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Rocor (Dragons of Kratak Book 5)

Page 5

by Ruth Anne Scott

  She would never see another man like this. Once she left this planet, he would fade in her memory. He would become just another pleasant thing to think about in relaxed moments. If only she could experience more of him, she might be able to take some piece of him with her when she left.

  That would never happen. Attacking the Ulasso preoccupied him and she was too professional to ever fully submit to a man like that. She never really wanted to submit anyways. She only wanted to tease herself by thinking about it.

  He eased back, too, and the patterns vanished once again. He liked thinking about making her submit. He liked the idea of conquering a dominant woman. In the final analysis, though, He didn’t really want to. A brief dalliance, a kiss in the hall—that’s as far as it would ever go.

  Their lips released. It was all over. He gazed down at her from his height. His sheer size excited her in ways she couldn’t imagine. She’d never been this close to a man this big. He could crush her with his hand, but he didn’t. He protected her, even as she worked to protect him.

  His fingers twisted in hers. Where did that hand come from? That hand spoke to her heart in a different language than his lips and body. His body demanded submission. That hand in hers whispered togetherness, unity, even equality. Those hands clasped one in the other could never dominate or submit. They didn’t understand those concepts. They only knew each other.

  In a split second, all the lust and passion and raging desire of their first kiss crashed over Jasmine. She had to have him, no matter what. She couldn’t walk away from this planet if she didn’t take him with her—or at least the experience of him. She couldn’t live the rest of her life without him in her past, in her flesh and blood.

  Whatever communication existed between them, he burst into passionate action. Wicked black starbursts pounded against his skin, and he hurled himself at her at the same moment she lunged toward him.

  Devastating power threw them together. His arms strapped around her ribs, and she hung onto his neck for dear life. She groped at his mouth for every kiss she could wring from him. Her whole body kissed him down his front. She pressed her breasts against his chest and her hips against his crotch.

  He set her on her feet one last time, but when he looked at her this time, nobody thought of walking away. Walking away was no longer an option. Jasmine would never walk away again. She’d crossed that line and would never go back.

  He took her hand again, and this time, their tangled fingers spoke the language of their bodies. It spoke of sweat and blood and screaming unbridled passion. It spoke of barriers torn down and limits passed and surpassed.

  8. Chapter 7

  Rocor walked away down the passage with Jasmine's hand in his. Where he led her, she had no idea. He strode out of the passage where the team stayed in their rooms. He crossed the hall and headed down a different passage Jasmine didn’t recognize. Where was he going? She had to trot to keep up with him.

  Every passage in this Keep looked the same. Solid stone walls, heavy wooden doors, curious tapestries. Those maddening organic patterns decorated every surface. Eyes stared out of every shape to watch Jasmine pass on her way to her doom.

  At last, Rocor opened a door and showed her inside. Dusky colored gloom came through the ceiling window. It gave just enough light for Jasmine to see a room just like her own. A fresh bed occupied the center of the room. A side window gave a view of the landscape outside falling into night.

  Rocor closed the door, and the latch clicked. That sound drove the last nail in Jasmine’s coffin. She would never be the same person. She would change in this room. She would no longer be Jasmine Forsythe, Commanding Officer. She would become something wholly different, something of this planet. Those patterns would fix their roots in her flesh. They would cross Rocor’s skin to hers and sow their seeds in her blood. They would grow out of her.

  Pretty soon, she would look like him. She would look like Freya and every other Kratak on this planet. She would never be able to go back to the Allies.

  His hands landed on her shoulders and pushed her down into the floor. He his body blasted its monstrous energy into her. It buzzed loud in her ears and drowned out the thunder of her pulse. Her heart strained to keep pumping against the overpowering pressure of his being.

  His fingers squeezed around her shoulders. He breathed into her ear. “What do you see out there?”

  Out there? He meant the window. She faced into the wide expanse where the sky met the forest. The mountains jutted against the dark sky beyond. “I see you. You’re out there.”

  He pulled her closer so her back rested against his chest. Her whole being screamed. Did she scream for him or to get away from him? She couldn’t understand her own feelings. Fear and desire and disgust and craving need all mixed together into a toxic brew of seething power.

  He looped one arm around her waist. “Tell me what you see out there.”

  She closed her eyes. She could see better in her mind’s eye. “You’re out there. You’re growing in the forest. You’re flying in the sky with the clouds. You’re shining like the sun. You’re the planet.”

  His breath scorched her neck. He leaned his head into her hair, and his torturous lips pricked along her spine. He squashed the air out of her lungs. She couldn’t take her eyes off that vision of him. He got bigger and bigger until he blotted out the whole sky. He dwarfed the planet. He spread his being over the trees and cast the world in shadow.

  The sky got too dark to see, but she stared at him anyway. She leaned against him. She was ready for this. She was never readier in her life. She would take whatever he offered and be happy with it.

  He nibbled around her neck and under her hair. He inhaled great quaffs of her scent and growled under his breath. His animal passion set her blood on fire. He would dominate and she would submit, whatever that meant.

