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Crime of Passion (HBIA: Case Files Book 1)

Page 9

by A. M. Halford

  “No, it’s okay Neculai,” Dragos grabbed his arm, preventing him from rising from his own seat. “I understand her concern.” Neculai turned to argue with him, to tell him it was not okay, but Dragos was looking at his mother, not Neculai. “I can’t promise it’s going to be smooth sailing between us, especially considering everything, but I plan to make this work and build a life with Neculai. Please accept that I am a part of him now. Hurting me will only hurt him in the long run. You can’t change that.”

  Neculai was floored as his mother turned beet red and stormed from the kitchen.

  “Well said, young man,” Vitus smiled. “Now, I understand you’re an abandoned child, correct?”

  Neculai looked to Dragos, taking in his rigid posture as he answered, “I am. I was left on the steps of a church. Cliché, but true.”

  “Then please, I would be most honored to have you call me Father,” Vitus bowed. “The true mate of my son is just as precious to me.”

  That certainly wasn’t what Neculai had been expecting. Then again, his father was a full blooded demon. Unlike his mother, who was human, he understood the importance of Neculai and Dragos finding each other.

  Glancing at Dragos again, Neculai noted the shimmer of tears in his golden eyes. Tears he seemed determined to not let fall.

  “Thank you,” Dragos whispered.

  Vitus smiled at them both, setting his hand on Dragos’ shoulder before saying goodbye and excusing himself to go find his wife.

  “You okay?” Neculai asked, threading his fingers through Dragos’ hair.

  Dragos shook his head, unable to answer him it would seem.

  Standing, Neculai wrapped his arms around his mate and held him tightly as he processed what had just happened. He himself was still struggling with it a bit. To think his mother would react in such a way, and his father took a completely opposite stance. Neculai hoped his father could make his mother see just how special his and Dragos’ connection was. Something told him Dragos was lacking for motherly figures in his life. Neculai wanted to share his family with him.

  “We need to go to HQ,” Dragos said, pushing away from Neculai and wiping at his eyes. “I need you to identify our suspect, and then I have work to do.”

  Right, of course, life had to come crashing back in. For a second there Neculai had forgotten that they still had a murderer to convict and a case to wrap up.

  “Maybe you should get dressed first?” Neculai suggested, looking down to Dragos’ bare chest and sweats.

  Dragos followed his gaze, looking at himself and seemed to just realize he wasn’t ready to go to work. “Right. Give me a few minutes.”

  “Okay,” Neculai kissed Dragos’ forehead before releasing him to vanish back into the bedroom to change.

  Five minutes later they were climbing into their individual cars and heading toward HBIA HQ. With each mile that ticked away Neculai, felt his hands grow sweaty and his heart rate pick up. He wondered what he was going to do when he saw this guy that Dragos claimed to be the suspect they were looking for. What if it wasn’t the same guy that attacked him? What if it was? Neculai didn’t know what he was going to do.

  Chapter Twelve

  Dragos stood next to Neculai as Rozalia sat in the interrogation room with Terrance. He’d woken up two hours ago and seemed lucid enough to answer questions. With that news, Dragos had the man brought to HQ and placed in the room. He was hoping the man would drop his guard with Rozalia questioning him.

  “Is it safe for her to be in there alone?” Neculai asked, worry in his voice.

  “The shackle on his wrist prevents him from casting magic,” Dragos explained, indicating the silver and brass band around Terrance’s left wrist. The intricate scroll work on the cuff was an ancient elvish language and served to bind any form of magic. He was, of course, handcuffed as well.

  “Terrance, do you mind if I call you that?” Rozalia’s voice was friendly as she folded her hands in front of her and smiled at the man.

  “Where is my lawyer?”

  Rozalia sighed, “On his way.”

  “I’m not saying anything until Kris arrives,” Terrance said, leaning back in his seat and looking past Rozalia.

  “Well, is it him?” Dragos asked, glancing at Neculai.

