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Crime of Passion (HBIA: Case Files Book 1)

Page 5

by A. M. Halford

  “Maybe I should leave you hanging here,” he slowed his pace and loosened his grip. “Just like this until you beg me again. Your voice is so sweet when you cry out for more.”

  “Want you,” Dragos wasn’t ashamed to admit he wanted Neculai. It wasn’t just the bond they now shared, he’d been attracted to him from the gate.

  “Want me to what?” Neculai asked, his voice a dark whisper in his Dragos’ ear.

  This was so similar to last night, but Dragos was sane enough to know what was going on. If he said he wanted Neculai to bite him as he fucked him, would he? He craved the feel of this man dominating him, possessing him as he drove into him and controlled his release. It was terrifying, but it was what Dragos wanted more than anything.

  Taking a steadying breath, Dragos looked over his shoulder and whispered, “Claim me. Again. I want to remember it.”

  A sharp growl came from Neculai before he released Dragos’ cock and fisted around in his discarded jeans. When a packet of lube was pulled free Dragos recalled he’d had one last night too. The guy certainly came prepared. Neculai tore it open, poured the entire packet onto his cock, and pushed the blunt head against Dragos’ twitching entrance.

  “Yes,” Dragos threw his head back and moaned as Neculai pushed forward.

  “Will you be my mate, Dragos?” Neculai asked.

  “Fuck, yes. Yes, Neculai,” Dragos nearly cried when Neculai struck, his fangs sinking deep into his shoulder. It was like a current of electricity coursed through him and Dragos screamed as he came hard, but Neculai wasn’t stopping. He continued to fuck Dragos through his orgasm and straight into another, all the while keeping his grip on his shoulder.

  Dragos felt his dragon nearing the surface, and that had never happened before. Red scales broke out on his skin, his nails turned black and grew to a point. It was the closest to a full shift he’d ever been. His beast roared and fought against the hold Neculai had on them, trying to get away.

  Neculai growled, tightening his grip and pinning Dragos down. Dragos whined as he felt himself being dominated, just like he’d always wanted. Neculai’s demon was taming the dragon and bringing the man to his knees at the same time.

  Finally, his dragon stopped fighting and Dragos came again. Neculai released his shoulder and cried out his name as he came deep inside him. The feel of Neculai’s seed in him was like a brand, and Dragos felt a calm wash over him with the sensation.

  They collapsed onto the floor, Neculai pulling Dragos tight to his chest and kissing his bleeding shoulder. With each pass Neculai made the flesh started to heal, but it would never be as pristine as it had been. He’d forever bear Neculai’s mark there.

  * * * *

  Dragos was asleep in his bed, and Neculai was sitting up in the bed with Dragos’ laptop—which he’d helped himself to—in front of him. Something was definitely not right. This time it had been beyond intense, and he now could actually feel his connection to Dragos like a physical thread binding them. All he’d felt before was possessive and horny.

  Pulling up several documents and sending out emails to experts, Neculai was trying to find an answer to what in the hell had just happened to him. He’d actually felt Dragos’ dragon when they joined, and his own demon had responded almost violently. Not to mention the partial shift that had taken over Dragos. Neculai did admit the red scales that had covered him were beautiful. Still, part of Neculai had been horrified by what he’d done to Dragos, holding him down when he’d been trying to get away, but he’d been unable to stop himself. He’d even felt proud when Dragos stopped fighting him.

  He wasn’t into forcing his partner. Sure, he played with a bit of bondage here and there, but he never did anything that wasn’t already consented to.

  Is that what mating was like? Their inner beasts fighting each other to see who was top dog?

  The feel of Dragos stirring beside him had Neculai pausing in his research and looking down to his mate. Unlike before when it had seemed odd to call Dragos his mate, it now felt right.

  The computer beeped and Neculai quickly pulled up the email from the doctor he’d messaged an hour ago.

