First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 26

by Laura Marie Henion

The sirens blared in the distance, firefighters were at the fire, and they had to be next door.

  Oh, God please keep Ryan and my brothers safe. Keep all the firefighters safe, Katie prayed as Redding pulled a firefighter's uniform out of his duffel bag.

  He smiled at her, seemingly convinced that he had won.

  Katie watched in horror as Redding got dressed in the uniform and smoke made its way through the spindles of the metal railing across the room. Smoke detectors blared, the lights flashed on and off. Katie wanted to cover her ears to block out the horrific sounds that penetrated her eardrums but she couldn't. Her hands were cuffed against the solid pole, her shoulders ached and with each inhale of breath her chest and breathing felt constricted.

  "I don't want to die. I don't want to die."

  "This is it. This has to be it,” Billy exclaimed as the fire truck pulled onto the scene. Ladder two had first position and was lead company on the fire.

  Ryan swallowed hard. Fear and uncertainty filled him as he tried to get closer to the jeep.

  Was Katie inside? Panic filled each of the firefighters.

  In the distance, an explosion rang out then another. Debris scattered through the air landing on parked vehicles, fire apparatus and the people trying to escape. Everyone ducked for cover as more objects fell from the sky. It was a damn war zone and they all looked towards the chief who needed to decide where to send Ladder Three and the Engine Companies.

  Ladder Two was beginning to hose down the South side of a furniture warehouse next door with their three rescue pumpers.

  It was total chaos as the fire engulfed the electrical supply company then half the warehouse next door.The Captain was in touch with Detective Bachelli over the radio.

  "What?” The chief asked Lou to repeat himself.

  "Ryan, guys, we're headed over towards the South side of the warehouse. We need to try to contain that fire. There is a lumber company next door. People are trying to escape,” William stated.

  "Oh shit. If that goes, forget it,” Billy yelled over the roar of sirens and radio crackle from the other fire company trucks.

  Two ladder trucks and a pumper truck from Ladder Three positioned themselves near the side of the warehouse. The long streams of water barely reached the height of the rooftop. The firefighters were trying to surround the building and contain the fire to one side as continuous streams of water pounded against the building tops. Sprays of water sprinkled down over everyone's heads as each firefighter helped to evacuate the buildings.

  The chief directed a few firefighters to remove the deck guns from the trucks and position the portable monitors in various areas around the building. They hooked each one up to various water supplies and directed the sprays of water towards six precise locations on the building. People were still escaping from the building as Ryan, Michael, Billy and Lieutenant Charlie Jones helped.

  Ryan noted the size and layout of the building. There was a two hundred to six hundred foot lot with a bridge that connected the two warehouses.

  With flames this intense, the people on the side streets felt the heat. Police cars began to set up barricades and move traffic and onlookers far away from the site.

  Ryan listened to the calls for assistance and then waited to be told where he and the crew should start.

  The chief called for an ‘All County” mutual aid which would bring additional firefighters and equipment. There was no way that the four surrounding Ladder Companies could handle a fire like this alone.

  To the South side Ryan could see the streams of water ascending from the hoses off the fire trucks. Ladders One and Two were working their way across to the roof on the South side while trying to extinguish the jeep fire and the electrical building. Ryan could tell the electrical building would be a total loss.

  Michael, Billy and the Lieutenant tried to approach the doorways as the last people escaped.

  "Anyone else inside?” Billy asked yelling over the roar of the flames.

  "There's a crazy guy in there holding a woman hostage."

  "Where are they?” Billy yelled, instantly knowing it had to be Redding and his sister.

  "The third floor. But forget it, the fire is out of control,” the man yelled in between coughing as paramedics aided him.

  Ryan was about to rush into the flames when Michael grabbed his arm.

  "Let's do this right Bull. Our sister's life depends on it."

  Ryan nodded his head in agreement.

  They removed their red clips and handed them to the chief in charge then prepared to enter the fire.

