First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 25

by Laura Marie Henion

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  Chapter 16

  Katie finished getting dressed when her cell phone rang.

  "Katie, it's Kenny, and Lou is here, too. Where are you?” he asked and Katie sensed the worry in his voice.

  "I'm in Warrens Cove at my mom's house. What's wrong?"

  Instantly a bad feeling filled her gut.

  "It's Redding, we believe he's in Warrens Cove. He was wearing a disguise when he boarded the train. Can you get to a safe place?"

  "What about my family? How do you know he's here?” Katie immediately thought about the fire at the boardwalk restaurant.

  "The fire from two nights ago? We think that was him."

  "If that's true than he probably knows where I live, he might go after my family. What disguise was he wearing?” Katie asked and Kenny described Redding's disguise. It matched the description of the patient in the hospital yesterday. The creepy guy named ‘Red'. Damn it, how could she be so stupid? He was right there in front of her.

  "Katie? Are you still there?” Kenny asked and she told him about Redding and the hospital.

  "Oh my God. All right, listen Katie, everything is going to be all right."

  Katie covered her mouth with her hand.

  "We've notified the local Arson Investigator in Warrens Cove who's looking into the fire. We also contacted the police department. Is the patrol officer outside your house?"

  Katie walked to the window. “Yes, he's still here. He's sitting in the driver's seat looking down at something."

  "I want you to go out there and have him drive you to a safe place. Inform your family. Kenny and I are on route to the airport. We'll be there in an hour."

  Katie hung up the phone and called William first. She knew her mom was with him.

  She explained the situation and William said he would get in touch with Billy, Michael and Ryan at the firehouse. They planned on meeting at William's house.

  Katie grabbed some things and headed downstairs. She ran through the hallway entering the kitchen when a shocking blow to her midsection sent her feet out from under her. Her body slammed down onto the tile floor.

  As she looked around her while attempting to get up off the floor, a large figure appeared above her.

  She scrambled to her feet, the blow to her head knocked her back to the floor. He punched her.

  She tried to fight back, to get up off the floor and away from Redding. The second blow to her head made her shut her eyes and fight against the pain. She tried opening her eyes again, not knowing if Redding was about to strike her and with each attempt the blurriness cleared and she could see her attacker.

  Redding's face stared down at her, laughing.

  "Angel!” He reached down pulling her from the carpeting by her arm.

  Katie screamed and Redding hit her again, this time across the mouth. The blood splattered from her mouth and hit the rug.

  He held a fistful of her shirt in his hand as she struggled to get free. She was dizzy from the blow to her head but she would not give up so easily.

  Katie swung her fist at Redding, hitting him multiple times in the face and chest. He retaliated and she tried her hardest to block each punch. He threw her against the kitchen table and as the table moved against the kitchen counters Katie rolled off the side. She grabbed at whatever she could. Her nails scratched against the tile floor in attempt to escape Redding's grasp. She knocked over the garbage pail, threw the lid at Redding. He blocked the hit, stood over her stopping any attempt to escape and pulled Katie up by her hair. The chairs fell over as he dragged her body out from underneath the wooden table. Katie swung her arms and legs in an attempt to make Redding lose his grip on her. As he defended himself she reached for the ceramic bowl on the counter, grabbing it and tried to hit Redding. He blocked it with his arm, screamed at her then struck her again as he dragged her through the kitchen the rest of the way.

  Katie tried to fight back but her attacker was too strong.

  * * * *

  Right before Lou and Kenny boarded the airplane, Kenny received all the information about Redding Jr. The fingerprints came up with a match through the police and FBI computer system. Earl Redding Jr., a.k.a. Tomas Riley was the perfect match and as they looked over the files, they were able to confirm him as their suspect. They boarded the plane, prepared for take off and hoped for a quick and smooth flight to Warrens Cove. The state police had an escort waiting for them at the airport.

  Kenny opened up the laptop and began to go over the information about Tomas.

  Tomas had a criminal record since the age of ten. He had been in and out of foster care, juvenile hall and then state prison. He landed a job at a local business that was expanding and had moved up the ladder rather quickly. There were multiple warrants out for his arrest and for questioning in numerous other crimes all fire related and all taking place after he was fired from his job.

  "He is a real catch, huh Kenny,” Lou stated, reading over Kenny's shoulder.

  "It gets worse, look at this. The local Carrion Police Department has been trying to track Redding down for over a year. They apparently want to question Redding in regards to the murder of his ex boss, Mel Flores. Get this Lou, the guy was found severely beaten and burned."

  "Great, he's been in the psych ward too,” Lou added noticing the medical records and the name of the local psychiatric ward two towns over from Bolton Bay in the town of Sayreville.

  "Let me guess his diagnosis. Paranoia and schizophrenia with tendencies to want and set the world on fire,” Lou added sarcastically.

  "Close enough.” Kenny continued to review the records.

  "Man I hope Katie and her family are safe,” Lou stated aloud.

  "Chief Rodney said all three brothers, the mother and Katie's boyfriend were at his place. The patrol officer would be bringing Katie there. We'll get the family in protective custody and hunt down Tomas."