  Hello Mr. Petron,

  The situation you have described is rare, but does occur in one in a million cases. Congratulations, you’ve found what humans refer to as your soul mate. We call it true mates. The possessive, unbalanced feeling you experienced after sleeping with your mate the first time, and biting him, was the awakening of the bond between you. If, as you said in your initial contact, you have in fact properly claimed him, then you should feel a calming of those emotions.

  As for the violent nature of the claiming, yes, that is normal. You see, when two supernaturals decide to be together there is always a struggle over dominance. Unfortunately for half-breeds, such as yourself and your mate, this causes an almost uncontrollable fight between your supernatural halves, which pushes your human selves aside.

  Do not worry, your mate will be fine and this does not mean you are a violent person that is willing to harm your destined one. Thank you for reaching out to me about this. It’s amazing to know of someone who has a true mate in this world.

  Congratulations again,

  Dr. Rosenberg

  Neculai read the email over and over again. He clicked on every single document the doctor attached to the email explaining what was going on.

  “What are you doing?” Dragos’ tired voice drew Neculai from his research. Smiling at his mate, knowing how truly perfect they were for each other, Neculai couldn’t help but kiss him.

  “Just some research on how we ended up mated,” Neculai answered.

  “Why?” Dragos looked guarded as he suddenly sat up straight. “Are you trying to find a way to undo it?”

  “What?” Neculai gaped at him.

  Dragos snarled and climbed out of the bed. “Just fucking typical. I find a guy I think might be perfect for me and he wants out the second time we sleep together. Well guess what, you’re fucking stuck with me. Sorry!”

  “Woah, calm down,” Neculai set the computer aside and chased Dragos into the bathroom. “I never said anything about wanting to find a way to undo the mating. Why would I?”

  “Because,” Dragos snapped, “Neither of us meant for this to happen in the first place.”

  “What about this time? You asked me to claim you,” Neculai reminded him.

  Dragos’ cheeks turned bright red and Neculai couldn’t help but find him adorable. “I, that is…I just wanted to remember it this time. I didn’t expect it to be like that.”

  “Well, you don’t need to worry,” Neculai wrapped his arms around his mate and held him close. He needed to explain what was going on between them, but for now he’d just concentrate on keeping Dragos calm. He wondered exactly what had happened to his dragon to make him so damned paranoid about relationships. “We’re together until the end. I’ve got you.”

  A sharp inhale filled Dragos’ lungs before he slouched against Neculai, burying his face in his shoulder. Neither said another word as they just stood there.

  * * * *

  Dragos couldn’t believe what Neculai was telling him as they drove to HQ together in the morning. They were true mates? But that was a myth, a story told to young supernatural children to make them look for honest love.

  “You okay?” Neculai asked as they pulled into the underground parking garage.

  “So, you’re saying that we’re destined to be together?” Dragos asked, just to be clear.

  “From my understanding, yes,” Neculai nodded.

  His head was starting to hurt. What did all of this mean? Were they supposed to move in together? Immediately jump into the sweet mated life? They hardly knew each other! It was bad enough they’d bound their souls and lives together without really understanding what they were doing, but damn it. This was all a bit too much too soon.

  “We can take the relationship slow,” Neculai suddenly said before Dragos got out of his car.

  “A little late fo
r slow,” Dragos frowned.

  “True,” Neculai agreed. “But we can always take other steps slowly, and more naturally. You still owe me that dinner. How about we change it to lunch, today?”

  His mate wanted to date? Okay, sure. Nothing else about their relationship made a damned lick of sense. “See you at noon,” Dragos acknowledged as they reached the elevator leading to the offices.

  “At noon,” Neculai smiled, pulling Dragos to him and kissing him softly. “See you then.”

  Leaving Dragos weak kneed and panting, Neculai took the stairs. Getting into the elevator, Dragos touched his fingers to his lips feeling like an innocent boy again with his first crush. Only this time, he knew he was going to end up with Neculai when all was said and done.

  “You look extremely happy,” Rozalia said as he came into their office. “It’s kind of annoying actually. Things go well with Neculai last night?”