  "Notify the white hats that we need backup and get them in here to help us fast,” Ryan stated. They could use all the help they could get. These types of fires move quickly and eat everything in their path.

  "Okay, we know she's in there. It has to be Katie. Let's pull in the two and a half-inch line. This fire is a doozy, men,” the lieutenant stated and Ryan's stomach hurt something terrible. When the Lieutenant asked for a two and a half-inch line, the men knew the fire was extreme. They could feel the heat of it against their faces. The outside temperature was a humid ninety-two degrees and their equipment added an extra hundred pounds to their weight. Ryan was sweating profusely, so were the others in the crew. Entering this fire would be like entering hell. It had to be way over a hundred degrees and they were not even inside the building yet.

  Michael, Billy and the Lieutenant pulled the hose closer to the front doors. The smoke was thick and black and they could not see more than inches in front of them. They scooted down on the ground, one behind the next. Michael first, then Billy, the lieutenant and Ryan pulled up the slack.

  The smoke filled their lungs, their eyes watered, their noses ran. It was brutal. They placed their masks over their faces, securing them and waiting for the lieutenant's command. He signaled with a wave of his hand. They inched their way towards the front entrance as thick, black smoke escaped in a cloud above them.

  The hose was heavy. Fifty feet of it normally weighed about ninety pounds empty.

  Ryan felt the sweat pouring from his brow. They crawled into the darkness and the fire, pulling the enormous hose.

  Ryan could see the orange flames in the distance. The man said the stairs were to the right, which is where Redding had to be holding Katie.

  The fire headed in that same direction.

  They were moving too slowly, they would not make it to Katie, especially if the fire reached the stairs.

  Fire shot up through the building and roof. They could hear the glass from the windows shattering. The flames had to be reaching the sky from the roof. The windows were shattering open.

  The radio crackled.

  Two more companies and equipment arrived from Pearl the town nearby because of the ‘All County’ mutual aid request.

  It was now a five-alarm fire.

  They were stuck in their position, no one could move as debris scattered over them, some pieces large enough to cause serious injury.

  Ryan could not wait any longer. He could not chance it. Katie's life was in jeopardy.

  A large piece of debris shot through the air with the next series of small explosions. The Lieutenant was hit in the side, causing him to release the nozzle. The water was shooting rapidly in a zigzag direction.

  Ryan dove near the hose. Grabbing the nozzle, he ran straight for the fire that was about to swallow up the staircase.

  The others watched as Ryan disappeared into the smoke.

  "Bull, what the hell are you doing?” The Lieutenant yelled as Ryan turned the nozzle on and sprayed the flames. The power of the water and the two in a half-inch line destroyed the flames in seconds. Suddenly Ryan reappeared. Billy jumped on the hose to assist Ryan.

  "Are you crazy or something?” Billy asked as he helped Ryan continue to put out the flames.

  "No! If the fire reaches that staircase then Katie's done for!” Ryan yelled pointing at the staircase and Billy nodded his head understanding Ryan completely.

lieutenant tapped Billy and Ryan on their arms and pointed towards the staircase. They both looked in that direction and simultaneously saw a firefighter all alone.

  "Who's that? What company is he with? Why is he by himself?” Michael yelled above the holler of the flames.

  "Who the hell knows,” the lieutenant responded.

  Another explosion occurred, a burst of flame, then thick smoke. They all ducked and covered their heads as pieces of ceiling and debris fell from above them, they could not see past the staircase.

  More flames shot through the roof. Freddie, Colt and Ted joined the rest of the crew.

  The fire opened on the opposite side of the staircase as well.

  "Chief! Who else we got in here? There's someone from another crew,” Michael yelled into the radio just as he tried to make eye contact with the unidentifiable firefighter.

  The black and gray smoke caused nearly complete blindness. All Michael could see was the outline of the firefighter and his turnout coat.

  "Ladders One and Two from Pearl are on the outside, the roof and Southside,” the chief yelled.

  "What company wears green metallic reflectors on their coats?” Michael yelled into the radio.

