. You’re very handsome.”
He smiled and began taking his shirt off. “Thank you. Come over here and take my pants off for me.”
She seemed only too eager to oblige him. He ran his fingers through her voluminous sea of curls as she helped him out of his pants.
He smiled at her appropriate hesitation and gently angled her chin so he could peer down into her pretty face. “You waited for me to tell you to take my underwear off. Good girl. Take it off.”
She gave him a grateful smile he’d seen on past submissives that said their Dom’s praise made it all worthwhile. Seeing Kendall soak up his words of encouragement was somehow more meaningful to him.
She lowered his white-and-black plaid boxer briefs down his legs and then he stepped out of them.
“Oh god,” she breathed, running her hand up his leg and another hand over the dark bricks of his abs. “I didn’t really get a good look at you the last couple of times.”
“René is good-looking.” Quentin normally would have scolded her for touching him without permission during a scene, but she was a novice to this and was being very sweet, so he let it slide. “That and you were nervous.”
“You look like an athlete, Sir.”
“Thank you.” He reclined and leaned back against a burlap sack of feed. “Bring me a condom from my wallet.”
She got it for him and then crawled over to him, watching him intently as he ripped open the packet. A sweet bout of shyness and delight crossed over her appealing face when he handed the condom to her. She unrolled the thing and stretched the protective latex over his pounding erection.
“Taking liberties, I see,” he teased when he noticed the way she glided her fingertips over his shaft before sheathing him.
A timid grin tilted her lips upward. “Sorry, Sir. It’s just so beautiful. I’ve actually never seen a dark cock before. It’s so soft.”
“I’m glad you like it. I like that you keep your curls trimmed. Have you ever had your pussy waxed?” Now that was a stupid question. She’d been Charlie’s girlfriend at one time. Of course her cunt had been bare with him. He was partial to naked pussies. Quentin, like René, didn’t really have a preference one way or the other.
Brief familiarity cloaked in longing regret passed through her eyes before she was her chipper, willing-to-please self again. “I did years ago, Sir. Should I shave for you later?”
“Not for me. I’m fine either way. You can stay natural for now. I can imagine how soft this pussy feels when it’s completely bare.”
“It is really soft. Sometimes I couldn’t stop touching it.”
He smirked.
She looked mildly embarrassed, but she was smiling. “That’s not what I meant. I meant I used to run my hand over the softness, not that I was a sex maniac masturbating non-stop.”
He tossed her a wink. “I know what you really meant. Mount me.”
A delicious thrill flared up in his loins when she straddled his lap, facing him. He gripped his protected cock by the root and aligned it to her opening. One animal shove upward and two firm hands pressing her full hips downward and he had his dick reaching deep inside her soaked depths.
“You’re good at this.”
She smiled. “I’m just sitting here.”
“I know, and you’re wonderful. Start riding me. I don’t like idle subs.”
“Yes, Sir.”
She rode up and down on his cock, impaling herself deeper on it in ways that snatched the pleasured moans from both of them. Her channel felt so tight and warm wrapped around his gloved cock. He felt himself sluicing through her tight wetness, wishing that he felt her damp arousal simmering all over his private flesh with no barriers. If she stayed with them like he and René hoped and had a feeling she would, then eventually there would be no condom usage when they filled her snug cunt, only skin-on-skin contact as they took what was theirs and made love to her again and again.
Kendall rocked against his body, head dropping forward and eyes closing as soft, pleading whimpers poured out of her when he started to graze her clit with the side of his finger.
“Keep riding me, ginger. Make me feel good.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He felt the telltale signs of her pre-orgasmic flutters nibbling on his shaft as she rode him. It didn’t take much to set her off. Her mouth made a perfect O as her pussy locked down on his erection hard and she came with pitiful, broken cries of bliss. He grunted at the ferocious suction bearing down on him, struggling to last even as he had his eye on the inevitable climax he wanted.
“It’s too soon, Sir!”
He moved her hand away when she tried to intercept his finger’s engagement with her fleshy clit, smiling at her submissive moan that he asserted himself with her like she wanted him to. “You’re going to keep coming until I do. Ride me hard and fast if you want me to stop torturing you with pleasure. Make your Sir come, Kendall.”
She mewled in erotic frustration as she rode him with greater intensity, nearly doubling over when some of her motions made her clit graze his lower abdomen. When his abs weren’t tormenting her with seductive scrapes, he made it a point to rub her clit again with the side of his finger, knowing full well that she enjoyed the scant pressure.
“You’re going to come softly this time, aren’t you?”
She choked on a sob of primal need. “If...if you want me to, Sir.”
“I do want you to. Do it, Kendall. Come for me. Squeeze my hard cock with that greedy little pussy.”
A severe cry strangled in her throat and she buried her face in him as her body writhed against his. The rapid contractions in her cunt had him locked and loaded. These tremors were softer as she pulsed her liquid heat around him. One more orgasm from her would be his undoing.
“Lean back.”
She obeyed, her soft ass and smooth back brushing against his angled thighs because of his bent knees.
“I want to watch your face when you come.”
“You’re going to kill me, Sir. Did you get yourself off before meeting with me tonight?”
