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Page 15

by Michelle Hughes

  “We feel the same way, baby.” Nick, turned me into his arms, squeezing slightly. “Do you think for one minute we’d let you deal with that nut bag alone? There’s nothing he can do that would allow him to take you away from us.”

  “He’ll destroy your business or kill you. How can I stay here knowing if something happens it will be all my fault?” I loved Nick but he couldn’t save me this time. Blake was much worse than a serial killer, if there could even be a thing. I didn’t know if he would follow through on the threats other than ruining them, but even that was enough.”

  “He’s tried to close our doors for years.” Brandt chuckled without humor. “The fucker doesn’t want to cross fists with me or any guy in this house. Him and his goons will paint the streets with their blood if they try.” The fact that Brandt sounded dead serious should have freaked me out, instead it gave me a glimmer of hope.

  “It’s time to put that ass wipe down for good.” Ian crossed his arms over his massive chest, and looked ready to take on the world. “What he say he wanted you to do?”

  The thought was so disgusting, I didn’t want to repeat it, but I did, and the looks of rage on their faces, made me tremble, even knowing it wasn’t directed at me. “You can’t kill him!” The thought of any of them going to jail for murder was more abhorrent than the physical violence it would take to commit such an act. Maybe my priorities were mixed up, but I didn’t want to see them serve time, Blake’s life? Sadly some people might not deserve to live. I’d never felt that way before now.

  “There are other ways to make a man like him suffer, love.” Noah caressed my cheek with his finger, giving me a tentative smile. “Bankrupting him would serve our purposes better, and take away that power he loves to attempt wielding.”

  Dane pulled me against him again, wrapping his arm securely around my waist. “I won’t ever let you go. Not sure there’s another woman as perfect as you, and even if there was I couldn’t love her like this.” Lowering his lips to mine, he kissed me tenderly, blowing my mind with his words, and filling my heart with the promise of a life together that I’d only dared to dream about.

  “We’ll protect you, sweetheart. You’re a part of this family now. No matter what we stick together. Feel me?” I nodded when Dane released my lips, breathless from the emotions I felt.

  “Blake doesn’t have the balls to send one of his thugs after us, but we need to make sure he doesn’t fuck with Erin again.” Nick looked at Ian then Brandt pointedly, and I could tell he was forming a plan. Suddenly the last person I’d want to be is Blake, because having those men waging war? I was stupid for even thinking that I had anything to worry about before.

  “Dane, you and Colton get our girl calmed down, the rest of us have some business to discuss downstairs.” I wanted to laugh at being called their girl, but I guess in essence that’s what I was. Brandt and I were still going to butt heads about him needing to be in charge of everything, but not over this. I had no idea how to deal with a man like Blake, and was more than willing to stay out of it.

  chapter fifteen



  Left alone with Colton and my girl, I knew how I wanted to calm her down, and from the look on my friends face he was on board with me. “I know you were pissed when we told you not to go this morning, but can you admit now we were right?” She didn’t understand what I was planning, but there was no doubt in my mind she’d enjoy it.

  Giving me an exasperated look I wasn’t expecting, she nodded. “You were right about Blake, but I still have to be in control of my own decisions.” Pulling her hands to her hips, she was waiting on me to agree with her, but it didn’t play into the new experience I wanted to give.

  “So let me get this straight. You put yourself in danger that could have been avoided, and still think we stepped over boundaries?” Oh baby, you have no idea how I will make you pay for it.

  “I’m not saying that, it’s just?” She struggled for words that seemed absent, floundering and I thought it was precious.

  “It’s pretty obvious we weren’t wrong. So who was?” I wanted her to admit that she needed to take our opinions into considerations. Not that any of us wanted to control her life, only keep her safe when we understood dangers in something she didn’t have enough life experience yet to understand.

  “Fine. I was wrong. Does that make you happy?” She was pissed. The flush on her cheeks had nothing to do with embarrassment. I could read the anger in her eyes.