  There was silence, then the chief's voice. “No one!"

  Then it struck him. It was Redding. It had to be Redding.

  "Identify yourself!” Michael yelled.

  Just then, the roof on the South side of the warehouse began to partially cave in. Ted, Colt and Freddie brought in the second line. Billy and the lieutenant were still using the other hose to keep the fire away from the third floor.

  The bogus firefighter tried to escape to the right. Michael ran towards him.

  Redding swung his Halligan, slamming Michael in the arm then hitting him in the face with the handle.

  "Where's Katie?” Michael yelled.

  "She's going to hell and so are you,” Redding replied, swinging the Halligan again and knocking Michael down.

  Ted and Colt held their position keeping their eyes on the fire and containing it.

  Michael covered his head as Redding raised the Halligan, preparing to strike again.

  Ryan moved quickly, pointed the hose towards Redding, knocking him across the room and deeper into the smoke.

  Michael scrambled to his feet then ran towards the black smoke and into complete darkness and instantly he was blind. Redding was gone. Michael reappeared and he and Ryan made their way out of the area and back towards their crew.

  The flames traveled across the ceiling. Katie watched as the room around her filled with smoke and fire. If she could get the handcuffs off, she could get to the window. It was the only way out.

  Her heart pounded, the gag made breathing more difficult but soon it would not matter, her lungs were inhaling excessive amounts of smoke.

  She was a firefighter's daughter-a nurse-and she knew the process. Breath in the smoke, fill up the lungs, become disoriented, then unconscious.

  The intense heat of the flames pressed against her skin. Soon the whole room would engulf in flames. She began to cry, losing breath with each inhale of smoke. Her nose ran and her eyes burned with a combination of smoke and tears. With her hands handcuffed behind her back, she could not even use her shirt to cover her mouth and nose. There was nothing more she could do. She continued to try to squeeze her wrists from the metal. With each turn and pull of her wrists, the pain increased. She was bleeding now, but not enough to lubricate the metal and slip her wrist through. The tingling and sharp pain was nothing compared to the fear that consumed her. The panic set in, she pulled her wrists harder, wishing she could break them to free herself and do anything to get fresh air, to live. Katie began coughing profusely.

  The lieutenant got the command from the chief.

  "We're not making any progress,” the lieutenant yelled. Every time they seemed to put out the flames, new ones emerged.

  "We're not leaving here without Katie,” Michael yelled.

  "She's up there. I just know it,” Ryan yelled, feeling the pain in the pit of his stomach. The chief was not going to pull them out of there without rescuing Katie.

  The Lieutenant was silent a moment then gave the orders pointing at Ryan, Billy and Michael.

  "You three, Search and Rescue. We'll keep the heat off best we can from here. Move in fast, do a quick sweep. If you do not find her then get your asses back down here pronto. Keep in radio contact,” the lieutenant commanded and the three firefighters set off on their mission.

  The hose team went down the staircase in an attempt to make a path for the Search and Rescue team to climb the staircase. The ceiling above remained in a pool of bright orange and red flames.

  Ryan, Michael and Billy started to climb the staircase that they hoped would lead to Katie. An ocean of fire roared above their heads as they squatted up each step in an attempt to stay as low as possible. They knew they needed to hurry to find Katie. Without a mask and oxygen, Katie would fall unconscious.

  From the second floor below, the rest of the team sprayed the fire, trying to keep it from traveling to the north side of the building. It was no use, the furniture lit up faster than a book of matches, and there were multiple fires everywhere.

  Ryan, Michael and Billy got down low as the fire sputtered and sparked in their direction. They instinctively covered their heads and bodies from the flames.

  "We better move it, this place is going down,” Michael yelled.

  They were crawling up the stairs, the ceiling was lower and engulfed in flames. They made it to the third floor. The fire was moving up from below them.