  "Katie's boyfriend?” Lou asked, surprised that this was the first he heard about Katie having a boyfriend.

  Kenny looked at Lou appearing hesitant.

  "It's all right Kenny. Who is he?"

  "A firefighter."

  Lou's mouth dropped and he sighed.

  "My God.” Lou stated aloud as a number of crazy thoughts went through his mind.

  No wonder Katie wanted to use herself as bait. She was probably in a total panic right now with worry for her boyfriend and family.

  "It will be all right, Lou. Katie is going to get through this."

  Lou covered his face with his hands then prayed.

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  Chapter 17

  "Now what, Goddamn it!” Ryan yelled as he ran his fingers through his hair. Billy, Michael, Lea and William gathered inside the garage at the firehouse. The detectives called and told them to stay put. Katie never made it out of their mother's home.

  "Calm down Ryan, let's just try to calm down,” William stated as he held Lea in an embrace against him.

  "My baby girl, he's going to kill my baby girl,” Lea cried.

  "No mom. We won't let him,” Michael added as the other firefighters listened in.

  "What did the Detective say?” Freddie asked as Colt and Ted, Charlie and Brad stood around the front of the fire truck.

  Just then, two state police cars, an unmarked police car and the local Arson Investigation Unit van pulled up.

  William and Donny met the men as they reached the doorway.

  "Mrs. McKeller?"

  Lea nodded her head.

  "I'm Detective Lou Bachelli and this is Arson Investigator Kenny Travis. We're in charge of the case."

  "Where's Katie? What happened to the patrol officer at the house?” Lea asked.

  They had heard over the scanner that an officer was down and evidence of a break in at house.

  Lou cleared his throat.

  "It looks like Redding took out the patrol officer, broke into your home and has taken Katie."

  Lea covered her mouth with her hand and
gasped. Ryan, Michael, Billy and Donny began to simultaneously ask questions.

  Lou and Kenny began to fill them in on what they had so far.

  "The Warrens Cove police officers canvassed the neighborhood. The older woman across the street saw a man carrying Katie out of the house then leave in her jeep."

  "So did you put out and A.P.B. on the jeep?” Michael asked.

  "Yes and we haven't found it yet but we do have some witnesses who claim to have seen a blue jeep traveling rather fast right outside the business district."

  "So are you going through all the buildings?” Billy asked.

  "We're trying to figure out Redding's next move. We have detectives in the area doing a search and asking if anything strange has occurred, anything out of the ordinary and they're giving a description of your sister."

  "So what do we do now? Can we go look and help?” Ryan asked.

  Everyone around him volunteered.

  "Let the detectives and the local police department handle this."

  "So what do we do, wait until another fire occurs and wonder if Katie is trapped inside?” Billy asked, instantly causing a wave of silence.

  "That may be our only choice,” Kenny stated.

  "I don't believe this!” Ryan blurted out as he paced the floor.

  "You have to stay calm. We've already notified the surrounding firehouses. If any fires get started, you are all going to hit them hard. It is the only way. I'm sorry but Redding could be holding your sister anywhere."

  Ryan stepped forward.

  "I can't believe this. That is your freaking plan? Do you even give a shit about Katie?” Ryan yelled and everyone waited for Lou's answer. Ryan knew he was not the only one with the same sentiment.

  Lou took a step forward towards Ryan.

  "Bradley was my nephew."

  Ryan just stared at the man in front of him. He was Bradley's uncle. Maybe he resented Katie for surviving the fire instead of Bradley.

  As if reading Ryan's eyes, Lou spoke again.

  "I care about Katie. I want to see her happy, I want to see her get through this and move on with her life. It is exactly what Bradley would have wanted. He loved her."

  * * * *

  Redding snuck around the outside buildings between the warehouse and the electrical supply company. He had parked the blue jeep close to the building. Redding had it all planned out and as the firefighters arrived, their focus would not only be an attempt to put out the jeep but also the attached building. Then out of nowhere would come an explosion to throw off the firefighters. The firefighters in Katie's family would surely wonder if she was trapped inside the jeep. They would focus their attention there while a few hundred feet across the way dozens of people would be trying to escape a burning warehouse. Wood and furniture burned quickly and caused black smoke. The firefighters would have to inch their way inside causing the death of many. Redding planned the second explosion in a location where the firefighters would be trying to put out the flames. If his plan worked then the floor would cave in, the black smoke would hide the hole and many firefighters would die.

  Redding smiled as he lit the three old-fashioned Molotov Cocktails then threw them at the jeep and the building. Immediately the jeep was burning as well as the surrounding boxes and garbage by the side of the electrical supply company. That fire alone would surely keep a whole ladder company occupied. The Warrens Cove Fire Department would have to call in for assistance from nearby fire stations. It would be useless. There was no way the other companies would make it in time and if by some chance they did, then surely they would suffer the same fate as Angel's family and friends. This was the end and Redding could feel it deep inside. The voice in his head was louder, more demanding and he just knew that the Devil would be proud of him. He smiled wide taking a moment to watch the red, yellow and orange flames spread across the jeep. He listened carefully, noting the silence, the peacefulness as the seconds became minutes and still there were no sirens. They had no clue as to what he had in store for them. The firefighters were meaningless, worthless and about to suffer a magnificent loss.