  “Of course it doesn’t make me happy. He could have raped you, beaten you, or done all kinds of horrible things and I would have been helpless to protect you there.” Now that I thought about it more, I was pissed! Sitting down on her bed, I patted my lap. “I want you here.” I wouldn’t hurt her, not for anything in the world, but a sensual spanking? I enjoyed giving those even though Colton and Brandt were the true Dominants.

  She walked over and sat her gorgeous ass in my lap, still fuming at being called out, and I had to bite back a chuckle. “No honey. As much as I enjoy cuddling with you, I want that little ass face up on my lap.”

  “You’re going to spank me?” She slid out of my lap, and looked at me with wide eyed shock.

  “Yes, I am, then Colton’s going to. Brandt will probably want a turn later.” Smirking at her offended glance, I watched as she turned to Colton looking for a reprieve. Like that would happen. He’d been waiting to get his hands on her ass since she moved in.

  Seeing he was on my side, her eyes bore into mine before she draped herself over my lap, stiff as a board and still mad as hell. “Go ahead and do it. Just remember payback’s a bitch.” The thought of her little hand spanking my ass wasn’t a threat, instead the idea kind of turned me on. I’d never been on the receiving end of one.

  “I’ll look forward to it.” Chuckling softly, I pulled down her shorts and panties with a quick snatch, and smacked her unmarred perfect skin sharply. My handprint on her smooth flesh was sexy, and I added one to the other cheek. “The next time we ask you not to do something, you gonna listen?” My hand caressed lightly where I’d slapped, and I loved that she was pushing her butt up into my touch.

  “Depends on if I think you’re being overprotective.” She answered honestly, one thing I loved about her, and I delivered another firm slap. Gasping, I lifted her out of my lap and grinned.

  “You’re a fireball, you know that right?” She rubbed her backside and smirked.

  “I might be, but you hit like a girl.” Sticking her tongue out at me, I think I fell in love with her even more for it.

  “You want a turn too?” Her shorts and panties were resting under her ass cheeks, and she looked adorable standing there, challenging Colton. She had no idea what he was capable of.

  “Slide those shorts off, sweet cheeks.” The ladies thought he was a pushover because of his almost pretty looks, but he was a bad ass sonofabitch that you didn’t want to cross. He could charm the pants off any woman, but his tastes? They were fucking dark.

  Erin, did as he asked, still smirking as she waited to see what he’d do next. I knew where this would end up, and gave him a little space. “I’ll be right back.” She smiled at me like I was her favorite person on earth and it was like having my heart squeezed in a hug. I was fucking getting sappy.

  Hurrying to my room, I pulled out a row of condoms and made my way back to her bed. Colton had her undressed, and over his lap about to show her what a real spanking was about. I’d barely touched her. His hands rubbed over her ass, preparing it for what was to come. I’d watched him play often, and thought he was a damn genius when it came to mixing pleasure and pain.

  “I’ve wanted to have this ass for a while now. If anything I do gets too intense just say stop. Okay?” She laughed softly, not having a clue what he was capable of.

  “Okay.” Still grinning as he slipped his hand between her legs, a moan escaped as he massaged her gently. My dick hardened watching her writhe under his fingers. Then his hand came down wit
h a forceful slap and she cried out, only to moan again as he stroked her inner lips softly again.

  He continued to reign down on her beautiful ass, pausing between every slap to caress again, and I was a little in awe of both of them. Erin could take what he was dishing out, and seemed to get off on it from the way she was mewling. When he stopped she groaned in disappointment. Apparently my girl had a kinky side waiting to be unleashed.

  “I’ve never seen a virgin ass take so much and enjoy it.” Colton seemed more than a little impressed, as he eased her up to sit in his lap, holding her tenderly and smiling in pleasure.

  “Why you’d stop?” She was breathless from being subjected to his deviant pleasure and I couldn’t wait to explore every facet of her sensuality.

  “Because beauty, while you’re tolerance for pain is amazing, I would never want to truly harm you.” I felt almost like it was an intrusion into their special time being there, but happy that I’d been able to witness it.

