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Page 10

by Tara Oakes



  When the last of the teenagers had been pampered and coiffed, we locked the front door and collapsed in the leather couches, reeling from the whole ordeal. Sunny looked beat up, slipping out of her wedge sandals and putting her feet up. I handed her a cool bottle of water, which she accepted graciously before glancing over the salon. It looked like a damn tornado had hit. Her eyes widened and then closed in defeat.

  I rummaged through the front desk and closed out the computer, placing all of the cash and credit receipts in a deposit envelope. Marching over to Sunny I handed it out to her and ordered, "Take this and go home to soak in a bath. I'll watch over the girls and we'll lock up when we're done."

  Sunny put up a very weak argument before conceding. She slipped on a pair of foam pedicure slippers and headed out to her car. The daylight was starting to dwindle, and it had been one long crazy afternoon.

  The girls cleaned quickly, stocking for the following day and powered down the salon in no time at all. A cute little brunette set the alarm and locked the door behind us as we set out to our respective homes and the relaxation that awaited us.

  I pulled my little Prius out into traffic heading west, windows rolled down and the cooling dusk breeze passing by. The limo in front of me was packed with teens, arms waving out of the sunroof and music pumping loudly.

  I grinned at the sight. Prom night was magical, and these kids were about to have the time of their lives.


  I stared at my reflection, pulling and tugging on the dress in awkward places to try and settle it perfectly over my frame. Jean was bending down placing my shoes in front of me, offering her outstretched hand as a balance while I stepped into them. My hair was curled and pinned up in a very intricate array of cascading tendrils, with a tiny sparkling clip tucked in for embellishment.

  I nodded in the mirror to myself, "I don't know ma, do you think It's too tight? I mean what if I want to dance?..."

  Jean stood behind be and beamed over my shoulder at my mirror image. "It's perfect. You look beautiful baby girl. My son is one lucky young man to be on your arm tonight." She gave me gentle hug, careful not to mess my dress. "Let's go, the car's here."

  I took her arms as she helped me down the hallway. The dress was much tighter than any I've worn before and I knew it was pretty tasteful compared to some of the others I had seen when we were shopping, but the last thing I wanted was to trip and land on my face in front of the people waiting downstairs.

  My bedroom was on the second story, and we took the steps slowly, one at a time making our way to the landing. Butch's house was not big compared to most, but suddenly the staircase seemed to stretch for miles.

  My pop was still in jail serving out the last few weeks of his sentence and I was disappointed he couldn't be here to see me tonight. I could hear the voices downstairs, filling the rooms with laughter and love. My dad may not be here for me tonight but the rest of my family had sure made up for it.

  Vince called out first as we touched down on the main floor. "There she is! Our little baby girl all grown up." I beamed with pride. I had never felt as beautiful and special as I did in that moment. Jay stepped through the front line of well wishers and held out his hand to me. Letting go of Jean, I let him pull me into him.

  "You look amazing baby." He whispered into my ear as he held me.

  The many people around us cheered and joined in loud celebrating. I pulled back nervously at the spectacle we were making in front of our family. Tiny was sitting down in a chair close to the entrance way. I saw him try to stand and made my way over to him to settle him back down before he stood.

  He was still weak, only having been released from the hospital a week ago. Jean and I as well as the other ol' ladies were taking shifts at his house nursing him back to health. My mom had phased out of the picture again, once Tiny was considered stable. I hadn't spoken to her since her outburst in the hospital. She probably didn't even know it was my prom tonight.

  Tiny's color looked much better, but his eyes were still a little cloudy from pain killers. "Sis.. you look stunning. You look like grandma right now."

  A tear started to swell, as I took in his words. My grandma had been beautiful and elegant even modeling a little bit before she settled down with gramps. I was especially close to her while she was alive and she was my namesake. I sniffled back my tears and laughed to mask my sadness, "You're gonna make me ruin my makeup you big jerk."