  Ryan was at the top first. He scanned the room with his eyes. Orange and red flames fully covered one side of the room, the walls and ceiling above them filled with smoke. The smoke was thick and Ryan could see the fire right under it inching its way across the ceiling. It was a hungry monster, actively gorging itself on everything in its path. Ryan squinted to try to see farther ahead.

  "Do you see her?” Billy yelled in a muffled voice through his mask. They were all wearing their masks, knowing that the longer Katie was without fresh air the worse off she would be.

  "No! Not yet!” Ryan yelled.

  "There! Over there, look,” Michael stated. There was another rumble and a call over the radio.

  "The South side is going down, evacuate the building! I repeat, evacuate the building!” The chief yelled.

  "They're calling us out, the building is going down,” Billy stated.

  "Let's move it,” Ryan yelled. He was sweating and tired but the adrenaline kicked in the second he knew that Katie remained trapped upstairs. There was no way he would let her die. He promised to keep her safe.

  Paneling from the sidewall fell across their path. The three of them pulled and tossed the barriers of debris out of their way. They were a team on a mission to save a life. They would not leave this building without Katie.

  Katie lay slumped over against the pole. Ryan, Michael and Billy tried to move her.

  "She's unconscious already, we have to hurry,” Ryan yelled, full of concern. The fire raged on.

  "The son of a bitch handcuffed her,” Billy yelled.

  "The axe, use your axe,” Michael stated.

  Ryan covered Katie's body with his own as Billy struck at the pole and the handcuffs with the axe. Katie's body was limp against the pole. He removed his glove to feel for a pulse. He got one and relief filled his soul.

  Billy could feel the heat of the fire against his helmet and coat. He had to hurry.

  One more strike and the handcuffs would break.

  Suddenly out of nowhere, a figure came running towards Billy, knocking him to the ground.

  Michael instantly knew it was Redding as he grabbed for the Halligan tool Redding was about to strike Billy with.

  Ryan let go of Katie and grabbed the axe off the floor. To the side he could see a struggle going on between Redding, Billy and Michael.

  "She has to die. The Angel must die!” Redding was yel
ling as he tried to maintain control of the Halligan while fighting Billy and Michael.

  Billy lay on his back on the ground with his arms reaching out to stop the Halligan from striking him while Redding attempted to gain control. Redding straddled Billy's body and held the handle of the Halligan against Billy's neck, choking him. Michael slammed Redding in the head with his forearm causing Redding to release the tool. Billy rolled to the side, Redding moved towards Katie, grabbing her ankle until Michael pounded away on Redding punch after punch. Billy grabbed the Halligan.

  "Michael, move!” Michael looked up and quickly moved to the side as Redding attempted to hit Katie again. Billy swung the Halligan, striking Redding in the head. Redding fell to the floor a few feet away from them. Billy and Michael pulled their attention back towards their sister and Ryan.

  "Call it in, we're gonna have to move out the window,” Ryan yelled.

  "There's no way we'll fit even after we knock down those bars,” Michael added.

  They all looked towards the stairwell.

  "Forget it, Ryan. Katie's got no protection,” Michael yelled.

  Ryan looked towards the flames that were beginning to surround the only other doorway. It led to an enclosed tunnel. Maybe they could reach the other building.

  "That way!” Ryan pointed towards the flames and the small doorway.

  Michael called it in. The rest of the room was filling with flames including the ceiling beams.

  "What about him?” Michael asked, pointing towards Redding just as the ceiling beam fell to the floor and covered Redding's body with fire.

  The wall of flames ignited around Redding, waves of darkness filled the air around him and the firefighters watched. The flames around the room appeared to move back towards Redding, engulfing his body in a pool of death.

  Immediately the three firefighters huddled around Katie trying the best they could to protect her from the flames.

  The room ignited in a flashover effect.

  "On three!” Ryan yelled.

  "One ... two ... three!” They bolted through the flames. The fire burned against their coats. Just as they got through the doorway, the bottom of Katie's pants lit on fire. She was going to burn. Ryan placed her body to the ground. Michael, Ryan and Billy used their gloves and patted the fire out before it spread.


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