He grinned. “No. I have a healthy dose of stamina.”
“Oh god!”
Her pleasured anguish made him chuckle. This time he saw her breasts sway and jiggle slightly when she ground hard against his pelvis while abandon shook her up inside. Her face was a sexual masterpiece when she came, so stunning, angelic, and hedonistic. Her pussy swallowed his cock with the staggering hold of a hungry snake that wouldn’t let go, wanted to devour him whole.
Quentin succumbed to his own internal storm of clenching muscles and quaking heat waves. He erupted into the condom and pulled her closer to him, burying his nose in her soft, fragrant red waves and curls. Her ample breasts felt divine against his chest, and her belly compressed sinful warmth and sublime softness against him. Her crotch sweated against his, cunt rippling with aftershocks he felt in his own sated groin.
They held each other for a moment, breathing hard and absorbing the body heat of the other person.
He’d fallen for her online and couldn’t have imagined then that he could possibly care for her any more than he had before meeting her in person. In the short time he’d spent with her, he realized how mistaken he’d been. She might be the submissive one, but no doubt about it, she had his heart under her control.
In retrospect, he supposed it was better that he’d met her online and hadn’t known who she was at first when he later met her in person. If he hadn’t fallen for her beforehand, he would have hated her for being the only person who had ever managed to change Charlie’s mind a
bout commitment.
* * * *
Quentin let himself into the house Charlie and Shane Huntington lived in together. It was distinctly masculine and modern with a light, breezy feel to it reminiscent of beach houses in California, a decorative attribute that had been Charlie’s doing in case his ex, Kendall, ever changed her mind and flew out here to be with him.
Quentin knew he needed to tell Charlie that she was in town, no matter what René said. Charlie was his best friend. He couldn’t let Kendall slip through his fingers again like that Quentin loved her, too, that is. There was a time in his jealous, insanely possessive past when he would have sucked the life out of Charlie like a fiendish octopus and chased off anyone who dared to come between them, even kept quiet about Charlie’s ex-girlfriend that he was probably still in love with passing through McKenna Downs.
Quentin supposed he wouldn’t mind sharing Charlie with Kendall since he loved her, too, but God help the horny male bastard that tried to take more than an admiring glance at him from afar. Charlie was his. Quentin just needed to remind the patience-trying player of that.
He saw Charlie in a comfy white chair with his cowboy boots propped up on the coffee table as he sat deep in thought near the empty fireplace. The man had on worn jeans and a long-sleeved, light-blue linen shirt that buttoned up the front.
Charlie had a face to remember and it starred in all of Quentin’s steamy fantasies. He didn’t even fantasize about other men anymore. Charlie was it, and like fine wine, he’d only gotten better with age. The blond-haired, blue-eyed paragon of sex appeal owed his Viking good looks to the Swedish ancestry from his mother.
Charlie’s older brother, Shane, on the other hand, took more after the darker Italian features and a touch of the English heritage from their father, Mr. Huntington. Shane was another hot-as-fuck man, a trait that seemed to spring up like weeds in the Huntington family tree, but in Quentin’s eyes, no man could hold a candle to Charlie.
The man’s cleft chin was subtle and he had stubble on his face like he often did, which was Quentin’s favorite look on him. He always smelled masculine and amazing, too, like a man that was pretty much asking to be fucked non-stop.
He had his fingers resting against his chin and while his head never moved from his relaxed, pondering position, his bluish-green eyes lifted to meet Quentin when he walked into the living room. Quentin took up a seat across from him and stared at him in the heavy silence that was thick with tension despite their typical comfort with one another. There was always a sexual element to the long pauses and deep looks that was barely restrained.
“What are you doing here?” Charlie asked.
“I came to see you. Is Shane here?”
His far-off gaze flickered over to him again. “Now why is that?”
“I wondered if we were alone.”
Charlie exhaled deliberately, moving his hand away from his face and rested it against the arm of his chair. “He’s at the club working.”
Another gap in the conversation was filled with barely-caged anger on Charlie’s end and an undeniable heat that swirled all around them and seemed to warm the atmosphere with unspoken words and unfulfilled fantasies.
“Have you spoken with René yet?” Quentin inquired.
Charlie’s subdued reaction caught him by surprise. “No. I’ve decided not to kick his ass this time.”
Quentin became suspicious, not quite believing his ears. “You’re forgiving him?”
“You’re a funny man, Quen. If I was in a joking mood, I’d laugh with you. As it is, I’m waiting to hear back from Justin.”
“I found a better means of revenge. Pummeling René and keeping him in line obviously hasn’t taught him a lesson, so I figured he needed a different one.”
Quentin leaned forward, folding his hands on his knees. “What are you up to, Charlie?”
Charlie looked at him, his handsome features pulled taut with anger toward his half-brother and a festering hatred Quentin wished he could cleanse both men of. “I have a little proposition for Justin. If he doesn’t want Daddy dearest to find out that his baby boy is being lewd, then all the kid has to do is give me the name of the woman René’s been seeing.”
Quentin glanced down at the carpet, scoffing in only partial disbelief. “You’re despicable.”
