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One Night With a Cowboy

Page 17

by Cat Johnson


  He hit the button and tossed it back into her bag. “What? I didn’t tell her what you were busy doing.”

  “You have to stop answering my phone.” Her eyes opened wide to reinforce her point.

  “Why? It’s always your sister. You don’t want to talk to her right now while we’re together, so instead of being rude and ignoring her, I answered.” He shrugged.

  “But . . .” She frowned because his logic was . . . well, logical. “What if I started to answer your phone?”

  “Go ahead.” He pulled it out of his pocket and put it on the counter. “It’ll be either Jace or Logan. Possibly my parents or my brother or sister, but not usually since I call them once a week.”

  “You’re serious. You really wouldn’t care?” She found his offer intriguing enough to pursue, even if his thumbs were currently making tantalizing circles on the skin of her inner thighs.

  “Nope.” He shook his head and looked pretty certain about his answer.

  “What if it was a girl calling you? What then?”

  He laughed. “It wouldn’t be a girl. You are the only female who has my phone number, besides my mother and sister.” He thought for a second. “All right, correction. The students do have my number, and we have a few female cadets, but kids nowadays don’t call. They text. So no, no girls will call who aren’t related to me. Feel free to answer away.”

  She tried to come up with some response but was having trouble.

  “What’s the matter, darlin’? Run out of things to say?” A sly smile bowed Tucker’s tempting lips.

  Hating to admit he was right, she frowned. “Maybe.”

  “Good, because I’ve got a better idea for that pretty little mouth of yours.” He ran a finger along her lower lip and grinned. “Let’s find that honey.”

  Tucker found the correct cabinet on the first try and reached up for her plastic honey bear. He returned and planted the bear on the counter next to her. “Squeeze bottle. Convenient.”

  “What are you going to do with it?” She was starting to get an inkling of what he might have in mind, which only made the flutter of desire inside her grow.

  “You’ll see. Come on. Time for the bedroom.” He set her down on the floor with ease.

  “The bedroom. Now?” She had a suspicion they were about to get very creative—and sticky—with that honey. Of all times they should be having any sort of sex in the kitchen, it seemed like now would be a good one. “Won’t that be . . . messy?”

  “If we’re both careful and lick it all off real good, it won’t be.”

  Oh, boy. “Oh. Okay.”

  “Besides, we need a bed for what I have in mind.” He continued, as if unaware what his words were doing to her imagination. He grabbed the honey bear with one hand and her with the other. “Come on. Don’t dawdle. I only have a few hours before I gotta leave here for practice. We definitely don’t want to have to rush this.”

  “Rush?” A few hours of honey-filled sex would be rushing it? She swallowed hard as she realized exactly how boring her sex life had been before the night she’d met Tucker.

  He shot her a grin over his shoulder. “I tend to last for an extra-long time doing what we’re about to do.”

  An extra-long time? Longer than usual? Wow. She glanced back at the fridge, wondering if she should grab a few bottles of water before the marathon, but she was already being pulled halfway across the living room. “And what exactly are we about to do.”

  “Don’t worry, darlin’. You’ll see soon enough.”

  Tuck turned much too fast into the gravel lot at the practice arena. He hit the brakes and the truck skidded to a stop. Judging by the number of vehicles already parked and all the activity, he was among the last to arrive. But considering he’d been enjoying Becca’s company until just moments ago, he couldn’t feel too bad about it, even though he probably should.

  It would take a stronger man than he was to leave when Becca’s gorgeous lips were wrapped around his honey-coated cock. The thought of watching the pink tip of her tongue poking out to tease the length of him was enough to have him getting hard again. He had to stop thinking about it, as if that were possible when he still had the taste of Becca mixed with honey on his own tongue.


  Tuck decided they’d have to repeat today’s bedroom exercise real soon, but right now he had to talk down his hard-on. He wasn’t exactly late for the four o’clock practice, but he sure wasn’t half an hour early like usual. He liked to be there to make sure the kids and the stock were all okay and didn’t need any help.