  As soon as that thought entered her head in perfect clarity, he let her go. He retreated into the dark and left her alone. She let her eyes peek open, but only a black square stared back at her where the window used to be. She was alone with her vision. Now she had to live it.

  His voice came to her from out of the dark. “Is this what you want?”

  She couldn’t bring herself to speak. She didn’t want to break the spell, so she nodded. Could he see her?

  “Show me. Take your clothes off.”

  Her mind churned in torment. Her hands shook unfastening her pants and slipping them down to her feet. She kicked them away, along with her shoes. She set her bare feet on the stone, and the warm floor soothed her prickling skin.

  Her teeth chattered, but not from cold. Tremulous excitement racked her body. She yanked her shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra. Her breasts hung free, and the air tickled her nipples erect. She dropped her shirt, but she dared not turn around.

  “Now tell me what you see out there.”

  She gasped for breath and shut her eyes. What did she see now? “Your eyes are glowing bright, and that demon mask is on your face. You look like a huge creature out of my nightmares, and you’re spreading out above me. You’re going to bite me in half and kill me.”

  He chuckled under his breath. He seemed close to her ear and far away at the same time. She couldn’t feel him, but his presence filled the whole room. She smelled him when she fought to breathe.

  “Lie down on the bed.”

  She groped her way to the bed and stretched out on it. She rested her head on the pillows, but she didn’t shut her eyes. This bed relaxed her in ways her own room could not. She could rest here. She could release the tension stretching her whole being to the breaking point.

  His voice moved to a different part of the room. His shadow crossed the window, but she couldn’t see anything more. He was still a man. He hadn’t transformed into some nightmare fiend. What was she thinking about? He wasn’t a monster. He was just a man. She just created that creature out of her fevered imagination.

  He dropped his voice to a rumble. “Spread your legs.
Show yourself to me.”

  She hesitated. How could she do this? Doing it with him, letting him take her and smash her body to a pulp—that she could understand. This? He wanted her to show herself to him? How could she do that?

  He didn’t wait for her to comply. His weight sank onto the foot of the bed. His massive frame rose above her. Her eyes winked against the dark. She saw things that weren’t there. Her mind imagined the undulating designs on his skin. She saw those forms etched into his features. They glowed and shimmered before they went dark again.

  He planted his knees by her feet. He stroked his palms up her legs and back down. His touch softened her thighs. She had no trouble spreading her legs when he ran his hands back up toward her hips. Her knees collapsed apart, and her damp pussy cracked open to smile up at him.

  He didn’t touch her there, though. He caressed up and down her legs in masterful slowness. He came to rest on her ankles. He murmured so low she could almost barely hear him. “Does this excite you?”

  She rasped in her parched throat. “Oh, yes.”

  “Show me how much this excites you. Show me. I want to see.”

  What could she do to show him? Couldn’t he see? Then she remembered. He couldn’t see shapes and forms springing out of her skin. He couldn’t see her feelings and sensations displayed on her skin the way she could see his.

  Her mind spun for a way to make her excitement manifest. She spread her legs wider. The room itself cast a spell on her. Her passionate desire overflowed her pitiful body to become an entity in itself.

  She didn’t know how she managed it, but she raised her arms above her head. She clasped her hands behind her neck and arched her chest into the air. Her breasts fell on either side and rippled with every movement. She threw back her head and closed her eyes.

  She forgot all about the man watching her. She wasn’t displaying herself to him anymore. She was doing this for herself. She would take this home with her, too. She would take home her new self, and she made it right now.

  She turned her face aside and pressed it into her shoulder. She moaned out loud, and that rolling wave translated down her stomach to her hips. She tossed her pelvis into the air and came down with her legs splayed wide.

  He didn’t move, but she sensed his eyes on her. She rose and fell on that bed. She whipped her body up and back from her chest to her knees. She heaved and moaned before him. Her own desire spoke through her to become real in the world.

  He hummed under his breath. “That’s it. That’s it. Louder.”

  Her voice broke out in ragged cries. She couldn’t stop it now if she wanted to. It took over and moved her of its own accord. Before she could stop it, it ripped out of her in a tempestuous orgasm to split her in half.

  The air licked her wetness, and her clit throbbed hard and painful, but she couldn’t stop. She rocked and thrashed. She couldn’t stop screaming. She never experienced anything like this, and he hadn’t even touched her. Her own desire took her to that place beyond the clouds.

  She crashed back to earth, but she couldn’t open her eyes. She wanted to curl up in a blissful coma, but he distracted her by climbing off the bed. He disappeared into the dark, and her muscles pulled her legs together again.

  She tipped over on her side, and she contracted into a ball. At that moment, he reappeared. He started at her ankles again. He massaged her legs until they melted at his touch. She mewed and sobbed for rest, but he wouldn’t leave her alone.

  All of a sudden, he yanked her around toward him. He dragged her to the edge of the bed, but he didn’t attack her the way she expected. She always thought a dominant man would hit and bite and hurt, but he did none of that.

  He stroked his hands farther up her legs, over her ass, and up and down her back. He rubbed all the way up to her neck, back down to her ass, and up to her neck again. What was he doing? Could rubbing her like this really excite him all that much? Did he bring her here to watch her cum, only to let her go afterward? Was that his idea of making her submit?