  “You’re a very lucky man.” He was still holding my girl, when he lifted his eyes to mine. The look in his pale green eyes was sad, that shit tore me up. We’d been friends so long that his being upset didn’t sit well with me.

  “Shit man. If Erin enjoys this, I don’t mind you teaching her.” I meant what I said. I loved both of them and sharing her gifts wasn’t something I had an issue with. We’d already agreed to an open relationship anyway.

  “Would you like that?” Colton lifted her chin, smiling down into her face with such adoration it kicked me in the gut.

  “I think so.” Erin’s words were whispered, and I knew she was overwhelmed. She’d learned so much since coming into our lives, and still there was so much more to discover.

  “When you know for sure, come to me.” Lowering his lips to her, he kissed her. It wasn’t hurried, or even deeply sexual, more like he was trying to show he could be gentle even though his hands could be brutal. “Can I love you?” Colton and I were so much different in this aspect. Where I took what I felt was my right, he asked for permission unless he was doing one of those scene things. She nodded her head, still seeming a little overwhelmed.

  “Can we share her tonight?” He’d asked her permission first and even if I wanted to deny him, which I didn’t, I wouldn’t have disappointed her.

  “Of course, but she’s not into the anal. I really fucked up breaking her into that.” It made me feel like shit now that I thought back to it, and I looked at her shamefaced.

  “If you promise not to hurt me like last time, I’ll try.” She shocked the hell out of me with those words, and I knew once again I didn’t deserve the love of this incredible woman.

  “Never again. Hurting you would be hurting myself.” Why I’d been such a stupid ass in the first place I’ll never know. The way her face brightened at my words made me feel like a bigger asshole, but I smiled back.

  “Do you have any lube?” Colton’s words reminded me what I should have used the first time and I nodded my head.

  “I’ll run back to my bathroom.” I couldn’t believe she would trust us both to take her, and the thought had me so hard my balls ached as I quickly retrieved the gel. Her tight little ass would be so saturated tonight that I’d slide right in. If I didn’t, I’d control myself enough to make it good for her. Returning to her room, I stopped in the doorway watching the scene before me.

  Erin was straddling Colton’s waist while he sat up suckling her nipple with such patience it was almost too tender of a scene. Her small hands tangled in his hair, head thrown back in ecstasy as her hips gyrated over his crotch. If he hadn’t been wearing shorts, she’d be fucking him, there was no doubt in my mind.

  Most men get violent thinking of their woman in another man’s arms, I think it’s the most beautiful sight in the world. Watching her pleasure from the outside gave me a view that highlighted all those little details it was easy to miss when my need was taking front stage. Her breathless sigh as he moved over to her other tit, the way her fingers bit into his shoulder as he bit down on the tip, it was fucking beautiful.

  Moving closer to the bed, I slid off my shorts, and joined them, my mouth trailing kisses down her spine as Colton moved his hands to her hips. Seeing him love her, made me want to give worship to her body, instead of the rush of passion I usually felt drawn into whenever she was near. I’d dropped the lube and condoms onto the bed before starting, but picked up the tube because I wanted her stretched out before we tried this again.

  He released her mouth with a popping sound, and I covered my finger with the gel. Sliding down the bed with her still straddling his lap, he spread her ass cheeks wide. I liked working with him to do this. If anyone knew how to claim an ass it was Colton. Thinking the words I knew what needed to happen. “Maybe you should do this?” I trusted him a hell of a lot more than I did myself.

  “Would you mind if I claimed your ass, beauty?” Again he deferred to her, and honestly I preferred it in this scenario. She shook her head no, giving him permission. “It’s an honor.” He winked, and lifted her off his lap.

  I wanted her to enjoy this, to make up for that horrible first time I’d given. Switching places, I laid back on the bed, and when she attempted to straddle my waist I shook my head now with a grin. “I want you on my face, honey.” She blushed but crawled up where I wanted her and I spread those cheeks wide for Colton.