  He’d just stepped down out of his truck and onto the ground when Jace was beside him. “Hey. Where the hell you been lately?”

  “Busy.” Tuck spun toward the arena, walking as he talked to make up time. Jace matched his step. He glanced at his friend. “Thanks for coming. I appreciate the help this week.”

  “No problem at all. Always happy to help guide the youth of America.” Jace grinned.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Tuck was also sure it was the case of beer he’d promised to buy Jace for helping with rodeo team practice that added to his enthusiasm.

  “So tell me the schedule for this week again?”

  “Do you listen to me at all when I talk to you?” Tuck frowned.

  “Yeah. Mostly. I just don’t want to screw it up.”

  He blew out a breath of frustration and launched into what was happening this week for the second time. “Tomorrow’s team practice is while I’m away camping with the cadets, so you’ll be here to take my place to help with the bull riders. B & N Rodeo Stock brings the bulls in, so you don’t have to do anything with that. The two owners are Ben and Ned and they handle the stock. Just be there to make sure the kids don’t get hurt and give them advice on what they’re doing wrong.”

  “Gotcha.” Jace glanced around. “I don’t see any bulls.”

  “That’s because today’s practice is for barrels and roping. I told you that on the phone.” Tuck shook his head. “You better pay attention tonight so you’ll know what the hell you’re doing when I’m gone tomorrow, because there are no cell phones allowed on the ROTC retreat.”

  “No cell phones?” Jace’s expression was one of absolute horror. “What if you need something?”

  He had a feeling Jace was thinking more what if he needed something and couldn’t call Tuck to get it. “We lock the phones in the vehicles. We can get to them if we need them but that’s it, so don’t bother calling to ask me any questions. Got it?”

  “I’ll be totally alone?” Jace looked like he was regretting agreeing to step in as coach in Tuck’s absence.

  “No. My assistant coach will be there to help. I’m going to introduce you to her. She should be here already.”

  “She?” Jace visibly perked up.

  “Jace . . .” His voice dipped low, carrying the weight of his warning. “Stay away from her.”

  “Well, how can I work with her if I stay away from her?” He cocked a brow and though he may have been trying to look innocent, it wasn’t working.

  “You had better act like a professional. Promise me.” Crap. Tuck was starting to rethink this decision, but he really had no choice. He couldn’t be two places at once. With the OSU rodeo team practicing three days a week, and the ROTC cadets’ retreat falling on the same day as one of the practices, he needed help.

  “I promise.” Now they’d reached the rails of the practice arena, Jace’s gaze scanned the action. “Which one is she? Your assistant coach?”

  “Jace, I swear to God.” He spoke through clenched teeth. “Hands off her and, for heaven’s sake, don’t even look twice at the female students.”

  Maybe he should call Dillon McMann. He hated to take the kid away from his wife and new baby daughter for a three- or four-hour practice, but . . .

  “Tuck, relax, will ya? It’ll be fine. I’ll be good. I’m just cuttin’ up with you. Jeez.” Jace rolled his eyes. “So what’s the deal? Do we do som
e exercises with the ropers while the barrel racers are using the arena?”

  Jace seemed sincere so Tuck forced himself to try to relax, just a little bit. Hoping he wouldn’t regret the decision tomorrow, he tilted his head toward the action. “Let me introduce you to Carla and the team first; then I’ll run through procedures.”

  An hour later, Tuck felt a little better about the situation. He watched Jace inside the arena, his brow creased as he concentrated on showing one of the ropers what he thought was the proper way to tie a piggin’ string. If nothing else, Jace liked to be a know-it-all, and this position as stand-in coach allowed him to do just that. The man had even gotten on a horse to show a student the proper way to dismount when going after a calf.

  He came back to Tuck dirty and breathing heavy, but looking happier than he had in a while. “The kid was adding a good three seconds to his time tying the calf like that.”