  She faded into a delirious dream under those insistent hands. Somewhere in the drunken pleasure of relaxation, she figured out what he was doing. His touch stopped her from falling asleep—or as close to it as she could get in this strange place. His constant stroking kept her dangling at the limit of consciousness. He wasn’t finished with her yet.

  She tensed against his touch. He understood her better than she understood herself. He read her through her skin. When she snapped alert to what he was doing, he changed tack. He caressed down to her ankles and came up between her legs. His hands buried between her heavy thighs, and her flesh closed around him.

  9. Chapter 8

  The moment he got inside, he pushed her legs apart again. He nudged her over on her back and settled one leg to the side. Her pussy split open for him again, and this time, he was all over her. He didn’t wait for her own aching need to rocket her into outer space.

  He squeezed her thighs all the way up to the wet triangle exhibited for his enjoyment. He caressed that, too. He caressed it like it was just another patch of skin. He laid his flat palm over her quivering mound and circled it in gentle whirling vortexes.

  She clenched her eyes shut so she wouldn’t see him, but he hovered there before her mind. She couldn’t see him in the dark anyway, but he still dominated her whole consciousness. So that’s what this whole dominant thing was all about. It wasn’t about pushing and shoving and smacking and torturing at all. He occupied her mind and heart and soul. He sat in her deepest being and commanded her from there. He never had to lift a finger against her. He already owned her.

  She compressed her lips to stop the moans bubbling out of her most forgotten recesses. His touch didn’t excite her all that much, so why did she feel another devastating climax creeping up on her? All he did was touch her. All he did was rub her wet cunt.

  She couldn’t stop it. It burst to life all over again. She had to thrust her hips against his hand. She had to cry out for more and more and more. He didn’t speed up. He didn’t press harder. He kept up his steady rhythm and his mind-numbing circles. He stood by the bed. Only his hand moved, but bright sparks exploded before her eyes. They blinded her so glowing bright she couldn’t think. She couldn’t look away.

  Those phosphorescent designs shone in his skin. She couldn’t see the man anymore. She saw only the shapes, the creatures and plants and geometric patterns woven into each other. They shifted and changed and tumbled over each other so fast she couldn’t keep up with them. Without them, she wouldn’t be able to see Rocor at all. She wouldn’t know he still wanted her.

  She tossed herself crazy on that hand. She screamed in ecstasy. She pumped her hips into the air to rub her pussy on his palm, but it could never be enough. God, she wanted it so bad! How did she ever function with this need burning a hole in her soul? How did she ever survive without this?

  He didn’t give her a chance to fall asleep this time, either. The piercing cries welled out of her, and his palm lifted away leaving her half unfinished. She writhed in front of him. Her orgasm boiled and foamed out of her as much as ever.

  At that moment, something touched her most sensitive tissues between her legs. She gasped for breath, but he already slipped a finger into her twitching channel. She froze in place, but his finger touched off a chain reaction inside her. Before she finished climaxing on his hand, he excited hidden territory inside her to set her off all over again.

  He tickled her inner anatomy to awaken all the pleasure spots along her welcoming fissure. He plunged to his limit to quicken her cervix. He hooked his finger forward to blast her G spot apart. He drew out to her entrance to set her spongy pillows on fire.

  Everything he did sent her over one peak after another. How did he know? How many women did he do this to before he learned every secret of female arousal? How many men among the Allies knew what he knew?

  Did every man on this planet know women’s darkest secrets? Did every woman on this planet enjoy this kin
d of pleasure? How could the Allies conquer this? A population of dead skeletons lurching around half awake couldn’t possibly stand up to a living, breathing, vibrant people like this. The Krataks had every advantage on their side.

  She couldn’t think about all that political stuff while she twisted and screwed that finger into her cunt. He hadn’t got his finger inside her before he rested his other hand on her belly. He rubbed her clit with his thumb while he plowed her apart with his finger. He worked every side of her at once and tore her to pieces.

  Is this what she signed up for when she agreed to submit to him? Is this what he meant when he asked if she wanted to find out what a dominant man would be like? Dear God! How could she know what he really meant? How could she ever imagine she would experience this?

  She threw her arms above her head. She rotated her hips with his movements. Her body operated on a different rhythm than anything she ever knew before. His hands spoke back and forth to her beating heart to make her move and respond.

  How long would this go on? She could lie here in endless climax for days. What would he do to her next? Would he burn her twitching flesh with his tongue? Would he make her touch herself so he could see how she did it?

  He heard those questions, too, and he answered them. His finger slithered out of her engorged slit. He took hold of the same leg as before and moved it across himself to close her thighs. He kept prodding her sideways until he turned her over on her side. He folded her into a ball, but her sweet delirium wouldn’t let her rest now.

  All of a sudden, his hands took hold of her. Now she knew what dominating was. He grabbed her hips and jerked her over on her stomach. He pulled her to the edge of the bed so her legs dangled over the side.

  She didn’t care anymore what he did. She’d already climaxed so many times in so many different ways. She would only climax again, whatever he did. She would suffer this humiliation if it meant another few minutes of bliss.


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