  Tiny winced in pain slightly as his chest heaved from laughing. Carol, Dewey's ol' lady rushed to his side to tend to him. Jay called my attention back to him, opening a clear plastic case with an exquisite corsage inside, matching my white silky dress. He fumbled nervously trying to attach it securely around my wrist.

  "Case of the jitters, hmm boy?" Clink called out from the rear, followed by raucous laughter from a few of the guys. Jay looked at them and snarled, causing their laughter to increase. He then looked at me shyly putting the finishing touches on my wrist.

  Vince swooped his arm up, calming the crowd. "All right, let's get these kids to their prom, yeah? Everyone fall out.."

  One by one the brothers headed out to their bikes in full riding gear. Each ol' lady was fully decked out, wearing her rag stating the name of her ol' man under the curved arched words Property of...

  Tiny was helped into the van, or cage, at the end of the processional. The doctors wouldn't be clearing him to ride yet for at least another month or so. Jay and I were the last two to follow behind. He paused to look at me once more. "Lil's you take my breath away right now."

  "I love you too, Jay..." He kissed my forehead at my words, before taking my hand and leading me to the limo at the front of the caravan.

  Jay's tux blended in to the dark night around us. He swore up and down that I wouldn't catch him dead in a monkey suit while we were planning prom, but here he was as elegant and dapper as any man I've ever seen. He saw me inspecting his attire, and leaned around spreading his shoulders to give me a full view of his back.

  Embroidered into the back of Jay's tuxedo was a replica of his patches. I closed my eyes and laughed. "I wouldn't expect anything else, baby..."

  Jay stood proud helping me into the limo seat, "Just keeping it real sweetheart." We pulled out down the street with the entire club following behind on their bikes and Tiny pulling up the rear in the cage.

  Prom was magical, beyond any expectations I could have had. Jay was pleasant enough to my friends and their dates, and even managed to dance to some of the slower songs with me. We hadn't spent much time alone in the last month or so. Every waking moment that I was not in class, I was either at the hospital or crashing at Tiny's house taking care of him. Jay brought us food and tried to distract me in the rare moments when I was able to relax, knowing that Tiny was being well cared for by the other ol' ladies.

  Since his initial declaration of love on that horrible night, we made sure to repeat it often. He was so patient and supporting, but Tiny was his best friend and club brother. I know he was just as scared and nervous as I had been. He was careful not to show it though, acting as my rock.

  The prom was winding down, and couples were making their exit. Many had gotten hotel rooms on premises, and we had been invited to more than a few after parties. Jay politely declined all of them, and I was grateful. I hadn't been alone with my man for weeks. I needed to have his undivided attention tonight. The brothers had managed to drop off Jay's bike earlier in the night, and we had dismissed the limo shortly after dropping us off. My dress may have been a bit tight but at least it wasn't pouffy. I was able to hike it up mid thigh and straddle behind Jay closely while he drove us home to his house.

  My hands were exploring the front of his shirt, thankful for the warm flesh. My mom's words were not lost on me and I had more than a few nightmares in the time since of Jay lying in Tiny's place, unconscious and gripping on to life with the aid of machines.

  But t
his man in front of me was alive, and strong, heart beating loudly under my palm. He reached down and took hold of my hand raising it to his lips before kissing my fingers, tracing just the right amount of suction behind. My exposed legs were now burning, with the heat coursing up to their apex. I closed my eyes and counted down the seconds until we were in front of Jay's new home

  We managed to dismount and scurry into his main door in record time, kissing and groping our entire way up the walk. Once we reached the door Jay was not letting up on his grip around my waist to rummage for his house key. He pressed me into the oak barrier behind me as he blindly tried each key on his ring, Kissing me deeply as he carried on until he had found a match.

  The door swung open behind me causing me to sway with the sudden loss of my backing. Jay steadied me and picked me up as he walked through, kicking the door closed behind him. He turned in the direction of his bedroom and forged ahead, gripping me tightly and staring into my eyes.