  “Well then it’s a damn good thing you showed him the right way to do it.” Tuck grinned.

  “You ain’t kidding.” Jace brushed the dirt from the knees of his jeans. “So, you wanna get a few beers after this is done?”

  Tuck made a face. “I probably should get home and go to bed.”

  “What? Are you joking?” Jace stared at him like he’d grown antlers.

  “I have to be up before dawn tomorrow morning.” And he hadn’t gotten a whole lot of sleep last night.

  “What’s going on with you this week?” Jace turned to fully face Tuck, his back to the arena now. “Half the time I call you, you don’t answer the phone. You’d rather go to bed than out for a beer. What the hell?”

  “I’m tired. Sorry.” Tuck shrugged, keeping his attention on the action behind Jace as another calf was released from the chute and the next horse and rider left the box.

  Jace’s eyes opened wide. “Oh, my God. You’ve met a woman, haven’t you?”

  “Uh . . .” Tell the truth or lie? Tuck debated the best course of action here. Maybe he might want that beer. This could be a long story.

  “You have, haven’t you? Holy sh—”

  “Language,” Tuck warned, eyeing the nearest students.

  “I never thought I’d see the day.” Jace shook his head. “I mean when you didn’t get the phone number of that hottie from New York you spent the—”

  “Jeez, Jace. Please. Shut it.” He ran his hand over his face. If he didn’t watch out, the entire team would know all of his personal business thanks to his friend’s big mouth.

  “It’s just—” Jace took a step closer and lowered his voice. Tuck was more than grateful for that, though he’d rather they drop the subject all together. “I thought you weren’t ready to date or get serious.”

  “I’m not getting serious.”

  “But you are seeing someone.” When Tuck didn’t respond, Jace blew out a frustrated sigh. “Come on, bro. Give me something.”

  “All right, but I swear, you give me any crap . . .”

  “No crap. Cross my heart. Now spill.”

  “Well, you obviously remember Becca from the rodeo last month.”

  “Yeah, so what? Did she look you up? You two sexting long distance?”

  “Jace . . .” After that warning, Tuck waited to see if his friend would stay quiet, then drew in a deep breath and continued. “She got a job at OSU. We frigging work together.”

  “No!” Jace’s eyes opened wide. “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  “Holy sh—cow.” Jace corrected himself with a sideways glance at the students nearest to him. “That’s crazy.”

  “Tell me about it. And that’s not all.” Tuck figured he’d already started, so he might as well spill it all. “There’s a non-fraternization rule for the faculty.”

  “So you two can’t even . . . you know.” Jace waggled his eyebrows.

  He ignored Jace’s insinuation. What happened in Becca’s bedroom was going to stay in her bedroom. Didn’t matter whether the person asking was a friend or not.

  “As faculty we’re not supposed to date or interact in any way that’s not professional, but I figure it should be okay since we’re not dating. We had dinner last night and lunch today . . .” Crap, that sounded an awful lot like dating when he said it out loud. He added, “. . . as friends.”

  “You’re more than just friends, you dog.” Jace grinned wide. “I can see it in your face. You’re getting laid.”

  “Shut up, Jace.” He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have told you anything.”

  “No. I’m glad you did. It explains so much. So, so much.”

  “What are you talking about? So, so much.” He mimicked Jace with a scowl.

  “You’re in a mood today and I think it’s because of her. I think you like her too much, and it scares the hell out of you.”

  “What? Stop. It doesn’t. I’m not scared. It’s just . . . the situation is confusing. Working together and sh—stuff.”

  He glanced at the group of students nearby. Luckily all their attention seemed to be focused on the roper in the arena.

  This conversation should definitely not be happening here among the team. Not only because talking to Jace made Tuck want to cuss like a sailor, but because it was an inappropriate damn subject to be discussing in front of them—for so many reasons.

  Jace folded his arms and ignored the crowd around them. “It’s confusing because you like her.”