  Confidently Redding ran back towards the side street and towards the entrance of the building.

  Inside the building, Katie struggled to free the ropes and the gag that covered her mouth. Redding had tied her to some pipes in the basement, promising to return. The metal surrounded her, and the stale smell of wet, musty basement filled her nostrils. In the distance, she could see the steam from some larger pipes. She was so scared, she couldn't stop shaking.

  At first, she thought the steam was smoke from a fire but then the smoke disappeared as it rose higher towards the ceiling. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her head hurt and she continued to twist her wrists in an attempt to loosen the binding.

  She could not help but wonder if she would die right here in the middle of some old basement. She listened carefully, waiting to hear someone else enter the basement to the building. There had to be maintenance workers in a building this large. Where were they and what did Redding have planned?

  She heard a door slam then approaching footsteps. Was someone coming to her rescue? The sounds were coming from beyond the steam pipes, the steam blocking the view until Redding appeared through the smoke, carrying a bag with him. Instantly her heart sank and the realization that no one was coming to help her set in.

  Redding was too sly, too smart for even the brightest investigators.

  "The fun has begun Angel, are you ready to meet the Devil?” he asked with a large grin. She turned away from him in disgust as he yanked the gag from her mouth.

  "Go to hell,” she mumbled and Redding laughed.

  Redding untied the binding on her hands and held the loose rope while he pulled her up from the floor.

  He was strong as she nearly fumbled completely over and onto her face.

  "Move it.” He pulled her back before she fell and shoved her forward then towards the stairwell. He released the loose binding and allowed her to walk in front of him. She contemplated her escape.

  If she tried to run he could catch her, beat her or possibly knock her out and leave her for dead. She waited for the right opportunity to attempt to escape.

  They began their ascent, passing black barred, covered windows that looked over the streets and nearby buildings. The flights were long as they approached the second floor. She paused and he poked her hard in the spine causing her to lose her balance and trip. Katie fell face first against the concrete and metal stairs. Her chin hit the edge cutting it open.

  He straddled her from behind grabbing a fistful of hair.

  Redding leaned down close and whispered against her face.

  "Do you smell that?” He raised his nose as if sniffing the petals of a beautifully scented flower. Abruptly he pulled her up from the floor, causing her to bang her knees and scrape her thighs against the roughness of the stairs.

  He shoved her face towards the window and she cried in pain as her cheek wedged up against the cold metal bars, bruising her skin. Then she inhaled despite the fear.

  Katie could hear sirens in the distance. What the hell was he up to?

  The windows were filthy, she could barely see past the glass when suddenly she saw flames coming out of the side of the building. Before she could react there was a huge explosion.

  Instinctively Katie took cover and Redding pulled her the rest of the way up the staircase

  "Come on. He's waiting."

  Katie wondered ‘whom’ Redding was talking about. Did he have a partner? Someone who helped him start the fires and kill all those people?

  Just as they approached another door, a second explosion rocked the warehouse. Katie fell against the railing then the concrete stairwell. Alarms instantly sounded, lights flashed. Panic filled her to her core.

  The door swung open and loads of people were trying to escape.

  The terror set in and the memories of the fire at The Club in Bolton Bay and those who were lost. Katie could not help but
feel that this time she would not make it out alive.

  "Help me. He's holding me hostage, he started the fire!” Katie screamed to the men and women as they pushed through the doorway.

  One man stopped.

  "What's going on?"

  Redding slugged him in the face then shoved him down the stairs before he pushed Katie inside the doorway entrance to the third floor.

  He did not even bother to pay attention to the people trying to escape.

  They left her and soon it was just Katie and Redding.

  Katie scanned the third floor with her eyes. They were on the top floor, the executive level that had a large opened balcony that overlooked the warehouse. She could see boxes upon boxes of furniture. Right next door there was a whole other building. The large enclosed bridge connected the two warehouses.

  Katie knew that the local lumberyard and a local building company shared the offices she and Redding were standing in.

  If it all caught ablaze, it would become a firefighter's nightmare. That is when it hit her. It was Redding's plan. She was going to die here and she would not be the only one.

  Redding pushed Katie towards the pole in the center of the room. She could barely see the factory below.

  "No! Please ... don't do this."

  Katie tried to pull away and Redding punched her in the jaw. She cried out in pain as she fell to the floor.

  Redding dragged her across the carpeting to a large pole in the center of the room.

  He grabbed her hands then pulled two sets of handcuffs from his bag. He attached them to Katie's wrists. She was pinned against the pole.

  Redding knelt down to the side of Katie and raised his hands in the air then bowed down on the rug to the side of her.

  He stared off in the distance as if someone was there.

  Katie watched in terror. This was it? This is how she was going to die? By the hands of some insane lunatic who thought he was conversing with Satan.

  Katie could not stop the tears.

  "Yes. Yes, for you Master, I have brought you the Angel."

  Katie could not hear the rest of Redding's words. They were mumbled, followed by more bows of his body.


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