  His mate was pale as he looked at the man sitting on the other side of the glass. Despite that his eyes were narrowed and his hands were clenched into a tight fist at his sides. “Yeah, that’s the guy that attacked me.”

  “I have to ask, but are you sure?” Dragos knew Neculai wasn’t lying, but due to their relationship he needed to be absolutely certain that Neculai recognized the man and wasn’t saying this just because Dragos believed him to be the suspect.

  “I’m sure,” Neculai nodded.

  Then that was it. With Neculai’s testimony of the attack, plus all the physical evidence they had, it would be a walk in the park to convict Terrance Perry of all the crimes. “Thank you,” Dragos squeezed Neculai’s shoulder before moving out of the room. As soon as he was in the hall a uniform came his way with Kris Sheen in tow.

  “I want to see Mr. Perry,” the lawyer demanded.

  “Right this way,” Dragos motioned for him to follow him into the interrogation room. He waited for the new arrival to be seated before going to Rozalia and whispering, “Neculai confirmed Terrance attacked him.”

  “Got it,” Rozalia nodded.

  “What is my client being held for?” Kris asked, his tone professional.

  “Five counts of first degree murder, six counts of stalking, one assault of an HBIA officer, and multiple counts of illegal use of magic,” Rozalia answered smoothly.

  Kris looked sick for a brief moment before turning to Terrance. The man said nothing, his head bowed as he looked at his hands in his lap.

  “Evidence?” Kris looked back to Rozalia and Dragos.

  Dragos pulled out the photos of the man’s apartment, the ones they got from the evidence van, as well as the test results they got from the forensic guys upstairs.

  “Give me a few minutes with my client, please,” Kris seemed resigned to the fact there was no way they could plead not guilty to this one. Even if they hadn’t said anything yet, there was too much against Terrance.

  “We’ll be right outside,” Dragos said, moving to the door. Rozalia followed him out and the two stood beside the door. Neculai left the observation room and waved at them before going down the hall and out of sight.

  “Think he’ll try for a plea bargain?” Rozalia asked.

  “With what?” Dragos frowned. “The only thing he can argue is Terrance is an addict, and not in his right state of mind.” God, Dragos hoped that wasn’t what happened. He wanted to see this man get the maximum penalty. Going to a clinic wasn’t going to cut it.

  “Does he even know about the addiction?” Rozalia leaned against the wall and stared up at the ceiling.

  “I’m sure he does,” Dragos toed at the beige carpet. It was really worn low.

  The next few minutes passed in silence until Kris opened the door again and said they could come back in. Again Rozalia took a seat with Dragos standing behind her.

  “My client will plead guilty to all charges, but I want it noted he’s sick and needs treatment,” Kris said.

  Dragos barely bit back his retort to that.

  “That’s something to be brought up with the District Attorney,” Rozalia responded. “For now, we’ll be placing Mr. Perry under arrest, and holding him here in the station’s detox chamber.”

  Moving around the table, Dragos helped Terrance stand and started reading him his rights, as well as the charges that would be leveled against him. Once that was done, he led him to the door. Just as Dragos was reaching to open the door he heard Terrance whisper, “I loved her so much.”

  Dragos’ stomach twisted at the confession, but he didn’t say anything as he led the man out of the room and to the elevator down the hall. Going to the top floor, he walked Terrance to a pressurized, padded room
and signaled for the door to be opened. With a warning beep and the hissing of the airlock being released, the door swung open and Dragos let Terrance walk in on his own.

  Once Terrance was sitting on the cot, Dragos motioned for the door to be closed. He gazed at the man through the window for a brief moment before turning and heading back downstairs. His job was done. He wouldn’t have anything else to do with this case until it got to court where he’d be required to testify as one of the investigating officers.

  * * * *

  “The DA has no intention of cutting a deal,” Rozalia said coming into their office and smiling at him. “Based on the evidence it’s obvious that Terrance acted of his own will, and was not seduced into killing those women due to magic overuse.”

