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Soul Unbound (Key to the Cursed Book 3)

Page 15

by Jean Murray

  His eyes settled on the mark at the base of her neck. Bast had said Siya was a gift to the Underworld. It did not make any sense. His father, the God of the Underworld, had to approve all death sentences. If someone as decorated as the Goddess of War was convicted, rumors of the trial would have reached the warrior camp. As Legion Commander, Bomani’s responsibilities had included the security and transport of prisoners during the judgments. He recalled no such trial.

  He leaned his head back on the chair, too tired to think of the possibilities. Hours ticked by, stiffening his muscles. Siya rolled onto her back. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Bomani leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. Her arms were tightly wrapped around her midsection. Her tired gaze shifted to meet his.

  Her hand snaked out from under the covers and snagged his fist. She shifted back along the wall and tugged his arm. He willingly followed her request and consumed the small real estate. The mattress groaned under his weight. He stretched out his arm and she lay her head down in the bend of his elbow. He lowered the blanket around them and wrapped his arms around her.

  Her temperature fluctuated from hot to cold and tremors traveled the full length of her lean body. He absorbed more of her discomfort. Despite the pain, an extraordinary amount of relief and contentment filled him.

  He was needed. Wanted.

  Pulling her tighter to his chest, she softened into his embrace. If only for this moment, she filled a lost portion of his soul, giving them both a brief respite from a lifetime of loneliness.

  He closed his eyes, not waiting for fate’s cruel punch line.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Siya registered the broad chest and muscular arms encircling her body. Bomani had molded his legs against her bare thighs and cinched his hand across her waist. Otherwise, his muscles were completely relaxed, the only indication he was still sleeping. He had no distinct scent, just the light scent of soap tickling her nose. During the night, their body temperatures equilibrated—his warming, hers cooling.

  His heart did not beat, but the flow of blood hummed through his veins. It soothed her, like a melody. Last night for the first time, she did not suffer alone. All those many years of hiding when things went dark. The pain and suffering, Bomani had taken it all away in one night. She was not fully together, mentally or physically, but in a better place than twelve hours ago.

  The few times she laid with Theris, she never stayed after sex. In fact she hated herself each time her weakness got the best of her. A stab of guilt renewed her pain. She should have never crossed that proverbial line with Bomani, but right now she wanted nothing else. Selfish as it was, she nestled deeper into the crook of his arm.

  She reveled in the solidness of his body. Not to mention the large erection growing against her hip. She dared not move or risk losing the seconds, minutes or hours wrapped in contentment. Harshness awaited her beyond the doors of this room. The reality of her world would not change if she lingered a few minutes longer.

  Bomani’s thumb trailed across her ribcage. Her breath caught in her throat. Had he been awake this whole time? Heat bloomed at the point of his touch. She closed her eyes, willing her body not to respond. He exhaled a cool breath against her ear, leaving goose bumps along the path.

  “Sorry, I am used to waking up alone,” Bomani whispered but made no movement to shift away from her. His fingers continued their exotic dance along her skin.

  Alone? Siya knew the Commander would have his pick of women assigned to the legions. Khalfani had until she came along. Like her, maybe Bomani preferred to be alone. She leaned her head against his chest.

  “You must think me crazed.” She could not bear to look him in the eyes. Gods, what had she been thinking. “You need to get as far away from me as possible.”

  His full hand slid against her jaw and lifted her face to meet his golden gaze. “I am where I was meant to be.”

  For now, she thought. She closed her eyes, unable to face his scrutiny. Tears welled beneath her lids. “I should go check on the boys,” she said, wanting to escape her embarrassment.

  He turned, shifting the mattress in such a way he consumed more of her body into his. His large hand slid to the small of her back and cinched her against him. “They can wait.”

  Face to face, she could not hide from his gaze. With just a thin shirt and panties, there was little separating her from his bare torso. The more their skin touched the hotter her blood pulsed. “I am better. Focused. You do not need to worry,” she lied.

  He pinned her with those golden eyes. “You can wait. The world is not going anywhere. You can save it in another hour.”


  He smirked.

  “Listen, Bomani. I do not think—”

  He silenced her with his thumb pressed to her lips. “Relax.” Despite his brush off, his thumb lingered a moment longer than casual interference. He broke his contact and tucked his arm along his side while he rubbed her back with his other hand. “I get that you do not want me.”

  “That is not what I said.”

  “So, you do want me?” His dark brows arched.

  “Yes,” she heard herself say out loud. “But, you should not want me.”

  His eyes darkened and his thumb found her lips again. He narrowed the space between them. “That is for me to decide,” he whispered and sealed her in a kiss that blurred the reasons why they should not. Energy flooded her, shoving away the darkness with each loving brush of his mouth and tongue against her.

  His kiss still burned with the same amount of passion, but it was gentle and persistent, coaxing her broken body to life. She darted her tongue into his mouth and tangled it with his. He groaned and gripped her flesh tighter.

  Heat flushed through her body and settled between her legs. She squeezed them together, loving the tingles of pleasure. Liquid fire pooled and the ache intensified. He grasped the back of her knee and pulled her leg over his, so her core rested against his muscled thigh. His palm kneaded her ass and rubbed her heat against him.

