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A Thug's Wife (Full Length Novel)

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by Shan

  Copyright © 2013 by SBR Publications

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents


  My Books

  A Letter to my Readers

  Chapter 1: The Night Before

  Chapter 2: Mama Knows Best

  Chapter 3: Holy Matrimony

  Chapter 4: Baby Blues

  Chapter 5: Get That Money Baby

  Chapter 6: Love & War

  Chapter 7: Jokes On Me

  Chapter 8: A Beautiful Day

  Chapter 9: Baby Mama Drama

  Chapter 10: Gangsta Enough?

  Chapter 11: Dessert For Two

  Chapter 12: The Lies You Tell

  Chapter 13: A Hard Head Makes A Soft Behind

  Chapter 14 : Brick Money Boys

  Chapter 15: A Love Connection

  Chapter 16: Got the Trap House Jumping Like Jordan

  Chapter 17: Going Home

  Chapter 18: Social Media Can Get You Killed

  Chapter 19: Is This Your Shit?

  Chapter 20: Cheaters Never Prosper

  Chapter 21: Do Anything To Get Her Man

  Chapter 22: Confrontation

  Chapter 23: Together Again

  Chapter 24: Get Out The Game

  Chapter 25: Now He's Just Being Honest

  Chapter 26: Time For A Truce

  Chapter 27: Family Tree

  Chapter 28: Positive

  Chapter 29: The Truth Always Comes To The Light

  Chapter 30: The Blame Game

  Chapter 31: Make Them Niggas Pay

  Chapter 32: They Ain't Heard The Last of Hova

  Small Teaser of Rozalyn 5


  As always this book is dedicated to my children. Without them, I don't know what I would be doing with me. Thank God! And Thank God for them!

  To stay up to date with the latest releases from TBRS, please text TBRS to 22828.

  Other books by Shan


  Reigning Starr

  Hated by Many, Loved by None

  The Versace League

  BlackOut:Stand your Ground

  Coming Soon

  My Next 3 Releases all coming early 2014

  Bankroll Squad: Dallas

  Rozalyn 5

  The Versace League 2

  A Letter to my Readers

  Dear Readers,

  I wanted to take the time out to thank each and every one of my readers. Unfortunately, I don't know each of you personally, but I want all of you to know how much you mean to me. I thank you for rocking with me and supporting me. It is very much appreciated. For those of you who stay up checking Amazon for my latest release, I love it! I know I be on one sometimes, but it's with good reason. When it's time for me to release a book, I hate to let the book leave my computer until I am 100 % that it's A-1. So when I say my book is dropping on such and such day, I really do mean it. I do.

  I sit back and go through my edits, and I read the book over and over making sure it's on point before I hand it over to upload to Amazon. I do that because I want you all to have the very best from me. It wouldn't be fair to give you all some half-ass book.

  Anyhow, to my day one readers, I hope that you enjoy this one. And to my new readers, I pray that you do so as well.

  A Thug`s wife is 80,000 words and I to take it deep down within my one of hoods. My Dallas folks will see once they get to reading. Shot out to West Dallas, a place I talked about the most this time around. Although, I am an Oak Cliff baby, I lived in a West Dallas for some years of my life and got a lot of memories from there that I had to get out.

  Make sure you keep flipping to the very last page. *Wink-wink*

  Anyway, I'm beginning to ramble, lol. I hope everyone enjoys this. Please, please, please leave a review when you're done. I love to hear your thoughts. Hit me up on Facebook follow me on twitter and instagram @myss_shan

  Love the one and only,

  Miss Shan <3

  A Thug’s Wife

  By Shan

  Chapter 1: The Night Before

  "What the fuck is this?" Zaria said to herself as she unfolded the papers and began to read them. Her forehead wrinkled in confusion as she took in each word of every sentence. Liquid pain trickled down her round chocolate face as her pulse rate intensified. She just couldn’t fathom that what she was reading was true. It had to be a joke. Convinced that it was, she started over from the top with the hopes that the words had somehow changed, but everything remained the same.

  She shook her head and placed a hand over her heavy heart. Going to the second page, she felt her knees buckle as more confirmation triumphed her deep within. Zaria couldn’t believe that this was happening to her. She could feel her stomach churning with sickness at the thought of the betrayal that lied within her hands.

  Slowly, Zaria strolled out of her bedroom and into the kitchen to fix herself a drink. She felt like a zombie as she removed a shot glass from the cabinet followed by a bottle of Patron Silver from the freezer. Thinking back over the last twenty one years of her life, she couldn’t think of a time where she’d felt so much pain.

  Filling the shot glass up to the rim, Zaria took a shot straight to the head and then poured herself another one. She had only come back to her home to retrieve some money from the safe when she ran into this unexpectedly. Sitting down at her kitchen table, she looked down at the papers that she held in the palm of her hands, and suddenly began to cry out. Her whimpers were loud and filled with such agony that it was almost as if she was suffering from a physical injury rather than an emotional one.