  “Yes, and I’m no longer mad at him,” Dragos informed her. He needed to get his partner on the same page so she wouldn’t try to actually kill his mate.

  “Well, that’s good,” Rozalia spun around in her seat, stood, and moved over to his side of the desk. “Now that we’ve got your relationship drama smoothed out, let’s concentrate on finding a psychotic murderer, shall we?”

  Chapter Seven

  Dragos grinned as he watched uniformed officers scour the Naked Blonde. The second the warrant had come in he and Rozalia headed for the club. It was the only link to all five deaths. There had to be something here.

  Max Othello was standing by the bar, a worried, yet rebellious reflection in his yellow eyes. Rozalia’s questions were obviously putting him on edge. The fact he hadn’t said anything had Dragos waiting for his lawyer to show up. Max made a call the second they showed him the warrant, so Dragos was certain they would be hearing from Mr. Kris Sheen soon.

  “Detectives,” a uniform called from the back office. As he walked out to the main floor of the club Dragos spotted the long iron rod in his hands. It looked like a cattle brand. “We found this in the back.” He turned it around and Dragos felt his rage spike. It was the same pentagram shape they’d found on all the victims.

  “You can’t touch that!” Max shouted, stomping over to them.

  “Easy now, Mr. Othello,” Rozalia stopped him, her voice hard. “Why don’t you explain to us what that is?”

  “It’s just a decorative piece!” Max sounded as if they were violating his personal space. Then again, they were searching his place of business. This place wasn’t his, though. Max was merely the manager.

  “Who owns this club?” Dragos asked.

  “I run it,” Max answered.

  “I’m aware,” Dragos stepped closer, “What I want to know is, who owns it?”

  Max glared at him, but didn’t answer. Instead he said, “I’m not saying anything else until my lawyer gets here.”

  “Yeah, I figured,” Dragos sneered. “Rozalia, read Mr. Othello his rights, and then take him in. If he wants to speak to his lawyer he can do it in lockup.”

  “On what charges?” Max shouted. “You can’t arrest me without a charge.”

  “Impeding an HBIA investigation,” Dragos answered smoothly. “This is an inter-species crime, and you are refusing to cooperate.”

  This wasn’t Dragos’ usual way of handling things, but Max had already lied to him once, and now he was refusing to give the answers to his questions. It would be easier to take care of him back at HQ.

  “You have the right to remain silent,” Rozalia said as she grabbed Max’s hands and placed them behind his back, cuffing him at the same time. “Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, we will supply one for you. Do you understand these rights?”

  “Bitch,” Max snarled.

  Rozalia growled low, her eyes glowing. “I said,” Dragos sighed as he watched her jerk him back slightly, “Do you understand these rights?”

  “Yes, my client understands his rights,” Kris Sheen entered at the most opportune moment. “What is going on?”

  “We’re arresting him for refusal to cooperate in an HBIA investigation,” Dragos explained. The lawyer looked a bit green as he followed Rozalia and Max out of the building.

  Squeezing in behind them was Neculai, his case slung over his shoulder. “What did I miss?”

  “We have a possible lead,” Dragos waved him over to the uniform still holding the cattle brand. “Think you can pull anything off it?”

  “I won’t know for sure if there are any traces of the women left on it until I get it back to the lab. I can tell you if it’s been used for any ritualistic magic recently.” Neculai took the rod and examined it closely, his gloved hands traveling along the shaft of the iron in what should’ve been an innocent way, but to Dragos it brought to mind images of Neculai stroking along his iron hard shaft.

  “Detective Iliescu, you might want to see this,” another uniform shouted from a door that led to the back of the club.

  “Coming,” Dragos choked on his words. Neculai looked up at him and smirked. Clearing his throat, Dragos growled at the cheeky geek, then said, “I’m coming!”

  The uniform jumped out of Dragos’ way as he headed down the hall. There were several doors leading off to the left and right. A double door led to the small kitchen. The single doors led to the dancers’ dressing rooms, and the office. There was one door all the way at the end of the hall which had a red exit sign glowing above it.