  He broke their kiss and taunted her with nips down her neck. “You smell so good.” He ground his arousal against her abdomen. “Do you have any doubts about how much I want you?”

  His words sent more heat flooding down below. Her arousal delectably moistened her panties with each rub of his thigh. She reached for him, but he caught her hand before she could grasp his cock. “You are weak, remember.”

  Weak? She was jelly. Shifting her onto her back, he traced his fingers down her sternum. In aching anticipation her nipples rose higher the farther he plunged between her breasts. He consumed the sensitive peak and set off a firestorm of pleasure. With her fingers dug into his hair, she arched up against his mouth and bit back the moan threatening to escape.

  He smiled before turning his attention to her other breast. “Bomani,” she hissed, trying desperately to be quiet.

  Continuing his descent, his fingertips snaked down her abdomen and gently brushed the outside of her panties. Overwhelmed by the explosion of sensation, she snapped her thighs closed and trapped his hand against the ache between her legs. She was at his mercy, and parting her thighs, he forced his hand deeper. “Save your energy for what counts,” he said, looking down at her.

  “We shouldn’t.” She gasped as he parted the edge of the fabric and slid his fingers against her cleft.

  “Our bodies say we should, and I am sure as shit not going to argue with it.” He closed his eyes and hissed out a breath as he dipped into her wetness.

  She panted in long heavy breaths, barely able to fight the burn his fingers spread through her core. He delved into her channel, coaxing her to spread her legs wider. She lifted her hips, seeking his skilled touch.

  The burn intensified with the pressure of his fingers inside her and the swirl of his thumb against her clitoris. Her entire body stiffened before exploding in a glorious rapture. Her core clenched again and again, and he silenced her screams with an erotic kiss.

  She slo
wly floated back down and reclaimed her body. Taking a slow deep breath, the delicious smell of semen filled her senses. She blinked and looked up at Bomani.

  Both of his brows arched. “Isis, that was intense. I think I need another pair of pants,” he chuckled.

  She bit her lower lip, trying to suppress her smile. A side effect of the bond, perhaps.

  He kissed her again. “I like this look much better.”

  “Thank you,” she said and touched his chest. Unable to resist, she traced the legion brand. Being this close to him, she sensed the energy running across his skin.

  Different. Stronger. Darker.

  “I am here because I want to be, Siya. I want you to know that.”

  “I do. I am sorry. You were not meant to see that,” she said, her eyes straying to her arm. She rubbed her forehead. “It is the only pain I can control.”

  “Next time you feel that way, I will gladly distract you.” He leaned down and nuzzled her breast.

  The spark ignited by his mere suggestion. His gaze held a brightness, one she had not seen until now. She believed if she fell for him, he would distract her from all her pain. “I am sure it will be legendary.”

  He pulled her tight to his side. “So now what?”

  “We go after the book.”

  He frowned. “I guess you are right.”

  Neither of them moved to action. She felt energized, but the thought of facing her father turned her stomach. She had the issue of Theris’ disappearance. “When did you realize you were different from the others?” she asked, not ready to face her problems.

  “It was the year I assumed command,” he said quietly. “I was forbidden to tell anyone. I guess it does not matter now.”

  The pain in his voice drew her in closer. She rested her hand on his waist. “I will not speak of anything you tell me. You know that, right?”

  “I know.” He pushed the hair back from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

  “You do not embrace it, do you? The other half of yourself.”


  “Why?” She thought of her own struggles between the light and darkness. At war with each other, each demanding to be in control. If she ignored one too long it would force itself free whether she wanted it or not.

  “I watched as my gods exploited their powers. I never saw any good come of it.”

  Siya could not blame him. Warriors were all about honor. He probably saw it as cheating. She rose up on her elbow. “Trust me when I say, it is not good to separate yourself. I used my darker gift for so many years. When the war was over, I had no release. It took me a long time to realize my lighter side was just as important. Provided balance to my life, although it does not seem to be working as of late.” She scratched her head.

  “I may be the reason,” he said with furrowed brows.

  “Hardly.” She thought of all he had done to save her.

  “I fed from you. Been feeding from you,” he blurted and ran his finger over his symbol on her chest.

  She stared at him, dumbfounded. “I think I would have remembered or at least felt it on some level.”

  “On the beach. Isis, now. It is always your energy I crave. It comes to me, even when I do not ask for it.”

  “Oh.” She was not sure what to say to his admission. The memories were fuzzy, but she did remember the heaviness of her limbs and the warmth. “How do I taste?” she asked, aroused her energy flowed through his body and was feeding his soul.

  His gaze came to rest on her lips. His dark energy surged against her skin, stirring her yearning for him. “I could have hurt you. Could be still hurting,” he said and cleared his throat.

  “All the more important you explore this side of yourself and learn to control it,” she replied, trying to stay focused on the topic instead of the thought of his full lips against her mouth and body.

  “I do not know.”

  Resolved in her decision, she shifted and straddled his hips. “You want Nebt?”

  He rubbed his hands up her thighs and grasped her hips. “Who?”