  She brought her shot glass up to take another shot when she heard the front door rattling in the distance. Although, neither she nor Quasym was supposed to be home, she knew that it was him. She rushed to down her shot and shook her head as the liquid burned the back of her throat. Slamming her glass down on the table, she quickly stood to her feet waiting to confront the man that was responsible for her hurting.

  Once Quasym entered the kitchen, Zaria froze and stared up at his five-eleven frame with her eyes red and puffy. She could tell that he was confused and more than anything he was concerned. She knew that man like the back of her hand or at least she thought that she knew him. They had spent their entire high school years as a couple off into their adult years and nothing like this was supposed to happen, but it did.

  "What are you doing here? I thought that you were over Yessenia’s for your bachelorette party?" Quasym asked as he stared into the eyes of his soul mate. He then took his stare to the papers that she’d sat on the kitchen table along with a shot glass and immediately let out a regretful breath. He now knew what the tears were for and could only imagine the pain Zaria was feeling. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her, but this was a mistake that he had regretted from the very moment it happened. He wished that he could’ve taken it back, but it was far too late. The plot was thicker now. The damage was already done, and recovery was less than likely.

  "I came back to the house because I was supposed to be taking Cherie three hundred dollars to give the catering company the last of their payment in the morning. I didn’t have all of it, so I went into your safe to see what you had, and this is what the fuck I found!" Zaria snatched the papers off of the table slap
ping Quasym in the face with them. She watched as they fell to the floor and his reaction turn to one of concern to that of anger. She knew that he didn’t need to read them to know the contents of it. His entire demeanor said it all. He looked like a child that had been caught stealing from the cookie jar.

  "Wait-" Quasym tried to get out but Zaria cut him off, cutting him deep.

  "Wait for what Sym? Wait until after I walked down the aisle tomorrow with your trifling ass? Is that when you were gonna tell me that you had a fucking child out there with some ratchet ass bitch?" Zaria huffed.

  She stood there on wobbly legs realizing that she had a little too much to drink while waiting to confront her possible future husband. Crossing her arms over her chest, she stared into Quasym’s brown eyes, waiting for him to give her some kind of indication that this wasn’t true. That somehow they’d had the wrong Quasym Ross and that her man wasn’t currently hiding and paying child support to someone else’s child.

  She loved that man with every breath in her body, but this was hard. They had been through so much in the seven years that they’d been together, but each time they’d always found a way to make it through. There was a time when Zaria was just sixteen and had lost her father to a senseless murder; she’d thought that it was the end of the world and felt like she had nothing left to live for. That was until Quasym did everything in his power to take care of her and get her back to the point that she could be happy again.

  In turn when Quasym got knocked and sent to prison for two and a half years for aggravated robbery, Zaria had fully held him down. She never once cheated or even thought about it. She’d worked two jobs and went to school at night even though it had been a struggle. Those two and a half years had been some of the hardest years of her life and each day she had to tell herself to keep pushing.

  Sadly, Quasym had been out of jail nine months, and she was still the one having to hold the house together, but she did so with pride. It was what she was supposed to do for the man that she loved. Never had she imagined that Quasym would ever do something like this to her in return.

  "Baby, calm down and let me explain. That shit happened before I got locked up, and we were on that little break," Quasym explained. He felt so bad. He had always dreamed of having kids with Zaria, the love of his life, but when he’d gotten home from prison and was handed those papers, that dream had turned into a steady nightmare.

  "A little break, Sym? We broke up for twelve fucking hours, and we were right back together! And to make this shit worse is you had this damn baby before you got locked up and not once did you say shit to me! All those visits! All those letters! Everything! You had me waiting for you and all the while you had a child with this bitch-wait what’s this hoe’s name?" Zaria knelt down to the floor and picked the paper up that she’d thrown. "Tianna Morgan! Who the fuck is a Tianna?" She ripped the papers up and allowed the pieces to fall to the floor. She was so angry, so angry that she had spittle spewing from the sides of her mouth.

  She turned to walk away from Quasym, snatched her shot glass from the table, and went for another drink. She didn’t care that she was less than twenty-four hours away from her wedding and that she was supposed to be off at the hotel celebrating her last night of singledom with her girls. She was hurting, and all she wanted to do at this point was numb the pain.

  Quasym followed behind Zaria trying to plead his case with her. He was grateful for everything that Zaria had done these last few years and would never do anything to intentionally hurt her. He’d promised that when he came home from prison that he would take care of her, make sure he created a situation where she would never have to work again, but lately everything had been going wrong.

  First it was the child support papers that were delivered to his mama’s house and then it was his supposed to be day one niggas. Everyone was turning on him and trying to bleed him dry of the little bit that he had to his name. Often times he wanted to give up, but when he thought about Zaria, he just couldn’t.

  "I didn’t know about the baby until after I came home, Zaria. The bitch sent the child support papers to my mom’s crib, and they were handed to me when I went over there. For months, I hassled Tianna about a fucking paternity test, which is why I didn’t tell you in the beginning. She gave me the run around and then we finally got the test done like three months ago. I wanted to tell you, but I just didn’t know how you would take it. Man," Quasym exhaled.