  He playfully tossed me down onto his bed and leaned over me resting his weight on his hands. "You make my heart hurt so much I think it's going to burst sometimes, Lil's.."

  He rested his chin against his chest and breathed deep, hiding his eyes from mine, ashamed at his admission. I shimmied up to him nudging his chin up with my own. "Jay, you make me feel like I never thought possible." I kissed him gently twirling my tongue around the opening to his lips. "Show me you love me, baby" I asked him "I need to feel it".

  I reached up to his collar and fumbled with the top button as he stared in awe at me, flashes of need and lust crossing between us. My fingernails were longer than usual and I was having no luck with his shirt when he crashed his lips down to mine and let out a deep moan. Raising his hands near mine, he gripped at the fabric and tore his shirt wide open letting the buttons fall to the floor. My breath hitched at the feeling of power he was exerting, pressing down to me guiding me to the softness below.

  He managed to slither out of his undershirt without breaking much contact between our lips. I threw my head back and cried out as his hands then moved up my outer thighs greedily, settling on the elastic of my panties. Kissing and licking my neck he let out a primal growl into my skin as he pulled his hands down sharply taking my underwear with them. I gasped deeply before Jay covered my lips with his once more, plunging his need and strength into my mouth. "Roll over baby..." he grumbled through his breaths.

  I slowly eased over onto my belly, closing my eyes at the rawness to his voice. I felt the mattress lift as he stood next to the bed and heard the shuffling sounds as he stepped out of his pants. I closed my eyes tighter, concentrating on my breathing. I had never felt this way with Jay.. he was in control, expertly maneuvering his way around my body.

  He slipped off each my shoes with a flick of his finger and then straddled me bending over to kiss the back of my neck. I tried to angle my head to catch one of his kisses when he nibbled on my ear "Stay still baby..."

  A hot surge of magma plunged from the heat his breath left on my ear straight down to my aching center, which was now throbbing in delightful mini spasms. I did as I was told, I held still, fighting against every fiber of my being not to reach around and grab this man's lips to mine.

  Jay continued to trail his kisses down my back, grasping onto the back zipper of my dress and lowering it in an agonizingly slow manner that made my body shudder. His tongue trailed behind following the zipper's abandoned path down my spine until it had reached the end, near the small of my back. He then planted a deep kiss right above my cleft and pulled hard, yanking my dress down over my thighs. I convulsed at the sudden movement and Jay chuckled into my skin, satisfied of his effect on me.

  He managed to shimmy my dress past my legs and into a heap on the floor. His hands massaged my ass checks deeply, moving down to my thighs with a deliberate urgency growing in their movements. Once they had reached below my knees, Jay put a large amount of pressure pushing and sliding them up below me so that my hips were now raised in the air.

  My eyes rolled back, trying to brace myself for whatever was coming next. Jay spread my knees with his palm and then used a finger to race down my slit barely touching it. He moaned, "Oh god baby, you're so wet for me." And with that, he slammed his mouth into me, licking his way from my front to my back. I cried out loudly and grabbed on to the sheets around me as he suckled on my folds, tugging gently on the outer lips, and slithering his tongue over the hardening tissue at the top of my sex. I whimpered when he set his mouth upon it, which seemed to excite him more. He latched on, sucking and milking it with growing intensity as I squirmed deeper and deeper into the mattress with my top half. His hands were massaging me, spreading me allowing him deeper access to my core. His groaning only added vibration to my already sensitive areas and I felt a warm flood of heat burst under his tongue as I started to shake and cry out to Jay, my world shattering around me.

  He moved his lips to my inner thigh and continued to gently kiss, waiting for my ecstasy to slowly subside. I collapsed fully, deflated with sheer exhaustion. Panting heavily I tried to bring myself back from the edge that Jay had just thrown me over. Sensing my calmness, Jay nipped lightly at my thigh, "Baby.. I love to make you come for me..."