  “In here,” the uniform directed Dragos into the kitchen, past the large fridge and freezer, and into the dry goods pantry. At first glance it looked just like any pantry found in a restaurant, but when Dragos’ eyes adjusted to the dim light he caught sight of a door at the back behind several boxes stacked in front of it. No doubt to conceal the door from prying eyes.

  Moving into the space, Dragos moved the boxes and opened the door. A staircase leading down into a cellar had Dragos pausing. He’d seen the blueprints for this building when they’d received the search warrant. There was no basement.

  Pulling out his flashlight, Dragos tested the first step. Seemed the structure was solid enough. The fact there was no light didn’t exactly make Dragos feel secure. He could always use his dragon-eyes to see in this darkness, but he didn’t want to give away whatever advantage he may have if there was something down here.

  The cellar had a low ceiling, but it seemed to run the entire length of the club. The ground was rough concrete, and pillars jutted up in a grid pattern. This was not a professional job. Someone had excavated this room themselves, and laid both the pillars and the floor. Dragos was amazed the club floor hadn’t come crashing down.

  The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, and it got thicker the further in Dragons went. Flashing the light into the corners of the cellar Dragos made sure he and the uniform were the only ones down there. “Get Petron, I need him to search this area.”

  “Okay,” the uniform nodded and took off upstairs.

  As Dragos continued to sweep the area with the flashlight he caught sight of a metallic box off on the left wall, opposite the stairs. Cautiously, Dragos walked over to it. He wasn’t one to spook easily, but this dark, narrow area was giving him the creeps. He could feel the chilled air licking at his neck, and it caused a repulsive shiver to run down his spine.

  Coming to the box, Dragos frowned. It was a chest freezer, with a padlock. Taking out his phone, he snapped a picture of the lock. Sliding his phone back into his pants pocket, he extracted a pair of gloves, put them on, and grabbed hold of the lock. With a steadying breath, Dragos gave the padlock a firm tug, snapping both the slot it was attached to, and the hinge that went over it. The resulting clang echoed in the basement before vanishing into the dark shadows.

  Despite the force he’d used to break the lock, the freezer itself was relatively undamaged. Dragos opened the top lid and shined his flashlight into the foggy contents. It took a wh
ile for the cold air to dissipate, the resulting mist blocking his vision for a brief moment, before he could see what was inside. Several jars sat at the bottom, all of them labeled 1 through 5.

  Again, using his phone, Dragos took several photos of the jars inside the freezer before reaching in and pulling one of them out. His stomach dropped when he realized what was inside. A heart.

  “Fuck,” Dragos sighed, setting the jar gently outside the freezer and pulling out another. Five jars in total, and all contained one heart. That was one for each of the victims. The only relief Dragos got from this was the knowledge that at least they had all the women accounted for.

  The sound of footsteps and voices coming down the stairs made Dragos look over his shoulder to see Neculai and the uniform heading his way. Just the sight of the other man walking toward him had Dragos’ heart racing and blood rushing south fast.

  “Are those?” Neculai looked at the jars lined up outside the freezer.

  “They are,” Dragos nodded. “I’ll need you to match each one with each victim.”

  Neculai nodded. “Yeah no pro—ʺ Neculai’s answer was disrupted by the sound of the uniform gagging and running away from the pair. “You’d think he’d never seen a dismembered body part.”

  Dragos shook his head. He hated having rookie cops on a scene. “I’ll go check on him. You got this covered?”

  “Yeah,” Neculai waved him away as he bent down to examine and catalog the jars.

  Nodding, Dragos hurried up to the main floor. He did check on the uniform, but he mainly just wanted to get away from Neculai. Being in such an enclosed, dark space with the half-demon was doing strange things to his stomach. It was like butterflies were flapping around in there. He didn’t like it.

  Dragos found the uniform outside, vomiting by the front door. “You going to live?”

  “Sorry, sir,” the man groaned. “It’s just, I was caught off guard.”


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