  He placed his hands on his head and silently hoped that he wouldn’t lose Zaria forever. It was only one time with Tianna and that one time was all it took. When the DNA results came back that he was indeed the father, child support was immediately enforced, and Quasym had been drowning ever since. Every little bit of money that he was able to get; he had to hand over to Tianna- which is why he could barely help Zaria around the house.

  Quasym watched as Zaria’s face was covered in tears and went to pull the shot glass away from her when she pushed him away. He had to do or say something to fix this situation, but he didn’t know what to do. All he knew was that they were supposed to get married tomorrow and that it had been the only thing he’d been looking forward to ever since he’d gotten home.

  "Sym, I do everything in my power to keep this house going. I work 16 hours a damn day; I come home, and I cook for you, I clean for you. I do everything that I am supposed to do as a woman plus more, and this is the thanks that I get," Zaria exclaimed.

  "Baby, you know that I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. This was a mistake. It happened one time and unfortunately that mistake led to something more. I know it’s nothing that I can do to fix this or make it better, but believe me when I say that I love you, and I’m willing to work the rest of my life to make up for this shit. Just please don’t leave me baby girl. Please. I’m supposed to be giving you my last name tomorrow."

  "Right, supposed to be. That’s not going to happen now," Zaria said downing the shot of liquor. "I want you out of here. I don’t need you. I can do this by myself."

  Quasym looked at Zaria for some type of sign to say that she was joking, but when one never came, he immediately dropped his shoulders in defeat. This was not at all what he’d wanted for them. He couldn’t wait to give this woman his last name. He was proud to wear Zaria on his arm and was going to be even prouder for her to be his wife. This news crushed him.

  "Zaria," Quasym said reaching for her arms, but when she brought her hand back and slapped him across the face, he completely stepped away from her.

  "Get out! Get the fuck out!" Zaria screamed.

  Quasym’s caramel skin was flushed with sadness. He placed his hat onto his head and simply nodded, "A’ight, you know how to get at me if you change your mind."

  Quasym turned around and walked away. He would come for his things later, but he hoped that he didn’t have to.

  Chapter 2: Mama Knows Best

  "Oh, no the hell you will not!" Tammy fussed. She took a pull from her Virginia Slim cigarette and blew a train of smoke in the air. She stood in front of the refrigerator staring at her two daughters as they sat at the table in the kitchen. "You mean to tell me that broke ass nigga got a three year old child out here with some skeezer and you been busting your ass to keep a roof over y'all head? And you still talking about marrying his no good ass! You must be still drunk! Cherie put on another pot of coffee!"

  Tammy was livid. When she'd gotten a call from her youngest daughter Cherie that Zaria had drunk too much, she never expected Quasym to be the reason behind it. She had rushed out of her home to her car, and to Zaria's house not only to find her wasted, but soaked in vomit and tears. Tears that Tammy felt were a waste of damn time, especially when she'd found out what Quasym had done.

  She couldn't believe that Zaria was crying over somebody as pathetic as Quasym. The nigga was a bum. He went around blaming his wrongful conviction on the reason he never had any money, when truth be told, Quasym was just a petty hustler even before then. The little ends he racked up wa
sn't anything she would spend her time bragging about.

  Out of both of her daughters, although Zaria had gone to school to be a dental assistant and held down two good jobs, she was disappointed in her the most. She had taught her daughters to use a man for all they had, not fall in love and allow them to use them instead. Thankfully, Cherie knew better.

  "Hell fuck no! You will not be marrying that broke ass clown! And I hope like hell your Uncle Wallace can get his money back. Quasym talking about he'll pay him back. To hell he will! Know damn well he can't even rub two damn nickels together if he wanted to. Broke muthafucka’! Got the nerve to be making babies when he can't afford to wash his own ass!"

  "Mama!" Cherie yelled.

  It took everything in her not to laugh at her crazy mama, but she held back for the sake of her sister. She knew how Zaria felt about Quasym regardless of his financial situation. He was the only man she had ever been with, so she didn't know anything different.

  "Mama nothing! Put the pot of coffee on like I told you! Hell! Let me fix myself a drink. Got me all worked up," Tammy fussed. She smoothed out the curls in her roller set and rolled her eyes at Zaria.

  "Mama, I know you do not like Sym, but I didn't put seven years into him so that some random chick could have him. I'm not walking away from him that easily. Yes, he made a mistake, but I'm willing to forgive him for it," Zaria said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

  After Quasym left her earlier, she finished off an entire bottle of Patron and was working on another one until her sister Cherie stormed in the house looking for her.

  "Tuh! That nigga's dick must be dipped in gold ‘cause we damn sure know his pockets isn't!" Tammy poured herself a huge glass of vodka and took a seat in Cherie's chair. Zaria was stressing her out when there was no need for it. "I’m not letting you marry him Zaria. No-he’s broke, and he’s a cheater. I taught you better Zaria, and you are truly disappointing your mama."


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