“You’re one to talk. I haven’t even told you what I intend to do with the information.”
“I already know. You’re going to fuck her.”
Charlie reached for his glass of water. “Serves him right. That will teach him to go behind my back and corrupt my little brother.”
Quentin looked over at him, shaking his head. “You really are a bastard, you know that?”
“So is René, literally.”
The way Charlie’s kissable lips parted and lightly gripped the rim of the glass brought back X-rated memories of those same soft, luscious lips wrapped around his cock.
Spying Charlie’s phone on the coffee table, Quentin did what he had to in order to ensure that Charlie didn’t find out about Kendall before Quentin wanted him to. He bashed the man’s phone and broke it. The spike of wrath it provoked in his best friend made the risk completely worth it and felt strangely good.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Charlie flew to his feet in a fit of rage. “You just broke my fucking phone!”
“So I did. If you want to have sex with René’s woman, then ask him to share her with you the way you and I used to share women...before you ran away from me.”
“Don’t start with me.” The other man averted his eyes briefly before glaring back at him. “I don’t want to fuck her. Hell, I don’t even know what she looks like, but it doesn’t matter. He’s gonna pay for what he did.”
“Listen to yourself, Charlie. René is family.”
“He’s not family.” Charlie stormed out of the living room. “He’s just Lena’s bastard. The only reason my father likes him best is because he’s hers.”
Quentin followed him. “Your father’s favoritism is wrong and unfortunate. What René did after you asked him not to was also wrong, but you don’t have to follow in their footsteps. Be the better man.”
Charlie got a bottle of beer from the fridge. “I am the better man.” He popped the top off. “Doesn’t mean I have to act like it.”
Quentin’s penis stiffened with hot urges as he watched his favorite person gulp several swallows of liquor. The way Charlie’s Adam’s apple bobbed slightly when he swallowed and the enticing movement of his throat downing liquid sent Quentin’s mind to filthy places he wanted to make Charlie aware of. The casual, satisfied exhale that came from him when he moved the bottle away from his mouth was fiercely sexy.
“You owe me a new phone, by the way. That shit was uncalled for and you know it.” Charlie sauntered by him, stopping when Quentin lightly grabbed his arm.
Quentin trapped him in his gaze and kept his voice low. “I miss you.”
A rare show of vulnerability appeared on Charlie’s face. His horny player mask was stripped of its selfish, callous exterior, exposing him. Quentin had only seen the look on his face when Charlie had moved back to McKenna Downs from San Francisco after Kendall had broken up with him, and also whenever Quentin got intimate with him on an emotional level that always made Charlie try to clam up, yet inevitably revealed his strong feelings.
“It has been a while since we hung out together.” Charlie pulled his arm away from Quentin’s gentle grasp slowly. “As soon as I get over the fact that you betrayed me by sharing a woman with René, we can have some fun together like we used to.”
Quentin eyed him seriously. “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah.” Charlie heaved a frustrated sigh as he set his beer down on the table. “I also know I told you to fucking drop it, but hell, this must just not be my day. Either you’ve got a short memory, or you just don’t give a shit about me.”
Quentin shoved him up against the wall when he tried to wa
lk by. “I have always given a shit about you.” He drew near the man’s lips, excited that Charlie appeared receptive to the idea of kissing him again. “You know that.”
“I also know we don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of lasting together. Going there again would be unwise.”
Quentin touched his lips briefly to Charlie’s, enjoying the way his eyes closed and the hushed sigh that came from him. “Then let’s make a mistake together.”
He pressed his lips against the other man’s. Silky flesh molded together and the wet warmth of saliva moistened their barely-parted lips. Charlie pulled away slowly, head bowed and face twisted with painful yearning over the self-inflicted impasse he’d put between them.
He kept his focus lowered while he spoke and wouldn’t look Quentin in the eye. “We already know how this ends. You want more and I end up walking. We both get hurt. We’re no good together.”
“Or maybe it’s that you know we’re perfect for each other and that scares the hell out of you.” Quentin caressed his cheek, snaring the other man in his ardent gaze when Charlie peeked up at him. “I won’t hurt you like she did.”
“You hurt me every day of my life just by breathing and knowing it won’t ever work out between us.”
“It will, if you stop running from me.”
Charlie’s breathing deepened when Quentin pecked his lips again. He pulled back and shook his head, visibly torn. “Quen, don’t. We’ve been over this a thousand times.”
He gazed at Quentin with obvious hunger and an amorous quality fused with regret. Charlie cupped his nape and pulled Quentin into a passionate kiss that lasted several long but over-too-soon seconds.
“Goddamn it,” he breathed, shoving Quentin away from him. His tone elevated with aggravation. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of closet masochist or something? We’ve been over this, damn it! You know my reputation. I fuck things and then leave them. It’s just the way I am. The one woman I asked to marry me ripped my heart out.” His hands shook and his ugly glare turned lethal. “And you, we’ve been best friends our whole lives. I respect you more than anyone I know. You’re closer than a brother to me, and you want to throw all that away for sex? What the hell is the matter with you?” A slight break in Charlie’s inflection gave away the man’s pain, his fear. “I can get sex anywhere, but I can’t replace you.”