  The first touch of my tongue against her clit, she flooded my face with her pleasure, and it took no genius to know my girl was turned on. Licking up her slit languidly, I didn’t want her to come until Colton’s fingers filled her. I needed her to associate anal with enjoyment and wipe that other memory away.

  Spreading her lips with my fingers, I licked up one side, then the other, refusing the stimulation she needed to come. Her hips pressed down, telling me it wasn’t what she wanted, but I was in control of this ride. I knew the minute Colton pressed a finger inside her because she tensed, almost pulling away from my kiss.

  Suckling her clit, she was gasping for another reason than being stretched, and bucked against my face. Fucking her with my tongue took her mind off everything he was doing because she was crying out in pleasure. Her folds contracted and I pulled back wanting her release on my cock. “I want inside you, now!” Lifting her off my face, she moved down to straddle my waist, and Colton slid off the bed, undressing. Grabbing one of the condoms, I slid it on, rolling it down my length quickly.

  Gripping my cock for her, she eased over me allowing that tight heat to grip me inside her incredible pussy. “Fuck honey. You feel so damn good. That’s it. Take all of me in.” She slowly bobbed up and down on my dick until she was fully embedded, and I held her hips, pressing her down hard. “You ready for Colton to fill you up?”

  Biting her lip hard, she nodded, and I knew she was still worried about doing this. Lifting my lips to hers, I kissed her with what little gentleness I had left because my cock was aching to fuck her hard. Colton came up behind her and I broke the kiss, spreading her cheeks to take what he gave. He’d already put on a condom, so picking up the lube, he drenched her little rosebud with it then pressed against that tightness. She tensed.

  “Trust me, beauty, I’m going to make this good for you.” She shivered slightly at his words, but relaxed, allowing him to press forward. The man had the patience of a saint as he carefully inched forward then retreated when she gasped. It was torture on my cock to not move, but my needs were not important right now. Whispering nonsense words in her ear, she kissed me again needing to take her mind off what he was doing.

  Finally he filled her up and her little pussy was even tighter now with two cocks stretching her wide. When he carefully fucked her, I was so close to shooting off, I hoped she found hers before it happened. Colton’s slow in and out thrusts had her moaning softly and I was cheering him on mentally while trying to hold back my release. Slowly learning his rhythm, I worked my cock back and forth against his pace in that hot sheath and her cries of pleasure sounded in the room loudly.<
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  She came and squeezed me so tightly with her contractions that my dick never had a chance. Coming hard I strained up as Colton took her faster, while thinking this was the best sex of my entire life. She milked me dry before he found his, and we all stayed joined trying to come down from the high. Loving Erin was almost magical, and I knew she was it for me.

  Finally able to move, I left her in Colton’s arms as I ran her a bath. Any women that could love me and my friend so unconditionally deserved to be pampered like a queen. Coming back in the room, I scooped her into my arms, taking her back to the steamy water. She smiled up at me sleepily as I washed her. And I discovered that being tender wasn’t always a bad thing.

  When we finally made it back to the bedroom, Colton was gone. I knew it was to give us time alone together, and I would high five him later for it. Snuggling her in my arms, I told her how proud I was of how much she gave, and that I loved her. Tears filled her eyes and she kissed me with such devotion I knew somehow I’d have to prove myself worthy. Long after she’d fallen asleep, I walked downstairs to talk with Brandt. I knew she wouldn’t sleep long, even though we’d worn her out, and didn’t want her to be part of this ugliness.

  “So what’d you come up with?” Pouring myself a glass of water after joining up with them in the kitchen, I was curious.

  “We’ve been going over this for hours, and it seems the best way to take care of this short term is to get Erin in on a confession.” I was about to argue when he held up his hand. “Hear me out first. We can all hole up in the house and have it wired so she can get him to admit what he wants of her. If he lays a finger on her we’ll kick his ass from here to Kingdom Come. She’ll never be in danger.”

  “So you’re wanting to record him telling her in detail what he wants to do? How’s that going to fix anything?” I trusted Brandt but didn’t see how this took him out of the picture.


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