  I nodded my head silently, void of all words. All I could muster was a deep purring to show my appreciation. Jay leaned on his knees and guided my hips to turn over for him, with my body following. He was raised above me, staring at me under him with a proud look of longing. I reached up and kissed his top lip, then his bottom lip parting my way through to his warmth. My saltiness had covered his mouth, fueling the building level of eroticism between us.

  He held my head, splaying his fingers through my hair while gently setting me back down. Moving between my legs he urged my hips apart settling himself, bracing his weight as not to crush me. He leaned forward, deepening our kiss as he slid gently into the slickness of my folds. I whipped my head at the sudden surge of pressure entering into me. Jay guided my chin, so that I would face him again, and paused his movements "Baby.. look at me... I need to see you when I take you.."

  I nodded, scared at what was growing between my legs causing a sweet edge of curiosity begging for the pain that was withholding itself from me. Jay kissed my lips "I love you Lil's"

  I cried out as Jay held me kissing my forehead, my cheeks, as he entered me fully spreading my tissues to accommodate his massive self. A lone tear dropped down my cheek from the stress. Jay kissed it away and stayed perfectly still waiting for my muscles to calm from the sudden intrusion. My pulse slowed and my body settled into its new state. J ay stared into me, eyes full of fear that he had caused me any pain.

  I kissed him, "It's ok baby, I'm OK."

  He exhaled and relaxed his overly tensed body, brushing my cheek with his fingers, "Lil's I'm so sorry baby.."

  I moved my hips slowly into Jay showing him that I had recovered. "Please Jay.... show me...."

  Jay's eyes lit up, the guilt melting away. His hips slowly led out of mine leaving a strange void behind before he slid himself back into my depths. I moaned deeply with each of his movements, trying to keep up with the slowly increasing pace.

  The slickness between us guided Jay as he buried himself over and over just a little bit deeper every time. The growing tension deep below my pelvis had returned, bringing a torturous ecstasy behind it waiting to be released. I clambered at Jay's back desperate for him to unlock the building sensations, my nails digging into his shoulders pushing him into me.

  Jay slipped his hand down between us and began to rub the tip of my opening gently and then more forcefully as my cries began to grow. He broke our kiss and called out "Come with me baby..."

  I exploded into sweet jolts of release holding on to Jay, afraid I would break apart at any moment. He was holding onto me just as eagerly, shuddering and shivering from his own release. We lie still for what seemed like a long while, unable to move, to let go of each other. We had just given ourselves to each other completely. This man now h
ad every piece of me, owned me fully. My eyes fluttered as I rested against him, his heartbeat lulling me into the purest most peaceful night's sleep.




  I stretched my legs out, pressing my neck deep into the pillow willing my eyes to open. There was nothing but darkness in front of my closed lids and I knew that it was either extremely late or very early. My inner voice was sending messages to wake, and I ignored it long enough to hear the slight sound of breathing coming from the side of the bed.

  My eyes flew open and I jolted up, struggling to adjust my eyes to the shapes in front of me. The bedside lamp turned on with its dim wattage flooding over every surface as I blinked hard to rid my view of the cloudiness.

  Jay was sitting in the side chair, pulled up close to his side of the bed. I smiled at him instantly, not recognizing the stiffness to his form. "Hey baby..." I yawned. "When did you get home".

  I pulled the covers back and started to crawl over to him, when he put his hand up in an abrupt stopping motion. "Don't".

  "Huh..." I was baffled. "OK... You just gonna sit there and watch me sleep like a stalker?" I bantered trying to lighten the thickening mood.

  Jay sat back in his chair and stared at me, a coldness behind his hooded eyes. I was too tired and too confused to play games at this hour. "Baby.. you gonna tell me what's going on or are we gonna have a staring contest?" I winked to add emphasis.

  Jay reached over to the nightstand, and tossed something over to me, it landing on the bed near my knee. I picked it up and held it close to my eyes, struggling to read the letters in my state of half sleep.

  The words finally made themselves clear. PLAN B.


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