  Tuck fully expected Jace to break into a schoolyard chant and start skipping circles around him, he was acting like such a child about this. “You’re a fool.”

  “Oh, no. If anyone is being a fool, it’s you. You can’t even face it yourself.”

  “Face what?”

  “That you’re attracted to this woman but you’re afraid to take a chance on a relationship after the last one. Why don’t you just give in and start dating her? See how it works out.”

  Tuck let out a huff and shook his head. “You’re not listening again. I’m not allowed to date her.”

  “And yet you just told me you two had dinner last night and lunch together today.”

  “I was only showing her around town today. Help her get familiar with Stillwater.” All the way to Drumright. Tuck kept that part to himself. “And last night’s dinner was just to welcome her to town. I mean it’s only proper I be neighborly.”

  “Neighborly. Yup. I know what you mean. And if I know anything else at all, it’s how you look when you’re getting laid. You’ve got that look now, so don’t you try to tell me there’s nothing going on.”

  “I’m not discussing this here.” He focused on the rider in the arena, hoping against hope Jace would disappear, or at least shut the hell up.

  “That’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it now. I’m sure she’ll be around for a good long while. Plenty of time. In fact, maybe I’ll get to see some more of that cute sister of hers now you two are an item. Is she coming out to visit soon?”

  Tuck shook his head and took a step forward, putting his friend and, he hoped, this conversation behind him. He drew in a deep breath and called out, “Looking good, Lucas. Watch that barrier, though.”

  Jace meandered up to stand beside him again, all the while smiling in his annoying know-it-all way. “Yup, a judge in competition would have given a penalty for that run.”

  Tuck knew damn well Jace’s smile had nothing to do with the roper and the calf, and everything to do with the city girl who’d roped him.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The phone vibrating in Becca’s pocket nearly had her dropping the heavy, leather-bound volumes stacked in her arms.

  It shouldn’t be Emma calling. She’d already talked to her sister today and been put through the ringer as to every detail of her day with Tucker—the G-rated parts anyway. She glanced around. The campus library was silent as a tomb this time of night since the new semester wasn’t in full swing yet. She was at the opposite end of the building from the few others who were there, so she figured it was safe to answer without
disturbing anyone.

  Becca jostled the books a bit and finally managed to pull her phone out of her pocket. She smiled at the name in the display. “Hello.”

  “Hi there. Where are you?” Tucker’s smooth, sensual voice had her cradling the phone closer. She had it bad. He’d only left her apartment a few hours ago.

  “I’m in the library.” But she could definitely leave if he had other plans for them. She remembered their time spent alone together earlier that day and made a mental note to pick up some more honey at the store.

  “The library?” The long silence after he’d repeated the location told her he was confused. “On campus?”

  She laughed. “Yes, Tuck. The library on campus. That big building full of books. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.”

  “Hey, now. No need to get snippy about it.”

  “I didn’t mean to be snippy. I’m sorry.” She felt bad. That had sounded as if she were calling him a dumb cowboy who’d never heard of a library, and that wasn’t what she’d intended at all. “I only meant I’m not sure why you’re so shocked I’m in the library. Classes start soon. I’m an English professor. Books are kind of the tools of my trade.”

  “I know that. But do English professors always go visiting their tools at twenty-one-hundred hours?”

  If their day had been taken up by lunch and very creative sex, followed by a nap, they might. And what was he talking about? Twenty-one-hundred hours? “And it’s not that late.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s nine p.m.”

  The sound of his laugh came through the phone. “That’s what I said . . . never mind. Anyway, I’m done with practice. I already went home, showered, and grabbed a bite. Stay there. I’ll meet you.”

  She glanced at the rows and rows of books in front of her, suddenly no longer as inspired to look through them all as she had been. “Don’t bother coming here. I can finish this tomorrow. Why don’t you meet me at my place? The key is under the potted plant outside to the right of the door.”


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