  “Focus warrior.” She laughed, truly laughed.

  “Um, that is a bit impossible right now.”

  She inhaled sharply as his cock hardened and pressed against her, so sinfully. She jabbed his chest. “You are stalling.”

  “Procrastination, not a bad way to spend our time.” He shifted his hips and rubbed against her.

  She bit her lower lip to stifle her curse. He accused her of seducing him when he was more skilled than she. “No, but you will not beat her without using your powers. It is the only way.”

  He released her hips and folded his hands behind his head. “I do not know where to start.”

  “Well, you ended up in the right bed. I will teach you,” Siya said, energized with the possibility of tutoring him. She could repay him for all he had done for her.

  Bomani frowned.

  A renewed sense of purpose flashed through her body as it once had so long ago. She stripped off her shirt and threw it to the floor. Slipping away before he could snag her, she turned on the shower. “Com’on warrior, I will not break.” At least not for a few hours, she thought sadly but did not dare voice it.

  His hungry eyes tracked her. He kicked off his pants and pursued her into the water. “That I have no doubt.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Bomani paced the dark quarters, hating it was still daylight and Siya was on the other side of the damn door. He had tried to look out the blinds and about scarred his retinas. He was a prisoner in his own skin. His only saving grace—he could sense her emotions through the bond, which had grown much stronger than the day before. It was little comfort. She had left content and cheerful and now agitation tainted her energy.

  She could not trust anyone. And they were going on this quest to find his powers? She must think it was damn important. It irritated him with all his skill as a warrior it still was not good enough. How could he embrace a side of himself he hated?

  He rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to hold himself back from busting down the door. He stilled to the smell of lilacs and vanilla. His soul drew on her energy. He closed off his soul, but her energy still found its way around his barriers.

  Would he ever be able to shake this addiction for the female? If she had her way and broke the bond, he would need to find a way to leave and never look back.

  Siya opened the door and smiled. “Ready?”

  The energy hummed between them the minute those green eyes met his. Nope. He was hooked. “I cannot go out. Or did you forget?” He stepped into the shadows to avoid the light streaming through the open door.

  “You do not need to worry. Do you trust me?” Her eyes softened and she held out her hand.


  “My intentions will not cause you harm, even in the sun.”

  He closed the distance between them, even as the rays warned him off. She stepped forward, meeting him half way. “Where are we going?”

  “You will not need those.” She pointed to the blades on his chest. “I want to show you something.”

  She relieved him of his swords and chest straps. “My turn to drive,” she said and grasped his hands. For a brief moment their essences mixed in an exotic dance, solid yet fluid.

  They reappeared under a heavy shaded tree. The sunlight filtered through the canopy. Bomani cursed and jerked back. “Crazy female. I said I trusted you.”

  Her grip tightened on his hands, and she shoved him against the trunk of the massive oak. Its enormous width completely covered his back. “You can trust me.” She laughed.

  Squinting his eyes against the rays of light, he pulled his energy inward to escape.

  “Stop fighting me,” she growled, anchoring him in place with the crush of her body.

  He refused to abandon five thousand years of instinct when it came to his curse. “Damn it. Let me go.”

  Humans milled about them, their argument drawing several glances and stares. Siya cursed
and smashed her lips against his. The struggle left his body with the hard press of her mouth. His muscles relaxed, completely vexed by the taste of vanilla and the scent of flowers. She pulled away and exhaled a staggered breath. “Sorry, you were attracting too much attention.” Her eyes scanned his face. Her pink tongue licked her lips. “Now, are you in any pain?”

  He blinked. Unable to speak, his senses were overcome by the hard press of her breasts against his chest and the curve of her body against his hips and legs. Gods, he was in trouble.

  “Are you in pain?” she asked again, her eyes still scanning his face. He stared out over a grassy field, bright with sun. Although the light danced against his skin, no pain assaulted him.

  “How are you doing this?” he asked, astounded. The cool air caressed his skin. The days were warmer than the nights. The leaves over their heads were a bright red and covered the ground at their feet. With the breeze the leaves rustled and floated across the park. The human faces carried joy, as if the daylight chased their cares and troubles away.

  “I am a Protector god. Was once.” Her furrowed brows, drew his attention back to her face. She masked her distress and smiled. “We were given the power to lift the curse for short periods, to transport Underworld messengers, visitors, prisoners.” She shrugged. “I just need to maintain the contact, like a circuit.” She stepped back and lifted their joined hands.

  He preferred the press of her body against his than the air now filling the space. Realization tightened his gut. “Do all Protector gods have this gift?” he asked without looking at her.


  Gods, Bast knew damn well, but waited for him to walk right into her web. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the thought out of his head. Siya quickly swapped her grip and gazed upon the grassy park. A searing pain zapped his exposed skin but vanished the minute she reconnected their hands. She stood close, her back a fraction of an inch from his chest.

  Laughter brought his attention up. A mother with two small children ran about the grass. The youngest tripped and fell. Crying sounded from the young babe’s mouth. The woman picked the child up and cradled it to her chest. Soon a squeal of laughter replaced the tears.


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