  “Good to hear,” Dragos returned the smile.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Rozalia grabbed a stack of papers from her desk, slid them into the outgoing box, and then put on her jacket, “I have a dance recital to get to. Coming?”

  “Can I bring a date?” Dragos asked, remembering his intention to do more couple like things with Neculai.

  The look Rozalia gave him said she knew exactly who he was thinking about bringing. “Sure. We can do dinner afterwards.”

  Dragos waved her off as he reached for his cell and dialed Neculai’s number. As he waited for the man to pick up he steeled his nerves. What would his mate think of being invited to a dance recital? God, Dragos hoped Neculai was willing to go. Rozalia and her family were a huge part of his life. He wasn’t sure how well this mating was going to work if Neculai didn’t want to interact with them.

  “Hello,” Neculai answered on the fourth ring.

  “Want to catch a dance recital with me tonight?” Dragos asked before he chickened out.

  Neculai’s laughter tickled his ear over the phone sending a shiver down Dragos’ spine. “I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to see with my vision messed up, but sure. I’d love to go.”

  Damn, that’s right. Dragos forgot all about Neculai’s impaired vision. He got around so easily at his home, and he’d even driven earlier today, that he didn’t seem to be injured. “You don’t have to push yourself.”

  “I’m going,” Neculai said firmly. “Just tell me where to meet you.”

  “I’ll pick you,” Dragos countered. “You did go home, right?”

  “Yes,” Neculai confirmed.

  “Okay, I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  * * * *

  Neculai was surprised by how talented Rozalia’s eldest daughter was. He’d been expecting to see a run of the mill school performance, and instead he’d been blown away by how elegant and fluid Katie’s movements were. She’d taken first in the showing, and in Neculai’s opinion, she deserved it without a doubt.

  Now they were heading to a restaurant to eat, all six of them. Neculai would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. This was, after all, his first interaction with the people Dragos considered his family.

  Dragos parked the car and Neculai got out with fear starting to seep into the place of nervousness. He was an only child, so interaction with children hadn’t exactly been on the docket growing up. How was he supposed to interact with Rozalia’s daughters? Her husband he could manage, but the two little cupid faced angels that were presently glaring daggers at him as Dragos walked to his side? They were a completely new ball game for him.

  “You okay?” Dragos asked, taking Neculai’s hand and steering him toward the awaiting family.

  “Do they bite?” The look his mate gave Neculai almost had him laughing. Dragos looked aghast with the thought of one of his partner’s family members biting him.

  “Are you insane? Just because Rozalia is half werewolf doesn’t mean they’re feral,” Dragos’ tone was firm as he glared at Neculai.

  “Yeah, but those two little cherubs don’t exactly look friendly,” Neculai pointed to the two girls—who were still glaring at him.

  Dragos smiled at them and they instantly brightened. “It’s the first time they’ve seen me with someone. They’re just not used to it.”

  The knowledge that Dragos hadn’t introduced any of his previous boyfriends to these people made Neculai feel superior. It was definitely a good ego boost. Still, if he was being given this prestigious award then he needed to live up to it. Starting by letting Katie know what he thought of her dance performance.

  “Hello,” he smiled at the two girls, before addressing Katie directly, “You danced amazingly. You’re quite talented.”

  “Thank you,” the young girl glowed with the praise.

  “Are you coming to one of my games next?” Grace asked, her eyes wide and imploring.

  Neculai looked back to Dragos who nodded. “I’d love to,” he answered her.

  Grace seemed rather happy with that knowledge and before he knew it both girls had grabbed his hands and were pulling him toward the restaurant. Again looking back at his mate he found Dragos grinning like an idiot as he followed him.

  Inside they were quickly shown to a table, and Neculai got the distinct impression that the family frequented this establishment a lot. The waitress knew everyone—except him—by name and even asked the girls how the performance was. She congratulated Katie on her win and then turned her attention to Neculai.

  “A new face? Welcome, I’m Marlene,” she greeted friendly enough.

  “Neculai,” he introduced himself.

  “And how do you fit into the picture?” Was she flirting? God, Neculai hoped not. That was the last thing he needed while out with his mate and family.

  “He’s my mate,” Dragos answered with a smile.

  Marlene seemed startled before recovering and plastering on her brightest—now forced—smile. “That’s great! Congratulations, Dragos.”

  Oh, now Neculai understood. She was interested in Dragos, well, too bad. The hot little dragon belonged to him.

  “Will it be the usual tonight?” Marlene asked going straight into work mode.

  “Yes!” Katie said, a big happy grin on her face.

  Dragos leaned closer to Neculai and whispered, “Whenever the girls perform well Rozalia brings them here and they get to choose what we all have. So, seeing as Katie took first place, we’ll be having Mediterranean pizza, on thin crust, extra tomatoes.”

  It was a nice way to reward a child for a job well done, and damn, that girl had expensive taste! Neculai couldn’t believe the price of a large pizza here, let alone that one.

  “Neculai, what can I get you to drink?” Marlene asked.

  “I’ll take a Coke, thanks,” Neculai answered. He’d taken a pain med before leaving the house for the recital, no reason to mix it with alcohol.

  Marlene nodded, promised to be right out with the garlic bread sticks, and left them alone to talk. Neculai sat back and enjoyed the familial conversation between Rozalia, Jerald, their two girls, and Dragos. This was a side he hadn’t seen of his mate yet, and he liked it. Dragos may not have a blood family to call his own, but this little adopted one fit him well.

  “What do you think, Uncle Neculai?” Having Grace call him uncle caught Neculai off guard and he had to think a moment about what they’d been talking about before he could answer.

  “About coming camping with us at the lake!” Katie filled in before he could regain his bearings.

  “Girls, don’t be persistent,” Jerald chided.

  “No, it’s alright,” Neculai spoke up. “And, if it’s okay with everyone, I’d love to join you all this summer for a camping trip.”

  “Of course, it’s okay,” Jerald seemed a bit surprised by the idea that it wouldn’t be. “You’re Dragos’ mate, and that makes you family.”

  “Right!” the girls echoed.

  Neculai didn’t know what to say. He was actually getting a bit choked up over this, so he didn’t say anything and just nodded his agreement. Thankfully, Marlene arrived shortly after and the girls were distracted by food and soda.
r />   “Thank you,” Dragos whispered, twining his fingers through Neculai’s beneath the table.

  “For what?” Neculai whispered back.

  Dragos rested his head on Neculai’s shoulder and shrugged, well sort of. “For coming. For being so cool with all this.”

  “They’re your family, right?”

  “Yeah,” Dragos smiled.

  Neculai turned his head and kissed Dragos softly, “Then I’m more than cool with all this.” He meant it, too.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dragos felt like his heart was going to explode as he helped Neculai into his house. The half-demon had been amazing with Rozalia’s girls tonight, and Katie and Grace seemed to love Neculai immediately. Well, as soon as they realized he wasn’t a threat to Dragos.

  After the lukewarm welcome he’d received from Neculai’s mother Dragos wasn’t sure what to expect when introducing his mate to the people he considered family. Thankfully, everything had gone smoothly. The girls had even managed to loop Neculai into going camping with them in a couple months. Dragos still wasn’t sure how that had happened, but he was glad it had.

  A loud crashing noise, followed by a shouted, “Shit!” had Dragos pulling from his thoughts and following the sound into Neculai’s bathroom. The man sat on his ass as a drawer and all its contents were laying around him.

  “What happened?” Dragos asked, worry in his voice as he stepped into the bathroom. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” Neculai frowned. “I went to pull out the drawer and didn’t gauge the depth right and it toppled over in the process.”

  With the reminder of his mate’s current state, Dragos helped the taller man off the floor and onto the toilet seat. Next, he picked everything up and set it on the counter, placing the drawer back into its place in the vanity last.

  “What were you reaching for?” Dragos glanced at the items on the countertop. Razors, shaving cream, aftershave, and hair gel. There were also a few unopened tubes of toothpaste two new toothbrushes as well.


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